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An saol atб le teachtthe world to come, an saol eile/ an saol thall the next world/ the world beyond,aoibhneasbliss, neamhf(neimhe)heaven, niarbheбnam(~; ~н) nirvana, muin

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na muice ≡cloud nine (cf. bheith ar muin na muice to be on cloud niine), nйal m aoibhnis ecstasy, Parthas paradise, sonas sнoraн eternal happiness, Tнr na nУg The Land of Eternal Youth.

flaithiъil adj. princely, munificent

carthanach beneficent, charitable croн-oscailte open, open-hearted,, fial generous, fбilteach hospitable, flъirseach abundant, fiъntach bounteous, frasach muinficent, ungrudging, mуrchroнoch big-hearted, neamhspбrбlach giving one’s all,unsparing, neamhleithleach unselfish, raidhsiъil lavish, abundant. (see also: fial)

fleб f banquet

bйile mуr big meal, йigse f celebration of learning (recitation of poetry, song, drama, etc..), cйilн night of traditional dancing, ceiliъradh celebration, cуisir party, comуradh commemoration; fкte, fйasta feast, fйile f festival, feis festival, oнche f(~; ~ anta) night of celebration, siamsa entertainment, spуrt fun.

fliuch 1 adj. wet

bбistiъil rainy, pluvial, bбite drenched, bog moist, soft, brбdбnach drizzly, braonach drizzling, tearful, ceathach showery, ceobhrбnach misty, hazy, ceomhar foggy, fearthainneach showery, rainy, fliuchбnta wettish, galach vaporous, leathbhбite waterlogged, maoth moist, mъisciъil dank, mъscбnta soggy, prбibeach clammy, sбithithe saturated, seascannach boggy, dank, sodden, tais damp, taisнoch humid, taisrithe moistened, uiscealach watery, watered-down, uisciъil watery. (see also: bбisteach & uisce)

fliuch 2 v wet

bбigh drown, quench, bбistigh rain, doirt uisce ar pour water on, droinsigh drench, maothaigh soak, mъch (le huisce) quench, taisigh moisten, taisrigh dampen; humidify, spraeбil le huisce spray with water, sprйigh sprinkle, steall uisce ar splash with water, tum submerge (in liquid).

fliuchras m wetness, moisture

quenching; drowning, bбisteach f rain, bбiteacht wateriness, boige moistness; softness, brбdбn drizzle, braon anuas leaking, cithnйal rain-cloud, ceobhrбn mist, hazy, ceo fog, fearthainn rain, fliuchadh wetting, gailfean bбistн driving rain, galъ evaporation, leathbhбite waterlogged, maothas moisture, mъisciъlacht dankness, mъscбntacht sogginess, prбibeacht clamminess, sбithiъchбn saturation, seascannacht bogginess, silteadh dripping, spadalach dankness, soddenness, taise dampness, taisleach m humidity, dampness, taisiъ moistening, taisriъ dampning, humidifying uisciъlacht wateriness.

flъirse f abundance

bleachtanas abundance, dъrud de ever so much of, fairsinge pervasiveness, foracan (уil) large quantity (of drink), forбil excess, profusion, go leor galore, greadadh de tons, heaps of, iomad great quantity, iomarca excess, lбn Йireann de loads of, lнon mуr large number, great quantity, lнonmhaireacht numerousness, plentifulness, maoin wealth, mйid mуr large amount, mуrdhуthain more than enough, neart ample, raidhse abundance, raimhre fatness, saibhreas wealth, scata go leor (de) umpteen.

flъirseach adj. fluent, plentiful

ag cur thar maoil overflowing, brimful, faнoch copious, fairsing extensive, pervasive, lнofa fluently, polished, lнonmhar plentiful, raidhsiъil abundant, snasta polished.

fo- pref.. under, sub-, by-, secondary, subsidiary, minor, trivial

faoi under, beag small, minor, lesser, coimhdeach ancillary, cъnta subsidiary, den dara grбd second-rate, нochtair inferior, нochtarach lower, нochtarбnach subordinate, leas- vice-, mionchъiseach trivial, cъl- (cъlbhуthar back-road), mion- minor, lesser, rannphбirteach contributory, sуisearach junior, tбnaisteach secondary.

