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Agashort interval, aimsirtime-period, amtime,bealach track,fadlength, idir an dб linnin the meanwhile,idir 1 страница

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threallanna between times, slн way, tamall while, tйarma term, trбth once, occasion, treall short period of time, treall den oнche period during the night, trйimhse period, seal turn, spell, uair hour, time.


achoimre f summary, prйcis

achomaireacht summary, prйcis, athbhreithniъ revision, buncheisteanna fundamental/ key-issues, cnбmha an scйil the bones of the matter, coimhlint struggle, coimriъchбn digest, coimre compendium, cuntas gairid short account, eochairphointн key-points, eochair eochairghnйithe fpl key elements, eochairfhнorais key facts, eochairsmaointe key ideas, gearrinsint epitome, giorrъ shortening; abridgement imlнne f outline, lйirmheas m review, prнomhargуintн main arguments, pointн tбbhachtacha important points, prнomhphointн main points, prнomhsmaointe main ideas, sъil siar review of past events, trйithe eochracha key attributes.

achrann m quarrelling; fray; difficulty, strife

argуint argument, bruнon quarrel, castacht complication, cath battle, cogadh war, coimhlint struggle, dнospуid dispute, dнospуireacht debate, easaontъ disagreement, imreas strife, in adharca lena chйile loggerheads, mнshuaimhneas disquiet, unrest, sбraнocht disputation, trodaireacht brawling, troid fight.

achrannach m quarrelsome, troublesome, difficult

agуideach cantankerous, stroppy; protesting, argуinteach argumentative, bruнonach quarrelsome, casta complicated, cathach battling, bellicose, cogaнoch belligerent, warlike, coimhlinteach contesting, fond of contest, deacair difficult, dнospуideach disputative; contentious, dнospуireachta debating, easaontach dissentient, imreasach contentious, in adharca lena chйile at loggerheads, mнshuaimhneach disquieted, uneasy, sбraнochta held in disputation, trodach pugnacious, combative.

acht m act, law

beart measure, move, bille bill, cйim step, cur i bhfeidhm enforcement, cur i gcrнch execution, dlн law, fiontar venture, undertaking, foraithne f decree, forуgra declaration, reacht m statute, rъn resolution, seasamh stand, togra initiative, ordъ order.


aclaн adj. supple

inlъbtha bendable, leaisteach elastic, ligthe loose, relaxed, lъbarnach wriggling, lъfar limber, solъbtha pliable.

acmhainn f capacity

бbaltacht ability, airgead money, йifeacht effect, fairsinge amplitude gnу business, gus resource, gustal means, enterprise, inmhe maturity, condition, lнon total/ full number, amount, maoin wealth, mйid totalamount, oiread amount, saibhreas riches, toice wealth, toice an tsaoil worldly wealth, toilleadh capacity, seasamh standing, suнomh position.

acmhainneach adj. affuent, wealthy; resourceful

an airgid moneyed, ar maos le hairgead rolling in money, brabachъil well-to-do, compordach comfortable, deisiъil well-circumstanced, flъirseach abounding, plentiful, fairsing ample, gustalach well-off, well-to-do, iarmhaiseach affluent, ina s (h) uн go te sitting pretty, iomadъil copious, lofa le hairgead rotten with money, rachmasach wealthy, raidhsiъil abundant, profuse, ramhar fat, saibhir rich, sйanmhar prosperous, toiciъil wealthy, prosperous, torthъil fruitful, fertile. (see also: saibhir)

бdh m luck

amhantar windfall, stroke of luck, buille amhantrach windfall, cabhair Dй God’s help, cinniъint destiny, йadбil serendipity, unexpected gain, fortъn fortune, sйan prosperity, seans chance, sonas happiness, good luck, tabhartas у Dhia Godsend, tarlъ бmharach lucky occurrence, toice fortune, chance, torchaire fortunate acquisition.

◊ Bhн an t-~ orainn. We were lucky., Bнonn an t-~ dearg ortsa. You’re extremely lucky., sciorta den ~ stroke of luck, Go raibh an t-~ ort sna scrъduithe! Good luck with the exams!

adhlacadh m burial

Aifreann na marbh Mass for the dead, cur committal, cur san uaigh interment, deasghnбtha adhlactha funeral rites, tionlacan an choirp funeral procession.


