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Бitplace, ceantar district,ionadplace/ placing,ionad coinne venue, lбithreбnsite, lantбnplace, particular area, plбs

Читайте также:
  1. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 1 страница
  2. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 2 страница
  3. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 3 страница
  4. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 4 страница
  5. Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 5 страница
  7. In this particular, from the prejudices of that middle class to which they as

(street names) place, rйigiъn region, spбs space, suнomh site/ position.

~ aicнde seat of the disease, ~ bhuailte threshing floor, ~ chogaidh theatre of war, ~ oibre work place, ~ throda location of a fight.

faoi ~ presently, i bhfad у ~ far from the scene, i ~ na huaire at the present time.


leaba f bed

бmуg hammock, bunc bunk, cliabhбn cot, cliabhбn caolaigh basket cot, crandaн hanging bed, cъiste couch, dibheбn divan, leapachas bedding, mбla codlata sleeping-bag, sop straw-bed (cf. dul chun soip to hit the hay), srбideog shake-down, pallet, sъsa bed rug (cf. sa sъsa in bed) tocht mattress.

leabhar m book

albam album, atlas atlas, Bнobla bible, ciclipйid encyclopaedia coidйacs codex, cуipleabhar copybook, dialann diary, duanaire anthology, foclуir dictionary, foilseachбn publication, imleabhar volume, iris magazine, lбmhleabhar handbook, manual, lбmhscrнbhinn manuscript, leabhrбn booklet, saothar work, scrнobleabhar jotter, stуrchiste thesaurus, tйacsleabhar textbook, teasбras thesauras, trбchtas tract, dissertation, ъrscйal novel.

~ airgid ledger, ~ bainc bank-book, ~ Cheanannais Book of Kells, ~ cleachta exercise-book, ~ cuntas (book-k.) journal, ~ ginealaigh book of genealogies, ~ iomann hymnbook, ~ meabhrбn memo-book, ~ miontuairaiscн minute-book, ~ nуtaн notebook, ~ sceitseбla sketchbook, ~ turais logbook, ~ urnaн prayerbook; ~bhбch bibliophile, ~bhoth bookstall, ~cheangal bookbinding, ~eoalaнocht bibliographer, ~lann library, ~lannaн librarian, ~mharc bookmarker.

bheith sa ~ dubh ag duine to be in a person’s bad books, An raibh sin i do ~? Were you aware of that?



leadrбnach adj. boring

dearуil bleak, duairc dreary, fadбlach tedious, dilatory, faon languid, limp, gan sprйach without spark, gan tinfeadh uninspired, leamh insipid, liosta listless, spiritless, loiscneach arid, lom bleak, bare, maol (colour) flat; dull, mall slow, marbh dead, marbhбnta dead-beat, lifeless, neamhshuimiъil uninteresting, silйigeach lingering, never getting to the point, sioctha ag an leadrбn mind-numbingly boring, tirim dry, tuirsiъil tedious,tiring, wearisome, tur arid.

leag v

1. knock (down)

bain knock down, cut, bain anuas take down, buail strike, hit, buail anuas cast down, buail sнos knock down; lay low, caith chun talaimh bring to the ground, cuir sнos lay, put down, deireadh a chur le to put an end to, нsligh lower, laghdaigh lower, tabhair anuas bring down, tуg anuas take down;

2. touch

fйach le (e.g. pulse) feel, ladhrбil a dhйanamh le to fumble with, lбfairt a dhйanamh to grope, lбimhsigh handle, mйaraigh finger, mйarnбil a dhйanamh to grope, mйirнnteacht a dhйanamh le to fiddle with, mothaigh feel, pуirseбil a dhйanamh to rummage, teagmhбil a dhйanamh le to make contact with, saibhseбil poke with stick to test, smъrthacht a dhйanamh to nose about, to sniff around, teacht i gceann a chйile to touch one another, teaghmhaigh touch.

