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Beacht precise, beagsmall, little, cуngarachnear, close, gearrshort, gearrshaolach short-lived, gontaconcise,i

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  2. Aufgabe 10. Schreiben Sie deutsch, beachten Sie den aktiven Wortschatz.
  3. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATEKathryn Stockett, in her own words

gceann tamaill bhig in the near future (cf. go gairid shortly), i mbeagбn focal in a few words, i ngar near, le dйanaн lately (cf. le gairid of late), sa chуngar in the vicinity, tobann sudden. (see also: gearr 2)

gairm f calling, vocation

ceird trade, feidhm f(~ e; ~ eanna) function, fostaнocht employment, occupation, misean mission, obair work, pбirt part, role, post position, saothar work, labour; slн bheatha livelihood. (see also: jab, obair)

gбirsiъil adj. lewd, bawdy, coarse

anfhollбin unwholesome, brйan stinking, brocach squalid colъil repulsive, repugnant, dйistineach disgusting, garbh crudee, coarse, garg coarse, grбiniъil loathsome, grбnna ugly, nasty, graosta obscene, bawdy, grusach rude, mнghnaнъil uncomely, mн-mhaiseach unsightly, mнnуsach bad-mannered, rude, mнofar hideous, suarach wretched, contemptible, tбir base, cheap & nasty, tъtach crude, vulgar, ъrghrбnna repulsively ugly.

gaisce m exploit, feat of valour

bua accomplishment, victory, cleas m(clis; ~ a, ~) feat, trick, (cf. cleas gaile feat of valour), cur i gcrнch achievement, йacht feat, feachtas campaign, fiontar venture, gnнomh act, gnнomhaнocht action, iarracht effort, imirt play, seift ploy, ruse, straitйis strategy, tionscnamh project.

gaisciъil adj. valorous, valiant

ard- great, valiant, (e.g. ardfhear great, valiant man, ardaidhmeannach having valiant aims), as an ghnбth ar fad extraordinary, breб fine, great, creathnach awe-inspiring, crуga brave, courageous, curata heroic, brave, dбna bold, dearscnaitheach brilliant, excellent, йachtach full of prowess, valiant, fantaiseach fantastic, unreal, gбifeach sensational, galбnta fine, gallant, splendid, inmholta admirable, laochta heroic, valorous, niamhrach resplendent,

ollбsach magnificent, sбr- super, excellent. sбrchйimeach superlative, sбrmhaith excellent, suntasach outstanding, remarkable, thar barr tip-top, super, thar cionn terrific, uafбsach awesome, uasal gallant. (see also: dбna, crуga)

gбla m gale

anбil gaoithe breath of air, anam maith gaoithe brisk gale, anfa m tempest, bleaist blast, cioclуn cyclone, feothan moderate gale, gaofaireacht windiness, gaoth f(gaoithe; ~ a, ~) wind, glasghбla fresh gale, hairicнn hurricane, leoithne breeze, mistral mistral, sйideadh blowing, windiness; draught, sйideбn gust, eddy, spйirling thunderstorm, sruth aeir air-current, stoirm storm. (see also: gaoth)

galбnta adj. fine, gallant, grand, splendid, elegant

aoibhinn pleasant, fine, atб ar dуigh tremendous, ar leith exceptional, breб fine, cruthъil shapely, dea-dheartha well-designed, dearscnaitheach excellent, pre-eminent, deas nice, den (chйad) scoth of the very best quality, dуighiъlacht beauty; decency, йachtach extraordinary, gafa glйasta well-dressed, gaisciъil valiant, grбstъil graceful, ina c (h) uid sъl pleasing-to-the-eye, innealta neat, smart, iontach wonderful, maorga majestic, mнorъilteach marvellous, niamhrach magnificent, rнogъil regal, seoigh grand, wonderful, taibhseach flamboyant, showy, thar barr tip-top, thar cionn top notch, excellent, sбrmhaith exceedingly good, sуmasach luxurious, sonrach impressive, suntasach remarkable, tofa choice, uasal gallant, fine.

