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Agashort interval, aimsirtime-period, amtime,bealach track,fadlength, idir an dб linnin the meanwhile,idir 2 страница

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2. period of time; tense

achar length of time, aga interval, aois age, an cйad the century, an t-aonъ cйad fichead the twenty first century, ar feadh scathaimh for a period of time, ar feadh tamaill for a while, bliain year, comуradh an chйid centenary celebration dбta date, deich mbliana decade, idir an dб linn in the meanwhile, i gceann tamaill in a while, f era, trйimhse f period, trбth i dtъs an chйid at the beginning of the century, particular period of time, day, le tamall anuas for the past while, f month, nуimйad moment, scathamh period, scaitн at times, seachtain week, seal spell, seimeastar semester, tamall while, tйarma term, uair once.

▲ ~ an Ghorta Mhуir the time of the Great Famine, ~ na Nollag Christmas time, caitheamh ~e pastime, in ~ in domestic service, lucht ~e hired help, le himeacht ~e with the passing of time; (verbs) an ~ chaite the past tense, an ~ lбithreach, the present tense, ~ fhбistineach future tense.

◊ Is maith an scйalaн an aimsir. Time will tell.


ainbhios m ignorance

aineolas ignorance, bуmбntacht dullness, daille blindness, dallaigeantacht dull-wittedness, dallintinneacht dimness, dнchuimhne oblivion, easpa taithн lack of experience, fнoraineolas crassness, crass ignorance, glaise greenness, rawness, lagintinneacht feeble-mindedness, neamhaithne f unfamiliarity; unconsciousness, neamhbhraitн unawareness, neamhchleachtadh inexperience, neamhlitearthacht illiteracy, neamhurchуid innocence, soineanta naпve.

ainbhiosбn m ignoramous

aineolaн inexperienced/ untrained person, amadбn fool, bуmбn dullard, cloigneach m dunce, dallamlбn dolt, dallarбn dolt, dalldramбn dimwit, gamal ninny, maolagбn numbskull, уinseach f foolish woman. (see also: amadбn )

aineolach m ignorant

ainbhiosach ignorant, bуmбnta dull-witted, stupid, dall blind, oblivious, dallaigeanta dull-witted, dallintinneach dim-witted, dallintleachtach dull, fнoraineolach crass, gan a bheith cleachta ( ar ) unfamiliar (with), glas green, raw (cf. Tб sй glas fуs. He’s still wet behind the ears), neamhbhraiteach unaware, neamhchleachta inexperienced, neamhliteartha illiterate, neamhurchуideach innocent, soineantacht naivety.

ainm m name

ainmniъ appellation, clъ fame, cбil reputation, gradam distinction, meas respect, уmуs homage, onуir honour, teastas report, reputation, teideal title, teist witness, reputation.


▲ ~ бite place-name, ~ brйige alias, ~ cleite pen-name, ~ dнlis proper noun gan ~ anonymous, ~ muirne pet name, leas~ nickname

◊ Cad is ~ duit? What is your name?, Nб baintear an t-~ den bhairнn! Call a spade a spade!, in ~ is bheith ag obair pretending to work, Nнl ann ach ~ cairr. It’s only a car by name.


ainmhн m animal

ainbheithнoch m monster, anduine inhuman savage, barbarach m barbarian, beithнoch beast, brъid brute, cat cat, crйatъr creature; critter, hound, йan bird, madra dog, cur, mamach m mammal, muc f(muice; ~ a, ~) pig, peata pet, pйist beast, reptile, monster, reiptнl (fhuarfhuilteach) (cold-blooded) reptile. (see also: capall, madra, йan)


ainmhithe feirme farm animals:

