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Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 2 страница

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poll a bhriseadh a make a hole

scйal a bhriseadh to break a story/news

slбinte duine a bhriseadh to ruin a person’s health

talamh a bhriseadh to cultivate land


briseadh m break, breaking; (money) loose change

bearna f breach, gap, cliseadh lapse, faonoscailt slight gap/ opening, gбg crack, idirlinn intermission, interval, mant gap between teeth, moill delay, poll hole, oscailt opening, rйabadh rupture, scбineadh fissure, interstice, scнth rest, scнth bheag breather, statio, scнth nуna siesta, scoilt split, sos pause, recess, stad halt; pause staonadh cessation, stop stop, strуiceadh tear, mionairgead small money, sуinseбil change.

briste adj. broken

as glйas out of order, as seirbhнs out of service, bearnach with gaps, caillte broken (cf. croн caillte broken spirit), cloнte overwhelmed, defeated, crйachtach wounded, gashed, gбgach cracked, ina smionagar smashed up, i smidirнnн in bits, mantach chipped, indented pollta punctured, rйabtha ruptured, scoilte split, sos pause, recess, scrнobtha scraped, stadach halting; stuttering staonadh cessation, stoptha stopped; blocked, strуicthe torn, tite as a chйile collapsed, fallen apart.

brнste m trousers, pants, breeches

brнste sciota shorts, treabhsar trousers, jнons m(~; ~н) jeans, йadaн deinime denims, flainнnн mpl flannels

brуd m pride; arrogance

ardmheanma high spirit, elation, бthas happiness, baoth-ghalбntacht snobbery, bogбs smugness, self-complacency, breбthacht fineness, excellence, cur i gcйill affectation, dнomas conceit, dнomhaointeas vanity, idleness, fйinmheas self-esteem, gairйad ostentation, galбntacht grandeur, hъbras hubris, leithead conceit, leitheadas self-importance, vanity, lъchбir euphoria, mainglйis showiness, posing, maнteacht boastfulness, meas-ort-fйin self-respect, meidhir mirth, elation, (an) mуr is fiъ bigheadedness, pomposity, mуrchъis haughtiness, arrogance, mуrбil vanity, bragging, mуrtas pride, swagger, niamhracht splendour, onуir honour, postъlacht self-importance, sonas happiness, joy, sotal arrogance, taibhse flamboyance, togha pick, toirtйis haughtiness, uabhar arrogance,loftiness; (wounded) pride.


Tб ~ orm aisti. I’m proud of her., Nнor lig an ~ dу cъnamh a lorg. His pride would let him ask for help.


brуdъil adj. proud; arrogant

ard-mheanmnach high-spirited, elated, ardnуsach pompous, arduallach vain, haughty, бthasach happy, baoth-ghalбnta snobby, bogбsach smug, complacent, breб fine, excellent, curtha i gcйill affected, dнomasach conceited, dнomhaoin vain, gairйadach ostentatious, galбnta grand, elegant, leitheadach conceited, lъchбireach euphoric, mainglйiseach showy, ostentatious, maнteach boastful, measъil esteemed, respectful, meidhreach mirthful, elated, mуr is fiъ bigheaded, pompous, mуrбlach boastful, vain, mуrchъiseach haughty, arrogant, mуrtasach proud, boastful, niamhrach splendid, onуrach honoured, postъil self-important, conceited, sona happy, joyful, sotalach arrogant, taibhseach flamboyant, togha choice, toirtйiseach haughty, uaibhreach arrogant,lofty; indignant.

brуg f shoe, boot

cuarбin sandals, slipйir slippers, buimpйisн pumps, buataisн boots, buataisн rubair Wellingtons, buataisнnн booties, little boots, gearrbhuatais half-boot, pampъtaн pampooties, (na) sбla arda high-heeled shoes.


~a arda boots, ~a bailй ballet shoes, ~a damhsa dancing shoes, ~a iallacha laced shoes, ~ нseal shoe, ~a leadуige tennis shoes, ~a maide clogs, ~a peile football boots, ~a reatha runners, ~a rugbaн rugby boots, ~a sбl ard high-heeled boots, ~a tairnн hobnailed boots, ~a ъrleathair pampooties.


