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Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 1 страница

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epistle, imlitir missive, imlitir уn bPбpa encyclical, lнne f(~; ~ te) line, nуta note, ogham (early Celtic inscription-script) Ogham, rнomhphost e-mail, seoladh dispatch, siombail symbol, teachtaireacht message.


litrнocht f literature

bйaloideas filklore, brуisiъr brochure, ficsean fiction, insint narrative, leabhair mpl books, seanchas lore, scйalta stories, scrнbhneoireacht chruthaitheach creative writing.


genres йagsъla den litrнocht different genres of literature: beathaisnйнsн biographies, coirscйalaнocht crime, eachtraнocht adventure, tales of adventure, dнrbheathaisnйisн autobiographies, dъrъin dъnmharaithe murder mysteries, fabhalscйalta fables, fantaisнocht fantasy, ficsean eolaнochta science fiction, finscйalta folk tales, fables, meitificsean metafiction, rйalachas realism, rйalachas draнochta magic realism, rйalachas sуisialach socialist realism, rуmбnsaнocht romance, sнscйalta fairy stories, uafбs horror, ъrscйal rъndiamhaire mystery novel, ъrscйal staire historical novel, ъrscйilнn novelette.




loch m lake, mere

murlach m lagoon, linn pool linn snбmha swimming pool, lodбn stagnant pool, lodar miry place, slough, lochбn pond, lochбn slйibhe tarn, lochбinнn puddle, loitheбn muddy pool, poll pond; sea, poll bбite marsh-hole poll iascaigh fishing-pool, poll snбmha swimming pool, poll uisce water-hole, pool of water, pъil (sport) pool, slodбn stagnant, deadpool, taiscumar reservoir, uisceadбn aquarium. (see also: poll)

locht m fault, complaint

ainimh disfigurement, blemish, botъn mistake, cion offence, ciontacht culpability, coir crime, dearmad oversight; lapse (of memory), diomar defect, flaw, dнth f(~e; dнotha, dнoth) deprivation, shortage; loss, dochar harm, loss; damage, dul amъ slip-up, йagmais lack, want, йagnach m moan, complaint, йagуir wrong, injustice, йalang f(- lainge, ~ a, ~) flaw, earrбid error, easnamh deficit, want, easpa lack, shortcoming, fabht m fault, flaw, fadhb f snag, faillн f(~; ~ ocha) neglect, failure, foghail f(foghla) trespass, freagracht accountability, gearбn complaint, laige weakness, failing, lot damage, injury, mбchail defect, meancуg blunder, mнcheart wrong, mнchruinneas inaccuracy, milleбn blame, censure, neamhairdeall incautiousness, unwariness, neamh-aire inattention, lapse in care, neamh-aistear thoughtlessness,negligence, neamhfhoirfeacht imperfection, peaca sin, peacъlacht sinfulness, sбrъ (dlн) transgression (of a law), sciorradh slip, smбl blemish, stain, teimheal smudge, tarnish, tormas act of carping, grumbling, uireasa lack, deficiency.


lochtach adj. faulty, flawed

ainimheach disfigured, cearr wrong, ciontach guilty, coiriъil criminal, contrбilte wrong, contrary, dearmadach forgetful, dнothach wanting, deficient, diъltach negative, dochrach harmful, pernicious, йagmaiseach non-reciprocated, unrequited, йagуrach unjust, wrong, йalangach flawed, defective, earrбideach erroneous, incorrect, easnamhach deficient, wanting, easpach lacking, fabhtach faulty, flawed, fadhbach problematical, faillitheach negligent, freagrach accountable, loite damaged; spoilt, mбchaileach defective, blemished, meancуgach blundering, mнcheart incorrect, mнchruinn inaccurate, milleбnach fault-finding, blaming, neamhairdeallach unwary, neamh-aireach inadvertent, inattentive, neamhcheart incorrect, neamhfhoirfe imperfect, peacъil sinful, smбlaithe tarnished, teimhleach tarnished, stained, uireasach lacking, deficient.

