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Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 2 страница

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mailнseach adj, malicious

bearrtha sharp-tongued, binbeach virulent, venomous colgach bristling; waspish, cruбlach cruel, dнobhбlach pernicious, noxious, dнoltasach vindictive, drochaigeanta malevolent, droch-chroнoch evil-hearted, wicked at heart, faltanasach spiteful, gangaideach virulent, nasty, gйar bitter, goilliъnach hurtful, grбnna nasty, grбiniъil full of hate, hateful, mioscaiseach spiteful, malicious, millteach baneful, naimhdeach hostile, nimhiъil toxic, oilc evil, searbh bitter, sour, suarach mean, tocsaineach toxic.

mair v live, last

anбlaigh breathe, Beidh lб eile ag an bPaorach! Never say die!, bheith ann to be there, bheith ar an saol seo to be in this life/ this world, bheith beo to be alive, exist, coinnigh (ar siъl) sustain, keep going, eis exist, lean ar aghaidh carry on, substain subsist, teacht i dtнr to survive, tйigh ar aghaidh go on.

maisiъchбn m decoration

бilliъ making pretty, breбthъ embellishment, cуiriъ bedecking, furbishing, maisiъ decorating, ornбideacht adornment, ornбidн fpl ornaments, ornъ ornamentation, pointeбil sprucing up, sciamhъ beautifying,

mбistir m master

an fear atб i gceannas the man in charge, bainisteoir manager, bean an tн the woman of the house, captaen m captain, ceann an tн head of the house, ceannaire head, person in charge, fear an tн the man of the house, feighlн overseer, minder, feighlн pбistн baby-sitter, feitheoir supervisor, superintendent, fostaitheoir employer, gъrъ guru, mбistreбs mistress, maoirseoir supervisor, maor steward, foreman, maor oibre works foreman, maor trбchta traffic-warden, mъinteoir teacher, saoiste boss, foreman, saineolaн expert, stiъrthуir director; conductor, teagascуir instructor, tiarna lord, traenбlaн trainer, coach, virtuoso virtuoso.

maith adj. good

1. virtuous

altrънoch altruistic, carthanach charitable, cneasta upright, gentle, seemly, dea-chroнoch good-hearted, dea-mhйiniъil benevolent, dйirceach alms-giving, dнlis loyal, eiticiъil ethical, fial generous, fнrйanta righteous, fiъntach worthy, flaithiъil munificent, follбin wholesome, geanmnaн chaste, inmholta meritorious, ionraic honest, iontaofa trustworthy, macбnta honest, decent, morбlta moral, muinнneach dependable, neamhtheimhlithe unstained, neamhthruaillithe unspoilt, pure, neamhurchуideach harmless, pure, soilнosach obliging, suбilceach virtuous, tairiseach faithful, uasal noble.

2. fine

aoibhinn pleasant, fine, ard- brilliant, magnificent, atб ar dуigh tremendous, atб ar fheabhas that is excellent, ar leith exceptional, breб fine, dea- good, dearscnaitheach excellent, pre-eminent, deas nice, den chйad ghrбd first rate, den (chйad) scoth of the very best quality, of the first water, йachtach extraordinary, galбnta splendid, iontach wonderful, taibhseach flamboyant, thar barr tip-top, thar cionn top notch, excellent, sбrmhaith exceedingly good, suntasach remarkable, tofa choice.

3. kind, affable

bбъil sympathetic, cairdiъil friendly, caoin gentle, tender, caoithiъil kindly, pleasant, cбsmhar sympathetic, cineбlta kind, comhbhбch sympathetic, dea-chroнoch kind-hearted, garach obliging, feiliъnach obliging, fiъntach decent, gnaнъil likeable, lбch kind, mбnla affable, mуrchroнoch big-hearted, tuisceanach understanding, considerate, smaointeach thoughtful, soirbh pleasant, trуcaireach merciful, compassionate, truachroнoch compassionate, tuisceanach understanding, considerate,

4. useful

бbalta able, бisiъil useful, bailн valid, cabhrach useful, ceart right, correct, cothaitheach sustaining, nutritious, cuidiъil helpful, cъntach helpful, cuн appropriate, deaslбmhach adept, fabhrach favourable, propitious, fуinteach practical, helpful, follбin wholesome, salubrious, fуnta useful, good, nourishing; sound, indйanta practicable, doable, infheidhme fit for service, workable, inniъil (chun) fit (for), able (for), oiriъnach suitable, sochrach profitable; salutary, tairbheach beneficial, ъsбideach useful.