brуn m sadness, sorrow

ainnise misery, anachain calamity, loss, anу m distress, anrу wretched condition, atuirse weariness, dejection, briseadh croн heart-break, buairt sorrow, grief, caoineadh mourning, weeping, cйasadh agony; crucifixion, ciach m(ciaigh) sorrow, woe, cian longing, wistfulness, crб distress, crб croн torment, anguish, cruatan hardship, cumha nostalgia, dearуile wretchedness, dobrуn deep sorrow, grief, dochraide distress,

doilнos sorrow, affliction, dуilse dolfulness, doirbheas sullenness, dуlбs tribulation, domheanma dejection, duairceas moroseness, melancholy, duais gloom, dejection, dubhachas black despair, dъlagar (medical) depression, йagaoin lament, bemoaning, йagaoineadh lamentation, moaning, lachtacht tearfulness. lйan anguish, sorrow, ochlбn wailing, groaning, gruaim gloom, despondency, imnн worry, нsle brн dispirited, lagar spride low spirits, mйala grief, sorrow, mн-бdh affliction; ill-luck, mнfhortъn misfortune, mнshбstacht dissatisfaction, mнshonas unhappiness, mъisiam upset, irritation pъic glumness, moroseness, scalladh croн heart-ache, smъit gloominess, suaitheadh agitation, triamhna f wearied sadness,weariness of life, uamhan dread.


Tб ~ orm faoi. (a) I am sad about it., (b) I am sorry about it., Theastaigh uaim do bhrуn a chбsъ leat. I wanted to expressed my condolences to you., bheith faoi bhrуn to be sorrowful.

brуnach adj. sad, sorrowful

ainnis miserable, anaoibhiъil unsmiling, despondent, glum, anуiteach distressful, miserable, anrуiteach wretched, distressing, atuirseach weary, dejected, buartha sorrowful, grief-stricken, caointeach mourning, weeping, cйasta in agony; crucified, faoi chiach in great sorrow, gloomy, cianach longing, wistful, crбite distressed, croнbhriste broken-hearted, croн-chrбite of a tormented heart, croн-scallta heart-aching, crua hard, cumhach nostalgic, dearуil wretched, dobrуnach very sorrowful, dochma morose, gloomy, dochraideach distressing, dodach sullen, dуilseach doleful, doirbh sullen, doirfeach disgruntled, dуlбsach in tribulation, domheanmnach dejected, duairc morose, melancholy, duaisiъil gloomy, dejected, dubhach in black despair, йagaointeach mournful, lamenting, lйanmhar full of anguish, sorrowful, ochlбnach wailing, groaning, gruama gloomy, despondent, imnнoch worried, in lagar spride in the doldrums, in нsle brн at a low ebb, mйalach lamenting, sorrowful, mн-бmharach afflicted; unlucky, mнfhortъnach misfortunate, mнshбsta dissatisfied, mнshona unhappy,

mъisiamach upset, irritated neamhaigeanta cheerless, dispirited, pъiciъil glum, smъitiъil gloomy, suaite agitated, triamhnach sorrowfully weary, pitiful, uamhnach dreadful. (see also: нseal)

bronntanas m present, gift

aoibhneas treat, pleasantness, bуnas bonus, bronnadh bestowal, cineбl (usually food) treat, comhartha (beag) (small) token, dearbhбn voucher, (deabhбn siopadуireachta, lуin, etc..) (shopping, luncheon, etc.. voucher), dearlaic endowment, deontas grant, йarlais leabhair book token, fйirнn present, valuable acquisition, voucher, gar favour, нobairt loiscthe (usually humorously re. food) burnt offering, liъntas allowance, ofrбil (religious) offering, oidhreacht inheritance, rud (atб) saor in aisce freebee, scolбireacht bursary, scholarship, sнntiъs donation; subscription, sнntiъs lбimhe tip, hand-out, tabhartas gift, tairiscint offering.

brostaigh v hurry

bealadh a chur faoi d’ioscaidн to step on it, to get your finger out, beoigh liven up, bнogadh a chur ionat fйin to stir yourself, Corraigh ort! Get a move on!, cos a bhogadh to shake a leg, deabhadh a dhйanamh to get a move on, to hurry up, dйan go gasta do quickly, dйan gan mhoill do without delay, deifir a dhйanamh to make haste, deifrigh hasten, dithneas a chur le expedite, dithneasaigh hasten with urgency, dlъs a chur le quicken, festinate, dъisigh wake up, Йirigh as do dнomhaointeas! Stop your idleing!, gan ligean don fhйar fбs faoi do chosa not to let the grass grow under your feet, gйaraigh accelerate, luas a ghйarъ to pick up the pace, luathaigh quicken, speed up, luн isteach air to get stuck into it, to step it up, rбbуg a thabhairt to put a spurt on, Rйab leat! Go for it!, rud йigin a dhйanamh faoi driopбs to do something in a rush, Scaoil leat! Fire ahead!, spionnadh a chur ann to make it snappy.

brъ m pressure

anбil influence, ardbhrъ high pressure, comhbhrъ compression, comhйigean coercion, cruуg urgency, pressure (cf. faoi chruуg na hoibre under the presure of work), йigeantas duress, fбscadh squeeze, fуrsa force, griothal hassle, meбchan weight, squeezing, prбinn urgency, srian constraint, strus stress, straidhn strain, straighneбil straining, teannadh (ar) pressurizing, teannas tension.

