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Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 3 страница

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masla m insult

achasбn slight, aithis slur, reproach, athiomrб slander, bйadchaint (legal) slander, beag is fiъ snub, boiseog san aghaidh slap in the face, cбineadh censure, condemnation, cur as ainm name-calling (e.g. Bнonn sй do mo chur as m’ainm. He calls me names.), clъmhilleadh defamation of character, slander, feannadуireacht severe criticism, a hatchet-job, нde bйil verbal abuse, ithiomrб slander, outrage, leabhal libel, neamart slight, oilbhйim offence, soibealtacht insolence, sotal impertinence, tarcaisne f affront, tutaнl rudeness, uirнsle humiliation, abasement.

maslach adj. insulting

aithiseach defamatory, bйadchainteach (legal) slanderous, cбinteach negatively critical, clъmhillteach defamatory, feannadуireachta abusively critical, feanntach flaying, leabhlach libellous, oilbhйimeach offensive, humiliating, soibealta insolent, sotalach impertinent, tarcaisneach affronting, insulting, tъtach rude.

mбthair f mother

ban-ab f(~ a; ~ ) abbess, banaoire shepherdess, bandia m(- ; - dйithe) goddess, banrнon f queen, bansagart priestess, bansбr czarina, bantiarna lady, baroness, bean an tн the woman of the house, mбistreбs f(~ a; ~ ) mistress, mбithrнn little mother, mam mum, mamaн mummy, mamу nana, granny, matrarc m (~; ~ ) matriarch, mбtrъn matron, Muire Mary, the Mother of God, seanchailнn (referring to mother) old-lady, seanbhean old woman, tuismitheoir parent, bantrйadaн shepherdess, (obsolete) banъdar authoress.

meabhair f mind

ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, dearcadh outlook, eagna chinn brain power, йirim aptitude, йirim aigne mental aptitude, йirimiъlacht intelligence, inchinn brains, intinn mind, intleacht intellect, rud йigin idir na cluasa something between the ears, tuiscint understanding.

meabhraigh v remind, reflecting upon

cuimhnigh ar remember, cuir i gcuimhne dom remind me, is cuimhin liom I remember, dйan machnamh ar be absorbed in thought over; meditate upon, dйan smaoineamh ar think about, reflect upon, meas consider, nб dйan dearmad ar do not forget (e.g. Nб lig dom dearmad a dhйanamh air sin. Don’t let me forget about that.)

mйad (as in expressions: Cй mhйad duine? How many people?, Cб mhйad uair? How many times, dб mhйad й however great it is, (see: mйid 1)

mйadaigh v increase, enhance

aimpligh amplify, ardaigh heighten, raise, at swell; bloat, boilscigh inflate; bulge, borr swell, enlarge, breisigh snowball, increase, cuir chun tosaigh advance, cuir le add to, donaigh become more aggravated, worsen, йirigh nнos mу get bigger, fadaigh prolong, fairsingigh widen, extend, fбs grow, forbair develop, formhйadaigh magnify, gйaraigh escalate, iolraigh multiply, iomadaigh proliferate, leath spread; dilate, leathnaigh expand, lнon fill up; wax, neartaigh strengthen, build up, sнn amach stretch out, tйigh in airde step up, tйigh i ndйine intensify, treisigh boost.

meбigh v weigh

breithiъnas a thabhairt ar rud йigin to judge something, cнor weigh up (cf. ceist a chнoradh to weigh up an issue), machnamh a dhйanamh ar cheist to mull over a question, meabhraigh ponder, meas consider, measъnaigh estimate, rud йigin a chur (suas) ar an mheб to put something (up) on the scales, smaoineamh a dhйanamh ar to think about, to give thought to, tomhais measure.

meбite adj. weighed, considered

cнortha weighed up, measta considered, measъnaithe assessed, curtha ar an mheб placed n the scales, tomhasta measured.