5. interesting, pleasurable

fнorspйisiъil gripping, meallacach fascinating, plйisiъrtha pleasing, pleasant, saoithiъil cleverly-humorous, witty, entertaining, sбsъil satisfying; satisfactory, spйisiъil interesting, suбilceach pleasant, joyful, cheerful, sultmhar pleasurable, pleasant, taitneamhach enjoyable, pleasing.

6. able, capable

бbalta able, acmhainneach resourceful, cleachta (le) practised (at), cumasach capable, potent, deaslбmhach dexterous, inniъil (ar) capable (of), oilte skilled,trained, sciliъil skilful saineolach (ar) expert (at), traenбilte trained.

7. clever

aoibheallach charming, pleasant, cliste clever, deaslбmhach adept, dexterous, deisbhйalach witty, йirimiъil intelligent,

fйitheach gifted, glic cunning, shrewd, inniъil competent, intleachtach intellectual, oilte skilled, accomplished, saineolach (ar) expert (at), tarraingteach alluring, inviting, trйitheach accomplished, talented.

8. well-behaved

bйasach polite, dea-bhйasach well-behaved, dea-mhъinte well-brought-up, well-mannered, dea-riartha well-ordered, gйilliъil compliant, mъinte having manners, pointeбilte orderly, somhъinte tractable, umhal subservient; obedient.

9. healthy, fit (for purpose)

beathъil nourishing, caoithiъil convenient, opportune, chomh follбin le bradбn as fit as a fiddle, cothaitheach nourishing, feiliъnach fitting, fуirsteanach suitable, follбin wholesome, healthy, i bhfoirm go maith in good form, oiliъnach nutritive; nurturing, oiriъnach suitable, slбintiъil healthy, scafбnta robust, spleodrach full of jizz, tйagartha solid, well-built, trбthъil timely.

10. undamaged

foirfe perfect, gan bheith loite unspoilt, gan damбiste ar bith without any damage at all, gan dochar unharmed, undamaged, gan ghortъ unhurt, gan mhilleadh unspoilt, gan smбl without stain, immaculate slбn unharmed.

mбla m bag

maingнn swag, little bag, pъitse pouch, sac sack, tiachуg small bag, vallait wallet, spaga pouch, sparбn purse, trunc trunk, trunc vardrъis wardrobe trunk.


~ airgid money-bag, ~н amhrбn bags of songs, ~ brйag bundle of lies, ~ cбipйisн briefcase, ~ codlata sleeping-bag, ~ diallaite saddle-bag, ~ an domlais gall-bladder, ~ droma rucksack, ~ йithigh lucky-bag, ~ eolais bank of information, ~ lбimhe handbag, ~ litreacha mail-bag, ~ lуin haversack, ~ oighir ice-bag, ~ poist post-bag, ~ scoile school-bag, ~ seilge hunting-bag, ~ taistil travelling-bag, ~ trealaimh tool-bag.


malairt f exchange, change

aistriъ translation; transformation, athrъ change, babhtбil swapping; bartering, cur ruda amhбin in бit ruda eile replacing one thing with another thing, ionadъ substitution, malartъ exchanging; swapping mionathrъ modification, trasnъ crossing over.

malartaigh v exchange, change

aistrigh translate; transform, athraigh change, babhtбil swap; barter, cuir rua amhбin in бit ruda eile replace one thing with another thing, ionadaigh substitute, mionathraigh modify, trasnaigh cross over.