galбntacht f fineness, elegance

Breбthacht fineness, excellence, cruthъlachtshapeliness, dea-dhearthachtgood design, dearscnaitheachtexcellence, pre-eminence, deiseniceness,scothbest quality,йachtachextraordinary, feabhasbest, gaiscevaliance, grбstagrace, grбstъlachtgracefulness, cuidf(coda, codanna)sъlvisual delight, innealtachtneatness, smartness; orderliness, iontaнwonderfulness, maorgachtmajesty, splendour, mнorъiltнmarvellousness, niamhrachtmagnificence, rнogъlacht

regality, seoighe grandness, wonderfulness, taibhseacht flamboyance, showiness, sуmasach luxury, sonraнocht extraordinariness suntasacht remarkableness, taibhseacht flamboyance, tofacht choiceness, excellence, uaisleacht gallantry, fineness.

galar m disease; affliction

aicнd disease, ailse cancer, breoiteacht ailment, malady, breoiteacht mhuice feigned sickness, cancar canker, easlбinte ill-health, eipidйim epidemic, frнdнn germ, gearбn complaint, ionfhabhtъ infection, neamhord disorder, plб f pestilence, plague, riocht m(reachta; ~aн) condition, tadhlacht contagion, tinneas sickness, vнreas virus. (see also: tinneas)

gallantry, fineness.

gallda adj. foreign

aduain weird, strange, alien, anaithnid unknown, aneoil unknown, coimhthнoch alien, weird, eachtrannach foreign, galldaithe anglicized, gan aithne unknown, iasachtach foreign, alien, Sasanach English, strainsйartha strange, unfamiliar.

gangaid f spite, virulence

aicis rancour, bitseбil bitching, cancar spleen, domlas gall, drochfhuil enmity, bad blood, eascairdeas animosity, fala f(~; - lta) grudge, spite, faltanas spitefulness, fuath hatred, mailнs malice, mioscais active ill-will,wickedness, nimh venom, olc evil, olcas spite, seirbhe sourness, stainc pique.

gangaideach adj. spiteful, virulent, bitter

aiciseach rancorous, spiteful, binbeach virulent, venomous cancrach cantankerous, dнobhбlach pernicious, noxious, dнoltasach vindictive, domlasta rancorous, vitriolic, eascairdiъil unfriendly, faltanasach spiteful, gйar bitter, grбnna nasty, horrid, mailнseach malicious, vicious, mнdheas unpleasant, mioscaiseach nasty, malicious, millteach baneful, naimhdeach hostile, nimhneach baleful,

poisonous, nimhiъil toxic, spiteful, oilc evil, searbh sour, suarach mean.

gann adj. scarce, sparse, meagre

annamh rare, beagmhaitheasach paltry, easnamhach wanting, easpach lacking, gannchъiseach scanty, scarce, gortach mean, meagre, lom bare, neamhimleor insufficient, tanaн thin, scanty, scбineach threadbare, scraggy, scбinte scanty, sparse, scallta skimpy, paltry, tearc rare, sparse, few, teoranta limited, uireasach inadequate.

ganntanas m scarcity, shortage

annaimhe rareness, infrequency, beagmhaitheas paltriness, bochtaineacht poverty, easnamhaн wanting, easpaн lacking, gainne scarcity, paucity, gйarchъis scantiness, scarceness, gortaн meanness, meagreness, loime bareness, tanaнocht thinness, scantiness, scбinн threadbareness, scragginess, scбinteacht scantness, sparseness, scalltaacht skimpiness, paltriness, teirce rareness, sparseness, fewness, teorantaн limitedness, uireasaн inadequacy.

gaofar adj. windy

beoga bracing, brisk, feothanach breezy, fleбch gusty, plйascбnta blustery, scalach given to sudden gusts, scallуideach squally, sйideogach blowy, stoirmeach stormy.