lofa adj. rotten

a bhfuil cor tagtha ann (food) that has gone off, a bhfuil domoladh uaidh stale-smelling, a bhfuil an drochbhraon ann who has tainted carachter, ainnis miserable, brйan foul, cam crooked, cnaнte corroded, coinclн mouldy, crua (bread) stale, dйistineach disgusting, obnoxious, domlasta bilious, dreoite decomposed, faoi chaonach liath gone mouldy, feoite withered, grбnna grotty, liath (bread) mouldy, meathlaithe decayed, morgtha putrified, putrid, morgthach putrefactive, gangrenous, salach dirty, suarach base, vile, contemptible, tбir vile; shabby, cheap, truaillithe corrupt, uafбsach awful, urghrбnna ghastly.


loic v flinch, let down

cъbadh roimh dhuine to cower before a person, cuach cringe, cъlaigh retreat, faillн a dhйanamh i to neglect, seachain shirk, evade, tarraing siar pull back, teip ar fail, teith flee, trйig abandon.

loighiciъil adj. logical

a bhfuil ъdar maith leis that is well-founded, bailн valid, bainteach relevant, ciallmhar sensible, comhleanъnach coherent, comhsheasmhach consistent, crнonna wise, dea-aithneach judicious, indйduchtaithe deducible, rйasъnach rational, rйasъnta reasonable, soilйir clear.

loinnir f sparkle

bladhm f flame, breacsholas glimmer, dealramh sheen, radiance, f sholais glimmer of light, drithle f spark of light, gleam, drithleacht glitter, sparkle, drithleog small spark, sparkle, faghairt fire, glint, fervour (cf. ~ i sъil glint in the eye), gealбn gleam, gile brightness, lasadh flush, flaming, lasair f(- srach) blaze, sheen, lonradh radiance, soilseacht effulgence, splanc (- ainc; ~ acha) flash; spark, sprйachadh sparking, sprйacharnach f sparkling, taitneamh shine, tine f fire.

lуistнn v lodgings, a place to stay

бit chуnaithe abode, place of residence, бrasбn apartment, billйad billet, bord is bia bed and breakfast, brъ hostel, carbhбn caravan, ceathrъna fpl quarters, (cf. ceathrъna do lucht pуsta married quarters) dнdean shelter, cуirнocht accommodation, iostas accommodation, iostas fйinfhreastail self-catering accommodation, leaba f bed, уstlann hotel, seomra room, suanlios dormitory, tearmann sanctuary, villa villa.

lom adj. bare

bбn blank, fornocht completely naked, gan йadaн without clothes, unclothed, gan chlъdach without a covering, gan chlъid uncovered, gan mhaisiъ unembellished, gan maisiъ ar bith without any decoration, lomnocht stark naked, lomtha stripped bare, maol bald, nochta naked, scafa peeled, tуin le gaoth exposed.

lуn m lunch, provision, supplies

bйile um thrбthnуna afternoon meal, bia food, cуir f(cуra; cуracha) proper provision, cothъ sustenance, solбthar supply.

long f ship

бrthach m cathlong f battleship, cuitйar cutter, cъrsуir cruiser, fomhuireбn submarine, iomprуir aerбrthach aircraft carrier, lнnйar liner, soitheach m vessel, scriostуir destroyer, trбlaer trawler, (see also: bбd)

lonrach adj. shining

Beodheargglowing, bladhmannachblazing, dallraitheachglaring, dazzling, dealraitheachresplendent, shining, drithleachsparkling, fagharthaglinting gealbright, gealghбireachsunny, radiant; cheerful, glйighealbrilliantly bright, ina chaorglowing, lastaalight, aflame, lasrachfiery, luisneachgleaming, radiant, saighneбntaflashing, soilseachbright, effulgent, solasmharluminous, bright, splancъil

flashing, fiery, sprйacharnach sparkling, taitneamhach bright, shining, tinechreasach sparkling like fire.

