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Cуipcopy, greanadуireachtengraving, eisiъintissue, inphrionta(publ.) imprint, iris(leabhar)magazine,lбmhscrнbhinn manuscript, litreoireachtlettering, leabhar

book, lorg imprint, print, track, nuachtбn newspaper, prionta print, rian trace, path, scrнbhinn writing, sйala m seal, stampa stamp.


~ Arabach arabic font, beag small print, ~ Coireallach Cyrillic font ~ comhdhlъite condensed type, ~ Eabhraнoch Hebrew font, ~ fairsingithe expanded type, ~ Gaelach Gaelic font, ~ Gotach Gothic type, ~ Iodбlach italic font, ~ Rуmhбnach Roman font, ~ mуr large font, ~ trom bold type/ fon; as ~ out of print, i g~ in print.



2. appearance, shape

amhlachas semblance, cosъlacht likeness, resemblance, cruth shape, cuma f shape, form, appearance, dealramh appearance, deilbh figure, shape, dreach m look, aspect, foirm form, gnй f aspect, imprisean impression, riocht m guise, form, samhail (-mhla; -mhlacha) likeness.


clуbhuail v print

brъigh anuas ( ar ) impress, cuir amach to put out, issue, cuir i gclу put into print, eisigh issue, foilsigh publish, grean engrave, scrнobh write. (see also: clуigh )


clуca m cloak

brat cape, wrap, brйagriocht m disguise, coim cloak, cover, cуta coat, clъdach m covering, dallуg blind, duaithnнocht camouflage, fallaing mantle, gъna gown, masc mask, sciath f( scйithe; ~ a, ~) shield. (see also: clъdach )


cloch f stone

agбit agate, aimitis amethyst, alъmanam aluminium, astarуideach m asteroid, basalt basalt, bollбn boulder, brнce brick, cailc chalk, carbуn carbon, carbуnбit carbonate, carraig rock, criostal crystal, deascadh sediment, diamant diamond, doirneog cobble, drнodar sediment, duirling pebble(s), eibhear granite, fioghual charcoal, gaineamh sand,

graifнt graphite, gual coal, gualach f charcoal, iontaise f fossil, laibhe f lava, leac f slab, flagstone, leac f uaighe grave stone, уmra amber, rъibнn ruby, saifнr sapphire, sйad jade, seoid f gem, slinn slate, smaragaid emerald, stacбn large sharp stone, starrбn projecting rock, stroighin cement, suimint cement, tуpбs topaz.

~ adhmainte lodestone, ~ aoil lime stone, ~ bhoinn foundation stone, ~ bhua precious stone, ~ chairйil quarry-stone, ~a domlais gall-stones, ~a duбin kidney stones, ~ eibhir granite, ~a fuail gravel, ~ ghainimh sandstone, ~ ghrйine quartz, ~ lуmhar precious stone, ~ mhнle milestone, ~ phluma plumb-stone, ~ reatha rolling stone, ~a sneachta hailstones, ~ theorann boundary stone, ~ thine flint stone.


Sin an chloch is lъ ar mo phaidrнn. That’s the least of my worries., Is й mo chloch nirt й. That’s my best shot ., Nб cloiseadh ~a an talaimh й! Don’t breath a word of it!, Caithimis an chloch sin as бr muinchille! Let’s bury the hatchet!, Let bygones be bygones!, Dб mbeadh sй faoi chloch gheofб й. There’s no use in hiding it from you., Cuirfidh mй ~ i do charn! (a) It’s your funeral!, (b) I’ll outlive you yet!, cois cloiche near the shore, Nн thagann caonach ar chloch reatha. A rolling stone gathers no moss., Nнl sй ach urchar cloiche as seo. It’s only a stone’s throw away from here., Nнl ansin ach cloch a chaitheamh in aghaidh cuain. That’s just pointless., Beidh ~a ag snбmh roimhe sin. That will never happen., Chaith mй mo chloch is m’ord leis. I threw my hat at it., I gave it up for a bad job.


clуdуir m printer

athscrнobhaн copyist, cуipeбlaн copyist, foilsitheoir publisher, greanadуir engraver, printйir (machine) printer, scrнobhaн scribe.

clochar m convent; stony place, stone structure

Coinbhintconvent, clochбnstoney ground; stone structure, clochdhнseartstony wilderness, clochram stony place, stony beach, creagбnpatch of stony ground, creigf(~e; creaga) stony barren ground, creig-ghairdнnrockery, lбrionad do

chъrsaн spioradбlta religious retreat centre, mainistir f(- treach; - treacha ) monastery, scoil shainchreidmheach do chailнnн school for girls which promotes a particular religious perspective.


clog m printer

1. clock

alбram alarm (i.e. clog alбraim alarm-clock), clog grйine sun-dial, clog urlбir grandfather clock, cloigнn small clock, uaireadуir watch, urlбiste time-piece.

