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cumhra adj fragrant
aramatach aromatic, balsamach balmy, cumhraithe perfumed, dea-bholaitheach sweet-scented, le dea-bholadh sweet-smelling, milis sweet.
cъnamh m help, assistance
бis convenience; facility, бiseanna (oibre, amhairc, etc.) (work, visual, etc.) aids, cabhair f(- bhrach) help, assistance, cabhrъ (le) helping (with), comhairle f advice comhairliъ advising,counselling; consultation, comhoibriъ cooperation, cos i dtaca / i mbois leg-up, cuidiъ (le) helping, (with) assisting (with); help, dйirc alms-giving, feidhm function, use, fуirithint succour, help, gairmthreoir f career guidance, lбmh chъnta helping hand, moladh advice; advising, taca prop, support, tacaнocht support, tairbhe f benefit, treoir f(- orach) guidance, ъsбid use. (see also: ъsбid)
cъng adj narrow, tight, straitened
beag small, beagintinneach small-minded, biogуideach bigoted, bocht poor, caol slim, caolaigeantach narrow-minded, gann meagre, gannchъiseach penurious; scanty, ganntarach needy, gortach miserly, mean, scбinte thin, sparse, sciotach skimpy, suarach trivial, tanaн thin.
cъntach adj helpful
бisiъil handy, buntбisteach advantageous, cabhrach helpful, cairdiъil cairdiъil friendly, user-friendly, cбsmhar caring, considerate, cуiriъil (weather) favourable, comharsanъil neighbourly, comhoibritheach co-operative, cuidiъil constructive, helpful, dea-ghnнomhach beneficent, fabhrach favourable, feidhmiъil functional, garach accommodating, willing to help, oibleagбideach obliging, praiticiъil practical, sochrach profitable, beneficent, soilнosach willing to do a kindness, obliging, tairbheach beneficial, tacъil supportive, trбthъil timely, opportune, tuisceanach considerate, ъsбideach useful. (see also: cabhrach)
cuntas m account
creidmheas credit, cur sнos description, eolas information, insint narrative, leagan version, lйiriъ portrayal, depiction, mнniъ explanation, scйal story, tuairisc report, tuarascбil account, description, report.
cuntуir m assistant
cuiditheoir aide, helper, comhairleoir adviser, comhphбirtн associate, cъntуir pearsanta PA, lбmh f( lбimhe; ~ a, ~) cъnta helping hand, deonach m volunteer, нochtarбn subordinate, oibrн deonach volunteer, sainchabhrуir aide, sуisearach junior.
cupбn m cup
bleidhe (archaic) drinking-cup, goblet, cadhain f small cup, pannikin, cailнs chalice, ciota wooden mug, corn (sport) cup, corn уil drinking horn, cuach m(~ a) goblet, cuppa cup of tea, deoch f(dн; ~ anna) drink, gloine glass, gloine fhнona wineglass, muga mug, tancard tankard.
cъpla m couple; twins
an dб cheann the two of them, beagбn few, beirt two people, corrdhuine the odd person, cuingir pair (cf. cuingir damh pair of oxen), dhб two, dнsйad duo, lнon beag small number, pйire pair, roinnt bheag a small amount.
cur m sowing; placing; burying
adhlacadh burying, curadуireacht sowing, dreas turn, bout, foireann f set, forleathadh disseminating, gabhбil conceiving, giniъint conception, ionchlannъ implantating (i.e. of living tissue), iontбil secreting, ionphlandъ implantating (i.e. of device), leagan laying down, plandбil planting, porъ breeding, scaipeadh scattering, sнolrъ propagation, suнomh positioning.
cur m amach expulsion
1. expulsion, dislodgment, emission, dispatch
astaнocht emission, astъ discharging, emission, astъchбn emission, baint removal, caitheamh amach throwing out, cur as seilbh dispossession, cur as alt dislocation, cur as corуin dethronement, cur as scoil expulsion from school, cur de lбimh disposal, dнbirt banishment, expulsion, dнlбithriъ displascement, dнshealbhъ evition, eisiachtain f(- tana ) ejection, eis-seolachбin mpl dispatches, ruaig rout, chase, seoladh sending; launching, teilgean projection, ejection.