leagan m version

aistriъ translation, athchуiriъ adaptation, cuntas account, cur sнos description, dearcadh view, eagrбn edition, insint telling, mнniъ explanation; interpretation, scйal story, taobh side, taobh an scйil side of the story, tuairim opinion, tuairisc amhбin one report.

leamh adj, insipid, apathetic; drab

chomh tirim le pъdar as dry as dust, faon languid, limp, gan sprйach without spark, gan tinfeadh uninspired, lag weak, leadrбnach boring, leochaileach frail, liosta listless, spiritless, marbh dead, maol bald, dull, marbhбnta dead-beat, drab, mall slow, tirim dry, tuirsiъil wearisome tur arid.

lйamh m reading

aithris recitation, recital, lйann learning, lйitheoireacht reading, ceiliъradh (Mass) reading, celebrating, reacaireacht reciting, tuiscint understanding.

lean v follow

bheith ar lorg duine to be trailing, tracking a person, bheith ag rith i ndiaidh scбthanna na gceiliъrбn to be running after celebrities’ shadows, to be foolishly following celebrities’ lives, coinnigh suas le duine keep up with a person, dul i ndiaidh duine to go after a person, dul sa tуir ar dhuine to pursue a person, fan le duine stay with a person, lorg track, tuig understand.

leanbh m child

babaн baby, buachaill m(- alla; ~ н) boy, cailнn m girl, dalta (foster) child, pupil, gasъr young boy, gearrbhodach m youngster, gearrcach m fledgling, lapadбn toddler, leanabбn infant, baby, mionaoiseach m minor, naн m(~; ~ onna) infant, naнonбn infant, уgбnach m juvenile, pбiste child, scalltбn fledgling. (see also: pбiste, buachaill, cailнn )

lйann m learning

eolas knowledge, fios feasa knowing what’s what, fios gnу know-how, foghlaim f(- ghlama) learning, lйamh reading, mъineadh teaching, learning, oideachas education, oiliъint upbringing, saнocht wisdom, scolбireacht scholarship, erudition, traenбil training, tuiscint understanding.

leathan adj. broad

бbhalmhуr immense, бirgiъil commodious, ar leithead in breadth, in width, ata swollen, bolgtha bulging, swollen out, borrtha distended, swollen; varicose, ciclipйideach encyclopaedic, coitinn common, general, cuimsitheach comprehensive, fairsing expansive, forleathan widespread, far-reaching, forleitheadach pervasive, widespread, flъirseach ample, ginearбlta general, imigйiniъil distant, far-away, iomlбn total, inclusive, lбidir strong, lбn full, leata dilated; sprawling, leathan-aigeantach broad-minded, leitheadaithe widespread, leitheadъil latitudinal; prevalent, luchtmhar capacious, mуr large, big, ollmhуr enormous, oscailte open, rу-mhуr too big, baggy, sprйite diffuse, tъtach (speech) broad, uile agus iomlбn inclusive.

leathanaigeanta adj. broad-minded

caitliceach catholic, ceadaitheach permissive, fulangach tolerant, le hintinn oscailte open-minded, le saorintinn free-thinking, liobrбlach liberal, neamhchlaonta unbiased, oscailte open, sochomhairleach flexible.

leatromach adj. unfair, discriminatory

claonta biased, йagуrach unjust, iomarcach excessive, mнcheart wrong, mнchneasta (sport) unfair, mнchothrom unfair, unbalanced, mнfhйarбilte unfair, rйamhchlaonta prejudiced.

leibhйal m level

airde height, caighdeбn standard, cйim stage, degree, crios m(creasa; criosanna) belt, zone, grбdgrade, pointe point, rang rank, class, stбdas status, suнomh position, zуn zone.

leid f clue, hint

cogar i gcluais tip-off, comhartha sign, йachtaint f(~ e) inkling, faisnйis evidence, leathfocal insinuation, luaidreбn (beag) intimation, (slight suggestion), moladh suggestion, nod hint.


lйigh v read

aistrigh translate, render, aithris recite, foghlaim learn, lйitheoireacht a dhйanamh to do reading, ceiliъir (Mass) read, celebrate, mнnigh explain, interpret, reacaireacht a dhйanamh recite, scrъdaigh study, staidйar a dhйanamh ar to study, tuig understand.