~ adamhach atomic clock, ~ balla wall-clock, ~ bitheolaнoch biological clock, ~ ceithre uair fichead 24-hour clock, ~ cuaiche cuckoo-clock, ~ dhб uair dйag 12-hour clock, digiteach digital clock, ~ ghrйine quartz clock, grianchloiche quartz clock, ~ labhartha speaking clock, ~ rйalteolaнoch astronomical clock ~ rнomhaire computer clock.


2. bell

alбram alarm, bonnбn siren, ceolбn little bell, cling ring, clingireacht ringing sound, cloigнn small bell, dordбnaн buzzer, glao call, glaoire bleeper.


clogad m helmet

cafarr helmet, ceannbheart head-dress, ceannbheart crua hard-hat, clъdach m cinn head-covering, cochall hood, cosaint cinn head-protection, hъda hood. (see also: hata )


cloн m subduing, subjection

ceansъ taming, cur faoi chois subjugating, cur faoi smacht bringing under control, нsliъ lowering, reducing, lбmh in uachtar ( ar ) the upper hand (over), maolъ subduing, dulling, sбrъ overpowering cos ar bolg oppression, smachtъ disciplining.


cloнgh v subdue, overthrow

an ceann is fearr a fhбil ( ar ) to get the better (of), bris (cf. cath a bhriseadh ar arm to defeat an army in battle) buaigh ( ar ) defeat, buail (ar) beat, strike down, brъigh faoi chois to

subjugate, ceansaigh tame, cuir ar neamhnн bring to nought, cuir faoi smacht bring under control, нsligh lower, reduce, lбmh in uachtar a fhбil ( ar ) to get the upper hand (over), maolaigh subdue, dull, dampen, namhaid a chur faoi umhlaнocht to bring an enemy to submission, sбraigh overpower, cos ar bolg a imirt ( ar ) to oppress, smachtaigh discipline, tabhair chun umhlaнochta to bring to submission, umhlaigh humble, make humble.


clуigh v print

brъigh anuas ( ar ) impress, clуbhuail print, type, clуscrнobh type, cuir amach to put out, issue, cuir i gclу put into print, dйan asphrionta make a printout, dйan rith clу make a print-run, eisigh issue, foilsigh publish, grean engrave, priontбil (compt.) print. (see also: clуbhuail )


clois v hear

admhaigh acknowledge, airigh perceive, sense, aithin discern, cluin hear, cъlйist eavesdrop, йist (le) listen (to), faigh amach find out, foghlaim learn, glac receive, mothaigh feel, pioc suas pick up, sonraigh perceive, tabhair cluas (do) hearken (to), tabhair faoi deara notice, heed, tuig understand.


cloнte adj. subdued, exhausted, worn out.

buailte beaten, briste broken, caite spent, worn out, ceansaithe tamed, cortha weary, curtha faoi chois subjugated, curtha faoi smacht brought under control, нslithe lowered, humbled, lagaithe weakened, enfeebled, maolaithe subdued, that has lost its edge, marbhchodlatach dog-tired, sбraithe overpowered, seanchaite hackneyed, clichйd, seangaithe pooped, spнonta completely exhausted, jacked, bushed, suaite shattered, exhausted, tбmhach comatose,torpid, sluggish, tnбite knackered, wearied, tugtha tnбite dead-beat, traochta exhausted, whacked, tugtha traochta completely exhausted. (see also: smachtaithe)


clуs m enclosure, yard

airйana f arena, bбbhъn bawn, banrach f paddock, buaile fold, enclosure; milking-place, buailtнn dung-yard, clabhstra m crу pen, cuibhreann enclosure, cъirt court, gabhann pound, enclosure, imfhalъ fenced-off area, pуna pound, sonnach m stockade.