aoigheach f(- dhн; ~ a, ~) milch-cow

asal donkey

banbh piglet

f(; ba, ) cow

caora f(caorach; caoirigh, caorach) sheep

capall horse,

cearc f(circe; ~ a, ~) hen

damh ox,

gabhar goat,


lacha f(lachan; lachain, lachan) duck

lбir f(lбrach; lбracha) mare

lao calf

meannбn kid

muc f(muice; ~ a, ~) pig

searrach m foal

seisreach f(- ) chapall plough-team of horses

sicнnн chickens

tarbh bull

uan lamb

ainmhithe fiбine wild animals:

ialtуgbat iora m squirrel leonlion luch f mouse miъilmule srуnbheannachrhinoceros moncaнduck уrang-ъtan m orang-utan pandapanda piongainpenguin rуn m(rуin; ~ta) seal rosualt walrus scъnc skunk simpeansaнchimpanzee siorбfgiraffe sionnach m fox siorcshark tнogar tiger    
бpa ape

bйabhar beaver

bйar bear

camall camel

cangarъ kangaroo

caochбn mole

crogall crocodile

deilf dolphin

dobharchъ otter

easуg weasel

eilifint elephant

fia deer

firйad ferret

francach f rat

goraille gorilla

hiйana hyena

liopard leopard

liopard fiaigh cheetah

mнol mуr whale


peataн pets:

iasc уrgagoldfish madradog muc f ghuineguinea pig piscнnkitten pуnaнponey toirtнstortoise    

budragбr budgerigar

cat cat

coileбn pup

coinнn rabbit

grбinneog hedgehog

hamstar hamster


ainmnigh v name, nominate

baist babtize, ceap appoint, dubбil dub, glaoigh ( ar ) call, ionannaigh identify, lipйadaigh label, luaigh mention, cite, pioc pick, roghnaigh choose, select, sainigh designate, togh elect, select.

ainnis adj. miserable

brocach squalid, brуnach sorry, clamhach mangy, cloнte abject, dejected, cruimheach maggoty, dearуil wretched, puny, dйistineach disgusting, dreancaideach flea-infested (also: ite ag dreancaidн flea-bitteen), duairc dismal, gruama joyless, нseal low, base, leamh pathetic, lofa rotten, maol flat, uninspiring, mairgiъil woeful, mнolach lousy, salach sordid, scallta paltry, scanrach appalling, suarach contemptible, tбir vile tбirнseal abject, truaillithe defiled, uafбsach horrible.

ainniseoir adj. wretch, miserable person

bochtбn poor person, bligeбrd blackguard, brйantachбn low-life; stinker, caifeachбn profligate, cladhaire rotter, cowardly wretch, cladhaire diomailteoir waster, cnaiste bum, idler, dнomhaoin cowardly waster, crйatъr bocht poor sod, clamhaire mangy person, cloнteachбn mean-spirited person, cneбmhaire thieving rogue, cruimheachбn maggot (i.e. maggoty person), cъl le rath good-for-nothing, dailtнn cad, dreancaid flea-bitten creature, fбnach m drifter, нseal lowly person, lуfбlaн loafer, mнolachбn verminous person, scalltбn puny creature, scanrуir miser, seachrбnach m vagabond, slъiste bum, suarachбn miscreant, vile person, tбirнneach small grotesquely pot-bellied individual truaillitheoir defiler.

aire 1 f care, attention

aird attention, airdeall vigilance, aireachas heedfulness, aithne awareness, cъram care, cruinneas accuracy, dea-aithint judiciousness, faichill caution, feighlнocht watchfulness, guaim presence of mind, meabhair mindfulness, pointeбilteacht punctiliousness, smaointeacht thoughtfulness, suim i rud interest in a thing, tuiscint consideration.

aire 2 f minister (of state)

ball an chaibinйid member of the cabinet, ball den rialtas member od the government, ball pairliminte member of parliament, feidhmeannach m executive, lбnchumhachtach plenipotentiary, ministir minister (of church), oifigeach m official, oifigeach m feidhmiъchбin executive officer, teachta Dбla member of the Dбil (i.e. Parliament of the Republic of Ireland).