focal m word, remark

abairt sentence, abairtнn phrase, agallamh interview, aonad sйimeantach semantic unit, briathar (high regester) word; verb, (eg. ~ Dй the Word of God), cogar whisper, a quiet word, caint talk, comhairle advice, comhairliъ counselling, comhartha sign, signal, comhrб conversation, chat, cumarsбid communication, cur sнos account, description, dearbhъ affirmation, eolas information, faisnйis intelligence, received information, fуgra notice, notification, forуgra edict, frбsa phrase, gealltanas promise, (i.e. Tб m’fhocal agat. You have my word.), mionn m oath, nath cainte expression, saying, ordъ order, command, plй discussion, rбfla rumour, rбiteas statement, remark, rбthaнocht guarantee, seanfhocal proverb, seanrб old saying, seoladh dispatch, scйala tidings, news, solas glas green light, teachtaireacht message, teilgean cainte locution, tuairisc report, urlabhra utterance.


an cъpla focal a few words of Irish, ~ deiridh last word, ~ ar fhocal word for word, ~ faire watchword, warning, ~ feirge remark said in anger, ~ grinn witty remark, ~ i gcluas quiet word, ~ le gaoth empty words, ~ lбch kind word, ~ mуr big talk, ~ sa chъirt friends in high places, ~ scoir parting word; clincher, lбmh is ~ solemn pledge, Ta lбmh is ~ eatarthu. They are engaged, titim focail slip of the tongue.

foclуir m dictionary

focail mpl words, foclуirнn vocabulary, comhchordacht concordance, gluais glossary, innйacs m index, lйacsacan lexicon, lйacsas lexis, liosta focal list of words, sanasбn glossary, stуr focal vocabulary, teanga language, teasбras thesaurus.

fуd m sod, strip of ground

crй f clay, daba crйafуige clod of earth, fйar grass, fйarach m pasture, fearann land, territory, fуidнn small clod of turf, ithir f(ithreach; ithreacha) soil, earth; arable land, lantбn level, grassy place, grazing patch, talamh m/f (talaimh/talъn) land,

gabhбltas holding, scraith upper stratum of soil, tнr f(~ e; tнortha) country, tortуg tussock, hummock.

foghlaim 1 v learn

dul ar scoil to go to school, dul le ceird to take up a trade, йirн deas ar rud йigin a dhйanamh to get the knack of doing something, eolas a fhail ar to gain knowledge about, dйan staidйar ar study, oideachas a fhбil to get an education, pulcadh a dhйanamh (roimh scrъdъ) to cram (before an exam), scolaнocht a fhбil to get a schooling, taighid research, teacht i dtaithн ar to get used to, teagasc a fhбil to get tuition, traenбil train, traenбil a dhйanamh to do training.

foghlaim 2 f learning

aithne recognition, ceird trade, eolas knowledge, fios m (feasa) knowledge, gaois wisdom, mъineadh teaching, learning, oideachas education, lйann learning, pulcadh cramming, grinds, saнocht erudition, scoil school, scolaнocht schooling, staidйar study, taighde research, taithн experience, traenбil training, teagasc tuition, tuiscint understanding.

fуgra m notice, announcement

craobhscaoileadh broadcasting, comhartha sign, dearbhъ declaration, assertion, fуgairt f(- artha) proclamation, foilsiъ publication, forуgra (hist) declaration, proclamation, fуgraнocht advertisement, ordъ m order, pуstaer poster, rбiteas statement, teachtaireacht message.

fуgraнocht f advertisement, advertising

bolscaireacht propaganda, clбrlach m hoarding, fуgra commercial, poiblнocht publicity, pуstaer poster, promуisean promotion.


foighne f patience

caoinfhulaingt tolerance, cumas coinneбlach staying power, dianseasmhacht steadfastness, fadfhulaingt forbearance, fulaingt endurance, greamaitheacht stickability, neart fortitude, seasmhacht persistence.


foighneach adj. patient

caoinfhulangach (virtue) tolerant, coinneбlach tenacious, dianseasmhach steadfast, fadfhulangach long-suffering, fulangach tolerant, greamaitheach displaying stickability, seasmhach persistent.


fуill adv. (go fуill) yet

fуs yet, go ceann tamaill for a while, go dtн seo until now, suas go dtн seo up to now.


foilseachбn m publication

bileog leaflet, bileog eolais handout, brуisiъr brochure, clъdach bog paperback, eagrбn edition, issue, foilsiъ publishing, iris mag, journal, irisleabhar magazine, journal, leabhar book, leabhrбn booklet, nuachtбn newspaper, pбipйar paper, paimflйad pamphlet, trйimhseachбn periodical.