clъ m reputation, fame

ainm m name, airde height, high position, eminence, aithne recognition, ardchйim eminence, ardmheas high esteem, bladh fame, renown, cбil fame, renown, cйim status, prominence, cйimнocht distinction, creidiъint credit, cuid suntais something worthy of notice, cultъr an iomrбiteachais celebrity culture, dea-ainm good name, dea-chбil good repute, dea-chlъ good reputation, dea-mheas deference, dearscnaitheacht prominence, drochainm bad name, droch-chбil notoriety, ill repute droch-chlъ bad-reputation, drochmheas contempt, gбir notoriety, gnaoi an phobail popularity, gradam esteem, iomra m renown, iomrбiteachas celebrity, meas regard, respect, mнchбil evil reputation, mнchlъ infamy, ill repute mн-уmуs disregard, oirirceas eminence, уmуs homage, onуir honour, seasamh standing, stбdas an iomrбiteachais celebrity status, suntasacht distinctiveness, tuairim opinion, urraim esteem, deferential regard. (see also: cбil)

cluain f deception

baoite bait, bob fast-one, con-job; hoax, bobaireacht trickery, bobghaiste booby-trap, bladar soft-talk, brйag f(brйige;~ a,~) lie, brйagchйadfa hallucination, brйagadуireacht mendacity, brйagбn decoy, brйagriocht disguise, caimilйireacht fraud, swindle, cam fraud, camastaнl duplicity, cealg guile, ceo draнochta fairy mist (i.e. that leads people astray), ceol sн bewitching music, cimйara delusion, cleas trick, cleas йalaithe subterfuge, cur i gcйill dissimulation, dalladh delusion, deception, dallamullуg hoodwinking, deception, dallcheo stupefaction, confusion, draнocht f magic,


enchantment, dallrъ bedazzling, dol snare, loop, dul amъ straying, misdirection, йitheach m falsehood, gaiste snare, trap, mearbhall confusion, meabhalscбil mirage, mealladh allurement, meang f(meinge; ~ a, ~) wile, scam, deceit, mнdhнlseacht insincerity, mн-ionracas disingenuousness, plбmбs flattery, sбs trap, seachrбn aberration, distraction, seachrбnacht aberrancy; delusiveness, sйitйireacht cheating, siabhradh bewitching, siabhrбn delusion, siabhrбnacht mental confusion, slusaнocht dissembling, flattery, uisce faoi thalamh conspiracy.

cluas f ear, listening; ear-shaped handle

aire attention, aird heed, clйit cleat, cloisteбil hearing, cluaisнn lobe; tag, flap, clib (brуige) tag (on a shoe), coinneбlaн holder, йisteacht listening, greamбn grip, lбimhнn little handle, lбmh handle, liopa (caipнn) lug (on a cap).

Chuir mй ~ orm fйin. I pricked up my ears, Tб ~ easуige aige. He doesn’t miss a thing. (i.e.He hears everything), Nнl tъ ag tabhairt cluaise dom! You’re not listening to me!, Thug sн an ~ bhodhar dom. She ignored me., Lig thar do chluasa й! Forget you even heard it!, le mo dhб chluas a chuala mй й! I head it with my own two ears., Tйann sй isteach i gcluas amhбin agus amach an chluas eile. It goes in one ear and out the other., Nб cuir i gcluas an tsaoil й! Don’t go round broadcasting it to the world!, Bнonn ~a ar na claнocha. Walls have ears., Nб codail ar an g~ sin! Don’t be so sure about that!, Don’t take that for granted!, Dhйanfadh an boc sin nead i do chluas agus chuirfeadh an chluas eile amach ar cнos! That’s guy would live in one of your ears and rent the other out! (i.e. He could talk anyone into anything.) Ar do chluasa nб dйan й! If you value your life, don’t do it!, Cб raibh tusa aimsir na gcluas?! Where were you when ears were being handed out?! (i.e. Are you deaf?!) Chuaigh an leanbбn ar an gcluas. The baby has gone bye-byes, nodded off to sleep.