■ an ola dhйanach the last oils/Rites, cill churchyard, cуnra coffin, faire wake, leac (f. gs. leice) uaighe tombstone, mnб caointe keening women, muintir an mhairbh family of the deceased, уrбid adhlactha funeral oration, reilig cemetery, sochraid funeral, teach tуrraimh wake-house, uaigh grave.

adharc f horn; antenna

alбram alarm, aintйine f antenna, beann f antler, bonnбn siren, stoc (comhraic) (battle) horn; goblet.

adhmad m wood

adhmadуireacht woodwork, bataн sticks, brosna firewood, cipнn match, connadh (le haghaidh tine) kindling, coill wood, crann tree, craobhуga twigs, fбsach m wilderness, foraois forest, maide wooden stick (cf. maide portaigh bog-timber, cos mhaide wooden leg, ceann maide blockhead, etc), roschoill underwood, scrub, siъinйireacht carpentry, slaitнn wand, slat stick.

adhradh m worship, adoration

adhmholadh eulogizing, aililiъ alleluia, ardъ exaltation, bladar adulation, diagъ deification, нoladhradh idolatry, meas m regard, moladh praise, уmуs homage, paidreacha fpl prayers, urraim reverence. (see also: moladh)

admhaigh v admit

aithin recognize, aontaigh agree, dearbhaigh affirm, fуgair declare, gйill yield, concede, glac le accept, lig allow, nocht reveal.


aer m air; sky; fun

aerбid climate, aeraнocht entertainment, aimsir weather, anбil breath, gaoth f wind, ocsaigin oxygen, siamsa entertainment, spйir sky, spуrt fun, spraoi spree, fun. (see also: atmaisfйar 1 )

бfach adv. however

ach but, бmh however, ar aon nуs at any rate, ar a shon sin agus eile nevertheless, dб ainneoin notwithstanding, in ainneoin sin in spite of that, ina dhiaidh sin agus uile nonetheless, mar sin fйin all the same, sin rбite that said.

agallamh m interview

ceastуireacht interrogation, ceistiъ questioning, comhrб conversation, chat, croscheistiъ cross-questioning, fiafraн enquiring, asking, fiosrъ enquiring, fiosrъchбn enquiry.

aghaidh f face, facade, front

cuntanуs countenance, visage, craiceann skin, surface area, dreach m aspect, facial appearance, dealramh appearance, gnъis countenance, йadan front, face, taobh m amuigh exterior, tosach m front.

бibhйalta adj. exaggerated

бifйiseach ridiculous, ainspianta grotesque, dulta thar fуir excessive, gбifeach histrionic, gairйadach gaudy, loud, galamaisнoch affected, full of empty showiness, gan craiceann na fнrinne air implausible, iomarcach excessive, superfluous, ollmhуr immense, rуfhoclach effusive, verbose, rу-mhaisiъil over-decorated, sйideogach puffed-up, toirtйiseach ostentatious, thar cailc ar fad way-over-the top, thar fуir over-the-top.

бibhйil f. exaggeration

бifйis exaggeration, nonsense, dul thar fуir/ cailc over-doing-it gбifeachas sensationalism, showiness, gairйad ostentation, galamaisнocht histrionics, affectation, iomarca superfluity, ollmhуire immenseness, rуfhoclachas verbosity, rу-mhaisiъlacht excessively ornate, sйadadh hot air, windiness,

sйideadh adhairce horn-blowing, sйideogacht blustering, disdainful empty talk, toirtйis ostentation.


aibн adj. ripe

cineбlta aged (cf. fнon ~ aged wine), fбsta go hiomlбn fully grown, forbartha developed, in inmhe potent, mature, lбn-fhorbartha fully developed, lбnfhбsta mature (mac lйinn ~ mature student), lбnfhбsta fully grown, rйidh le baint ready to harvest, rйidh le hithe ready-to-eat, seanchleachta well-practised, stбlaithe () seasoned (e.g. adhmad ~ seasoned wood), tagtha in aois come of age, tuartha sate, ullamh ready.

aice f nearness, proximity

бisiъlacht handiness, comhtheagmhбlacht contiguity, cуngar vicinity, dlъs propinquity, dlъthaнocht intimacy (with a deity) dlъthchaidreamh intimacy (with a person), foisceacht proximity, gaireacht closeness, contiguity, giorracht nearness, inrochtaineacht accessibility, neasacht immediacy, teagmhбil adjacency, teoranntacht contiguity, bordering.

▲ in ~ na farraige beside the sea, in ~ liom beside me, in ~ lбimhe near at hand, in ~ lбithreach nearby Fan i m’aice! Stay close by me! Tб lбmh in ~ leis. He has one lame arm., ina ~ sin besides, Tуg as ~ an linbh й! Take it out of reach of the child!

aicнd f disease

adhascaid morning sickness, nausea, aiseag puking,vomiting, breoiteacht sickliness, sickness easlбinte ill-health, galar illness, galar tуgбlach contagious disease, galar meathlъchбin degenerative disease, tinneas sickness, tinneas boilg stomach upset, tinneas cinn headache, pairilis paralysis, faoi phairilis paralysed.