bruach m bank, embankment, brink

bord brink, claн embankment, corr f( coirre; ~ a, ~) edge; projecting point, cъinne corner, faobhar edge, imeall periphery, margin ciumhais border, edging, trб f beach, cladach m(- aigh; - , ~) shore, taobh side.

brъcht v belch, erupt

aisig spew, caith amach throw out/ up, bris amach break out, erupt, scaird gush, pour forth rapidly, plйasc explode, rйab blast, rip, rois rend, tear, rop thrust, dash, sceith gush, steall spout, pour forth, urlaic vomit.


brъigh m press

comhbhrъigh compress, diurnaigh embrace, йignigh force, compel, fбisc squeeze, iarnбil iron, нsligh depress, leacaigh flatten out, level, mъnlaigh mould, pinseбil pinch, sбigh push, smъdбil iron, press, tabhair (ar) force, tacht choke.


bruнon 1 f brawl, quarrel; strife

achrann quarrelling, aighneas dispute, clampar uproar, comhrac struggle, comhrac aonair duel, gleo combat, grбscar scuffle, griolsa brawl, imreas strife, racбn rumpus, raic uproar, rнrб hubbub, uproar, ruaille buaille commotion, tumult, sбraнocht disputation, scirmis skirmish, scliъchas brawl, rumpus, troid f(troda; ~ eanna) fight. (see also: troid)


bruнon 2 f fairy dwelling

бit draнochta enchanted place, бras na sн fairy residence, brъ hostel, lios fairy fort, cnoc na sн fairyhill, mullach na sн fairy mound, sнbhruнon fairy palace.


bruite adj. cooked, boiled

bбcбilte baked, beirithe boiled, deataithe smoked, friochta fried, fiuchta boiled, galaithe steamed, galstofa braised, grнosctha grilled;broiled, ullmhaithe prepared, rйitithe got ready, rуsta roasted, sуtбilte sautйed, stofa stewed, suanbhruite simmered, tуstбilte toasted.


brъite adj. pressed, squeezed

comhbhrъite compressed, diurnaithe embraced, йignithe forced, compelled, fбsctha squeezed, iarnбilte ironed, нslithe depressed, leacaithe flattened out, leveled, mъnlaithe moulded, pinseбilte pinched, sбite pushed, smъdбilte ironed, pressed, tachta choked.

bruith v cook, boil

bбcбil bake, beirigh boil, deataigh smoke, frioch fry, fiuch boil, galaigh steam, galstobh braise, grнosc grill;broil, ullmhaigh prepare, rйitigh get ready, rуst roast, sуtбil sautй, stobh stew, suanbhruith simmer, tуstбil toast.

bruscar m fragments, crumbs; litter

Blъirнbits, scraps, bloghannasplinters, blъirнnнsnippets, braontadrops, braonбindroplets, brнnleachf(-lн)fragments, brioscbhruarfragments, small pieces, cъplacouple, deascasediment,deoradashes, droplets, dramhaнlrefuse, dъradбinspecks, fuнollm residue, giobуgamorsels, pick, giotaн beagalittle bits, grabhrуgacrumbs, grбinnнgrains, pinches, grъnlachm refuse, dregs, iarsmaнmpl remnants, remains, loirgtraces, signs, mionrabhf(-aibhe) tiny bits, shreds; filings, meathбinsplinters; (basketry) splints, mнreannafragments, pнosaн beaga small pieces, riantatraces, ruainnн

shreds, single fibres, sceallaн slices, flakes, sceallуga chips, scealpa fpl splinters, slisne slice, sliseog small slice, smearadh smearing, smudge, smidirнnн little bits, smithereens, smionagar shattered pieces, shards, smuit portions, smutбin pieces, chunks, stiallacha slices; strips, teascбin segments, treascarnach f scrap, refuse; debris.

bua m

1. victory; advantage

an barr (a fhбil ar) (to get) the better (of), an bonn уir the gold medal, an chйad бit the first place, an chйad duais the first prize, an lб the day, (cf. bhн an lб linn. The day was ours., We won.), an lбmh in uachtar the upper hand, barr superiority, barr бigh victory, caithrйim triumph, ceansъ subjugation, concas conquest, corn (sport) cup, trophy; goblet, craobh f(- oibhe; ~ a, ~) laurels, palm, duais prize, fleasc f(fleisce; ~ a, ~) garland, wreath, gabhбil catch, seizure, gabhбltas capture, occupancy, lбmh in uachtar the upper hand, mбistreacht mastery, rath success, svae m sway, victory, uachtar uppermost; бbhar maнte merit, something to be proud of, buntбiste advantage, luaнocht merited reward, merit, sochar gain, tairbhe f benefit, tuillteanas merit, desert. (see also: buntбiste)