meall v beguile, entice

brйag lure, entice, ceol sн a chur i gcluasa dhuine to lure a person away with beguiling words, cluain a imirt ar dhuine beguile, dallamullуg a chur ar dhuine to hoodwink a person, duine a chur amъ to misguide a person, duine a chur ar seachrбn to put a person astray, duine a chur faoi dhraнocht to charm a person, mearbhall a chur ar dhuine to bewilder/ confuse a person, tarraing attract.

meallta adj. deceived

brйagtha lured away, dulta amъ to misguide a person, curtha ar seachrбn to put a person astray, curtha faoi dhraнocht to charm a person, mearbhall a chur ar dhuine to bewilder/ confuse a person, tarraing attract.

to bewilder/ confuse a person, tarraing attract.

mealltach adj. seductive, enticing

beophianta tantalizing, cathaitheach tempting, cealgach alluring, dealraitheach (likely choice vis-а-vis appearance), appealing to one’s fancy, hiopnуiseach hypnotic, meallacach beguiling, bewitching, enchanting (e.g. solas sн misguiding light, ceol sн enchanting music, etc.), taitneamhach appealing, tarraingteach attractive.

mearbhall m confusion, bewilderment

aisnйal swoon, anord chaos, disorder, brachбn mishmash, muddle, fudar mess, bewilderment, mearъ perplexity, mearъ sъl trick of the eyes, hallucination, meadhrбn verigo; bafflement, mearbhlбn giddiness, dizziness, meascбn mix-up, meascбn mearaн bafflement, puzzlement, mearaнocht hallucination, mнobhбn dizziness, wooziness, mнthuiscint misunderstanding, йiginnteacht uncertainty, rбmhaille delirium, roithleбn whirl, spin (cf. Tб mo cheann ina roithleбn My head is in a spin.), seachmall illusion, aberration, siabhrбn delusion, speabhraнdн hallucinations, prбcбs muddled mess, hotchpotch.

mearbhlach adj. confusing, bewildering

ina chнor thuathail in a dreadful mess, meadhrбnach baffling, mearaitheach distracting; puzzling, measctha mixed up, mнobhбnach dizzy, woozy, mistйireach mysterious, rъndiamhrach mystifying, mysterious, siabhrбnach causing delusion;delusive, trнna chйile confused.

meas m respect, admiration

aitheantas (cuн) (due) recognition, dea-bharъil approbation, gradam esteem, lйirthuiscint appreciation, уmуs homage, veneration, onуir honour, uirнsle servility, umhlaнocht subservient respect, urraim reverence, deference.

measartha adj. middling, fairly

бbhairнn somewhat, a bheag nу a mhуr more or less, beagбn little bit, beagбнnнn tiny bit, cuibheasach fair, middling, den mheбnscoth mediocre, middle-of-the-road, meбn- middle, average, pas beag a tad, a bit, rйasъnta reasonably, roinnt somewhat.

meascбn m mixture, assortment

bailiъchбn collection, braisle (rйaltraн) cluster (of galaxies), burla bundle, carn heap, comhcheangal combination, comhthбthъ fusion, conlach m collection, heap, cruach f stack, pile, cuach f (cuaiche; ~ a, ~) bundle, cumasc blend, dнolaim f(- ama; - amaн) anthology, ilchumasc assortment, manglam hotchpotch meascra miscellany, mogall mass, cluster, stуr store, taisce hoard, treasure, store.

measъil adj.

1. respectable

acmhainneach well-to-do, cбsach venerable, honoured, cneasta upright, gentle, creidiъnach reputable, respectable, cuibhiъil seemly, dea-bhйasach well-mannered, proper, fiъntach worthy, insъl presentable, ionraic honest, macбnta decent, maith good, worthy, maitheasach goodly, kind,

maorga dignified, oinigh honorary, oiriъnach decorous, befitting, oirmhinneach (church) reverend.