club m club

aontacht unity, aontas union, brбithreachas fraternity, caidreamh association, company, ceardchumann trade-union, comhaltas fraternity; body of persons, comhaontas alliance, comhar partnership, mutual co-operative association, comharchumann co-operative, comhbhrбithreachas confraternity, comhcheilg conspiracy, comhlachas (body) association, comhlacht m (business) company, firm, comhleapachas bed-fellowship, comhluadar company, gathering, comhphobal community, comththбthъ coalescence, comthionуl assembly, comъn commune, cуnaidhm federation, cuideachta f company, cumann society, grъpa group, pobal community, sorority seathras, teacht le chйile coming-together, get-together.

clъdach m cover, covering, envelope

бrachas insurance, blaosc f(- oisce; ~ a, ~) shell, brat cape, wrap, bratъ coating, brйagriocht disguise, caille f veil, cбs case, cбsбil casing, ceannbhrat canopy, clбr lid, clуca cloak, coim cloak, cover, coimirce f patronage, coiscнn condom, cosaint defence, craiceann skin, cuirtнn curtain, cъiteamh compensation, cumhdach m wrapping, cover, shroud, dallуga fpl blinds, dнdean f(- dine ) cover, protection, dнon roof, duaithnнocht camouflage, fial veil, foscadбn shelter, glйasadh dressing, dress, hijab hijab, imchlъdach (biol.) envelope, masc mask, maisiъ decoration, plбstar plaster, pуca pocket, scaif scarf, scбil shade, scaraoid leapa bedspread, scбth shade, shadow, scбth fearthainne umbrella, scбth gaoithe wind-break, scбth grйine parasol, sбthlбn shelter (e.g. scбthlбn bus bus shelter), sciath f(scйithe; ~ a, ~) shield, sceall f(~ a; ~ a, ~) shell, shale, seaicйad jacket, taisйadach m shroud, toit smoke truaill sheath; scabbard.

clъdaigh v cover, encase

бrachaigh insure, brataigh coat, caomhnaigh preserve, ciorclaigh encompass, cosain protect, cuimsigh comprehend, embrace, cuir dнon ( ar ) roof, cuir faoi bhrat shroud,

cumhdaigh enshrine,protect, clad, coinnigh contain, deoch immerse, cover with liquid, fбlaigh enclose, fill wrap (e.g. rud a fhilleadh i bpбipйar to wrap a thing in paper), forleag overlay, forshuigh superimpose, frithchothromaigh counterbalance, imchlъdaigh envelop, ionchorpraigh incorporate, leag lay, treisigh reinforce, scбiligh shade. scбthaigh screen, protect, sciath shield, screen, sъparбil superimpose, timpeallaigh surround, encircle.

cluiche m game; play-acting

бbhacht diversion, merry-making, бilteoireacht play-acting, an-taidhm great time, babhta round, bбire match, breisimirt play-off, comhrac contest, fight, comуrtas competition, eachtraнocht adventure, spуrt sport, caitheamh aimsire pastime, hobby, imirt play, playing, turnaimint tournament, craic craic, rancбs high jinks, sбraнocht contending, siamsa amusemen, spraoi fun, spree, spуrtъlacht sportiveness, sъgradh playing, frolicking.

clъiteach adj. renowned

ardmholta highly acclaimed, cйimiъil eminent, distinguished, cбiliъil famous, dearscnaitheach outstanding, prominent, i mbйal an phobail on everybody’s lips, celebrated, iomrбiteach celebrated, well-known, molta ag cбch acclaimed by everyone, mуr le rб highly spoken of, oirirc illustious, eminent, nуtбlta noted, suntasach noteworthy. (see also: cбiliъil)

clъmhill v defame

aithisigh slur, defame, bйadбn a dhйanamh ( ar ) to malign, bйadchaint a dhйanamh ( ar ) to slander, cuir mнchlъ ( ar ) asperse, cъlghearr calumniate, dнbligh vilify, abuse, dнmheas a chaitheamh (ar) to denigrate, dubhaigh blacken, mionn йithigh a thabhairt to perjure oneself, fianaise brйige a thabhairt to bear false witness, leabhlaigh libel, mнchlъ a chur ar dhuine to cast aspersions on a person, nбirigh disgrace, salaigh besmirch, smъit a chur ar chlъ duine to


smear a person’s good name, smъitigh smear, besmirch, tarcaisne a thabhairt ( do ) to insult, tarcaisnigh insult, affront.