lorg f mark, track; ar ~ searching for

bealach m way, gnй f aspect, feature, imir tint, marc mark, raon track, rian trace, ruaim dye; stain, smбl stain, trйith trait, characteristic.

ar ~ ruda йigin in search of something: ag cuardach tн looking for a house, ag tуraнocht ainmhн pursuing an animal, cuardach a dhйanamh ar na heochracha to make a search for the keys, i ndiaidh ruda йigin after something, sa tуir ar rud йigin in pursuit of something.


luach m value, price

breithmheas appraisal, costas cost, fiъntas worth, luaнocht merit, measъnъ assessing, evaluating, measъnacht assessment, evaluation, praghas price, rбta rate, suntas significance, tбbhacht importance, tбille charge, fee, tuilleamas merit. (see also: praghas)

luachmhar adj. valuable, precious

costasach expensive, costly, daor dear, fiъntach worthy, lуmhar precious (cf. liaga lуmhara precious stones), rнluachmhar priceless, rнthбbhachtach vital, crucial, suntasach significant, tбbhachtach important.

luaigh v mention

abair say, arsa (deponent verb) says, cuir in iъl communicate, express, dearbhaigh assert, fуgair announce, inis tell, lйirigh explain maнgh claim, mнnigh explain, tabhair le tuiscint imply. (see also: abair)

luaithe f earliness, swiftness

ardluas high speed, gastacht swiftness, rapidity, luas lasrach lightning seed, luas nimhe furious speed, moiche earliness, bheith roimh rй beingbeforehand, tapъlacht quickness,

teacht roimh an sprioc-am arriving before the set time, treoluas velocity. (see also: luas)


luas m speed

ar chйim siъil at walking pace, cйim step, pace, coischйim footstep, pace, deabhadh haste, deifir f(-fre) hurry, gastacht rapidity; quick-wittedness, luaithe quickness, earliness, luasghйarъ acceleration, luathlбmhacht deftness, speed-of-hand, luathъ acceleration, mire swiftness, quickness, neamhbhuaine fleetness, praipe quickness, suddenness, rбta rate, ruathar rush, siъl pace, tapaнocht quickness, tobainne suddenness, treoluas velocity

ar ~ mire at a mad pace, ar ~ na gaoithe as fast as the wind, ar ~ nу ar moille sooner or later, ar ~ lasrach at lightning speed, ar ~ seilide at snail’s pace, de ghnбth~ gluaiseachta at normal running speed, de ~ nimhe at a furious pace. faoi lбn~ at full/ top speed.


luasanna йagsъla different speeds: ar aghaidh faoi lбnseol full speed ahead, ar nуs na gaoithe in the manner of the wind, ar sodar at a trot, cйim ar chйim step by step, chomh gasta le cъ as fast as a hound, chomh tiubh gйar is a bhн i mo chosa as fast as my legs would carry me, chomh luath le giorria as fleet as a hare, chomh tapa agus is fйidir as quickly as possible, cosa in airde at full gallop, de chйim chothrom at a steady pace, de gheit all of a sudden, de phreab in a flash, faoi lбnseol under full sail, at full speed, i bhfaiteadh na sъl in the twinkling of an eye, i mbarr reatha running at full speed, is fearr mall cinnte nб luath lochtach. Slowly but surely does it., go mall rйidh slowly and gently, nice and easy, go maolchluasach at break-neck speed, sula mbeadh ‘Dia le m’anam’ rбite agat before you could say Jack Robinson.

luath adj. early, swift

ar luas lasrach lightning seed, ar luas nimhe at a furious speed, faoi ardluas at high speed, gan bheith dйanach not to be late, gasta swift, rapid, moch early, roimh an sprioc-am before the set time, roimh rй beforehand, tapa quick, fast.

lъb v bend

cam crook, cas turn, twist crom bend, cuar curve, cuir cor i twist, dul ar do ghlъine to go on your knees, freang warp, umhlaigh bow, slйacht genuflect, bow down.