foilsigh v publish

craobhscaoil broadcast, craol proclaim, announce, cuir amach put out, cuir i gclу print, cuir os comhair an phobail bring to public attention, make public, dбil distribute, fуgair announce, leath spread, nocht disclose, scaip circulate, sceith leak (cf. to leak a document doicimйad a sceitheadh), tabhair amach bring out.


foinse f source, spring

бbhar reason, cause, bun basis, buntobar font, prime-mover, cъis cause, mбthair mother, tosach m beginning, tъs start, ъdar author, urra authority.


foireann f team, crew; set

banna band, buнon f(- нne; ~ ta) band, company, ciorcal circle, dнorma posse, drong f(droinge) faction, gang, feadhain f(- dhna) troop, band, grъpa group, imreoirн mpl players, meitheal f(-t hle; - thleacha) working party, pбirtн (pol) party; cur set (cf. cur sceana set of knives), cнor f set (cf. cнor fiacla

set of teeth), cуir f set (cf. cуir throscбin set of furniture), sraith set (cf. sraith leabhar set of books).


foirfe adj. perfect

beacht precise, crнochnъil well-finished, thorough, cruinn accurate, exact, cruinn ceart exactly right, deismнneach meticulous, dian rigorous, dнlis faithful, dнreach exact, dнreach glan spot-on, fнor true, gan bhotъn without mistake, gan iomrall unerring, gan locht faultless, idйalach ideal, mionchъiseach scrupulous.

foirfeacht f perfection

beaichte precision, crнochnъlacht finish, thoroughness, cruinneas accuracy, exactitude, cirte rightness, correctness. deismнneacht meticulousness, nicety, dйine rigour, dнlseacht faithfulness, dнrнocht straightness, glaine cleanness (e.g glaine an urchair the cleanness of the shot), fнre veracity, neamhiomrallaн unerringness, neamhlochtaн faultlessness, flawlessness, idйalacht ideality, mionchъisн scrupulousness.


foirgneamh m building, edifice

bloc block, foirgnнocht building construction, siopa shop, teach m(; tithe) house, tуgбil construction (see also: teach)


foirgneoir m builder

dйantуir maker, dearthуir designer, cruthaitheoir creator, innealtуir engineer, lнnitheoir draughtsman, pleanбlaн planner, tуgбlaн builder.


folach m hiding

ar foscadh in shelter, as radharc out of sight, clъdaithe covered, do-aitheanta unrecognizable, dofheicthe invisible, duaithnithe camouflaged, faoi bhrйagriocht in disguise, faoi cheilt concealed, faoi chlъdach under cover, faoi chlъid under cover, faoi choim na hoнche under the cover of darkness, i bhfolach in hiding.


folбir (as in expression: nн folбir it is required)

an rud is gб dу a dhйanmh the thing it is necessary for him to do, b’йigean dу he is obliged, caithfidh sй he’ll have to, is beag and rud dу it’s the least he can do, nн mуr dу he must, nнl an dara rogha aige he hasn’t a second choice, nнl aon dul uaidh there’s no getting away from it, tб air he has to, Tб sй de dhualgas air He is bound by duty, he is required, tбthar ag brath air He is being depended upon.

folamh adj. empty; vacant

aimrid sterile, ar neamhnaн void, nullified, as lбthair absent, bбn blank, bбnaithe deserted, baoth vain, silly, beag de luach of little/ no value, dнomhaoin vacuous, idle, йadrom light, superficial, fбnach trivial, fбs void, vacant, gan aird valueless, worthless, gan chiall senseless, meaningless, gan chуnaн uninhabited, gan cur leis devoid of commitment, gan йifeacht vacuous, gan fбth without a reason, gan tuiscint void of understanding, in aisce in vain, lom bare, neamhfhiъntach worthless, neamhthorthъil infertile, уn bhйal amach insincere, seasc barren, smear- superficial (i.e. smeareolas superficial knowledge, smearthuiscint superficial understanding, etc..) stiъgtha (leis an ocras) famished (with the hunger), suarach worthless, tur dry, lifeless, trйigthe uninhabited, abandoned.


folъntas m vacancy

ar lorg foirne staff wanted, jab job, fostaнocht employment, obair f(oibre; oibreacha) work, post position, suнomh position.

fуn m phone

glao call, guthбn telephone, lнne f line, scairt call, sйidire blower, teileafуn pуca (also: fуn pуca / siъil) mobile.

fonуideach adj. derisive

achasбnach abusive,reproachful, aithiseach taunting, snide, aorach satirical, dнmheasъil disdainful, drochmheasъil contemptuous, easurramach irreverent, feanntach scathing, magъil mocking, maslach insulting, searbh bitter, sardonic, tarcaisneach scornful.