2. information
eolas information, feasacht awareness, fianaise f evidence, fios m (feasa) knowledge, fiosaнocht clairvoyance, occult knowledge, lйargas enlightenment, lйann eruditeness, learning, oideachas education, saineolas expertise, scolбireacht scholarship, taithн experience, tuairisc report; tidings, tuiscint understanding. (see also: eolas)
3. vomit
aiseag puke; emetic, caitheamh anнos throwing up, tonn taoscach spewing up (cf. Thбinig tonn taoscach air. He spewed his guts up.), urlacan vomit.
cur m ar aghaidh advancement
ardъ heightening, cur/ dul chun cinn progress, dul i gcйim rising in rank, йabhlуid evolution, fбs growth, feabhas improvement, feabhsъ improving, forbairt development, mйadъ increase.
cur m ar athlб deferral, postponement
athshocrъ rearrangement, cur ar atrбth deferment, cur ar cairde putting on credit, cur ar ceal cancellation, cur ar fionraн suspension, cur ar gcъl adjournment, cur i sceideal eile reschedule, cur siar deferral, moill delay, tarraingt siar suspension, withdrawing.
cur m as alt dislocation
briseadh disruption (e.g. briseadh i solбthar an uisce disruption in the supply of water), cur amach dislodgment, cur as бit dislodgment, cur as glйas putting out of order, cur as eagar disarrangement, cur trн chйile upset, dнlбithriъ displacement, gearrchiorcad short-circuit.
cur m chuige approach
Aidbhint (religious) Advent, bealach m way, bealach m isteach way in, beart m straitйise stratagemm, conas-dul-i-mbun-na-hoibre how to go about the work, dul m isteach entry, ionsaн attack, modh method, means, polasaн policy, plean plan, plean ionsaithe plan of attack, plean oibre operation plan, scйim scheme, scйim oibre work-scheme, slн f isteach access, entrance, straitйis strategy, teacht m arrival, advent, teicnнc technique, uillinn ionsaithe angle of attack.
cur m chun bбis execution
bбsъ executing, dъnmharъ murdering, daoradh chun bбis condemning to death, feallmharъ assassinating, marъ killing, pionуs an bhбis capital punishment, death penalty.
cur m chun cinn progress
bogadh ar aghaidh moving ahead, cйimeanna chun cinn steps forward, cur ar aghaidh advancement, йabhlуid evolution, fбs growth, feabhas improvement, feabhsъ improving, forbairt development, mйadъ increase.
cur m de lбimh disposal
aistriъ as бit removal from a place, baint removal, caitheamh amach throwing away, crнochnъ finishing off, cur i bpoll burying, getting rid of, dнobhadh discarding; eliminating, diъscairt f(- cartha ) disposal, dumpбil dumping, rйiteach m solution, solving (cf. rйiteach ceiste disposal of an issue).
cur m faoi settling down; to settle down
бitriъ inhabiting, bunъ settlement; establishing; to establish, frйamhacha a chur sнos to put down roots, frйamhъ setting down roots, becoming established, lonnъ settling, lonnъ isteach settling in, socrъ sнos settling down.
cur m faoi cois suppression
aintiarnas tyranny, anchumhacht tyrannical power, anbhroid bondage, distress, misery, anfhorlann m(- lainn ) oppression, anlathas tyrrany, usurpation, anoircheas unbecoming treatment, anrу m hardship, ansclбbhaнocht servitude, ansmacht tyranny, bullying, bulaнocht (general) bullying, cruбlacht cruelty, cruatan hardship, daoirse slavery, bondage, daoirse servitude, deachtуireacht bhrъidiъil brutal dictatorship, faisisteachas fascism, forlбmhas despotism, domination, ollsmachtachas totalitarianism, sclбbhaнocht slavery, tнorбntacht tyranny, maistнneacht (school) bullying, tromaнocht bullying (cf. tromaнocht sa lбthair oibre bullying in the workplace), uathlathas autocracy.
cur m in aghaidh opposition, resistance,
achrann confrontation, bac obstacle, obstruction, comhlint conflict, cur i gcoinne resistance, diъltъ refusal, easaontas disagreement, feasaitheacht antagonism, freasъra opposition, friotaнocht (sci) resistance, frithsheasmhacht (med, bio.) resistance, naimhdeas hostility, namhaid m (- ad; naimhde ) enemy foe, troid f(- oda; ~ eanna ) fight
cur m i gcбs supposition
creideamh belief, fйidearthacht possibility, foshuнomh postulation, glacadh assumption, glacan m(~ a; ~ a ) supposition, hipitйis hypothesis, seans chance, smaoineamh idea, tйis thesis, teoiric theory, toimhde f(~ an ) supposition, tomhas guess, tuairim conjecture.