clъmhilleadh m defamation

aithis slur, defamamation, bйadбn malicious gossip, bйadchaint slander, brйaga fpl lies, cъlchaint gossip, йitheach columny, mнchlъ aspersion, cъlghearradh calumny, disparagement, dнbliъ vilification, abuse, dнmheas denigration, dubhъ ainm duine blackening of a person’s name, fianaise brйige false witness, leabhlal libel, mionn йithigh perjury, nбiriъ disgrace, sбiteбn jibe, innuendo, salъ besmirching, smъitiъ smearing, besmirching, tarcaisne insult.

cnag m knock

bualadh banging, beating, knocking, bleaist blast, boiseog slap, buille blow, leadhb slap, smack, cic m kick, cнonбn blow, clout, clabhta clout, cluaisнn box in the ear, cnagaide rap with knuckles, cniogaide cnagaide tap-tap, cnagaireacht striking, crunching, cnagбn knock, cnagarnach f knocking sound, cnagуg blow, knock, dearna slap, leadhbуg clout, leadуg slap, paltуg wallop, plab bang, smнste heavy blow, smash, smitнn sharp blow, tailm thump, tuairt wallop, trost whack. (see also: buille)

cnaipe m button

coirnнn bead, nasc fastening link, claspa clasp, lasc f( laisce; ~ a, ~) switch, stoda stud.

Tб mo chnaipe dйanta! I’m done for!, I’ve had it!, Chuaigh mй faol pholl ~ de. I almost made/ managed it., Nн fiъ ~ gan cos й! It’s not worth a curse!, Tб sй in am agam bheith ag dйanamh cnaipн. It’s time for me to be getting on my way.


cnбmh f bone; basic element (often used in plural form: ~ a)

бbhar issue (cf. ~ spairne bone of contention); subject matter (cf. ~a an scйil the bones of the story), achoimre f summary,

alt joint, buneilimint essential element, cnбmharlach m skeleton, creatlach f frame-work, skeleton, croн m heart, gйag f (gйige; ~a, ~) limb, imlнne outline, miontosach f elementary elements, the ABC.


~ brollaigh breastbone, ~ corrуige/ cromбin hip-bone, ~ droma backbone, ~ gйill jaw-bone, ~ grua/ leicinn cheek-bone, ~ na leise thigh-bone, ~ na lorga shin-bone, ~ radъil radius, ~ smeara marrowbone, ~ an smiolgadбin collar-bone, ~ na huillinne ulna ~ na huisinne temporal bone.



Nнl ionat ach na ~a! You’re only skin and bone!, Is fear atб i gcumas a chnбmh anois. He’s a fully grown man now., Le hallas mo chnбmh fйin a rinne mй й. I did it by the sweat of my own brow., Mб tб sй i do cheithre ~a if you can find the energy, Nнor chuir sн ~ ann. She made no bones about it.



cneб f wound, sore

anacair f leapa bed-sore, brъchneб pressure sore, carrmhogal carbuncle, clais gash, deep cut, colm scar, crйacht f gash, wound, damбiste damage, deargadh red inflamed area, dochar harm, gearradh cut, incision, goilleadh hurt, hurting, gortъ injury, harm, harming, lot lesion, damage, neascуid boil, pian f( pйine; ~ ta ) pain, ( scine ) stab, stab-wound, scrнobadh craicinn chaffing of skin, spuaic shlaghdбin cold-sore, trбma trauma.

cneбmhaire m swindler, fraudster, crook; knave

abhуgaн bounder, bithiъnach m scoundrel, rascal, bligeard blackguard, caimilйir con-man, twister, ceithearnach bandit, cluanaн deceiver, cъblбlaн fraudster, cъigleбlaн embezzler, gadaн thief, mionghadaн pilferer, meirleach m villain, bandit, ropaire scoundrel, scabhaitйir blackguard, sбrachбn bounder, sйitйir cheat, slнbhнn sly person, suarachбn low-life. (see also: bithiъnach & gadaн)




cnead f groan, grunt

caoineadh lament; weeping, йagaoin f lament, ga seб panting, gearбn complaint, ochlбn m moan, olagуn wail, osna sigh, saothar anбla panting, srann f(srainne, ~ a, ~) snore, wheeze, srannadh snoring, srannбn wheeze, rattle.

