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Agashort interval, aimsirtime-period, amtime,bealach track,fadlength, idir an dб linnin the meanwhile,idir 3 страница

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aitheanta adj. recognized, acknowledged

admhaithe acknowledged, ar a bhfuil meas an phobail respected by the community, cruthaithe proven, faofa agreed,



accepted, approved, feicthe seen, glactha accepted, tuigthe understood.

aitheantas m. recognition, acknowledgement

admhбil acknowledgement, buнochas gratitude, faomhadh acceptance; approval, fionnachtain discovery, gйilleadh surrender,acquiescence ionbhб f empathy, ionannъ identification, meas an phobail public respect, tuiscint understanding.

aithne 1 f acquaintance; recognition

aitheantas acquaintance, bua talent, ceard trade, cleachtadh practice, coinlнocht street-wisdom (nuair a bhн an choinlнocht ann when he could fend for himself) cur amach knowledge, eispйireas experience eolas information/ knowledge, faisnйis evidence, fios knowing, fios feasa an scйil all the facts of the case, fнricн facts, gus gumption, oiliъint training, saineolas expertise, scil skill, taithн know-how, tuiscint understanding.

aithne 2 f commandment

ordъ command, teagasc precept; instruction, йileamh demand, forуgra decree, proclamation, treoir f(treorach; treoracha) directive, treorъ guidance, mъineadh teaching.

aithreachas m regret, repentance

aithrн penitence, brуn sorrow, ciontacht guilt, croнbhrъ contrition, cumha grief; nostalgia, fйin-lochtъ self-blame, gruaim dejection, lйan affliction from sorrow, lionn dubh melancholy.

◊ Dб mbeadh breith ar m’~ agam. If I could only undo what I did.; ~ a dhйanamh to repent.


aithris v imitate

Atбirgreproduce,athluaighreiterate, brionnaighforge, cуipeбil copy, clуnбilclone,dйan amhlaidh do the same,dйan athrб ar repeat, dйan macalla ar echo, dйan macasamhail de replicate, dъblaighduplicate, falsaigh


falsify, scбthбnaigh mirror, scigaithris parody, tйigh i riocht duine impersonate, ionsamhail simulate.


бitiъil adj. local

cъigeach provincial, faoi urchar cloiche as seo a stone’s throw from here, in aice lбimhe near at hand, logбnta local, rйigiъnach regional, sa cheantar in the region, sa chomharsanacht in the neighbourhood, sa dъiche in the district, sa pharуiste in the parish, sa phobal in the community.

бl m. brood

bбire m bevy, clann children, family, cuain littir, scata flock, trйad flock, muirear charge,family of children, muirнn family of children, sliocht m(gs. & pl. sleachta) progeny. (see also: grъpa)

бlainn adj. beautiful

aoibhinn delightful, blбfar blooming, beautiful, breб lovely, caithiseach charming, cluanach beguiling, cuanna comely, dathъil handsome, dуighiъil comely, fнorбlainn exquisite, galбnta elegant, beautiful, gleoite pretty, delightful, gealghбireach radiant, grбstъil gracious, luisiъil glamorous, maisiъil smashing, meallacach alluring, mealltach enticing, sбrбlainn exceedingly beautiful, sciamhach beauteous, spйiriъil divinely fair, suaithinseach outstandingly fine, taibhseach gorgeous, flamboyant, taitneamhach appealing, tarraingteach attractive.

◊ an dбn is бille the most beautiful poem, Is ~ an rud й. It is a beautiful thing., cailнn бlainn beautiful girl

alaram m. alarm

aire attention, airdeall alert, (c.f. ar airdeall on the alert), anbhб panic-stations, consternation, fuireachax watchfulness, vigilance (cf. ar fuireachas in a full state of readiness, standing at arms) clog rabhaidh alarm-bell, lнonrith terror,



panic, rabhadh m warning, alarm, scaoll panic, unreasoned fear; alarm.