leigheas 1 m cure, solution

aiseag restoration, athchуiriъ renovation, bindealбn bandage, biseach m recovery, buidйal leighis bottle of medicine, ceartъ correction; corrective, ceartъchбn correction, cneasъ healing, cуgas pharmacon, cуgas leighis treatment, deisiъ fixing, deoch f (; ~ anna) drink, potion, deoch f leighis healing potion, deoch f shuain sleeping potion, deoch f shlбinte pick-me-up, dнghalrбn disinfectant, dнghalrъ disinfecting, dнthocsainiъ detox, frithbheathaigh mpl antibiotics, frithnimh antidote, нoc f(нce; ~ a, ~) cure, medication, нocshlбinte panacea, losainn chasachta cough lozenge, mнochaine f materia medica, piollairн pills, plбstar plaster, rйiteach m solution, remedy, sнorуip syrup, suaimhneasбn sedative, ungadh m(- gtha; - gthaн) ointment.

leigheas 2 v cure, heal, solve

aisig restore, athchуirigh renovate, ceartaigh correct, make right, cneasaigh cicatrize, heal, cuir bindealбn ar bandage, cuir biseach ar restore to health, cuir i gceart make right, deisigh fix, mend, dнghalraigh disinfect, dнthocsainigh detox, duine a thabhairt chun bisigh arнs to nurse a person back to health, dul go bunruta an scйil to get to the bottom of the matter, нoc cure, redeem, rйitigh solve, ressolve, remedy.


lйim 1 v jump

abhуg a thabhairt to bound, бladh a thabhairt ar to pounce on, ardaigh ascend, bнog twitch, start, boclйim to buck-jump, cliathreathaнocht a dhйanamh to hurdle, dul ar eite to take flight, йirigh suas rise up, arise, eitil fly, foighdeбn a thabhairt faoi to lunge at, folйim a chaitheamh to leap, to


kip, freang twitch, have a spasm, imeacht ar leathchois to hope along, imeacht de sciotбn to dart off, ionsaн a thabhairt (faoi) to attack, leipreach a dhйanamh to skip, to leap, ling spring, leap, poclйim buckjump, preab spring, start; bounce, princeam a dhйanamh to frolic, ruathar a thabhairt faoi to dash at, rъid a thabhairt ar to make a dash at, tйadlйimneach a dhйanamh (sport) to skip, tointeбil a dhйanamh to shuttle, truslуg a thabhairt to make long stride.

lйim 2 f jump

abhуg bound; bad impulse, бladh lunge, ardъ uplift, bнog f(bнge, ~a, ~) twitch, boc bounce, brъchtadh uprush, upsurge, ceбfar caper, leap, ceбfrбil cutting capers, cliathreathaнocht hurdling, cuisle pulse, йirн amach rising; uprising, eitilt flight, eitleog short flight, foighdeбn lunge, folйim skip, freanga twitch, spasm, ionsaн attack, lingeadh leap, spring; assault, poclйim buck-jump, poclйimneach gambolling, preab f(preibe; ~a, ~) startle, start, princeam frolicking, ruathar rush, dash, rъid sally, dash, rъideog short dart, tйadlйimneach (sport) skipping, tointeбil shuttle movement, truslуg bounding stride, truslуgacht hopping, loping.

lйimneach adj. jumping, bounding

abhуgach bounding, бlaidh pertaining to lunging, ardaitheach ascending, bнogach jumpy, twitching, ceбfrach frisky, eitleogach flighty, eitleach flying, fluttering, foighdeбnach darting, lunging, folйimneach skipping, capering, freangach twitching, spasmodic, ionsaitheach agressive, lingeach springy, leaping, luaineach vacillating, flickering, poclйimneach buck-jumping, gambolling, preabach pulsating, tйadlйimneach (sport) skipping, tointeбla pertaining to a shuttle movement, truslуgach bounding striding, hopping.