gaol m relation; relationship

Araicismeeting, baint connection, relation, cairdeas friendship, caidreamhrelationship, comhcheangal affiliation, comparбidcomparison, cleamhnaнone who is related through marriage,cleamhnasrelationship by marriage, cleamhnъaffiliating, ceangal tie, connection, coibhneasrelation, coibhneasacht relativity, comhchoibhneascorrelation, comhghaolinterrelation,comhghaolmhaireachtmutually reciprocating relationship, comhriachtaincoition, cуnascconjunction, cуngarachtproximity, cуngasnearness, closeness, conradhm(conartha; conarthaн), contract, hipearnaschyperlink, fogascloseness, gaolmhaireacht

affinity, gairide closeness, idirchaidreamh liaison, idirfhн interweaving, idirghaol inter-relationship, liaison, idir-ghaolmhaireacht interrelationship, muintearas membership of a household; kinship, muintearthacht propinquity, kindred-ness, nasc bond, link, pуsadh m(pуsta; pуstaн), seadбn parasite, siombуis symbiosis, tadhall touch, contact, taidhleoireacht diplomacy, tбthъ cohesion, teagmhбil connection, teagmhas contingency (e.g. ciste teagmhais contingency fund), teagmhasacht (science) contingency (e.g. tбbla teagmhasachta cotingency table).


gaolta relations: aintнn f(~; ~ н) aunt, altramaн foster-parent, banchliamhain m(~; ~ eacha) daughter-in-law, bean f(mnб; mnб, ban) wife, athair m(athair; aithreacha) father, athair cйile father-in-law, athair crнonna grandfather, baintreach f(baintrн; ~ a, ~) widow, baintreach fir widower, clann f children-of- family; family, cliamhain m(~; ~ eacha) son-in-law, col ceathrair cousin, col ceathracha cousins, col cъigir first cousin once removed, col seisir second cousin, col seachtair second cousin once removed, col ochtair third cousin, dearthбir m(dearthбr; dearthбireacha) brother, dнlleachta m(~; ~ н) orphan, fear husband, garinнon f granddaughter, garmhac grandson, inнon f(inнne; ~acha), inнon f altrama foster-daughter, leasathair stepfather, leasdearthбir stepbrother, deirfiъr f(deirfйar; deirfiъracha) sister, leasdeirfiъr stepsister, leasmhбthair m stepmother, mac son, mac altrama foster-son, mбthair f(mбthar; mбithreacha) mother, mбthair f chйile mother-in-law, mбthair f chrнonna grandmother, muintir one’s people, family, neacht niece f(~a; ~anna), nia m(~; ~ nna) nephew, seanathair grandfather, sin-seanmhбthair m great-grandmother, sin-seanathair m great-grandfather, sin-sin-seanathair m great-great-grandfather, sin-sin-seanmhбthair great-great-grandmother, teaghlach house-hold, family, tuismitheoir parent, uncail m(~; ~ н) uncle.


ainmneacha geana appellations of affection: a Mhamaн Mammy!, a Mham! Mum!, a Dhaidн Daddy!, a Dhaid! Dad!, a Dhaideo! Grandpa! a Mhamу! Granny!


gaoth f wind

1. wind

aer air, aithleб light breeze, anбil breath, bleaist blast, cioclуn cyclone, fannбn light breeze, fannghaoth f gentle wind, feothan gust, frithchioclуn anticyclone, gбla gale, gaofaireacht windiness; flatulence, hairicнn hurricane, leoithne breeze, mistral mistral, monsъn monsoon, saotrъn changing wind, scalуid sudden gust, sйideadh blowing, windiness; draught, sйideбn gust, eddy, sйideog puff, seoidire draught, siorradh blast, spйirling thunderstorm, sruth aeir air-current, stoirm storm, tornбdу tornado.


~ aduaidh north wind, ~ aneas south wind, ~ aniar west wind, ~ anoir east wind, ~ anoir aduaidh north-east wind, ~ chinn head wind, ~ chуrach favourable wind, ~ ghuairneбin whirlwind, ~ mhara sea-wind, ~ уn bhfarraige sea-wind, ~ уn talamh off-shore wind, ~ thнre land-wind, ~ Mhбrta March wind.