alcуl m. alcohol

an braon crua the hard drop, an laige bheag the little weakness, an stuif m ceart the right stuff, an t-уl drink, an t-уlachбn drink, beoir beer, biotбille liquor,spirits, booze, bolcбn rot-gut, ceirtlis cider, deoch an dorais drink for the road, deochanna meisciъla alcoholic beverages, fнon m wine, fнon boird table wine, fнon geal white wine, fнon dearg red wine, fнon mormуnta vermouth, fнon sъilнneach, leann ale, leann dubh black porter, leann ъll cider, loinnir na gealaн moonshine, pуit excessive drinking, poitнn poteen, seaimpйin m champagne, sъ na heorna juice of the barley, uisce beatha the water of life, whiskey.

alcуlach m. alcoholic

diopsamбineach m dipsomaniac, diъgaire tippler, druncaeir drunkard, fear mуr an уil big man for the drink, meisceoir drunk, уltунr drinker, pуtaire boozer, taomaire heavy drinker, taoscaire heavy drinker.


allta adj. savage, wild

aineolach ignorant, aindreanta fierce, aingiallta unreasoning, ainlйannta uneducated, ainmhнoch bestial, ainrianta unbridled, ainriata unruly, ainrialta undisciplined, ainscianta wildly furious, amhlбnta boorish, anordъil chaotic, fнochmhar fierce, barbartha barbarous, brъidiъil brutal, cбbуgach coarse, cruбlach cruel, fiбin wild, fraochmhar ferocious, fuilchнocrach blood-thirsty, gan cheansъ unsubdued, mнghйilliъil uncompliant, mн-iomprach disorderly, mнrйireach disobedient, mнrialta unruly, mнshibhialta uncivilized, mнshuaimhneach restless, uneasy, neamh-araнonach unrestrained, neamhcheansaithe untamed, neamhuamhal non-compliant, pбgбnach pagan, tъtach primitive/ uncouth.

alt 1 m joint

ceangal connection, join, comhaltъchбn (med) articulation, comhtheagmhas conjuncture, crosaire cross-roads, nasc joining, inse hinge, nasc link, clasp, nascуir connector, pointe teagmhбla juncture, point of contact, teacht le chйile union, trasnъ intersection, uaim f(uama; uamanna) seam.

◊ as ~ out of joint, ~ na lбimhe wrist-joint, ~ na huillinne elbow joint,

alt 2 m article

aiste essay, cur sнos description, account, critнc critique, cumadуireacht composition, giota leanъnach continuous passage, lйirmheas review, pнosa piece, bit, pнosa scrнbhneoireachta piece/ bit of writing, tuairisc report, tuarascбil report, sliocht passage, lйirmheas review, nуta note, pasбiste passage, scrнbhinn writing. (see also: aiste)

am m time

achar duration of time, aga instance, instant, aimsir span of time, period, era, aois age, bliain year, coicнs fortnight, crуineolaнocht chronology, dбta date, deireadh seachtaine weekend, fad saoil lifetime, lifespan, glъin generation, day, maidin morning, f month, mнle millennium, nуimйad moment, nуin noon, oнche night, rбithe f quarter, season, f era, saol life, scaitheamh spell, while, scaitн at times, sйasъr season, seachtain week, seimeastar semester, seal interval, spell, shift, sealobair shift work, sнoraнocht eternity, sos rest period, break, tamall while, certain period of time, tйarma term, trбth period of time, trбthnуna afternoon, treall short period of work, trйimhse period, term, uair hour, time.

▲ faoin ~ seo by this time, i rith an ~a during the time, an t-~ seo anuraidh this time last year, ~ lуin lunch time, ~ luн time for bed, ~ scoir knock-off time, bheith in ~ to be in time, у ~ go h~ from time to time, le h~ in the course of time, ~ ar bith at any time, ag an ~ cйanna at the same time, ~ йigin some time, ~ йigin eile some other time, ~ agus spбs time and space.


◊ Cad й an t-am? What is the time?, Tб sй thar ~ agat й a dhйanamh. It’s about time you did it., Nнl an t-~ agam lena dhйanamh. I haven’t the time to do it., Nach breб an t-~ a bhн againn! Didn’t we have a fine time!


