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Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 1 страница

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internment, ionad coinneбla detention centre, laincis fetter, prнosъn prison, prнosъnacht imprisonment, prнosъnъ imprisoning.

brainse m branch

bothar friothбlach feeder road, buinneog slender shoot, sprout, craobh f bough,branch, craobh-abhainn tributary, earnбil sector, fбisнn off-shoot, fo-lнne f branch-line, fothaire feeder, fo-roinn f(roinne; ranna) subdivision, gabhal fork, gйag f limb, branch, gйagбn appendage, rannуg section, roinn f(roinne, ranna) division.

braith v sense, perceive

airigh perceive, aithin recognize, breathnaigh observe, ceap think, clois hear, faigh find, feic see, idirdhealaigh (idir) distinguish (between), is lйir (do) it is clear (to), mothaigh feel, tabhair faoi deara notice, tuig understand, realize.

braon m drop

boilgeog bead on liquid; bubble, bolgam sip, mouthful, bolgбn bubble, braoinнn droplet, coirnнn bead (e.g. coirnнn allais bead of sweat), deoir f(~ e; deora, deor ) drop, dash; tear, driog f( drige; ~ anna ) droplet, drъchtнn dewdrop, pearl, mуnуg drop, bead, sniog f drop, sъilнn globule, sъimнn sup.

brat m mantle, cloak; flag

blaincйad blanket, cairpйad carpet, caille f veil, cуta coat, clуca cloak, clъdach m cover, cuirtнn curtain, йadach m cloth, fallaing mantle, fial m( fйil ;~ a, ~) veil, gъna gown, rуba robe, tuбille towel.

~ allais sweat towel, ~ boird table-cloth, ~ brбd neckerchief, ~ brуin pall, ~ cinn head-dress, ~ dнn protective covering, ~ pйinte coat of paint, ~ sneachta covering of snow, ~ an teampaill the veil of the temple, ~ urlбir carpet.

bratach f flag, standard

brat ensign, bratainn pennon, meirge m banner, standard, comhartha sign, lipйad label, tag, samhaltбn emblem.

~ bhбn white flag, ~ nбisiъnta national flag, ~ na hЙireann the flag of Ireland.


~ a нsliъ to lower a flag, ~ a ardъ to raise a flag, faoi bhratacha with fags flying, le bratacha ar crochadh i lбr crainn with flags flying at half-mast, Cй leis a raibh an bhratach? Who was the standard-bearer?

brathadуir m betrayer, traitor

bean nochta scйil (female) whistleblower, cealgaire deceiver, fбisnйiseoir informant, feallaire betrayer, deceiver, fear nochta scйil (male) whistleblower, gnнomhaire rъnda secret agent, oifigeach fбisnйise intelligence officer, oifigeach faoi cheilt undercover officer, oifigeach frithfhбisnйise counter-intelligence officer, ollbhrathadуir supergrass, sceithire informer, spiaire spy.

brбthair m (religious) brother, friar, close companion

cara f( carad; cairde, carad ) friend, comhghleacaн colleague, comrбdaн comrade, dearthбir m( dearthбr; ~ eacha ) brother, siblнn sibling, fear muinteartha kinsman, gaol brбthartha fraternal relation, manach monk.

breб adj. fine

бlainn beautiful, ard- excellent, ardnуsach grand, ostentatious, ar fheabhas excellent, bagбnta spruce, ceart go leor O.K., cothrom fair, balanced, cuн appropriate, dathъil handsome, deas nice, deaslбmhach skilful, dуighiъil bonny, feiliъnach apposite, fнormhaith exquisite, galбnta elegant, splendid, gan scamall cloudless, geal bright, glйigeal brilliant, gleoite dandy, glic smart, grйagach splendid, grianmhar sunny, iontach wonderful, lбidir strong, macбnta honest, maisiъil decorative; becoming, maith good, milis sweet, niamhrach magnificent, oilte skilled, oirirc sublime, oiriъnach suitable, ornбideach ornate, plбsбnta fair, plйisiъrtha pleasurable, rйasъnta reasonable, sбr- ultra-, surpassing, sбrmhaith superb, excellent, sбsъil satisfactory,

sciamhach lovely, seoigh grand, great, snasta cool, soilйir clear, sonrach impressive, suaithinseach remarkable, distinctive, suntasach outstanding, noticeable, taibhseach flamboyant, taitneamhach pleasant, thar barr tip-top, togha choice, uachtarach superior.