mall adj. slow

ar bogstrуc at a leisurely pace, bуmбnta stupid, costrom plodding, cъlбnta retarded, dйanach late, dobhrбnta bovine, dъr dim, thick, fadaithe protracted, prolonged, fadбlach dilatory, fadbheartach deliberate, slow to act, gan dithneas unhurried, gan scaipeadh (fog, doubt, etc) lingering, slow to remove itself, leadrбnach boring, leisciъil lazy, marbh dead, lifeless, inactive, marbhбnta dead-and-alive, spiritless, moillithe delayed, rйdhбnta lackadaisical, rйidh leisurely, righn stiff, slow to move, righneбlach dawdling, spadбnta sluggish, lethargic, taobh thiar behind, trom heavy, leaden, tuirsiъil tedious.

~bhriathrach slow-spoken, deliberate, ~chйim slow pace (cf. ar mhallchйim at a slow pace), ~dнcheallach plodding, ~dуite slow-burning, ~ghluaiste slowmoving, ~ghnнomhach slow-acting, ~intinneach slow-witted, ~mhuir neap-tide, ~radharcach dim-sighted, ~rosc lingering eye, ~trбth late hour, ~triall slow pace, ~triallach dilatory, ~uaireach m late-comer.


mallacht f curse

anachain f(- chana) calmity, anacair anguish, angar distress, anу misery, anrу distress, bearrбn annoyance, nuisance, briseadh croн heartbreak, buaireamh bother, ciapadh torture, corraн f irritation, frustration, cros le hiompar cross to carry,

diabhaltacht devilry, doilнos affliction, йagуir injustice, eascaine f imprecation, swearing, curse word, fulaingt suffering, mн-бdh ill-luck, plб pestilence, plague, suaiteacht upset, unease, suaitheadh agitation, trioblуid trouble, urchуid malignancy, bane.

maoithneach adj. sentimental, emotional

bogъrach maudlin, golbhйarach tear-jerking, golfartach tearful, maoth soppy, mothъchбnach emotional, sнorуpach syrupy. (see also: corraitheach)

maol adj. bald, bare; blunt

bearrtha cropped, dъr dull, lom bare, lomtha defoliated, shorn, gan adharca hornless, gan bhrн powerless, impotent, gan dнon roofless, gan йifeacht ineffective, gan faobhar blunt, gan fйasуg beardless, gan ghruaig hairless, gan spionnadh lifeless, lag weak, liosta dreary, murtallach (colour) dull, nocht naked, tйaltъ siar na gruaige receding hairline, tуin le gaoth exposed.

maolaigh v mitigate, diminish, decrease

bodhraigh deaden bog soften, caith wear out, ceansaigh pacify, subdue, ciorraigh curtail, ciъnaigh silence, faoiseamh a thabhirt (do) to alliviate, to assuage, fuaraigh relieve, fuairnimh a chur (i) to numb gearr cut, gearr siar cut back, нoslaghdaigh minimise, нsligh lower, lessen, reduce, lagaigh weaken, laghdaigh lessen, meathlaigh dwindle, suaimhnigh soothe, calm, tar anuas come down, tйigh in нsle go lower, tйigh sнos go down, tit fall.

maor m steward, foreman, ~ scoile prefect

bardach warden, coimeбdaн curator, feighlн overseer, minder, feitheoir supervisor, superintendent, mбistir master, man in charge, maoirseoir supervisor, saoiste boss, foreman, stiъrthуir director; conductor. (see also: mбistir)

maorga adj. dignified, stately, imposing

cйimiъil distinguished, cuibhiъil decorous, galбnta elegant, oirirc eminent, illustrious, rнoga regal, stбidiъil stately, taibhseach flamboyant. uasal noble, urramach venerable.

maorlathas m bureaucracy

an bhunaнocht the establishment, an cуras stбit the state system, an rialtas the government, cъrsaн riarachбin administration, meamraimйis officialdom; officialese, meamraimйiseachas pen-pushing, pбipйarachas officialdom, pen-pushing, stбtseirbhнs civil service, tйip dhearg red tape.

