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Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 3 страница

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buama m bomb

diъracбn missile, grбnбid grenade, grбnбid lбimhe hand-grenade, mianach m mine, moirtйar mortar-bomb, plйascбn explosive, plйascбn deataigh smoke-bomb, plйascбn brйantais stink-bomb, plйascуg cracker, roicйad rocket, sliogбn shell, toirpйad torpedo.

~ adamhach atomic bomb, ~ ama time, ~ eitneach nuclear bomb, ~ eitleбin aerial bomb, ~ faoi threorъ lйasair laser-guided bomb, ~ gбis nimhe poison-gas bomb, ~ hidrigine hydrogen bomb, ~ loiscthe incendiary bomb, ~ peitril petrol bomb.


aerbhuamбil aerial bombing, aidhnнn ama time fuse, ~ a chur to plant a bomb, ~ a phlйascadh to explode a bomb, ~ a chur as glйas to defuse a bomb, buamadhнonach bomb-proof, buamadуir bomber, buamadуir-fйinmharfуir suicide-bomber, buamбil bombing, bratbhuamбil saturation bombing, eitleбn buamбla bomber, gnнomhartha sceimhlitheoireachta acts of terrorism, sceimhlitheoir terrorist, scuad buamбla bomb-squad.

buan adj. permanent, lasting

a bhfuil caitheamh maith ann durable, buanseasmhach enduring, steadfast, cobhsaн stable, daingean fixed, fast, domheathlaithe imperishable, domhillte indestructible, doscriosta ineradicable; indelible, gan staonadh perpetual, marthanach lasting, neamhathraitheach unchanging, seasmhach constant, sнor- constant, sнoraн eternal, socraithe established.


buartha adj. upset, troubled

anbhбch fearful, uneasy, anbhuaineach dismayed, disturbed, beagmhisniъil despondent, beaguchtъil m in low spirits, brуnach sad, sorry, crбite distressed, corraithe disquieted, curtha amach put out, upset, eaglach fearful, faiteach apprehensive, imnнoch worried, anxious, mearaithe distracted, bewildered, mнshuaimhneach uneasy, disquieted, suaite agitated, disturbed, tуgtha flustered. (see also: imnн)

buicйad m bucket

бrthach container, vessel, bairille barrel, bбisнn basin, canna can, casca cask, crocбn pitcher, crъiscнn small jug, crъsca jar, dabhach f(daibhche; dabhcha) vat, tub, feadhnach m vessel, pail, gogбn wooden vessel, pail, paol pail, prуca crock, urn, searrуg jar, soitheach vessel, tobбn tub, taoscбn bail, umar trough.

buidйal m bottle

бrthach container, buidйilнn small bottle, phial, cartбn carton, cartъs cartridge, crъsca jar, deacantar decanter, fial m(fйil; fйil, ~) vial, phial, flaigнn flacon, small flask, flagъn flagon, fleasc m(~ a; ~ anna) flask, soitheach m vessel, triaileadбn test-tube.

buile f madness, fury

бifйis absurdity, amaidн folly, bбinн frenzy, dъlagar depression, йigiall irrationality, fanaiceacht fanaticism, fearg f anger, fiбine wildness, fнoch m(fнch, ~ a, ~) rage, ire, fнochmhaire ferocity, fury, fiъnach m fit of rage, tantrum, fraoch m(- oich) fury, gealtacht insanity, iompar gan chiall lunacy, senseless behaviour, mбindъlagar manic-depression, mire f madness, insanity, mнrйasъn unreason, neamhord pearsantachta personality disorder, nйarуis neurosis, nйarуis dhъghabhбlach obsessional neurosis, paranуia m paranoia, raic furore, raimйis drivel, rбmhaille delirium, rбmhaillн ravings, saochan cйille mental aberration, seachrбn cйille derangement, seafуid nonsense, sнocуis psychosis, sнocуis pharanуideach ainsealach chronic paranoid psychosis, scitsifrйine f schizophrenia, scitsifrйine pharanуideach paranoid schizophrenia, speabhraнdн hallucinations speabhraнdн уil drunken hallucinations, pink elephants. (see also: gealt)


neamhaird mheabhrach agus cуireбil mental disorders and treatments: anoireicse anorexia, aonad sнciatrach psychiatric unit, ardуga uppers, barbatъrбit barbiturate, dъlagar depression, dъlagar frithghnнomhach reactive depression, dъlagar iarbhreithe post-natal depression, dъlagar sнceoiseach psychotic depression, frithdhъlagrбin anti-depressants, gealtlann lunatic asylum, нsleoga downers, mбindъlagar manic depression, neamhord cothaithe dietary disorder, ospidйal sнciatrach psychiatric, teach na ngealt madhouse, hospital, scitsifrйine schizophrenia, scitsifrйine pharanуideach paranoid schizophrenia, teiripe cognaнoch cognitive therapy, tбmhuithe sedatives.