1. installation, fitting
bunъ establishing, cur in бit putting in place, deisiъ fixing, fearastъ furnishing, feistiъ fitting, solбthar provision, suнomh putting into position, trealmhъ equip, ullmhъ preparation.
2. interference
cъnamh gan iarraidh unasked for help, fiosracht nosiness, gnу gan iarraidh meddling in another’s affairs, idirghabhбil intervention, trasnъ (electronic) interference.
3. application
achainн f appeal, бitiъ (legal) submission, йileamh demand, claim, foirm iarratais application form, iarraidh request (e.g. ag dйanamh na hiarrata manking a request), iarratas application, taisceadh (of a document) submission.
1. drawback
an taobh thнos the downside, bac hitch, snag, easnamh shortcoming, fadhb f( faidhbe; ~ anna ) problem, snag, gnй dhiъltach negative aspect, laige weakness, mнbhuntбiste disadvantage, mнonas beag small minus.
2. postponement, deferral
cur ar athlб deferral, cur ar atrбth deferment, cur ar gcъl adjournment, cur i sceideal eile reschedule, moilliъ delaying, tarraingt siar suspension, withdrawing.
cur m sнos description
cuntas account, insint narrative, lйarбid depiction, lйiriъ portrayal, mнniъ explanation, tuairisc report, turascбil report, scйal story, tale, sceitse sketch.
1. putting up
ardъ raising, elevating, crochadh hanging, fearastъ furnishing, feistiъ fitting.
2. tolerance
boige lenience, softness, carthanacht charity, fadfhulaingt forbearance, foighne f patience, fulaingt tolerance, glacadh acceptance, grбsta grace, lig dom lig duit live and let live, seasmhacht staying-power, teacht aniar endurance.
cur m thart turning; passing; putting by
caitheamh spending, casadh turning, clъdach covering, craoladh broadcasting, cur i dtaisce saving, putting by, cur isteach putting in, cur timpeall putting round cur trasna putting across, glйasadh dressing, leathadh spreading, scaipeadh scattering, spreading,
cъram m care, responsibility; family
aird attention, notice, airdeall alertness, aire heed, care, aireachas caution, aithne recognition, aoireacht shepherding, cбs concern, thoughtfulness, ciall sense, ciontaнl culpability, dliteanas liability, dualgas duty, faire watch, faireachбn watching, faireachas watchfulness, feasacht awareness, forairdeall vigilance, freagracht responsibility, iontaofacht liability, trustworthiness, maoirseacht care (i.e. of animals), meabhair f(- bhrach) mindfulness, meas respect, muinнn trust, oibleagбid obligation, smaoineamh thought, stuaim sensibleness, mindfulness, tuiscint understanding, thoughtful-ness; clann offspring, family, do mhuintir your (extended) family, your people, leanaн children, muirear charge, family, muirнn family, pбistн children, teaghlach household.
◊ Conas tб do chъram? How’s your family?
▲ ionad cъraim care centre, ~ roimh bhreith antenatal care, ~ malartach slбinte alternative health care, ~ cairr car care
cъramach m careful
airdeallach alert, watchful, wary, aireach careful, attentive, amhrasach suspicious, cбsmhar considerate, thoughtful, ciallmhar sensible, faichilleach cautious, faireach watchful, feasach with awareness, forairdeallach vigilantly, freagrach responsibly, iontaofa reliable, trustworthy, meabhrach mindfully, le meas with respect, muinнneach dependable, smaointeach thoughtful, stuama sensibly, mindful, ag coimeбd sъil in airde keeping an eye out, tuisceanach with understanding, considerate.
cъrsa m course; route
bealach m way, route, bуthar riad, clбr programme, conair path, passage, cosбn path, lнne f line, lorg trail, trace, modh method, rian track, pathway, rogha option, choice.
cuspуir m object, objective, purpose
aidhm aim, purpose, aisling dream, vision, ardmhian f(- mhйine) aspiration, ceann scrнbe destination, comhsprioc f(sprice) common goal, diongbhбilteacht resolve, dуchas hope, dъil desire, guн wish, iarracht endeavour, intinn intention, marc mark, plean plan, pointe point, scйim scheme, sprioc f(sprice) target, goal, sprioc-am deadline, spreagthacht motive, sprioc dheiridh ultimate goal, treo direction, uaillmhian f(- mhйine; - mhianta) ambition.