2. empty talk, rumour

aer te hot air, empty talk, bйadбn gossip, caint gan ъdar idle talk, cogarnach f whispering, cъlchaint backbiting, focal word, gaotaireacht bombast, iomrб rumour, leid hint, luaidreбn gossip, maнomh boasting, nod intimation, hint (cf. ~ an fhocail a fhбil to get wind of it), rбfla rumour, sanas whisper, hint, suggestion.

garbh adj. rough

Achrannachtangled, aimhrйidhunsmooth, rough, uneven; entangled, aineolachuncouth, ainmhнn(material) coarse, ainriantaunruly, rowdy, amhraw; crude, amscaнuntidy, awkward; unkempt, amuigh is istigh ar approximate, anrуiteachinclement, breac- sketchy, occasional, bristebroken, brocachsqualid, bunъsachbasic, primitive, cбbуgachloutish, callбnachboisterous, callуideachturbulent, cбrsбnachraucous, clochachstony, cnapбnachrugged, knobbly, coipthechoppy, colgachbristly, cуngarach

approximate, corrach bumpy, uneven, corraithe agitated, creagach craggy, crothach shaky, crua hard, cruбlach cruel, deilgneach prickly, dian harsh, tough. dнoscбnach grating, dнchordach discordant, doicheallach churlish, dorrga gruff, dosach bushy, copse-like, drochbhйasach discourteous, йagуrach unjust, йagruthach shapeless, amorphous, fiбin wild, forйigneach violent, fuarchroнoch unfeeling, gan mhъineadh untutored, gan scagadh unrefined, gan snas unpolished, gar- approximate, gairgeach brusque, gбirsiъil coarse, lewd, garg austere, gйar sharp, ginearбlta general, giorraisc abrupt, curt, gleorбnach jarring, gliobach ragged, grбgach rasping, grбnna ugly, nasty, grusach rude, guaireach stubbly, setaceous, longadбnach wobbly, luascach swinging, maolscrнobach sketchy, maslach arduous, meirgeach rusty, mнbhinn cacophonous, mнchothrom uneven, mнchuntanуsach ungracious, mнmhodhъil graceless, immodest, mнmhъinte impolite, mнnбireach shameless; indelicate, mнofar nasty, ill-favoured, mнshlachtmhar untidy, mнshibhialta uncivil, mнthaitneamhach unpleasant, neamhcheolmhar inharmonious, neamhchrнochnaithe unfinished, neamhchrнochnъil without any finesse, neamhchruinn inexact, neamhchultъrtha uncultured, neamhfhoirfe imperfect, neamhiomlбn incomplete, neamhphrуiseбilte unprocessed, scбinte scraggy, scallуideach abusive, sceireach rocky, sciobtha cursory, scrбbach scratchy, coarse, sleamchъiseach rough-and-ready, spartach Spartan, spiacбnach jagged, srac- cursory, stothallach dishevelled, sraoilleach tattered, tinn sick, tуgtha agitated, excited, tomуgach bushy, tъtach crude, vulgar.

garda m Garda; guard

Airdeallaнperson on the alert, anacalprotection, bacbarrier, bangharda(historical) obsolete term for female Garda, caomhnуir na sнochбnaguardian of the peace, caomhnъpreservation, coimeбdprotection guarding, coimirce

patronage, protection, coimirceoir patron, protector, cosaint defence, protection, coiscнn condom, cosc check, restraint, cosantуir protector, defender, dнdean shelter, йarlamh patron-saint, йarlamhacht spiritual patronage, faire watch, faoina sciathбn under her/his/their wing, fear faire look-out man, watchman, fothain shelter, screen, pбtrъn patronё pбtrъnacht patronage, pуilнn policeman, pludgharda mudguard, sбbhбilteacht safety, sciath f(scйithe; ~a, ~) shield, sciath tine fire-guard, slбndбil security, tearmann refuge, truaill scabbard, urraнocht surety; sponsorship.