maraigh v kill

бr a dhйanamh (ar) to slaughter, bбsaigh slay, kill; execute, basc crush; bash, bris ruin, wreck,; dismiss, brъigh faoi chois crush under foot, ciъnaigh quell, cuir ar ceal abolish, cuir ar neamhnн annul, cuir chun bбis put to death, execute, cuir у йifeacht neutralize, deireadh a chur le to put an end to, dъnmharaigh murder, feallmharaigh assassinate, caidhp bhбis a chur ar to put the kibosh on, kibosh, cloнgh defeat, cros veto, dнobh eliminate, obliterate, dнothaigh exterminate, eirleach a dhйanamh (ar) to massacre, нdigh expend, destroy, loit spoil, maolaigh mitigate, dampen; unrig, dismantle, meil grind, destroy; (time) kill, mill ruin, destroy, mъch extinguish, neamhnigh annihilate, quash, neodraigh neutralize; neuter, plъch stifle, choke, srian curb, rein in, scrios destroy, erase, stoith у na frйamhacha root out, eradicate, tabhair chun crнche bring to an end, tacht strangle, choke. (see also: scrios)

marbh adj.

1. dead, deceased

Adhlactha buried, an choirpof the deceased, an mhairbhof the deceased, ag tabhairt an fhйir pushing up the daisies, ar shlн na fнrinnegone the way of all flesh, dнbheolifeless, enervated, dulta i lйiggone extinct, dulta i ndнscdried up, йagthadefunct, faoin chrйunder the soil, buried, faoin fhуd


under the sod, gan bheocht lifeless, imithe gone, disappeared, imithe ar an mbуthar fada to have kicked the bucket, imithe sall gone to the great beyond, nach maireann deceased, mairbh stagnant, san uaigh in the grave, sa reilig in the graveyard, sa saol eile in the next world, sa tнr thall in the hereafter, stiъgtha snuffed out, perished, tagtha chun deiridh petered out.


2. inert, exhausted, inactive

as feidhm obsolete, caite spent, dнbheo lifeless, enervated, dнomhaoin idle, faoi phairilis paralysed, faon languid, limp, fuairnйalach listless, fuar cold, fuarspreosach apathetic, gan anam soulless, gan bheocht lifeless, gan chorraн motionless, gan feidhm inoperative, in нsle brн downcast, нseal low, subdued, mall slow, neamhghnнomhach inactive, spadбnta dead-and-alive (an bбs ina sheasamh dead-and-alive individual), spнonta exhausted, tбmhach inert, lethargic; comatose, tite lapsed, tnбite worn out, jaded, trбite ebbed, dried up, traochta bushed, exhausted, tugtha spent, exhausted, tuirseach tired.


3. dull, slack

bogtha loose, dearmadta forgotten, dнomhaoin idle, faon languid, limp, leadrбnach boring, leamh insipid, liosta dull, maol (colour) flat, dull, marbhбnta dead-beat, lifeless, mairbhleach numb, mall slow, scaoilte slack, loose.

beagnach ~ almost dead: ag comhrб leis an mbбs at death’s door, ag dul i laige (patient) sinking, ar an dй deiridh breathing (one’s) final breaths, beo ar йigean barely alive, cos (leis, lйi, etc..) san uaigh one foot in the grave, йag-ghonta mortally wounded, gan ach an dй ann expiring, i ndeireadh na feide on (one’s) last breath, i ndeireadh na preibe on (one’s) last gasp, Nн fada eile ar an saol seo dу. He isn’t long for this world., Tб a chnaipe dйanta. He is done for., Tб a rбs rite. His race is run., Tб sй ag tabhairt uaidh. He is failing.