бireamh m counting

airde height, comhaireamh calculation, cuntas account, cur le chйile tot-up, putting-together, iomlбn total, lнon capacity, number, meбchain weight, measъnъ assessment, meastachбn estimation, mйid amount, size, rнomh computation, scуr score, suimiъ adding, adding up, enumeration, toise measurement, uimhir number


▲ gan ~ countless, san ~ included, as an ~ not included, ~ bйil mental arithmetic, mнle agus ~ one thousand and a bit.

◊ Tб ~ cinn ionatsa! You’re a smart cookie! Nнl ~ ar an airgead atб aici. She is incalculably rich.

airgead m money

banc bank, bannaн bonds, bannaн bisigh premium bonds, bannaн coigiltis treoirnaisc index-linked savings bonds, bannaн rialtais government bonds, bille malairte bill of exchange, boinn coins, briseadh beag small change, caipiteal capital, caipiteal oibre working capital, caipiteal seasta fixed capital, cairde credit, cбrta bainc bank-card, cбrta creidmheasa credit card, ceint (USA) cent (pl.~ eanna), cent (pl.~ eanna) cent (EMU), cianуg mite, coigilt saving, coigilteas savings Dlitear Duit Uaim (DDU) I owe you (IOU), dlнthairiscint legal tender, dollar dollar, dollarthaidhleoireacht dollar diplomacy, drйacht baincйara banker’s draft, duaisbhannaн prize-bonds, Euro (indecl.) Euro, нocaнocht payment, leachtacht liquidity, maoin property, maoin phearsanta personal property, maoin rйadach real-


estate, maoiniъ financing, nуtaн bainc banknotes, pinginн pennies, уr gold, pota уir pot of gold, punt pound, punt sterling pound sterling, saibhreas wealth, seic m cheque, sуinseбil change, stуr store, taisce treasure, deposit, tнos thrift.


▲ ~ brйige counterfeit money, ~ mion small change, ~ imeartha gambling stakes,money in play ordъ airgid money order, ~ pуca pocket money, ~ reatha currency, ~ rйidh ready money, ~ sнos cash down, ~ tбir tainted money.

◊ Thug mй ~ mуr air. I paid a lot for it., ag carnadh airgid making heaps of money, making a mint

бirithe adj. particular

aon... amhбin only, aonair lone, ar leith apart, distinct, as an ghnбth out of the usual, corr odd, eisceachtъil exceptional, faoi leith unique, indibhidiъil individual, lasmuigh de ghnбthrith den saol out of the ordinary run of things, naofa holy, neamhchoitianta unusual, sainiъil specific, speisialta, special, uathъil singular.


бis f facility, convenience; device

acmhainn resource, acra convenience, tool, aosбid ease,convenience, cleas liteartha literary device, ciъta knack, trick, cumas capability, deis opportunity, fearas appliance, feiste installation, fitting, feisteas trappings, feisteas stбitse stage scenery, gaireas apparatus. glйas means, instrument, glйasra gear, grйithe utensils, crockery, mangarae bits and pieces, riar allocation, supply, seans chance, saorбid facility, seift contrivance, seirbhнs service, solбthar provision, trealamh equipment, uirlisн instruments, ullmhъ preparation.

бisiъil adj. convenient, handy

cabhrach supportive, cуngarach nearby, cuн appropriate, cuidiъil helpful, faoi lбimh at hand, faoi urchar cloiche у (+ sйimhiъ) a stone’s throw from, in aice lбimhe close at hand, in aice leat beside you, i ngar/ ngaobhar duit close to you, luachmhar valuable, nach bhfuil fada у (+ sйimhiъ) not far


from, sa chуngar in the vicinity, tairbheach beneficial, ъsбideach useful.

aisling f vision

aislingeacht day-dreaming, aisnйal swoon, brionglуid dream, brionglуideach dreaming, cimйara mirage, fнs vision, mearъ sъl trick of the eyes, mearbhall confusion of mind, mearaн bewilderment, mearaнocht (chloisteбla, etc..) (auditory, etc..) hallucination, rбmhaille delirium, seachmall illusion, aberration, siabhrбn delusion, speabhraнdн hallucinations, taibhreamh dream, revelation, taibhreamh na sъl oscailte day-dreaming, waking dream, tromluн nightmare.