2. respectful

bйasach polite, cneasta gentle, mild, cuntanуsach with a pleasant attitude, civil, cъramach regardful, solicitous, dea-bhйasach well-behaved, polite, dea-mhйineach gracious, well-meaning, dea-mhъinte well-mannered, gйilliъil submissive, modhъil modest, mannerly, mъinte mannerly, polite sibhialta civil, umhal (child) dutiful, uirнseal subservient, urramach reverential, dutiful.

measc v mix

aontaigh unite, bбigh (i) submerge (into), bheith sнos is suas le to hobnob with, brъigh (potatoes) mash, ceangail tie, comhcheangail bind together, comhleбigh fuse together, comhshuigh compound, comhthбthaigh coalesce, comhthiomsaigh associate, crosбil (med.) cross, cuir trнna chйile confuse, cumasc combine, blend, malgamaigh amalgamate, mearaigh derange, bewilder, mearbhall a chur ar dhuine to confuse a person, nasc join, connect, scrobh (e.g. eggs) scramble, scuabбil (e.g. feet) shuffle, sintйisigh synthesise, suaith knead; shuffle; befuddle, tбthaigh consolidate, weld, tйigh i measc na ndaoine mingle with the people, socialise.

measctha adj. mixed; ~ suas mixed up

comhcheangailte bound together, comhleбite fused together, comhshuite compounded, comhthбite coalesced, crosбilte (med.) crossed, curtha trнna chйile confused, cumaisc composit, compound (e.g. tнrdhreach cumaisc composite landscape), йagsъil diverse, idir mhnб agus fhir both men and women, ilchineбlach diverse, varied, sundry, ilhgnйitheach miscellaneous, malgamaithe amalgamated, mearaithe deranged, bewildered, mearbhlach confused, nasctha joined, connected, scrofa (e.g. eggs) scrambled,

sintйisithe synthesised, suaite kneaded; shuffled; befuddled, tбite consolidated, welded.

meata adj. cowardly

a bhfuil an chrй bhuн ann yellow-bellied, chicken-hearted, bithiъnta dastardly, unheroic, cladhartha craven,cowardly, critheaglach shivering with fear, cъlбnta shrinking, eaglach fearful, faiteach timorous, fannchroнoch faint-hearted, gan misneach gutless, lag weak, lagmhisniъil pusillanimous, lagspreosach spineless, lagspridiъil weak-kneed, meatach perishable, cowardly, scanraithe scared, sйantach recreant.

mйid 1 m amount, extent

cainnнocht quantity, cion m(~) share, portion, cuid f(coda; codanna) part, share, iomlбn total, liacht many, lнon amount, number, (as in expression: An mу focal ann? How many words are in it?), mуireacht greatness, mуrбn much, many, mуrchuid f(- choda; - chodanna) fullness, mуrdhуthain surfeit, ollmhйid entirety, magnitude pбirt part, rйimse range, riar provision, scбla scale, scуip scope, suim sum, suim iomlбn sum total, uimhir number.

~ mуr large amount, ~ бirithe den уr certain amount of gold, Tб an ~ sin dйanta. That much is done., an ~ is fйidir liom all that I can, Sin an ~ a chosnaнonn sй. That’s what it costs., Cйn ~ airgid atб ag teastбil? How much money is needed?, leath den mhйid sin half that amount, sa mhйid sin to that extent.


mйid 2 f size, magnitude

airde height, altitude, doimhneacht depth, coibhneas proportion, compбs compass, circumference, faide length, fairsinge expanse, lбine (sound) volume; leithead width, meб weight, greater part, moll large number/ amount, pбirt part, scбla scale, scуip scope, toise dimension, size, measurement, tomhas measure, uimhir number.



mйid mhуr large size, de rйir ~e according to size, Tб sн i mbun a ~e. She is fully grown.


meirbh adj. (weather) close

bogthais humid, brothallach sultry, gan aer airless, marbhбnta languid, marbhthe sultry, languidly hot, plъchtach stifling, rу-the excessively hot, te hot,

meirgeach adj. rusty

as cleachtadh out of practice, creimthe corroded, dнoscбnach creaky; stiff-jointed, ocsaнdithe oxidised, righin stiff, spadбnta sluggish, teimhlithe tarnished.