■ ailse cancer, ainйaras aneurism, aipindicнteas appendicitis airtrнteas arthritis, alcуlachas alcoholism, antaibheathach m antibiotic, aodh thochais hives, ardbhrъ fola high blood-pressure, bйim ghrйine sunstroke, bolgach f smallpox, bolgach f cow-pox, broincнteas bronchitis, bruitнneach measles, bruitнneach dhearg German measles, rubella, calar cholera, ceislнnteas tonsillitis, cliseadh nйarуg nervous breakdown, confadh rabies, daitheacha rheumatism, deilgneach f chicken-pox, dъlagar depression, diaibйiteas diabetes, easpa abscess, eipidйim epidemic, eitinn tuberculosis, fiabhras fever, fiabhras dubh typhus, fiabhras cnбmh rheumatic fever, fiabhras dearg scarlet fever, fliъ flu, frнdнn germ, gastaireintrнteas gastroenteritis, leoicйime leukaemia, meall m(mill; ~ ta) tumour, meall m gorm carbuncle, meiningнteas meningitis, mъchadh asthma, niъmуine pneumonia, othras goile stomach ulcer, plucamas mumps, plъchadh asthma, polaimiailнteas polio, scitsifrйine f schizophrenia, scoilteacha fpl rheumatism, siondrуm easpa imdhнonachta faighte (SEIF) acquired immune deficiency disorder (AIDS), slaghdбn cold, spuaic shlaghdбin cold sore, tнofуideach typhoid, titimeas epilepsy, triuch m(treacha) whooping-cough, VEID dearfach (vнreas easpa imdhнonachta daonna dearfach) HIV positive, vнreas virus, (see also: tinneas)

aicme f class

rangъ classification, rang class, roinn division/ department, cineбl kind, sуrt sort, saghas type, sort, grъpa group, dream group, catagуir category, sraith set. (see also: grъpa)

aifйala f regret

aifйaltas embarrassment, aithreachas regret, aithrн penance, aithrн mhall late repentance, aithrн thoirnн sudden repentance, brуn faoinar tharla sorrow over all that happened, buaireamh coinsiasa troubled conscience, caoineadh mourning, ciontacht guilt, dнomб disappointment, doilнos remorse, dуlбs ruefulness, droch-choinsias bad conscience, gruaim despondency, gloom, mнshбstacht dissatisfaction, nбire shame, scrupaill choinsiasa pricks of conscience, taibhseacht ostentation. (see also: nбire)

aifйalach adj. regretful

aithrнoch penitent, ar a bhfuil buaireamh coinsiasa conscience-stricken, dнomбch disappointed, brуnach sorry, brуnach faoinar tharla sorrowful over all that happened, buartha troubled caointeach mournful, ciontach guilty, doilнosach remorseful, dуlбsach rueful, gruama despondent,

mнshбsta dissatisfied, nбireach shameful, nбirithe shamed, embarrassed, taibhseach ostentatious. (see also: nбireach)

Aifreann m Mass

eaglais church, searmanas eaglasta church ceremony, seirbhнs eaglasta church service, seirbhнs нobairt chorp Chrнost Eucharist, sйipйal chapel, teampall temple; church, teach pobail church. (see also: eaglais, reiligiъn)

▲ ~ Mуr High Mass, ~ an Domhnaigh Sunday Mass, ~ na Gine Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, ~ na Marbh Requiem Mass, ~ an Phуsta Nuptial Mass, lйamh an Aifrinn to say Mass, cбrta Aifrinn Mass card,

■ an Abhlann Choisricthe the Consecrated Host, Aifreannach maith good Mass-goer, altуir altar, ard-altуir high altar, bosca faoistine confessional box, buachaill/ cailнn altуra altar boy/girl, йadach/ rбillн altуra altar cloth, rails, faoistin confession, faoistin a chloisteбil to hear confession, glъinfheacadh genuflection, peaca marfach/ solathach mortal/ venial sin, sagart priest, uisce coisricthe holy water (see also: eaglais, reiligiъn)

aigeanta adj. spirited, sprightly, intellectual

anamъil animated, beo lively, beoga sprightly, cliste clever, йirimiъil intelligent, fuinniъil energetic, gasta quick (on the uptake), gnнomhach active, intleachtach mettlesome, misniъil high-spirited, plucky, sponcъil spunky, spridiъil spirited.