cneas f skin; surface

blaosc f shell, cбsбil casing, coirt bark, craiceann skin, pelt; peel, crotal husk, bratъ coating, clъdach f covering, eipideirm epidermis, eiseachnбmharlach m exoskeleton, scaimh peeled skin, scamhadh peeling, scannбn film, membrane, (cf.scannбn cumhdaithe clingfilm) sceo film, light covering, screamh f( screimhe; ~ a, ~) crust, seicin f membrane, snas m(~ a ) gloss, polish, vearnais varnish, veinнr veneer.

cneasta adj. gentle, honest,

bбъil sympathetic, bog soft, cairdiъil friendly, caoin gentle, caring, caoindъthrachtach earnest, caoithiъil decent, cбsmhar (le) sympathetic (towards), cineбlta kind, dбirнre sincere, dea-aigeanta good-willed, dea-bheathach good-living, virtuous, dea-chroнoch good-hearted, dea-mhйineach good-natured deas nice, dнlis genuine, dнreach frank, straight, fнor- genuine, real, fнrinneach truthful, ionraic upright, honest, iontaofa trustworthy, lбch pleasant, affable, macбnta honest, maith good, mбnla gentle, mнn gentle, soft, quiet, modhъil seemly, mild, neamhchlaonta impartial, uasal honourable.

cnу m nut

eithne f kernel, sнol seed, toradh fruit.


~ airйice areca-nut, ~ arcбin earthnut, ~ beitil betel-nut, ~ Brasaнleach Brazil nut, ~ caisiъ cashew nut, ~ capaill chestnut, ~ cуcу coconut, ~ coill hazel-nut, ~ feб beech-nut, ~ pйine pine nut, ~ pistйise pistaschio nut, ~ talъn monkey-nut.





almуinn almond, bia cnу nut-meet, blaosc f shell, cnуire nut-cracker, gallchnу walnut, im piseanna talъn peanut butter, pis thalъn peanut.


cnoc m hill

airde height, prominence, ard acclivity, hillock, ardбn small raised area; platform, ardъ elevation, climb, banc (crй)(earthen) bank, barr summit, binn f(~ e; beanna, beann) peak, carn heap, carnбn small heap, mound, clais moist pile, cnocбn hillock, cnocбnacht hilliness, cnuchaire heap of footed turf, dreapa climb, mala brae, maolach m mound, maolchnoc knoll, mullach m(- llaigh; - llaн) elevated ground, mullуg small height, rising, mound, hillock, slйibhtiъlacht mountainous nature, hilliness, sliabh m (slйibhe; slйibhte) mountain, starraiceacht prominence, starr f prominence, tulach f hillock, tulбn mound, low hill, uaschйim incline. (see also: sliabh & talamh)

cnuasach m collection

bбiliъchбn collection, beart pack, parcel, braisle cluster, bunch, burla bundle, cadhla pile, cluster, carn heap, ceangaltбn truss of objects; attachment, clais damp pile, cloigнn bunch, cluster, crobhaing f(~ e; ~ н) cluster, cual bundle, heap, dнolaim anthology (of prose), dornбn handful, duanaire anthology (of verse), grъpa group, ilchumasc assortment, meascra miscellany, mogall mass, cluster, mothar large mass of (tangled) objects, pobal congregation, rangъ classification, slua crowd, stocliosta stock-list, stуr store, sraith swath, taisce hoard; stash, tionуl assembly, tortбn clump. (see also: grъpa)

cуcaire m cook

bбicйir m baker, cailнn cуcaireachta (arch.) girl employed to prepare meals, dйantуir milseogra maker of confectionery, prнomhchуcaire chef, sуlaisteoir confectioner.

cуcaireacht f cooking

bбicйireacht baking, brнbhйireacht brewing, bruith f boiling up, cooking by boilimg, comhbhruith concoction, gallstobhadh braising, grilleadh grilling, grнoscadh broiling, grъdaireacht brewing, micreathonnadh microwaving, stobhadh stewing, tуstбil toasting, ullmhъ preparation (of food).

codail v sleep

bheith ag suanaнocht to be dozing, bheith gan aithne gan urlabhra to be unconscious, bheith i do chodladh (sбmh) to be (sound) asleep, bheith i dtбmhshuan to be in a state of narcosis, bheith i dtбmhnйal to be in a trance, bheith nйalfartach to be drowsy, half falling asleep, codladh a dhйanamh to sleep, codladh geimhridh a dhйanamh to hibernate, codladh mнogarnach a dhйanamh to doze, geimhrigh hibernate, snap codlata a dhйanamh to snooze, spuaic chodlata a dhйanamh to have a nap, srann snore, titim chun suain to fall into a slumber.