leipreachбn m leprechaun

clutharachбn elf, duine den aos sн one of the fairy folk, duine de na daoine beaga one of the little people, ginid genie, gruagach m goblin, sнofra sprite, siуg fairy.

lйirigh v portray, illustrate

cuir ar fбil provide, furnish, cuir i lбthair present, cuir i lйire elucidate, cuir faoi bhrбid duine place before a person, cuir os comhair an tsaoil show to the world, cuir sнos describe, cruthaigh prove, dearbhaigh attest, confirm, lйirigh portray, illustrate, mнnigh explain, nocht disclose, rйal manifest, sceith divulge, seachaid deliver, soilйirigh illustrate, clarify, tabhair chun solais bring to light, tabhair fianaise (le) witness, tabhair samplaн (de) exemplify, tairg offer, proffer, produce, taispeбin show, teagasc instruct, treoraigh guide.

lйirmheas m review

aiste liteartha literary essay, alt article, anailнs analysis, cuntas gairid short account, critнc critique, cur sнos description, dioscъrsa discourse, pнosa piece, tasc scrнofa written assignment, trбchtaireacht commentary, trйithe eochracha key attributes, tuarascбil report.

leisciъil adj. lazy, indolent

codlatach dormant; sleepy, dнomhaoin idle, йidreorach shiftless, faillitheach remiss, falsa lazy, indolent, gan anam spiritless, gan mhaith useless, otiose, leamh apathetic, mall slow, marbh flat; dead, marbh ag an leisce slothful, marbhбnta lifeless; stagnant, neamartach negligent, remiss, neamhghnнomhach passive, inactive, neamhghnуthach slack, spadбnta sluggish, suanach lethargic; dormant, tбmhach torpid, inert; comatose, tйiglн languid.

leithleach adj. selfish

amplach voracious, mercenary, fйinchъiseach self-seeking, self-interested, fйinlбrnach self-centred,egocentric, fйinspйiseach egotistical, mй-fйineach self-seeking, santach greedy, suarach mean.

leithreas m toilet, lavatory

an seomra beag the little room, an seomra is lъ sa teach the smallest room in the house, clуisйad uisce WC, ionnaltбn lavatory, losбn latrine, teach an asail (slang) bog, loo, ъirinйal urinal.

leithscйal m excuse, apology

ailibн m alibi, cleas йalaithe subterfuge, cosaint defence, cъis reason, cъis sъl pretext, cur i gcйill pretence, fнrinniъ justification, maolъ mitigation, mнniъ explanation, plйadбil plea, rogha le fбna cop-out, scбth pretext (s.g. ar scбth dul i gcomhairle liom.. on the pretext ofasking my advice…), seachaint evasion (cf. seachaint na fнrinne evasion of the truth), seasaamh stand.

leor adj sufficient

dуthanach satiated, sбch adequate; (as expressed by using nouns) dуthain sufficient amount (cf. An bhfuil do dhуthain agat? Have you enough?), neart ample amount (cf. ~ ama ample time).

liathrуid f ball

balъn balloon, boilgeog bubble, bolgбn large bubble; bulb, braon drop, braonбn droplet, caid stuffed ball, football, caor f(- oire; ~a, ~) round object; berry, caor chlis sling-ball, caor ordanбis cannon ball, caor thine ball of fire; thunderbolt, ceirtlнn clew, ball, ceirtlнn snбtha ball of thread, cnag hard ball, cnapбn round lump; clot, comhchruinne globe, orb, comhchruinneбn small sphere, comhchruinneas sphericity, comhchruinneoid spheroid, cruinne globe, cruinneog (school) terrestrial globe, cruinnнn globule, cruinnmheall globe, йadromбn balloon, meall m(mill, ~ta) orb, globe; ball, pilйar bullet, sfйar sphere, sfйarуid spheroid, sliotar hurling ball, sъilнn bead, bubble.