▲ ~ bhrйige apparition; empty dream, ~н na hуige the dreams of youth, an Aisling Pholaitiъil The Political Aisling – 18th century poetic form where Ireland as a beautiful maiden visits a poet and bemoans her ill-treatment and the loss of the Gaelic chieftains.


aiste 1 f essay

Altarticle, ceapadуireachtcomposition, critнccritique,cur sнos description, drйachttract, dioscъrsadiscourse, giota leanъnachcontinuous passage, lйirmheasreview, pбipйarpaper, pнosa piece, pнosa ceapadуireachtacomposition, pнosa lйirmheastуireachta/ scrнbhneoireachta criticism/ piece of writing, scrнbhneoireachtwriting, tasc scrнofa

written assignment, tйis thesis, tionscnamh project, trбchtaireacht commentary trбchtas dissertation.


aiste 2 f diet

aoine fast, fasting, beathъ nourishing/ feeding, bia food, bia-бbhair food-stuffs, biachlбr menu, biatachas victualling, breiseбn cothaithe nutritional supplement, ciondбil rationing, ciondбlacha rations, cothъ aliment, nutrition, lб troscaidh day of abstinence, lуn bia provisions, rйim bhia dietary regimen, sustenance, slн bheatha means of sustenance, tomhaltas edibles, staonadh у bhianna бirithe abstaining



from certain foods, troscadh fasting, abstinence troscadh ar fheoil abstaining from meat. (see also: bia)


▲ ~ bia chothromaithe balanced diet, rйim de bhia bainniъil milk diet, ~ bia (atб) saor у shiъcra sugar-free diet, ~ bia (atб) saor у chruithneacht wheat-free diet, ~ de bhia beag-mhйathrais low-fat diet, ~ bia ilchineбlach varied diet.


■ alcуl alcohol, bia mara sea-food, bia veigeatуireach vegetarian food, caoireoil mutton, feoil meat, feoiliteach carnivorous, feoiliteoir carnivore, feoilsйantуir non-meat-eater, glasraн vegetables, mairteoil beef, muiceoil pork, piobar pepper, salann m salt, spнosraн spices, torthaн fruits, uaineoil lamb, veigeatуirн vegetarians veigeatуireachas vegetarianism, tбirgн dйirнochta dairy products. (see also: bia)


◊ Tбim ar ~ bia. I’m on a diet.


aisteach adj. strange, weird; unfamiliar

andъchasach exotic, aduain eerie, aerachtъil creepy, ait bizarre, allъrach foreign, amhrasach dubious, anaithnid unknown, as an choitiantacht out of the ordinary, as an ghnбth ar fad extraordinary, coimhthнoch foreign, corr odd/ strange, craiceбilte crazy, deoranta alien, diamhair weird, difriъil different, domhнnithe inexplicable, dothuigthe incomprehensible, eachtrannach alien, йagsъlach different, iasachta foreign, borrowed, iargъlta out-of-the-way, iontach astonishing, le Dia touched, mearaitheach perplexing, mнnormбlta abnormal, nбr chualathas a leithйid riamh unheard of, neamhaithnidiъil unfamiliar, neamhghnбch unusual, neamhchoitianta uncommon, neamhshaolta unworldly, eerie, saoithiъil peculiar, sнъil phantom-like, strainsйartha unfamiliar, suntasach remarkable.