lъchбir f delight

бthas happiness, aoibhneas bliss, ardmheanma f high spirits, gliondar gladness, iontlas mirth, spree, meanma f mhaith (ag) good cheer, rнmйad jubilance, sceitimнnн ecstasy, sonas joy. (see also: бthas)

lucht m group of people, people

aos m folk, people (cf. ~ dбna poets, aos ceoil musicians, aos уg young people, etc), daoine mpl people, muintir family (cf. muintir na hбite local people, muintir na cathrach city folk, ~ na tuaithe country folk, etc.), pobal community, slua host (cf. an slua sн the fairy host, slua na marbh the dead, etc.).

~ aitheantais acquaintances, ~ an airgid people with money, ~ бr linne people of our time, ~ an bhйadбin gossips, ~ briste an dlн law-breakers, ~ ceannais those in authority, ~ йisteachta listening audience, ~ fйachana spectators, ~ freastail people serving, attendants, ~ imeartha players, ~ imirce emigrants, ~ lйinn academics, ~ oibre workers, ~ pбirte partisans, ~ taistil travellers, ~ tarrthбla rescuers.


lъfar adj. agile, athletic

aclaн supple, limber, bagбnta nimble, spruce, beo lively, corpacmhainneach fit, йasca nimble, swift, friochanta active, sprightly, gasta quick, alert, i bhfoirm go maith in good shape/ form, luaineach nimble, fast-moving, slбintiъil healthy, solъbtha flexible,

luн m lie, lying down, going down, state of prostration

breoite ill, sick, ar mo dhroim on my back, dul chun soip to hit the hay, dul sнos to go down, leaba bed, leagan lay, nйal a chodladh to have forty winks, sa leaba in bed, sнnte prostrate,

spuaic chodlata short nap, suнomh position, thнos down, tinn sick. (see also: codladh, tinn)

luthchleasaнocht f athletics

aclaнocht gymnastics, cluichн mpl games, corpoideachas physical education, spуrt sport, traenбil training.


macбnta adj. honest, decent

barбntъil authentic, bona fide bona fide, dнreach straight, straightforward, cogъsach assiduous, coinsiasach conscientious, cуir just; proper, cothrom equitable, fair, cothrom cruinn fair and square, creidiъnach reputable, cuibhiъil proper, seemly, dбirнre sincere, dlisteanach legitimate, eiticiъil ethical, fйarбilte fair, equitable, fнor true, fнrйanta trustworthy, sincere, fнrinneach truthful, fiъntach worthy, seemly, gan aon chur i gcйill plain, unfeigned, gan chor a chur sa scйal on the level, gan fiacail a chur ann frank(ly), geanasach pure, chaste, geanmnaн chaste, glan clean, iontaofa trustworthy, reliable, ionraic honest, maith good, modhъil decent, modest, muinнneach trustworthy, neamhchlaonta unbiased, oibiachtъil objective, oscailteach open, candid, pointeбilte particular, punctilious, suбilceach virtuous, scrupallach scrupulous, uasal noble, high-minded.

machnamh m meditation, thinking

dianmhachnamh profound thinking, deep meditation oibriъ inchinne cerebration, nуisean notion, smaoineamh thought smaointeoireacht cogitation. (see also: smaoineamh)

madra m dog

бrchъnna dogs of war, coileбn pup, coileбinнn puppy, hound, cъ fola bloodhound, gadhar (hunting) dog, gaidhrнn small dog, gaidhrнn uchta lap-dog, maidrнn little dog.