Is ~ liom leadуg. I love tennis., Ba bhreб liom й. I’d love it., Is ~ duit! It’s fine for you!, buachaill ~ ard fine tall boy, ~ bog anois! Easy on there!,

breab f bribe

airgead curtha i gcъl doirn greased palm, airgead chъl lбimhe backhander, airgead fill money attained by corrupt means, airgead fola blood-money, airgead lofa rotten money, an trнocha bonn d’airgead thirty pieces of silver, teacht ar thuiscint le duine reaching an understanding with a person (cf. An dtuigimid a chйile? Do we understand one another?)

breac adj. speckled, dappled, mottled

ballach spotted, bearnach with gaps, breacbhallach speckled, breactha dotted, bricнneach freckled, corr- erratic, fбnach occasional, goirнneach spotty, guagach unpredictable, changeable, luaineach variable, neamhbhuan inconstant, scaipthe scattered, interspersed, uaineach intermittent.


~aosta fairly old, ~bhбisteach occasional rain, ~chuntas sketchy account, ~dhнomhaoin partly idle, ~dhorcha getting dark, ~eolas sketchy knowledge, ~fhliuch wet in places, ~fhostaнocht casual employment, ~Fhraincis broken French, ~Ghaeltacht Gaeltacht where both English and Irish are spoken, ~lб occasional day, ~shlбinte faltering health, ~sholas glimmer.


brйag f lie, falsehood

Brйagaнmendacity, brionnъforgery, caimseogfib, cocaireachtprevarication, йitheachfalsehood, fadhbуgwhopping big lie, falsъ falsification, gбilleogcaulker, paitwhopper, pнosa cumadуireachtafabrication, scйal an

ghamhna bhuн cock and bull story, scйal gan chraiceann unlikely tale, scйal i mbarr bata tall tale, sceireog porky-pie. tlus falsehood, lie.


~chйadfa hallucination, ~chrбifeach sanctimonious, ~fholt wig, ~riocht disguise; codladh brйige feigned sleep, deora brйige crocodile tears, moladh brйige insincere praise.



Gan focal brйige ann! No word of a lie!, Gan bhrйag! Honestly!, Nн ~ a rб.. it is no exaggeration to say.., Nб dйan ~ mhуr Йireann de! Don’t make a tissue of lies out of it!

brйagach m false, mendacious

cearr wrong, cluanach deceptive, йithigh lying, fealltach false, treacherous, lochtach faulty, flawed, meallta mistaken, mealltach beguiling, mнcheart incorrect, mнdhнlis unfaithful, mн-ionraic dishingenuous, insincere. mнmhacбnta dishonest, neambhailн invalid, neamhbheacht inexact, neamhchruinn inaccurate, neamhfhнrinneach untruthful, saorga artificial, tacair synthetic, contrived.

brйagбn m toy

бilleagбn plaything, бilleagбn intreach roundabout, бilleagбn suirн toy-boy, бit sъgartha play area, bбbуg doll, cluiche game, deideighe m(~;~ anna) trinket, toy, grйibhlн knick-knacks, gunna brйige toy-gun, mangaisнnн baubles, mнreanna mearaн jig-saw, teach bбbуige doll’s house, tomhas puzzle, trealamh imeartha playing equipment.

brйagriocht m disguise, masquerade

aghaidh fidil mask, cur i gcйill pretence, affectation, duaithnнocht camouflage, ceilt concealment, feisteas costume, folach m hiding, folach na fнrinne cover-up, masc mask, riocht m(reachta; ~ taн) guise, scбth cover, shadow (cf. faoi scбth na hoнche inder the cover of darkness), seу show, front, veinнr f(~ e; ~ н) veneer.

brйan adj. foul, putrid

brocach filthy, dйistineach disgusting, dreoite decayed, droch- bad, evil, grбnna nasty, lofa rotten, morgtha putrified, morgthach gangrenous, mуtъil rank, sicking, neamhghlan unclean, neamhfhollбin unwholesome, masmasach nauseous, salach dirty, samhnasach nauseating.

brйantas m stench, foulness

boladh brйan stink, brocamas filth, dreo decay, droch-bholadh evil smell, grбnnacht nastiness, lofacht rottenness, morgthacht putrifaction, mуtъlacht rankness, queasiness, salachar dirt, samhnas nausea, sйaracht sewerage, tuth f(tuithe) stench.