aistear m journey

Achar journey, aicearrashort-cut,bealach route, bуtharroad, camchuairttour, ciorcadcircuit, conair(shiъil) path (of travel),cosбnpath, cуstбilcoasting, cъrsa course, cъrsбil cruising,siъlуid walk, fбnaнochtroving, fбlrуid wandering, rуdroad, saorthuras excursion, slн way,spaisteoireacht

ramble, taisteal travel, taisteal aeir air-travel, turas trip, turas aeraнochta pleasure trip, turas farraige voyage, turas tionlactha conducted tour, treo direction. (see also: turas)

aisteoir m actor

aithriseoir reciter; mimic, ceotуir musician, gnнomhaн doer, mнmeбlaн mime-artist, oirfideach player; minstrel, taibheoir performer.

aisteoireacht f acting

aithris reciting; mimicking, aithriseoireacht recitation; mimicry, ceoldrбmaнocht opera, drбma balbh mime, drбmaнocht dramatic art, ealaнn taibhiъchбin performance art, geбitsнocht miming, gnнomhaнocht action, mнmeбil miming, mion-cheoldrбma operetta, na taibh-ealaнona the performing arts, oirfide minstrelsy, entertainment.

aistreach adj. moving; transitive

beo moving, alive (c.f. staighre beo escalator), dinimiciъil dynamic, gluaiste moving, gluaisteach mobile, moving, inaistrithe portable, in-traschurtha transferable, iompair carrying, trasporting, reatha running, siъil mobile (c.f. fуn siъil phone), siъlach ambulant, travelling, soghluaiste movable, taistil travelling (c.f. seу taistil travelling show), tiomбna driving

aistrigh v move; translate

bog shift/ budge, gluais move, tйigh go, tйigh chun cinn advance, corraigh stir, taistil travel, imigh depart, imigh gan treo drift, fбg leave, siъil walk, gnнomhaigh act, iompair carry, tiomбin drive, tarraing pull, cas turn, timpeallaigh surround, brъigh ar aghaidh push ahead, Chuir mй chun bealaigh. I set off., Buailimis an bуthar! Let’s hit the road!, Thug mй an bуthar orm fйin. I took to the road., Thug mй na cnoic orm fйin. I headed for the hills., Bhain mй na boinn as an бit. I took to my heels; tiontaigh translate, mнnigh interpret; explain.

◊ ~ у Ghaeilge go Bйarla! Translate from Irish to English!, ~ liom sнos an rуd! Come along down the road with me!, cуnaн a aistriъ to move house.


aistriъchбn m translation

aistriъ translating, athrъ alteration, change, athscrнobh transcription, claochlъ metamorphosis, iompar conveyance, iompъ conversion, malartъ exchange, mнniъ explaining; interpreting, simpliъ simplification, simplifying, trasfhoirmiъ transformation, traslitriъ transliteration, version leagan.

ait adj. bizarre, peculiar

aisteach strange, as an choitiantacht out of the ordinary, coimhthнoch weird, foreign, corr odd/ strange, eccentric, craiceбilte crazy, cracked, deoranta alien, outlandish, domhнnithe inexplicable, curious, mearaitheach perplexing, neamhaithnidiъil unfamiliar, unknown neamhghnбch unusual, odd neamhchoitianta uncommon, neamhshaolta unworldly, saoithiъil peculiar, strainsйartha unfamiliar. (see also: aisteach & corr)

бit f place

aice habitat, бrasбn apartment, baile home/ town, blбr open space cathair city, ceantar district, coigrнoch f foreign land, comharsanacht neighbourhood, contae county, crнoch land, cъige province, dъiche locality, gnбthуg haunt, resort, ionad place/ placing, ionad coinne venue, lantбn place, particular area, lбthair location, loglach m hollow place, hollow ground, lуistнn accommodation, mуr-roinn continent, plбs level patch of ground, (street names) place, rйigiъn region, spбs space, suнochбn seat, suнomh site/ position, teach house, tнr country, an tнr mбguaird the surrounding country.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 162 | Нарушение авторских прав

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