■ laethanta na seachtaine days of the week: Dй Luain on Monday, Dй Mбirt on Tuesday, Dй Cйadaoin on Wednesday, Dйardaoin on Thursday, Dй hAoine on Friday, Dй Sathairn on Saturday, Dй Domhnaigh on Sunday.

mнonna na bliana months of the year: Eanбir January, Feabhra February, Mбrta March, Aibreбn April, Bealtaine May, Meitheamh June, Iъil July, Lъnasa August. Meбn Fуmhair September, Deireadh Fуmhair October, Samhain November, Nollaig December.


na sйasъir the seasons: san earrach in the spring, sa samhradh in the summer, san fhуmhar in the autumn, sa gheimhreadh in the winter.

amadбn m fool

Ainbhiosбn ignoramus, amaididiot, anбstбnclumsy oaf, baothуgfoolish girl, breallaire silly talker, breallбnblunderer, breallуgfoolish gabbling woman,brealsъnpillock, cбbуg red-neck, duffer, ceann maide/ cipнnнblockhead, clogadбndunce,cloigneachdunce, craiceбlaн loon, dallamlбndullard, dallarбndolt, dalldramбndimwit, dobhrбndumb-cluck, dorcdork, ass, drъthm(drъith) imbecile,dъdaire dolt, dъdбlaнgormless person, duine le Diatouched person, dъiripнdense person, dundarlбn dunderhead,dъramбn bonehead, йadromбnempty-headed chump, йagannscatter-brain, giddy pete, йigiallaнimbecile, gaigefop, empty fool, gaimsesimpleton, galldъdadumbo, imbecile, gamalninny, gandalprattler, gaotairewindbag, geabairechatterbox, geбitseбlaнposer, glуrachбnloudmouth, gogairecackling airhead, gogaille gуdupe, sap, grabaireprattler, graoisнngaloot, thicko, ladъsaнperson who speaks rubbish, lapairebabbler, leadhbairebuffoon, leamhsairesilly-billy, leathamadбnhalfwit, leathdhuinenot-the-whole-shilling, leibidelamebrain,liopaire blabbermouth, liъdaн berk, (a right) Charlie, lъmaire

blockhead, maolagбn numskull, mъta mбta brainless good-for-nothing, nйilйir malingerer, dozy duffer, niъdar neбdar wishy-washy person, уinmhid clot, clown, уinseach foolish woman, pleidhce eejit, pleota stupid person, seafуid twit, Sнle useless dope, scaothaire bombast, sciodramбn worthless fool, simpleoir simpleton, sliomach spineless nit, slaimice m messy fool, messer, slapaire slovenly waster, spreas waste-of-space, spreasбn loser, suanachбn dozy twat, ъtamбlaн fumbler.

amaideach adj. foolish, slow-witted

бifйiseach absurd, aingiallta unreasoning, dumb, amadбnta fatuous, baoi unwise, baosrach foolish, baoth giddy, foolish, baothбnta fatuous, baothdhбna foolhardy, baoth-mhianach whimsical, bуmбnta stupid, craiceбilte crazed, loopy, dall blind, uninformed, dallintinneach slow-witted, dнchйillн irrational, senseless, dobhrбnta dim, dъr dense, йaganta flighty, scatter-brained, йigrнonna imprudent, йigiallta irrational, fбnach futile, vain, aimless, gearr-bhreathnaitheach short-sighted, йidreorach misguided, lagintinneach moronic, lagmheabhrach feeble-minded, maol dull, maolaigeanta undiscerning, dim-witted, nйaltraithe demented, daft, maolcheannach dim, slow, mearchiallach rash, meargбnta reckless, mнchйillн senseless, mнloighciъil illogical, mнrйasъnta unreasonable, neamhйirimiъil unintelligent, neamhthuairimeach clueless;unthinking, уinmhideach foolish, simple, уinsiъil (of female only) foolish, pleidhciъil silly, rбscбnta waggish, facetious, saobhnуsach infatuated, foolish, saonta naive, gullible, simple-minded, seachmallach deluded, seafуideach silly, nonsensical.