meisce f drunken state, ar ~ drunk, intoxicated

alcуlachas alcoholism, delirium pуite alcoholic delirium, diopsamбine dipsomania, meisceoireacht intemperance, pуtaireacht tendency to excessive drinking.

ar ~ drunk, intoxicated, agus dhб thaobh an bhуthair (ag) sloshed, maggoty-drunk, braon maith ar bord a fair amount taken, caoch ar meisce blind drunk, dallta ag an уl blinded by the drink, soused, faoi anбil an уil under the influence of drink, уlta drunk, sъgach merry. (see also: уlta)


meisceoir m drunkard

alcуlach alcoholic, fear mуr уil a man who likes his drink, diopsamбineach m dipsomaniac, lucht dн drinkers, уltуir dinker, pуtaire heavy drinker.

meisciъil adj. intoxicating

alcуlach alcoholic, de dheasca an уil drink-related (e.g. timpistн de dheasca an уil drink-related accidents), of drink, diopsamбineach dipsomaniacal, drabhlбsach given to drinking and dissipation, na ndeochanna drinks (e.g. tionscal na ndeochanna drinks industry), pуiteach alcoholic, tugtha don уl addicted to drink.

mн-бdh m ill-luck, bad luck

anachain f(-chana) mischance, adversity, anу m misery, caill loss, cruatan hardship, dochar harm, donas affliction, bad thing, eirleach m havoc, carnage, matalang disaster, calamity, mнfhortъn misfortune, teip failure, tragуid tragedy, tuarъil ominous, tubaiste catastrophe, disaster, turraing grief, calamnity.


mн-бmharach adj. unlucky

ainnis wretched, anуiteach miserable, crua hard, dochrach harmful, dona bad, gan бdh luckless, unlucky, gan йirн leis unavailing, gan rath failed, unsuccessful, mн-бdhъil ill-starred, mнfhortъnach unfortunate, mнchinniъnach ill-fated, mнshйanmhar inauspicious, mнthrбthъil untimely, ill-timed, mнrathъil unsuccessful, teiriъil ill-omened, tragуideach tragic, tubaisteach catastrophic, disastrous, turraingeach calamitous.

mias f dish

babhla bowl, bйile meal, bia food, fochupбn saucer, plбta plate, sбsar saucer, trinsiъr platter.

mнbhuнoch adj. ungrateful

ar bheagбn buнochas (of task) with little thanks, dнomuнoch thankless, leithleach selfish, neamhaireach heedless, neamhairdiъil unmindful.

mн-chairdiъil adj. unfriendly, distant

brъisciъil boorish, dochaideartha unsociable, doicheallach churlish, unfriendly, coimhthнoch distant, making strange, colgach truculent, dъnбrasach reserved, reticent, dъr dour, eascairdiъil unfriendly and hostile, fuar cold, fuarбnta chilly, distant, gairgeach gruff, grusach surly, mнghnaнъil unprepossessing, disaffected, naimhdeach antagonistic,hostile, neamhchuideachtъil unsociable, seachantach aloof, distant. (see also: eascairdiъil)


mнchaoithiъil adj. inconvenient

anбsta awkward, liopasta cumbersome, mн-бisiъil unhandy,inconvenient, mнchuн inappropriate, improper, mнfheiliъnach incongruous, inapt, mнoiriъnach unsuitable, mнthrбthъil untimely, ill-timed, neamh-бiseach inconvenient.

mнcheart adj. incorrect

botъnach blundering, awkward, brйagach false, untrue cearr wrong, cluanach deceptive, dearmadach omissive, faulty, earrбideach erroneous, lochtach faulty, flawed, meallta mistaken, mнdhнlis unfaithful, mн-ionraic dishingenuous, insincere. mнmhacбnta dishonest, neambhailн invalid, neamhbheacht inexact, neamhchruinn inaccurate, neamhfhнrinneach untruthful.