marc m mark, target

aidhm aim, bбire goal, cйim degree, critйar criterion, cъl goal, cuspуir objective, eang f(~ a, ~ ) nick, notch, grбd grade, gradam distinction, norm norm, pointe point, rang rank, rian trace, sprioc f(sprice; ~ anna) target, sprioc-бit appointed place, sprioc-am set time, sprioclб m(- lae; - laethanta) appointed day, sъil f(~ e ~ e; ~) sprice bull’s eye, targaid target, tomhas measure, treo direction, treo-uillinn (nautical) bearing,

marcбil v mark

breithmheas a thabhairt ar to appraise, ceartaigh correct, grбdaigh grade, grбd a thabhairt do to give a grade to, measъnъ a dhйanamh ar to make an assessment of, to assess, measъnaigh assess, scуrбil score, seiceбil check.

marcaнocht f riding

dul ar mhuin capaill to go on horseback, eachaнocht equestrian sport, imrim riding (cf. imrim each horse riding), surfбil surfing, tonnmharcaнocht surf-boarding.

marfach adj. killing, fatal, deadly

anacrach crushing, calamitous, бir slaughtering, bбis fatal, lethal, bбsmhar mortal, cinedhнothaitheach genocidal, cinniъnach fateful, tragic, creachta ruinous, dochrach baleful, deleterious, doleigheasta incurable, dъnbhбsmhar homicidal, dъnmharfach murderous, foircneach terminal, maraithe lethal, mнchinniъnach doomed, ill-fated, millteach pernicious, baleful, nimhneach venomous, poisonous, oidhiъil ill-fated, tragic, scriosach destructive, tragуideach tragic, tubaisteach catastrophic, disastrous, urchуideach malignant. (see also: nimhneach)

margadh m market, bargain, deal

aonach m fair, market-place, asraon (miondнola) (retail) outlet, basбr bazaar, comhaontъ agreement, conradh m(conartha; conarthaн) contract, treaty, dнol sale, dнolachбn sale, selling, йileamh demand, margaнocht marketing,

poiblнocht promotion, publicity, siopa shop, sladmhargadh bargain-sale.


anailнs mhargaidh market analysis, bйarmhargadh bear market, bullamhargadh bull market, ceannaire margaidh market leader, dul i bhfуd ar an mhargadh market penetration, faoi thiomбint an mhargaidh market driven, fуrsaн an mhargaidh market forces, garraн margaidh market garden, geilleagar margaidh market economy, ionad margaidh market place, нosmhargaidh (as adjective) downmarket, lб margaidh market day, lбrionad margaidh market centre, limistйar an mhargaidh market area, nideog mhargaidh market niche, saormhargadh free market, scair den mhargadh market share, taispeбnadh do mhargaн market exposure.



~ airgeadais financial market, ~ airgid money market, ~ бitiъil local market, ~ allmhairнochta import market, ~ an cheannaitheora buyer’s market, ~ an domhain global market, ~ buacach buoyant market, ~ bullъil bullish market, ~ ceantбla auction market, ~ cothromais equity market, ~ corrach sensitive market, ~ dнoltуirн sellers’ market, ~ dubh black market, ~ йisc fish market, ~ faoi chuing captive market, ~ fostaнochta labour market, glasraн vegetable market, ~ inmheбnach internal market, ~ intнre home market, ~ iomaнoch competitive market, ~ malairte eachraн foreign exchange market, ~ na mнol flea market, ~ na ndйileбlaithe dealer’s market, ~ neamhshrianta freely operating market, ~ уir gold market, ~ onnmhairнochta export market, ~ thar lear overseas market, ~ tithнochta housing market, ~ trбchtearraн commodity market.


masc m mask

aghaidh facade, aghaidh fidil mask, brйagriocht disguise, caille f(bridal) veil, cealtair f(- trach; - tracha) visor, ceilt concealment, clуca cloak, clъdach m cover, cochall hood, cur i gcйill pretence, dallуg blind, duaithnнocht camouflage, fial veil, berka, folach m hiding, riocht guise, scбileбn screen, veinнr veneer.

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