amaidн f folly, foolishness

бifйis absurd, amadбntacht foolishness, baois folly, baoithe f giddiness, folly, foolishness, baosra folly, idle boasting, baothбntacht fatuity, baothdhбnacht foolhardiness, baoth-mhian whim, bуmбntacht stupidity, bundъnacht silliness; arsing about, clismirt confused talk, dнchiall senselessness, dobhrбntacht dull-wittedness, йigrнonnacht imprudence, йigiall f irrationality, fбnaнocht aimless behaviour, йidreoir cluelessness, faoiste fбiste nonsense, maoile baldness,

dullness, maolaigeantacht dull-wittedness, dimness, neamh-йirimiъlacht unintelligence, neamhthuiscint thoughtlessness, mearchiall frenzy, rashness, meargбntacht recklessness, foolhardiness, mнrйasъntacht unreasonableness, saobhnуs infatuation, saontacht naivety, gullibility, simple-mindedness, seachmall delusion, seafуid silliness.

amaitйarach 1 m. amateur

aficionadу enthusiastic fan (Spanish), buachaillн bу mpl cowboys, scuaideбlaн dabbler, slibreбlaн slovenly worker, sliopachбn clumsy worker, smeadrбlaн dauber, messer, sraimle slapdash worker, strнocбlaн hard but unkilled worker, tъtach m layperson.

amaitйarach 2 adj. amateurish

deonach voluntary, D.F.Й. (Dйan fйin й) D.I.Y. (Do it yourself), mar chaitheamh aimsire as a pastime/ hobby, neamhghairmiъil unprofessional, neamhphroifisiъnta, uprofessional, scuaideбla dabbling, slibreбla slovenly work; pottering, sliopбnta clumsily working, smeadrбla daubing, messy, sraimlн slapdash, tъtach badly finished, unskilled.

amбrach adv. tomorrow

an lб arna mhбrach the following day, an lб ina dhiaidh sin the day after that, an lб dбr gcionn the day ahead of us, the next day, an lб tar йis sin the day after that.

◊ arъ ~ the day after tomorrow

amh adj. raw; crude

amhlбnta boorish, buntъsach rudimentary, bunъsach basic, bromбnta uncouth, rude, gan bheith ullmhaithe unprepared, gan bhruith uncooked, gan scagadh unrefined, gan snas unpolished, fuilteach bloody, gбirsiъil coarse, rude, garbh rough, garg gruff, graosta crude, vulgar, lom bare, neamhchуireбilte untreated, neamhphrуiseбilte unprocessed, neamhullmhaithe unprepared, tъtach clumsy, crude.

бmharach adj. lucky

бdhъil lucky, aiteasach joyful, aitill pertaining to a fine spell, ar an dea-uair at the right time, бthasach happy, beannaithe blessed, buntбisteach advantageous, dea-thuarъil auspicious, dea-uaire at a fortunate time, fabhrach favourable, ionъch serendipitous, ionъil well-timed, rafar thriving, rathъil successful, sйanmhar prosperous, sona fortunate, taismeach adventitious, teagmhasach fortuitous, trбthъil opportune, well-timed.

▲ Nach ~ an mac thъ! Aren’t you the lucky chap!, ar бmharaн an tsaoil as good-luck would have it.


amharc m sight, view; scene

amharcleiriъ visualization, breathnъ observation, dearcadh look, outlook, dreach m(~ a; ~ a,~) aspect, appearance, faire watch, fйachaint f look; (cinema) viewing, feiceбil seeing, forcamбs watchfulness, iontais sights, wonders, lйargas discernment, insight, lйiriъ representation, portrayal, raon range, raon radhairc range of vision, raon sъl eyeshot, saoramharc free-view, seat m (cinema) shot, view, splйachadh glimpse, sъil f(~ e; ~ e, sъl) eye, stбnadh staring, sъile fpl. eyes, sracfhйachaint f glimpse, tнrdhreach m(~ a; ~ a,~) landscape. (see also: radharc)

amharclann f theatre, playhouse

aimfitйatar amphitheatre, ardбn stage, halla hall, halla йisteachta auditorium teach m(- ; - tithe) ceoldrбma opera house, scoil drбmaнochta stage school, stбitse stage.