fуnta adj. sound, serviceable, solid, good

cothaitheach (food) nourishing, cъntach helpful, fiъntach worthwhile, fуinteach practical, helpful, follбin healthy, fuaimintiъil substantial, sound, maith good, slбn sound, tathagach solidly built, tйagartha stout, sturdy, ъsбideach useful.


forbair adj. develop

aibigh mature, cothaigh foster, cuir ar aghaidh advance, cuir chun tosaigh promote, dul ar aghaidh to advance, dul chun tosaigh to promote, dul chun cinn a dhйanamh to make progress, dul in aibнocht to grow in maturity, йabhlуidigh evolve, fabhraigh develop form, fairsingigh expand, fбs grow, leathnaigh widen, mйadaigh enlarge, neartaigh strengthen, build up, sнn extend, tуg build.


forbairt f developing

aibiiъ maturing, cothъ fostering, cur ar aghaidh advancing, cur chun tosaigh promoting, dul chun cinn progress, dul in aibнocht getting mature, йabhlуidiъ evolving, fabhrъ developing forming, fairsingiъ expanding, fбs growth, leathnъ widening, mйadъ enlarging, neartъ strengthening, building up, sнneadh extend, extension, tуgбil building.


forйigean m violence

ainbhйas vice, ainchrнostaнocht barbarity; unchristian behaviour, aindlн lawlessness, ainнde ill usage, ainiocht m cruelty, ainmhнocht brutishness, ainriantacht unruliness, licentiousness, ainsciantacht fury, wildness, aintiarnas tyranny, aintreise violent oppression, amhasуireacht hooliganism, anbhuain commotion, disturbance, anchor ill-

treatment, anchumhacht oppressive power, anlathas tyranny, anarchy, anfhorlann m(- lainn) oppression, ansmacht tyranny, bullying, antroime oppression, бr slaughter, bulaнocht bullying, ciapadh harassment; torture, ciapadh gnйasach sexual harassment, comhйigniъ coercion, doirteadh fola bloodshed, drochнde f ill-usage, abuse, dъnmharъ murder, йigniъ rape, violence, йigniъ ban rape, forbhrн great force, bossiness, forйignн f violence, forghabhбil usurpation, forlбmhas despotism, forlann m violence, forneart superior strength, violence, forrach m violent fury, forrбntacht aggressiveness, fуrsa force, gnйaschiapadh sexual harassment, нde f abuse, нde f bйil verbal abuse, imeaglъ intimidation, lбmh lбidir physical force, leatrom oppression, abuse, leatrom ar chearta an duine human rights abuse, maistнneacht (school) bullying, mн-ъsбid chorpartha physical abuse, mн-ъsбid ghnйasach sexual abuse, mн-ъsбid leanaн child abuse, ropach m stabbing, violence.

forйigneach adj. violent

ainmhнoch brutish, ainrianta unruly, licentious, ainscianta furiously wild, aintrйan violent, oppressive, amhasуireacht hooliganism, anbhuaineach disturbing, anlathach tyrannical, anfhorlannach oppressively violent, ansmachtъil tyrannical, bullying, antrom oppressive, brъidiъil brutal, ciapach harassing, tormenting, cruбlach cruel, йigneach violent; distressing, forbhrнoch overbearing, forceful, forghabhбlach usurpating, forloiscneach searing, forneartach forceful, violent, forrбnach aggressive, in anchor ill-treated, ionsaitheach aggressive, le lбmh lбidir by physical force, leatromach oppressive, causing affliction, mailнseach malicious, vicious, maistнneachta (school) bullying, sбdach sadistic, trodach pugnacious.


forleathan adj. widespread, far-reaching

бbhalmhуr immense, an-leathan very wide, an-mhуr very big, ar fud an domhain all over the world, coitinn common, cuimsitheach comprehensive, fada fairsing far and wide, fairsing expansive, forleitheadach pervasive, widespread,

flъirseach ample, i gcйin is i gcуngar far and wide, i ngach бit in every place, leata dilated; sprawling, leitheadaithe widespread, mуr large, big, ollmhуr enormous, sprйite diffuse. (see also: leathan)


formad m envy

airc avariciousness, ampla m cupidity, doicheall begrudgery, йad m(~ a) jealousy, drochrъn evil intent, ill-will, fala f(~; -lta) spite grudge, faltanas resentment, gangaid spite, mailнs malice, mioscais malice, ill-will, nimh san fheoil venomous resentment, saint greed, nimh sa tsъil covetousness.