breбthacht f beauty, excellence

бille beauty, feabhas excellence, barr feabhais best of the best, crиme de la crиme, barraнocht superiority, bagбntacht spruceness, cothromaнocht fairness, dathъlacht handsomeness, deise niceness, deaslбmhaн skilfulness, dуighiъlacht beauty, feiliъnacht suitability, fнormhaithe exquisiteness, galбntacht elegance, splendour, gile brightness, glйigile brilliance, gleoiteacht gorgeousness, glice smartness, grйagaн splendour, grianmhaire sunniness, iontas wonder, lбidreacht strength, macбntacht honesty, maisiъlacht decorativeness; comeliness, maitheas good, milse sweetness, niamhracht magnificence, oilteacht skillfulness, oirirce sublimeness, oiriъnacht suitability, ornбideacht ornateness, plбsбntacht fairness, plйisiъr pleasure, rйasъntacht reasonableness, sбrmhaithe superbness, excellence, sбsъlacht satisfactoryness, sciamhacht beauteousness, seoighe wonderfulness, greatness, snastacht (style) coolness, soilйire clearness, sonraнocht impressiveness, suaithinseacht distinctiveness, remarkableness, suntasacht prominence, taibhseacht flamboyance, taitneamhacht pleasantness, thar barr tip-top, tofacht choiceness, uachtaraн top-most.

breathnaigh v observe, look

amharc view, look, caith sъil ar to cast an eye on, dйan gliъcaнocht (ar) peer (at), dйan smaoineamh ar consider, dйan staidйar ar study, dearcaigh ar look at, fair watch, fйach (ar) look (at), feic see, gliъc peep, peer, iniъch scrutinize, radharc do dhб shъil a bhaint as to get a load/ a good look at it, scrъdaigh examine, smaoinigh (ar) think (about), splйach (ar) glance (at), stбn stare, sracfhйachaint a thabhairt (ar) to take a glance (at), tabhair faoi deara notice.

breis f increase, addition, excess

aibhsiъ heightening, highlighting, ardъ raising, barraнocht surplus, biseach increase, breisiъ increasing, growth, breisiъlacht increase, feabhas improvement, fuнoll residue, cur (le) adding (to), iomarca excess, mйadъ increase, increasing, nнos mу more, tuilleadh more.


~chбin surtax, ~chйim comparative degree, ~luach additional value, airgead ~e extra money, costas ~e extra expense.


~ agus bliain more than a year, duine sa bhreis additional person, mar bhreis air sin in addition to that, dul i mbreis to increase, Tб ~ le rб aici siъd. She has too much to say for herself., Tб ~ orainn. We’ve had an addition to the family.

Breithf 1

1. birth

iompar bearing, carrying, pуrъ breeding, saolъ bringing forth (into this world), sнolrъ seeding, tabhairt ar an saol seo bringing into this world, tuismiъ parenting.

2. seizing, taking hold of

barrуg hug, gabhбil seizing, capturing, greamъ gripping, tуgбil taking, greim grip, hold, greim docht firm grasp, sealbhъ taking possession of, seilbh possession, sciobadh snatching.

breith f 2 judgement

barъil f(-ъla; - ъlacha ) opinion, breithiъnas judgement, cinneadh finding, decision, dearcadh view, point of view, Lб an Bhreithiъnais The Day of Judgement, pianbhreith sentence, rialъ ruling, socrъ decision, toradh result, tuairim opinion, tuiscint understanding. (see also: breithiъnas)

breitheamh m judge

eadrбnaн arbiter, moltуir ajudicator,referee, rйiteoir umpire, decision, saineolaн expert.

breithiъnas m

breith judgement, cinneadh finding, decision, conclъid conclusion, crнoch f end, deireadh thiar thall final analysis, fнorasc verdict, pianbhreith sentence, rialъ ruling, rogha f choice, rъn resolution, socrъ decision, toradh result, tuairim opinion.

breoite adj. ailing, sick

aicнdeach diseased, easlбn unwell, sick, lag weak, poorly, meathbheo infirm, meathbhreoite in poor health, meathlach declining, sickly, failing, meath-thinn out of sorts, sickly, mнfhollбin out-of-sorts, mнshlбintiъil unhealthy, nimhneach sore, pianmhar painful, samhnasach queasy; nauseous, slaghdбnach having a cold, tinn sick. (see also: tinn)

breoiteacht f ailment, illness

Aicнddisease, aimlнochtenfeeblement, buaireamhanxiety, buile insanity, madness, easlбinteill-health, sickness, fadhbf(faidhbe; ~anna)problem, galarinfection, disease, gearбncomplaint, imnнworry, ionfhabhtъinfection, luн laid up in bed, laigeweakness, enervation, meabhairghalarmental illness,meathбntachtsickliness, meathbheochtinfirmity, meathbhreoiteachtsickliness, meathlachdeclining, sickly, failing, meath-thinneasindisposition, sickliness, mнfhollбineunhealthiness, miremadness, insanity, mнshlбinteill-health, unwholesomeness, plбf (~; ~anna) plague, samhnas

queasiness; nauseousness, teog m(~; ~ anna) heavy bout of illness, tinneas sickness, tnбitheadh weariness, exhaustion, taom m(~ a; ~ anna) fit, paroxysm, urlacan vomiting, vнreas virus (see also: tinneas)