mнchineбlta adj. unkind

crua hard, cruachroнoch hard-hearted, cruбlach cruel, danartha barbarous, heartless, cruel, fuar cold, unfeeling, fuarchroнoch callous, gan chroн heartless, gan trуcaire merciless, gan taise compassionless, gan trua pitiless, mailнseach malicious, mнdhaonna inhuman.

mнchompordach adj. uncomfortable

achrannach troublesome, anacrach distressful, anуiteach uncomfortable, bearrбnach annoying, brъite isteach cramped, corraithe disturbed, cotъil self-conscious, dуcъlach painful, neamhshocair unsettled, uneasy, mнshuaimhneach uneasy, disquieted, mнthaitneamhach disagreeable, nach seasann liom that doesn’t sit (easy) with me, nimhneach sore, pianmhar painful, suaite upset, troubled, tinn sore, tochasach itchy.

mнchъramach adj. careless, uncareful

ar nуs cuma liom any old how, faillitheach neglectful, negligent, gan cъram careless, neamartach remiss, neamh-aireach unheedful,inattentive, neamhairdeallach incautious, negligent, unwatchful, neamhairdiъil heedleass, inattentive,

neamhchъramach uncareful, scaoilte slack, loose, silйigeach procrastinating.

mнdhнlis adj. unfaithful, unloyal

bйalchrбifeach two-faced, brйagach false, calaoiseach fraudulent cealgach deceitful, treacherous, cluanach deceptive, fealltach false, treacherous, fill (<feall) treacherous (e.g. gnнomh fill treacherous act), liom leat duplicitous, lochtach faulty, flawed, meallta mistaken, mнcheart incorrect, mн-ionraic disingenuous, insincere, mнmhacбnta dishonest, neamhdhlisteanach disloyal, neamhfhнrinneach untruthful, slнtheбnta devious, trйatъrtha traitorous.

mнdhleathach adj. illegal

aindlнthiъil lawless, ainrialta anarchial, calaoiseach fraudulent, cam crooked, йagуrach unjust, eisreachtaithe proscribed, outlawed, indнotбilte indictable, mнghnнomhach evil-doing, neamhdhlisteanach unlawful, neamhdhlнthiъil illegal, peacъil sinful, taobh amuigh den dlн outside the law, urchуideach nefarious.

mнfhoighne f impatience

barraнocht deifre excessive haste, buaireamh anxiety, cearthaн f edginess, cнocras avidity, corraн f irritation, dнocas eagerness, dithneas hastiness, йadulaingt intolerance, meargбntacht rashness, roisiъlacht rashness, suaitheadh agitation, tobainne suddenness.

mнfhoighneach adj. impatient

ar bнs raring to go, buartha anxious, cearthaнoch jittery, edgy, cнocrach fervent, corraithe irritated, corrthnach fidgety, dнocasach eager, dithneasach hasty, йadulangach intolerant, faoi chearthaн edgy, gan mhachnamh hasty, unthinking, luath lochtach rash, meargбnta rash, roisiъil rash, suaite agitated, tobann sudden.

milis adj. sweet, good to consume; flattering

aoibhinn delightful, beadaн (food) dainty; sweet-toothed, blasta tasty, fнor- (e.g. water) pure, follбin wholesome, gleoite delicious, inchaite consumable, inite edible, inуlta drinkable, maith good, sнorуipe syrupy, siъicrнn saccharine, siъcraifйarach sacchariferous, siъcrъil sugary, ъr fresh; bladrach cajoling, lъitйiseach fawning, lъstrach obsequious, oiltiъil cloying, plбmбsach flattering.

mill v ruin, spoil

basc crush; bash, cuir ar neamhnн annul; undo cuir у chrнch/ у mhaith banjax, leag demolish, lйirscrios devastate, loit spoil, ruin, sбraigh thwart, scrios destroy, zaipeбil zap. (see also: scrios)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 160 | Нарушение авторских прав

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