cъstaimйir m customer, client
caiteoir user, punter, ceannaitheoir purchaser, cliant client, pбtrъn patron, siopaeir m shopper, tomhaltуir consumer, ъsбideoir user.
cъthail adj. shy, timid
anbhбch anxious, anbhuaineach uneasy, coiscthe inhibited, cotaidh diffident, cъlбnta retiring, йadбna timid, reticent, eaglach fearful, йideimhin hesitant, uncertain, faiteach apprehensive, timorous, timid, geiteach easily, scбfar timid.
startled, leamhnбireach coy, meata cowardly, neamh-mhuinнneach lacking in confidence, neirbhнseach nervous, scбfar fearful; easily frightened, scanraithe terrified, scanrъil frightening, scбthach apprehensive, fearful.
dabht m doubt
amhras doubt, suspicion, dнchreidmheacht incredulity, drochiontaoibh qualm, йadaingne irresolution, leisce hesitation, mearъ perplexity, mнmhuinнn mistrust, mнshuaimhneas disquiet, neamhchinnteacht uncertainty, sceipteachas scepticism. (see also: amhras)
dada m zilch, nothing
a dhath (+ negative) nothing, (cf. Nнl a dhath fбgtha. There’s nothing left.), cuideog nialais zero factor, dearbhnialas absolute zero, faic nothing, nil, faic na frнde nothing at all, foilmhe emptiness, mionrudaн dнomhaoine sweet nothings, nбid nought, zero, neamhnн nothingness, nialas zero, oiread na frнde practically nothing, ruainne (+negative) jot (e.g. Nнl ruainne den fhнrinne ann. There isn’t a jot of truth in it.), rud gan tбbhacht an unimportant thing.
dбil 1 f assembly
Ard-Fheis National Convention, bailiъ gathering, bailiъchбn collection, cйilн evening gathering for traditional Irish dance, comhairle f convocation, council, comhar partnership, comhdhбil convention, conference, comhlacht company, comhthionуl conclave, compбntas troupe; body, cruinniъ meeting, cuallacht guild, cumann association, society, damhsa dance, diat f diet, dream group, drong body of people, mass, eagraнocht organization, eagras organisation, йigse gathering of poets, musicians and people of learning, feis festival, fleб banquet, gasra group of young men, gramaisc mob, grъpa group, ollslua m multitude, paca pack, parlaimint parliament, plуd throng, pobal (church) congregation, scata pack, drove, scroblach rabble, slуgadh rally, slua crowd, teacht le chйile get-together, tionуl assembly. (see also: grъpa)
dбil 2 v distribute
bronn present, bestow, donate, cuir ar fбil provide, furnish, cuir le contribute, dйan deal (cf. Dйan na cбrtaн! Deal the cards!), deonaigh grant, accord, нoc pay, ofrбil (religious) offer, rad give, bestow, riar administer, roinn share, roinn amach deal out, scaoil release, discharge, seachaid deliver, solбthair supply, provide, tabhair give, tairg proffer, tiomnaigh bequeath; dedicate, toirbhir hand over; dedicate.
daingean adj. secure, steadfast
buan permanent, buanseasmhach enduring, unwavering, cinnte certain, crua hard, dearfa definite, dian severe, diongbhбilte unfaltering, steadfast, do-bhogtha immovable, do-lъbtha inflexible, feistithe fixed, fastened, fуdъil well-grounded, stable, fuaimintiъil sound, solid, gan stad gan staonadh persistent, neadaithe embedded, righin rigid, sбbhбilte safe, seasmhach resolute, firm, seasta steady, slбn sбbhбilte safe & sound, tiomanta committed, tiomnaithe dedicated, teann taut, tight, firm.
dainsйar m danger
achrann entanglement, strife, trouble, amhantar chance venture, risk, bagairt menace, baol peril, jeopardy contъirt danger, йidearfacht precariousness, fiachas liability, fiontar risk, venture, guais hazard, danger, guaisbheart dangerous venture, leochaileacht fragility, fraility, vulnerability, neamhdhiongbhбilteacht insecurity, neamhfhreagracht irresponsibility, priacal risk, peril, riosca risk, soghontacht vulnerability, trioblуid trouble. (see also: contъirt)
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