pуrtha йagsъla different breeds:

aimseadуir buн golden retriever

Alsбiseach Alsatian

baisйadach basset hound

bocsaeir boxer

brocaire terrier

broc-chъ dachshund

bulladуir bulldog

cуilн collie


cъ faoil Irish wolfhound

Dalmбtach m Dalmatian

Danar mуr great Dane

fiachъ deerhound

gadhar gairid mongrel

huscaн husky

Labradуr Labrador

Pйicнneach m Pekinese

Pinsйir pinscher

pocadбn (beag) beagle

pointйir pointer

pъdal poodle

rуtvaidhlйir Rottweiler

Rъisйalach m Jack Russell

sбilйir Lancashire Lancashire heeler

sнotsъ shih tzu

sнpйar shepherd

smutmhadra pug-dog

sotar setter

spбinnйar spaniel

tarbh-bhrocaire bull-terrier


~ allta wolf, ~ broic badger-dog, ~ caorach sheep-dog, ~ crainn squirrel, ~ draoibe dogs-body, ~ йisc dogfish, ~ fiaigh beagle, ~ gaoithe / gбla light over horizon portending a storm, ~ garbh spiny dogfish, ~ gorm tope, ~ lathaн guttersnipe, lackey, ~ macбnta decent sort, ~ rua fox, ~ seilge hunting dog, ~ uisce otter.


magadh m mocking

ceap magaidh object of ridicule, cleas magaidh practical joke, coimйide comedy, cъis ghбire bit of a joke (e.g. Is cъis ghбire й a haiste bia. Her diet is a bit of a joke.), dнmheas disdain, drochmheas contempt, fonуid jeering, derision, fronsa farce, gбire laugh, laughter, muga-magadh (slang) scoffing, making fun of, nathaнocht using aphorisms, scigaithris caricature, skit, scigdhrбmaнocht farce, scige f giggling, scig-ghбire mocking laugh, scigireacht derision, scigmhagadh farce, searbhas sarcasm, tarcaisneach scorn.

magъil adj, mocking

бifйiseach absurd, ridiculous, aisteach strange, ait bizarre, weird, aorach satirical, barrъil comical; droll deisbhйalach witty, quick-tongued, dнmheasъil disdainful, scornful, drochmheasъil contemptuous, sneering, fonуideach derisive, gбireach laughing, greannmhar funny, ina chъis ghбire laughable, magaidh pertaining to ridicule, nathбnach aphoristic, ropбnta taunting, scornful, scigaithriseach burlesque, scigiъil derisive, scigmhagъil farcical, sclйipeach hilarious, seafуideach silly, searbhasach sarcastic, tarcaisneach scornful. (see also: greannmhar)

maidin f morning

breacadh an lae dawn, crack of dawn, briseadh an lae break of day, camhaoir daybreak, eadra m late morning, йirн m na grйine sunrise, gairm na gcoileach cock-crow, fбinne an lae first light, dawning of the day, gealadh an lae dawn of the day, luath early, moiche early (in the day).

maнgh v boast, claim

бitigh maintain, argue, bheith ag gearradh suntais to be showing off, buaileam sciath a dhйanamh to blow one’s own trumpet, caint mhуr a dhйanamh to talk big, dearbhaigh assert, йiligh demand, require, fуgair affirm, declare, gaisce a dhйanamh as rud йigin to make a big thing out of something, lнomhain allege, mуrtas a dhйanamh to boast.

maighdeanъil adj, virginal

bбn white, chomh glan leis an sneachta as pure as snow, fнor- pure, gan salъ unsoiled, gan smбl immaculate (e.g. Giniъint Mhuire gan Smбl The Immaculate Conception), gan teimheal undefiled, gan teimheal gan smбl spotless, gan mhilleadh pristine, unspoilt, gan truailliъ unadulterated, geanmnaн chaste, pure, pertain to a virgin maighdine virgin, modhъil modest, maidenly, maiden-like, neamhfhabhtach uncontaminated, untainted neamhthruaillithe unpolluted, neamhurchуideach innocent, guiltless, уgh chaste, pure, saor у locht free of fault, saor у smъit dust-free, slбn intact, sneachtъil snowy, suбilceach virtuous, uile entire, ъr fresh, ъr nua brand new, veisteach vestal.

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