codladh m sleep

ainйistйise anaesthesia, dreas codlata forty winks, geimhriъ hibernating, geimhriъchбn hibernation, mнogarnach f dozing, nйal nap, snooze, sбmhбn nap, snap codlata catnap, power-sleep, srannadh snoring, suan slumber, tбmhchodladh heavy slumber, tбmhnйal coma, tбmhshuan narcosis.

codlatach adj. sleepy

suanach sluggish; dormant (cf. bolcбn suanach dormant volcano), suanlaнoch soporific, sleep-inducing, suanmhar drowsy, somnolent, i dtбmhshuan in a state of narcosis, i dtбmhnйal in a trance, nйalfartach drowsy, mнogarnach dozing, srannach snoring, tбmhach comatose, tбmhbhreoite dull and sickly, sleepy due to depression, tбmhshuanach narcotic, tuirseach tired tuirsiъil tiring, tбmhleisciъil lethargic, traochta exhausted, tugtha traochta shattered, completely bushed. (see also: tuirseach)

cуfra m press; chest, coffer

almуir wall-cupboard, caibinйad cabinet, cupard cupboard, locar (scoile)(school) locker, leabhragбn bookshelf, tarraiceбin drawers, vardrъs wardrobe; bosca box, cбs case, ciseбn basket, ciseog shallow basket, ciste coffer, cisteog casket, cliathbhosca crate, mбla bag, taisceadбn safe, strong-box, trunc trunk. (see also: bascaed)

cogadh m war, warfare

achrann trouble, aighneas clash, friction, бr slaughter, bruнon f(- нne, ~ ta) conflict, discord, caismirt contention, cath battle, cogaнocht warfare, cogъlacht bellicosity, coimheascar struggle, mкlйe, coimhlint conflict, struggle, coinbhleacht conflict, clash, comhrac combat, contest, doirteadh fola bloodshed, eascairdeas hostility, imreas m(-ris) strife, ionsaн aggression, mнleatacht militancy, mнleatachas miltearism, naimhdeas m sg hostilities, na Trioblуidн fpl (hist.) the Troubles, troid f(troda; ~ eanna) fight, fighting.

cogъil adj. warlike, bellicose

achrannach truculent, fractious, aighneasach confrontational, contentious, arganta quarrelsome, бrmhar slaughterous, bruнonach trouble-making, caismirteach seeking contention, cathach battling, keen to do battle, ceannairceach seditious, cogaнoch belligerent, coimhlinteach contesting, keen to contest, colgach truculent, comhraiceach combatant, eascairdiъil hostile, antagonistic, fuilchнocrach bloodthirsty, gaotaireachta (< gaotaireacht) sabre-rattling, imreasach causing strife, contentious, ionsaнoch aggressive, mнleata martial, military, mнleatach militant, mнleataнoch militaristic, naimhdeach hostile, neamhchairdiъil unfriendly, trodach pugnacious. (see also: trodach)

cogar m whisper

caint os нseal quiet talk, cogarnach f whispering, comhairle f advice, focal word, focal i gcluas (duine) word in a (person’s)



ear, quiet word, focal prнobhбideach private word, rбfla rumour, rъn secret.



~ an philiъir pillow-talk, ~ ceilge secret plotting, conspiracy, ~ trйasa murmur of treason, ~ mogar murmur of gossip, fear cogair conspirator, lucht cogair conspirators.



coibhneasta adj. relative

bainteach (le) involved (with) related (to), bainteach le hбbhar pertinent, relevant, comhcheangailte (do) allied (to), comhghaolach correlative, comhghaolmhar interrelated, comhfhreagrach corresponding, cуmhalartach reciprocal, comhrйireach proportionate, dlъthaithe drawn together closely, dlъthbhainte (<dlъthbhaint) held in very close association, dlъthchaidrimh (< dlъthchaidreamh) intimate, gaolmhar related, spleбch dependent, teagmhasach contingent.

coigilt f saving

barainn thrift, economy; parsimony, caomhnъ preservation, ceacharthacht penny-pinching meanness, cnuaisciъin f(-ъna) frugality, thrift, greamastъlacht tight-fistedness, laghdъ reduction, lascaine discount, margadh bargain, sбbhбil saving, sбbhбil airgid money-saving, sladmhargadh sale, spбrбil sparing, economy, taisceadh storing, hoarding, tнos thrift.