brн m

1. vigour, vitality

бititheacht cogency, beocht vitality, buanseasmhacht fortitude, calmacht stoutness, pluck, cumhacht power, cnбmh f droma backbone, cumas capability, crann seasta mainstay, cruas toughness, dinimiceas dynamism, daingne firmness, feargacht virility, fйitheogacht brawniness, flosc gusto, follбine robustness, fуrsa force, inneach m stamina, neart potency, power, fuinneamh energy, lбidreacht strength, lбn de cheol full of vigour, miotal mettle, scafбntacht vigorousness, slбinte f health, йifeacht effect, significance, spleodar exuberance, spiorad spirit, spionnadh vim, zest, spionntacht vigorousness, sponc spunk, spirit, spreacъlacht vigour, stуinseacht staunchness, teacht aniar recuperative power, never-say-die, tualaing potential, potency, tualangacht potentiality.



2. meaning

бbhar matter, substance, aidhm aim, bun agus barr an scйil upshot, ceacht lesson, ceacht le foghlaim lesson to be learnt, ciall f (cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, meaning, ciallъ elucidation, construal, crнoch f(- нche, ~ a, ~) end, purpose, cuspуir objective, goal, йifeacht significance, йirim gist, eisint essence, feidhm function, purpose, forchiall f (- chйille; ~ a; ~) connotation, impleacht implication, intinn intention, mнniъ explanation, interpretation, rъn purpose, sainchiall denotation, sйimeantaic semantics, (an) smaoineamh taobh thiar de (the) idea behind it, tuiscint understanding, tбbhacht importance, teachtaireacht message.




Cad is ~ leis sin? What does that mean? in нsle ~ run down, dб bhrн sin for that reason., focail lбn de bhrн words laden with meaning, gan bhrн meaningless, gan ~ ar bith devoid of any meaning

brнomhar adj. vigorous

бititheach cogent, beo vital, alive, beoga full of vitality, buanseasmhach steadfast, calma brave, plucky, cumhachtach powerful, cumasach capable, crua tough, dinimiciъil dynamic, daingean firm, fearga virile, fйitheogach brawny, follбin robust, neartmhar potent, powerful, fuinniъil energetic, lбidir strong, lбn de cheol full of vigour, le teacht aniar with recuperative powers, miotalach mettlesome, scafбnta vigorous, slбintiъil healthy, fit, йifeachtach effective, significant, spleodrach exuberant, spridiъil spirited, spionnъil full of vim, full of zest, zestful, sponcъil spunky, spirited, spreacъlach forceful, stуinseach staunch, tualangach potent.


brionglуid f dream

aisling vision, aisnйal swoon, brionglуideach dreaming, cimйara mirage, fнs vision, mearъ sъl trick of the eyes, mearbhall confusion of mind, mearaн bewilderment, mearaнocht (chloisteбla, etc..)(auditory, etc..) hallucination, rбmhaille delirium, seachmall illusion, aberration, siabhrбn delusion, speabhraнdн hallucinations, taibhreamh dream; revelation, taibhreamh na sъl oscailte day-dreaming, waking dream, tromluн nightmare.

bris v break

Baincut, bain bonn у undermine, bearrshave, blosccrack, buailbeat, caith wear out, cloнghdefeat, cnagcrunch, coillviolate (cf an dlн a choilleadhto violate the law), cuir ar neamhnнannul, cuir у chumasincapacitate, cuir у fheidhmput out of action, cuir as glйasrender non-functional, dealaighseparate, dйan smidirнnн(de)smash into pieces (of), dйan smionagar(de) shatter, dнothaighannihilate, йignigh

rape, violate, йirigh as discontinue, fйimhigh bankrupt, fuascail deliver, gearr cut, нsligh humiliate, lagaigh weaken, leag knock down, loit impair, mill ruin, mionaigh crumble, pioc pick, plйasc burst, rйab breach, roinn divide, sбraigh violate, scбin sever, scaip scatter, scar separate, scealp splinter, flake, scoilt split, scoir detach, disconnect, scoith sever, break apart, scrios destroy, smiot whittle, chip, srac tear, stoith pluck, extract, strуic tear, rend, teilg dash, treascair crash, vanquish, trйig abandon.


cos a bhriseadh to break a leg

bairille a bhriseadh to tap a barrel

bille a bhriseadh to negotiate a bill

dlн a bhriseadh to break a law

capall a bhriseadh to break in a horse

conradh a bhriseadh to break a contract

croн a bhriseadh to break a heart

clъ a bhriseadh to destroy a reputation

gealltanas a bhriseadh to break a promise

long a bhriseadh to wreck a ship

namhaid a bhriseadh to defeat an enemy

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 246 | Нарушение авторских прав

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