formadach adj. envious

airceach avaricious, amplach greedy for personal gain, doicheallach begrudging, йadmhar jealous, drochrъin of evil intent, ill-willed, fala (< fala) spiteful, faltanas resentment, gangaideach spiteful, mailнseach malicious, vicious, mioscaiseach malicious, full of ill-will, nimhneach venomous, santach greedy, nimhneach sa tsъil covetous.



fуrsa m

1. force

бititheacht cogency (cf. бititheacht argуinte cogency of an argument), brн vigour, comhйigean coercion, cumhacht power, potency, cur i bhfeidhm enforcement, йifeacht effect, йigniъ forcing, compulsion, fuinneamh energy, lбidreacht strength, lбmh lбidir arm-twisting, mуiminteam momentum, meбchan weight, neart might, tiomбint drive, tuinseamh impetus.

2. fуrsaн forces

aerarm airforce, aerfhуrsa airforce, arm army, cabhlach m cogaidh navy, lucht marcshlua cavalry, lucht mнleata military, rannбn tancanna tank division, saighdiъirн soldiers, saighdiъirн coise infantry, trъpaн troops.

fуs adv. still, yet; moreover

anois now, ag an nуimйad seo at this moment, ar a shon sin on account of that, arнs again, athuair another time, go dtн seo up to this, go fуill still, yet, go fуillнn beag for a little while, faoi seo by this time, by now, i lбthair na huaire at the present time, ina dhiaidh sin nevertheless, ina dhiaidh sin agus uile taking this and everything else into consideration, ina theannta sin along with that, le dйanaн lately, lena chois sin along with that, le tamall beag anuas for the past while, mar sin fйin all the same, pй scйal й whatever, rud eile another thing, thairis sin apart from that.

fostaigh v engage, grip, employ

beir ar grasp, take hold of, beir greim ar take a grip of, ceangail tie, duine a thabhairt isteach mar bhall den fhoireann take someone in as a member of the team, fruiligh engage, hire, gabh engage, arrest, glac chugat mar fhostaн take on as a employee, tabhair obair do give work to, snaidhm bind, embrace.

fostaнocht f engagement, grip, employment

greim m(greama; greamanna) grip, ceangal tie, fruiliъ employing, hiring, gabhбil engagement, arrest, glacadh chugat mar fhostaн taking on as a employee, jab job, obair f(oibre; oibreacha), tabhairt na hoibre do the giving of work to, post position, snaidhmeadh binding, embracing.

fostуir m employer

bainisteoir manager, bean an tн the woman in charge, proprietor, comhlacht m company, eagraнocht organization, fear an tн the man in charge, proprietor, fruilitheoir hirer, mбistir (jocular) master, saoiste boss; gaffer, ъinйir owner, proprietor.

fothrach m ruin

ciseach f total mess-up, conamar broken bits, ruins e.g. Fбgadh an baile ina chonamar The town was left in ruins.), raic wreck, seanbhallуga fpl old ruins, seanteach m coscartha old broken down house, praiseach f mess, seamlas shambles.


fothram m noise

callбn noise, disturbance, callуid commotion, cambъs mayhem, clampar clash, commotion, cleatrбil clatter, clismirt noisy wrangling, gleo din, gleorбn discordant talk, glуr sound, noise, racбn racket, ruaille buaille hullabaloo, commotion, torann noise. (see also: torann)


frбma m frame, chassis

anatamaнocht anatomy, blaosc f(blaoisce; ~ anna) shell (e.g. blaosc uibhe eggshell, blaosc cnу nutshell, etc.), cбs casing, case, clбr imill (photo) mount, cnбmha fpl bones (cf. cnбmha an scйil the bones of the story), cnбmharlach m skeleton, colbha surround, corp body, creatlach m framework, skeleton, eiseachnбmharlach m exoskeleton, fonnadh chassis (e.g. uimhir fonnaidh chassis number), imeall margin, imfhбlъ enclosure, imlнne f outline, scafall scaffolding, struchtъr structure, teorainn f(-rann; ~eacha) boundary, limit.

freagra m answer

admhбil acknowledgement, aisfhreagra retort, back-answer, brйagnъ rebuttal, cosaint defence; apologia, cъiteamh reciprocation, dнoltas retaliation, filleadh return, frithbheart counteraction, frithbhuille counterblow, frithchaitheamh reflection, frithйileamh counter-claim, frithfhorsa counter-force, frithghnнomh reaction, frithionsaн counter attack, frithshruth counter-current, frithsprй reverberation, fritonn f backlash, gnнomh fritorthъil counter-measure, macalla echo, rйiteach solution riposte (fencing) reposte.