gйag f limb, branch

adhaircнn (insect) antenna, aerуg antenna, aintйine f antenna, brainse branch, cos f(coise; ~ a, ~) leg, foot, craobh f bough,branch, earnбil sector, fбisнn off-shoot, gйagбn appendage, lбmh f(lбimhe; ~ a, ~) arm, hand, probasc proboscis, rannуg section, roinn f(roinne, ranna) division, sciathбn wing, arm.

geal adj. bright

aoibhinn glorious, blissful, aoibhiъil beaming, smiling, ar aon bharr amhбin solais brightly illuminated, ar lasadh alight, ar scoite lasrach ablaze, бthasach happy, bбn white, beo alive, full of life, beoga lively, beo-intinneach quick-witted, bнogach chirpy, bнogъil sprightly, bladhmannach blazing, breб fine, cliste clever, cуir (of wind) favourable, croнъil cheery, dallraitheach dazzling, dea-thuarъil auspicious, dуchasach hopeful, drithleach glittering, glistening, fabhrach favourable, follasach obvious, gan smбl without blemish, gan scamall cloudless, gan teimheal untarnished, gasta quick, smart, gealghбireach cheerful, geanmnaн chaste, pure, gйarchъiseach perceptive, observant, glan clean, glй clear, bright, glйineach vivid, gleorach bright, sparkling, grianmhar sunny, grinn keen, lasбnta flaming, lasta lighted, lit, lonrach beaming, radiant, meanmnach spirited, meidhreach merry, neamhthruaillithe unsullied, niamhrach splendid, oirirc illustrious, уrga golden, rу-lйir glaringly obvious, soilbhir jovial, soilйir clear, lucid, soilseach luminous; effulgent, solasmhar full of light, lucent,

sona happy, fortunate, sprйacharnach scintillating, suairc cheerful, taitneamhach shining, trйdhearcach transparent, trйshoilseach translucent, trн thine blazing, on fire.

gealach f moon

corrбn crescent, laindйar na hoнche Paddy’s lantern, Muire na maidine moon seen in the morning sky, moon; era, satailнt satellite, plбinйad planet, plбinйadуideach m planetoid.


~ lбn full moon, ~ ъr new moon; ceathrъ gealaн quarter moon, leath gealaн half moon, iomlбn gealaн full moon, faoi sholas na gealaн by the light of the moon

gealghбireach adj. cheerful, bright and smiling

бthasach happy, ardmheanmnach high-spirited, beoga vivacious, lively, sprightly, bнogъil chirpy, croнъil cheerful, йadromaigeanta optimistic, of a cheerful outlook, йadromchroнoch light-hearted, glй bright, glйigeal bright & cheery, gliadrach gleeful, gliondrach glad, joyous, lбn de spraoi full of fun, lъchбireach elated, meanmnach spirited, meidhreach merry, misniъil cheery, never-say-die, neamhbhuartha untroubled, rнmйadach jubilant, seamhrach hale & hearty, full of life, sйanmhar lucky, prosperous, soilbhir jovial, cheery, sona happy, sonasach happy, lucky, spraнъil amusing, fun, sultmhar full of merriment, entertaining.


geall v promise

Бitigh an leabhar a thabhairtto swear by the book, coinnнoll a dhйanamhto stipulate, conraighcontract, dearbhaighvow, assert, Deirimse leat.I assure you., do bhriathar a thabhairtto give your word, Gabhaim orm fйin й a dhйanamh.I undertake to do it., gealltanas a thabhairtto make a promise / a pledge, mionnaighavow, swear, mionn a thabhairtto take an oath, M’fhocal duit air!Word of honour!, Mise faoi duit!I warrant you!, Mise i mbannaн air!I guarantee it!, mуidighswear, vow rud a mhionnъ ar an

mBнobla to swear a thing on the Bible, tairngir prophesy, Tб m’fhocal agat. You have my word., Tб mo bhriathar tugtha agam. I have given my word., tuar augur, portend.