coigilteach f thrifty

ar lascaine at a reduced price, bainistнoch provident, barainneach skimping; parsimonious, caomhnaitheach preserving, ceachartha penny-pinching, mean, cnuaisciъnach frugal, crнonna prudent, cъramach careful, greamastъil tight-fisted, laghdaithe reduced, spбrбlach sparing, sprionlaithe parsimonious, tнosach thrifty.

coileбn m pup

coileбinнn puppy, dailtнn whippersnapper, dalta cнche nurseling, gearrcach m fledgeling, scallamбn fledgeling, scalltбn nestling.

coill f wood, small forrest

coillearnach f woodland, coilleog little wood, crainn (< crann ) trees, doire oak-grove, fбsach m wilderness, fбschoill bosket, foraois forest, garrбn grove, mothar thicket; densely overgrown wood, roschoill copse.

~ ghiъise pine-wood, ~ bheithe birchwood, cnу ~ hazelnut; ceolaire ~e wood warbler, colm ~e wood pigeon, corcrбn ~e bullfinch, cuise ~e wood meadow-grass, gobadбn ~e wood sandpiper, lacha f(~ n) choille carolina duck, lasair f(- srach) choille goldfinch.



Chuirfeadh sй dhб cheann na coille ar a chйile. He causes trouble wherever he goes., sna ~te cъil in the backwoods, Dб mbrisfн coill air nн thуgfadh sй an t-airgead. Nothing would make him take the money.




coimeбd 1 v keep; maintain; guard

aire a thabhairt (do) to take care (of), aoirigh shepherd, ceil conceal, withhold, ceiliъir celebrate, coinnigh detain, keep; maintain, comhlнon fulfil, observe, comуir commemorate, cosain defend, cothaigh foster, cuir ar lбimh shбbhбilte safeguard, cumhdaigh protect, preserve, uphold, dнon shelter, dul i bhfeighil ruda to take charge of a thing, fan remain, lean follow, moill a chur ar delay, seas maintain (cf. an fуd a sheasamh to maintain one’s position), seas le stand by, uphold, sciath shield, sъil a choinneбil ar to watch over, tabhair aire (do) take care (of), tabhair dнdean (do) give shelter (to), tуg rear. (see also: coinnigh)

coimeбd 2 m keeping, custody; guarding, observance

aoireacht shepherding, ceilt concealment, withholding, ceiliъradh celebrating, coinneбil maintaining, keeping observing, coinneбil istigh (school) detention, comhlнonadh fulfilment, observance, comуradh commemoration, cosaint defence, cothъ fostering, cur (ruda) ar lбimh shбbhбilte safeguarding (a thing), cumhdach m protection, upholding, dнon shelter, dul i bhfeighil ruda taking charge of a thing, faire f looking after, watching, fanacht remaining, folach m hiding, leanъint following, moilliъ delaying, seas amh (le) standing (by) upholding, sciath f(scйithe) shield, tуgail rearing (cf. tуgбil ainmhithe, pбistн, etc.. rearing of animals, children, etc..).

coimeбdach 1 m conservative

` cam m teallaigh home-bird, cos f ina chуnaн stay-at-home, lucht na heite deise right-wingers, duine den seandream one of the old-school, lucht lбr bбire middle-of-the-road people, lucht champa an choinbhinseanchais conventionalists, lucht na comhfhoirmeachta conformists, sъm sбm stick-in-the-mud, tуraн Tory, traidisiъnaн traditionalist.

coimeбdach 2 adj. conservative

aireach guarded, airdeallach cautious, wary, cйillн sober, sensible, coinbhinsiъnnach conventional, comhfhoirmeachta (< comhfhoirmeacht) conformist, den eite dheis right-wing, den seandream old-school, dнgeanta die-hard, faichilleach wary, faireach vigilant, frithghnнomhach reactionary, gan fonn eachtraнochta unadventurous, lбr bбire middle-of-the-road, neamhfhorбsach unprogressive, seanfhaiseanta old-fashioned, stuama sober, level-headed; staid, tуraн Tory, traidisiъnta traditional.

coimisiъn m commission

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