amhrбn m song

бiria aria, aonrйad solo, amhrбnaнocht singing, bailйad ballad, caintic canticle, canadh singing, canуin canon, cantбid cantata, cantaireacht chanting, caoineadh lament, carъl carol, ceol na n-йan bird-song, coigeadal chant, cуrбil chorale, dнsrйad duo, fonn air, forshйis descant, goltraн lament, iomann hymn, laoi lay, loinneog refrain, nуntraн serenade, port lilt, portaireacht lilting, rann pбistн nursery rhyme, reacaireacht recitative, rothlam round, salm psalm,

salmaireacht psalmody, sйis melody, streancбn strain of music, suantraн lullaby, tiъin tune. (see also: ceol)

◊ ~ atб i mbйal an phobail popular song, ~ grб love-song, ~ mбirseбla marching song, ~ nбisiъnta national anthem, ~ rбchairte hit-song, ~ sean-nуis unaccompanied traditional song, ~ tнre folksong, ~ tнrghrб patriotic song, ~ traidisiъnta traditional song, pбirt~ part-song, pop~ pop-song, ~ a chanadh to sing a song.

■ dordghuth base voice, guth an ailt alto voice, air, guth an teanуir tenor voice, guth an tsoprбin soprano voice, iomann hymn, liricн lyrics, seisiъn ceoil musical session.

amhrбnaн m singer, vocalist

alt alto, aonrйadaн soloist, baratуn baritone, bard bard, songster, cantaire chanter, chorister, caointeoir singer of laments, cantуir cantor, cliaraн minstrel, contralt contralto, cуrchantaire chorister, crуnбnaн hummer, crooner. cuachaн falsettist, dord bass, fonnadуir songster, oirfideach minstrel, portaire lilter, soprбn soprano, teanуr tenor. (see also: ceol)

amhrбnaнocht m singing

canadh singing, (canadh carъl carol-singing, canadh bailйid, etc.) canуin canon, caoineadh keening, cantaireacht chanting, cуr chorus. choir, cуr ban ladies’ choir, cуr gutha fear male voice choir, portaireacht lilting, salmaireacht psalmody. (see also: ceol)

amhras m suspicion, doubt

agъs reservation (ach an t-agъs seo but with this reservation), athbhrн f ambiguity, ciniceas cynicism, cuntar reservation, (ar chuntair бirithe with reservations), dabht doubt, dнchreidmheacht incredulity, drochiontaoibh distrust, qualm, йadaingne irresolution, йideimhne indecision, йiginnteacht vagueness, uncertainty, fadhb problem, idir dhб chomhairle vacillation, leisce hesitation, mearbhall bewilderment, mearъ perplexity, mнmhuinнn mistrust,

mнshuaimhneas disquiet, neamhchinnteacht uncertainty, sceipteachas scepticism.

◊ Tб ~ orm faoi. I doubt it., Tб ~ agam air. I’m suspicious of him., gan ~ undoubtedly, Tarraingнodh ~ air. Suspicion was cast upon him., Bhн siad ag ~ uirthi. They were suspecting her., peaca an amhrais scepticism, Ar ~ a chuaigh mй ann. I went there on the off the chance., Nнl lб amhrais orm faoi sin. I don’t doubt that in the least.


amhrasach adj. suspicious, doubtful

athbhrнoch ambiguous, ar chuntair бirithe with reservations, ar mearbhall bewildered, confused, ciniciъil cynical, dнchreidmheach incredulous, drochiontaobhach distrustful, having qualms, йadaingean irresolute, йideimhin indecisive, йiginnte vague, uncertain, in amhras in doubt, idir an dб thrб between two conflicting interests, idir dhб chomhairle vacillating, Is leasc liom. I am hesitant., mн-mhuinнneach mistrustful, mнshuaimhneach disquieted, neamhchinnte uncertain, mearaithe distracted, perplexed, sceiptiъil sceptical.


amъ adv. astray, lost

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 168 | Нарушение авторских прав

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