freagrach adj. responsible

ciallmhar sensible, ciontach culpable, guilty, coinsiasach conscientious, cuntasach accountable, faoi dhliteanas liable, inchбinte blameable, inchoirithe liable to prosecution, inchъisithe chargeable, iontaofa reliable, muinнneach dependable, rйasъnach rational.

fuacht m cold

adhfhuaire extreme cold, Artach m Artic, ballchrith m(-chreatha) shivering all over, creathanna fuachta shivering from cold, doicheall cold churlishness, dъgheimhreadh depths of winter, duibheaca f, bitter wintry cold, fionnuaire coolness, fuarъ cooling, chilling, geimhreadh winter, geimhriъ becoming wintry, geimhriъlacht wintriness, goimhiъlacht stingingchill, leimhe apathy, mairbhlн numbness, neamhchorrabhuais self-possession, sang-froid, nimh bitterness. anomosity, oighear ice, oighreatacht iciness, patuaire lukewarmness; apathy, prйachadh (le fuacht) perishing (with cold), rйchъis coolness, phlegmatic attitude, reo frost, freezing, reoiche freezing, reoiteacht frostiness, sioc frost, siocбntacht frostiness, siocъlacht frostiness, sliopach m(in fingers) numbness, tirime (masonry) dryness.

fuafar adj. hateful, detestable

adhfhuafar abominable, adhfhuafar horrible, deeply hated, binbeach venomous, colach repugnant, loathsome, dйistineach disgusting, distasteful, dofhulaingthe unbearable, insufferable, drochaigeanta ill-disposed, droch-chroнoch evil-hearted, drochintinneach ill-intentioned, eascairdiъl antagonistic, goimhiъil venomous, poisonous, grбiniъil hateful, detestable, grбnna ugly, masmasach nauseating, mнghnaнъil unprepossessing, mнthaitneamhach displeasing, naimhdeach hostile, neamh-ghrбmhar unloving, nimhneach poisonous, virulent, oilc evil, olcais (< olcas), spiteful, samhnasach sickening, seanghoimhiъil bearing old


grudges, suarach vile, tбir shabby, despicable, uafбsach horrible, urchуideach noxious.

fuar adj. cold

adhfhuar extremely cold, amh raw, Artach Artic, ar nуs cuma liom in an indifferent way, ballchreathach shivering all over, coimhthнoch undemonstrative, creathach shivering, crua hard, doicheallach cold, unwelcoming, duibheacach wintry, bitterly cold, falsa indolent, fionnuar cool, fuaraithe chilled, gan a dhath mairge as cool as a cucumber, gan mhothъ without feeling, gan trua pitiless, gйar bitter, geimhridh winter-, geimhriъil wintry, goimhiъil chilly, in aisce in vain, leamh apathetic, mairbhleach numb, marbh dead, marbhбnta unresponsive, lifeless, neamhbhбъil unsympathetic, neamhchairdiъil unfriendly, neamh-chбsmhar unconcerned, neamhchorrabhuaiseach non-chalant, unperturbed, self-possessed, neamhchorraithe unruffled, unmoved, neamhphбirteach aloof, stand-offish, neamhshonraithe indifferent, nimhneach biting, oighreata icy, patuar lukewarm; indifferent, prйachta (leis an bhfuacht) perished (with the cold), rйchъiseach cool, phlegmatic, reoch freezing, reoite frozen, seaca frosty; frost-bitten, seachantach stand-offish, siocбnta frosted, chilled, sioctha frozen solid, stiff from the cold, siocъil frosty, sliopach (fingers) numb, suarach miserable, tirim (masonry) dry.

fuascailt f liberation, emancipation

airgead fuascailte ransom, anacal deliverance, deoъ ceart vуtбla freedom to vote, faoiseamh relief, fуirithint succour,relief, saoirse f freedom, saoirse cainte freedom of speech, saoirse creidimh religious freedom, saoradh freeing, scaoileadh saor release, slбnъ salvation, tarrthбil rescue.

fuascailteoir m liberator, emancipator

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 215 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 7 страница| Lucht fуirithintethose who bring succour,MeisiasMessiah, saoradhfreeing, scaoilteoirreleaser, deviverer, slбnaitheoir

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