2. talent

бbaltacht ability, acmhainn resource, capacity, buntбiste m advantage, cumas ability, capability, deis knack, lбidreacht strength, mianach m aptitude, fйith natural bent, talent, intleacht ingenuity, seift ruse, wile, tallann talent, tнolacadh m(- ctha; - cthaн) divine gift, trйith accomplishment, trait, tuiscint feel, understanding, (see also: buntбiste, tallann)

buach adj. victorious

ar barr on top, an chйad the first, bairr at the top (cf. imreoirн bairr top players), barr- champion,, top- bua winning, caithrйimeach triumphant, cloнteach conquering,

laochta valorous, heroic, rathъil successful, uachtarach uppermost.

buachaill m boy

balcaire hunk of a lad, bearrбnach roguish young fellow, coileбn pup, corrбnach gaunt youth, dailtнn whippersnapper, dalta pupil; brat, dйagуir teenager, diъlach m chap, fellow, gas sprig, gasуg boy-scout, gasra band of young lads, gasъr boy, garlach m urchin, brat, garsъn boy, gearrbhodach youngster, gearrbhuachaill m growing youth, gearrcach m fledgling, giolla page, giollбn little lad, gutachбn guttersnipe, leaid m lad, leanbh fir man-child, mac son, sonny malrach m little lad, уgбnach m youth, уg m(уig, ~ a, ~) youth, scolбire, pupil, scholar, slataire young lad, slis den seanmhaide chip off the old block, stуcach youth, boy-friend, strapaire strapping young lad, teallaire laddish boy. (see also: fear)

~ aimsire servant-boy, ~ bбire playboy, ~ bу cowboy, ~ caorach shepherd boy, ~ feirme farm-boy, ~ siopa shop assistant, ~ stбbla stable-boy, ~ tбbhairne barman.


buaic f highest point, pinnicle; culmination,

apуidiъ apogee, binn summit, peak, barr top, buaic-phointe high-point, climax, ceann head, rinn f apex, tip, stuaic vertex, uasphointe zenith. (see also: barr)


buaigh v win

an barr a bhaint amach to reach the top, an bonn уir a fhбil to getthe gold medal, an bua/ an lб a bhreith (cf. Rug siad бr mbua. They got the better of us.) to with the day, (cf. bhн an lб linn. The day was ours., We won.), an bua a chrochadh (leat) to steal the victory, an chйad бit/ duais a bhaint amach to win first place/ prize, an chйad duais a fhбil to receive first prize, an chraobh a thabhairt (leat) to walk away with the championship, an lбmh in uachtar a fhбil to get the upper hand, bain amach achieve, bheith caithrйimeach to be victorious, ceansaigh subjugate, concas a fhбil to gain a


conquest, йirigh (le duine)(e.g. D’йirнgh liom. I succeeded.) gnуthaigh gain, scуrбil score, tuill earn.


buail v hit, strike; ~ le meet with

batrбil batter, boiseog sa bhйal a thabhairt (do) to give a slap in the face (to), buille a thabhairt (do) to give a blow (to), burdбil beat, clabhtбil clout, cnag knock, cniogaide cnagaide a dhйanamh to make a tapping sound, cuaifeach a thabhairt do to swipe at, dornбil box, gread beat hard, trounce, lasc lash, leadair smite, beat; hew, leadhb thrash, beat, leag knock down, lйas flog, thrash, leadhbair beat thrash, liъdrбil beat violently, trounce; castigate, traiseбil thrash, trampбil trample, treascair knock down, vanquish rъisc pelt, sнn prostrate, smiot smash, smнsteбil a thabhairt (do) go give a trouncing (to), smitнn a thabhairt (do) to give a sharp blow (to); Casadh orm й. I bumped into him., feic to see, teacht ar to come across, teagmhбil ar to chance upon.


buairt f anxiety, upset, mental anguish

alбram alarm, anbhб consternation, anbhuain dismay, unease, beagmhisneach m despondency, beaguchtach m loss of heart, brбca hassle, distress, buaireamh mental anguish, callуid disquiet, cбsmhaireacht concern, corraнl agitation, eagla fear, faitнos apprehension, imnн worry, anxiety, mearaн distraction, bewilderment, mнshuaimhneas unease, disquiet, suaitheadh agitation, disturbance. (see also: imnн)


buaite adj. won

bainte amach achieved, Bhн an lб linn. We won, comhlнonta fulfilled, curtha i bhfeidhm brought into effect, curtha i gcrнch brought to a (successful) conclusion, carried out, йirithe (le) succeeded, manage (cf. Tб йirithe leis. He has succeeded.), faighte gotten, gnуthaithe gained, scуrбilte scored, tuillte earned.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 186 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 1 страница| Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 3 страница

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