lig v let, allow; cast

aontaigh le agree to, broic le tolerate, caith cast, ceadaigh permit, cead a thabhairt (do) to give permission (to), cuir amach to put out, cuir ar cнos to rent, cuir suas le put up with, do bheannacht a thabhairt (ar) to give your blessing (to), to give the go-ahead (to), fulaing suffer, tolerate, reachtaigh decree; sanction, scaoil release, let free, seas endure, solas glas a thabhairt do dhuine to give a person the green light, tabhair (i.e. scream, whistle, etc.) give, toiligh (le) consent (to), ъdarбs a thabhairt (do) to give authorization (to), ъdaraigh authorise.


lнne f line

banda band, barra bar, cailc chalked line; limit, colъn column, cбbla cable, ceannaghaidh facial feature, ceannaithe fpl facial features, corda cord, crнoch f(crнche; ~ a, ~) boundary, crъb f(- ъibe, ~ a, ~) ghй crow’s foot, dais dash, йadan front, eang f(~ a; ~ ) notch; track trace, eireaball tail, eitre groove, filimйad filament, folнne underline, imeall edge, margin, imlнne outline; contour, lorg trail, ord sequence (e.g. de rйir oird in sequence), prуifнl profile, prуisisiam m(~; ~ ) procession, riail f(- alach; - alacha) rule, rian trace, track; path, course, ribe strand, ribнn ribbon, roc wrinkle, rуpa rope, scбthphictiъr silhouette, scуr score, scrнob f(scrнbe; ~ a, ~) scratch, scuaidrнn line, row, scuaine queue, line, slabhra chain, snбithe thread, sraith row; series; sequence, sreang f(sreinge; ~ a, ~) string; wire, stiall f(stйille, ~ acha) strip, strнoc f(strнce; ~ a; ~) stripe, stroke, tйad f(tйide; ~ a, ~) rope, teorainn f(teorann; teorainneacha) border, borderline; frontier; limit, tosach front, trinse trench.


lнnнocht f drawing

cartъn cartoon, нomhб f image, lйarбid diagram, lйiriъ portrayal, lйiriъchбn illustration, pictiъr picture, plean plan, sceitseбil sketching, tarraingt drawing.


liobrбlach adj. liberal

йasca easy-going, laid back, fulangach tolerant, laissez faire laissez faire, leathanaigeanta broad-minded, le hintinn oscailte open-minded, le saorintinn free-thinking, meбnach middle-of-the-road, middle-way. moderate, measarthach moderate, oscailte open.

lнofa adj. fluent

bйalbhinn sweet-tongued, well-expressed, deaslabhartha articulate, deisbhйalach eloquent in speech; smooth-talking, йasca easy, flъireach fluent, abundant, gan dua effortless, ina shruth flowing, milisbhriathrach mellifluous, rйidh smooth.

lнon 1 m number, amount

cainnнocht quantity, cion quota, fairsinge extent, figiъr figure, iomlбn total, whole, mйid m(~) amount, ollmhйid m magnitude, solбthar supply, suim sum, tomhas measure, uimhir number.

lнon 2 v fill

athlнon replenish, bбigh drench, cuir isteach put in, doirt isteach pour in, lastбil lade, load, lуdбil load, luchtaigh charge, load, pacбil pack, pulc stuff, sac cram, sбsaigh satisfy, stoc a chur i stуr to stock a store, tуg suas take up, ualaigh load up.

lнonta adj. filled

athlнonta replenished, bбite drenched, lбn go bйal full to the brim, lastбilte laden, loaded, le riar maith earraн stocked well, lуdбilte loaded, luchtaithe charged, loaded, pacбilte packed, pulctha stuffed, sactha crammed, sбsta satisfied, tуgtha suas taken up, ualaithe loaded up.

liosta m list, listing

ainmliosta directory of names, catalуg catalogue, clбr register, eolaн directory, innйacs index, rolla roll, sceideal schedule, tбbla table, taifead record.



lipйad m label

cluaisнn tag on the side, clib tag (cf. clib araide bin tag, clib leictreonach electronic tag, etc.), ga marker (cf. ga leabhair book marker), greamбn sticker, ticйad ticket.


litir f letter (both a missive and a written character)

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