gealladh m promise

бbaltacht ability, acmhainn capability; means, recourses, acmhainneacht wherewithal, banna bond, bua gift, ceangaltas (financial) commitment, conradh m(conartha; conarthaн), dearbhъassurance, cumas capacity, ability, dнlseacht faithfulness, loyalty, fйidearthacht possibility, potential, fйith flair, focal word, geall promise, gealltбn pledge, gealltanas promise, ionchas expectation, potential, mionn oath, mуid vow, rбthaнocht guarantee, tiomбntas commitment, dedication, (e.g. mйid an tiomбntais do do chreideamh the extent of commitment to your faith), trйith talent; trait, trйitheachas aptitude, tualaing potential, potency.

gealltanas m promise

banna bond, briathar word, focal word, geall promise, bet, gealladh promise gealltбn pledge, mionn oath, mуid vow, rбthaнocht guarantee, tiomбntas commitment, dedication. (see also: gealladh)

gealt f mad person, lunatic

duine a bhfuil boc mearaн air a person who has a screw loose, duine atб as a mheabhair a person who is out of their mind, duine atб chomh mear le mнol Mбrta a person who is as mad as a March hare, duine buile mad person, duine le Dia a touched person, fear buile/ fear mire mad man, sнceapatach m psychopath.

geanъil adj. affectionate

bбъil affectionate, loving, cбsmhar caring, caoin gentle, ceanъil loving, affectionate, cineбlta kind, cneasta mild-mannered, decent, dea-chroнoch kind-hearted, geanъil affectionately loving; grбmhar loving, lбch kind, affable, mбnla gentle, teochroнoch warmhearted, cordial.

gйar adj. sharp, bitter, keen, acute

aigйadach acidic, airdeallach alert, aithneach perceptive, discerning, antoisceach extreme, bearrtha sharp-tongued, beartach wily, binbeach venomous, biorach pointed, sharp, borb abrupt, caol thin, caolghlуrach shrill, cealgach scheming, wily; guileful, colgach bristling; waspish, colgnimhneach sharp-pointed, coscrach harrowing, cutting, crбite excruciating, crua severe, harsh; (bread) stale, deilgneach barbed, thorny, dian intense, domlasta acerbic, vitriolic; peevish, drisнneach prickly; waspish, fabhrach keen, feanntach cutting, finйagrach vinegary, fuireachair alert, vigilant, gan scrupall unscrupulous, gasta brisk, gйarchъiseach astute, discerning, subtle, gйarintinneach sharp-witted, glйineach vivid, glic shrewd, cunning, goilliъnach hurtful, goinbhlasta piquant, gonta poignant, grinn distinct, subtle, loiscneach caustic, nimhneach sharp, sore, poisonous, niogуideach testy, sarcastic, polltach piercing, penetrating, rбsъir razor-edged, searbh bitter, sour, searbhasach sarcastic, snoite (features) sharp, chiselled, soilйir clear, distinct, spiacбnach jagged, tobann sudden.

gearбn m complaint

agуid objection, protest, cбineadh criticism, caoineadh lament, casaoid grievance, cnбimhseбil whining, whinging, deargchasaoid vehement protest, йagaoin grumble, йagmais lack, want, йagnach m moan, complaint, йagуir wrong, injustice, йalang f(- lainge, ~ a, ~) flaw, easnamh deficit, want, easpa lack, shortcoming, fabht m fault, flaw, fabhtlorg fault-finding, fadhb f snag, faillн f(~; ~ ocha) neglect, failure laige weakness, failing, locht fault, lochtlorg fault-finding, lot damage, injury, mбchail defect, mнcheart wrong, milleбn blame, censure, ochlбn moan, osna sigh, smбl blemish, stain, tinneas illness, sickness, tormas act of carping, grumbling, ъdar gearбin cause of complaint, uireasa lack, deficiency.

gйarchъiseach adj. observant

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Gabhann an tine as. the fire goes out.| Airdeallachalert, watchful, aireachattentive, aireachtбlachperceptive, beo gastaon the ball, crнonnaastute, cъramach

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