aighneas m dispute

achrann quarrelling, argуint argument, bruнon wrangle, cadrбil chatter, caibidil disputation, caint ghonta hurtful talk, cambъs commotion, cath battle, clampar uproar, cogadh war, coimhlint struggle, comhrб dialogue, comhrac struggle, conspуid controversy, contrбrthacht tuairime difference of opinion, dioscъrsa discourse, dнospуireacht debate, easaontъ disagreement, eascairdeas antagonism, feannadh flaying, gleo combat, нde bйil verbal abuse, naimhdeas hostility, enmity, racбn rumpus, raic uproar, rн-rб agus ruaille buaille ructions, sбraнocht disputing, contention, scalladh scolding,

troid fight, tuairimн ag teacht salach ar a chйile conflicting views. (see also: troid)

aigne f mind

acmhainn mhachnaimh capacity to think, aitheantas recognition, aithne recognition, awareness, anam soul, beocht vivacity, coinlнocht ‘candlelight’ (i.e. the reaching of awareness, becoming an adult, e.g. Nнl aon choinlнocht ann fуs. He’s still only a mindless/ unaware child.) comhfhios consciousness, cumhacht inchinne brain-power, cumas smaointe ability to think, йirim intelligence, feasacht awareness, fйinaithne self-awareness, inchinn brain, intinn mind, meanma spirit, state of mind, intleacht intellect, meabhair f mind, meon attitude, sнcй psyche, brain, stuaim prudence, tuiscint understanding.

бilйar m attic, gallery

balcуin balcony, lochta m loft, lйibheann terrace, vйarбnda veranda.

aill f cliff

creig f(~e; creaga) crag, йadan face, scairp escarpment, scarp, scйimh overhang, starrбn projecting rock.

бilleacht f beauty

бille beauty, ball seirce beauty-spot, blбth bloom, blossoming, dathъlacht handsomeness, draнocht f charm, cуraн f shapeliness, cuannacht elegance, galбntacht stylishness, grбstъlacht gracefulness, loise radiance, luisne sheen, healthy glow, maise f adornment, mealltacht glamour, scйimh beauty, slacht m comeliness, taitneamh appeal, tarraingt attractiveness.

aimhrйidh f disorder, entanglement

anord chaos, ciseach f mess, cнrйib riot, uproar, йadlъs tenuity, fuililiъ hullabaloo, gach uile rud bunoscionn everything upside down, gleo fracas, mн-eagar disarray, manglam jumble, meascбn mix-up, meascбn mearaн muddle,

mн-ord disorder, prбisceбil messing, praiseach f mess, seamlas shambles, tamhach m tбisc uproar, commotion.

aimsigh v aim, attain

bain amach achieve, reach, beir ( ar ) take hold of, beir greim ( ar ) grasp, grab, comhlнon fulfil cuir i gcrнch accomplish, crнochnaigh finish, dнrigh direct, focus, faigh get, find, gnуthaigh earn, gain, win, mйadaigh gain (increase), rйadaigh realize, rйalaigh realize, solбthair procure, sroich reach, teacht air to arrive at, tйigh i gceann (+ gen.) address, undertake, tnъth aspire, tuill earn, gain, deserve.


aimsir f

1. weather

aerбid climate, boglach m wet weather, doineann inclement weather, fliuchras rainfall, meitйareolaнocht meteorology, sнon weather, sнonfhaisnйis weather forecast, soineann clement weather, soineann agus doineann in all weathers, sa dъluachair indepth of winter, teocht temperature, triomach m dry weather.


■ bбisteach rain, braonta bбistн rain-drops, brothall sultriness, brothallach fine sultry day, dнle bбistн downpour of rain, faoin ghrian in the sunshine, fearthainn rain, fuacht cold, lб bog soft day, lб ceomhar foggy day, lб fliuch wet day, lб grianmhar sunny day, lб idir dhб shнon pet day, lб na seacht sнon very stormy day, lб tirim dry day, lб scamallach cloudy day, prйachta leis an bhfuacht frozen with the cold, scamall bбistн rain-cloud, sioc frost, sioc geal hoar frost, sioc talъn ground frost, cloudy day sнonbhuailte weather beaten, sneachta snow, sneachta sнobtha driven snow, teas heat, teas marfach oppressive heat. (see also: bбisteach)

ag cur seaca freezing, ag cur sneachta snowing, ag cur bбistн/ fearthainne raining; ag brбdбn drizzling, ag caitheamh sceana grйasaн raining cats and dogs, ag crъ na grйine sun-bathing.


(types of weather) go brбdбnach drizzly, go breб fine, go brothallach sultry, go ceomhar misty/foggy, go dorcha overcast/dark, go fuar cold, go fliuch wet, go gaofar windy, go geal bright, go grianmhar sunny, go scamallach cloudy, go stoirmeach stormy, go te hot, go tirim dry.

▲ droch~ bad weather, dea-~ good weather, Tб bun ar an ~. The weather has settled., faisnйis na h~e weather-forecast

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 173 | Нарушение авторских прав

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