buille m blow, stroke; beat, slap

batrбil battering, bleaist blast, boiseog slap, bualadh beating, leadhb slap, smack, leadуg thump, cic m kick, ciceбil kicking, cнonбn blow, clout, clabhta clout, cluaisнn box in the ear, cnag knock, cnagadh knocking, cnagaide rap with knuckles, cniogaide cnagaide tap-tap, cnagaireacht striking, crunching, cnagбn knock, cnagarnach f knocking sound, cnagуg blow, knock, cuaifeach m swing, swipe, dearna slap, dearna sa droim slap on the back, dorn punch, leadhb f(leidhbe; ~ anna) blow, hard smack, leadhbуg clout, leadуg slap, leadradh beating, lйasadh thrashing, leiceadar slap on the cheek, paltуg wallop, plab bang, slacairt battering, smнste heavy blow, smash, smitнn sharp blow, stiall f(stйille; ~ acha) lash, stroke, tailm thump, tuairt wallop, trost whack.

~ ar bhuille blow for blow, ~ boise smack, ~ ceoil musical beat, ~ an chloig stroke of the clock, ~ croн heart beat, ~ fill treacherous blow, ~ luath a bit soon, ~ mall a bit late, ~ oibre stroke of work, ~ rбmha oar-stroke, ~ sa bhйim felling blow.



buнoch m grateful, thankful

bheith faoi chomaoin to be under obligation, feasach aware, lйirthuisceanach appreciative, meabhraнoch mindful, heedful, smaointeach thoughtful, tuisceanch considerate.

buнochas m gratitude

admhбil acknowledgement, altъ thanksgiving, comaoin obligation, feasacht awareness, lйirthuiscint appreciation, meabhraнocht mindfulness, smaointeacht thoughtfulness, tuiscint understanding.


~ a ghabhбil le duine to express gratitude to a person, ~ le Dia thanks be to God, Nнl cuid bhuнochais ann! It’s not worth thanks., A bhuнochas air, tб teach nua againn. Thanks to him, we have a new house., Sin a bhfuil de bhuнochas ormsa! That’s all the thanks I get. Rinne sн й dб bhuнochas. She did it in spite of him. Ort fйin amhбin a bhuнochas! You’ve only yourself to thank!


buisйad m budget

acmhainnн fpl resources, aireagadais mpl finances, cбinaisnйis f budget, costas cost, leithdhбileadh allocation, cionroinnt f(cionranna) allotment, cistн mpl funds, liъntas allowance, lamhбltas concession, maoin means, weath, meastachбn estimate

bun m base, bottom; basis

abhantrach f river-basin, bota(н) butt, stock, bйal (pнopa) outlet (of a pipe), brн substance, meaning, bunadh origin; original stock, bunaitheoir founder, bunбn bottom, basin, bundъn tail-end, bunreacht m (politcal) constitution, bunsraith foundation, buntъs rudiment(s), bunъs basis, origin; essence, ceann farthest point, ceann scrнbe destination, cois (+ genitive) at the foot (of); crнoch f(crнche; ~ a, ~) end, extremity, deireadh end, foinse source, foirceann extremity, (grammar) ending, frйamh f (frйimhe, ~ a, ~) root, fuaimint soundness, solidity, rian trace, smut (coinnle, etc.) stub (of a candle, etc.), tathag fullness, body, import, tйagar substance, tуin backside, bottom.


~aimsir primary tense, ~airgead capital sum, ~бit base, ~aois advanced age, ~-Bhйarla basic English, ~bhrн primary meaning, ~charraig bedrock, ~chearta basic rights, ~chйim primary degree, ~cheist fundamental question, ~chнos superannuation, ~chloch foundation stone, ~chуip original draft, ~chъis motive, ~dath primary colour, ~dlaoi (thatch) eaves, ~dorcha fairly dark, ~dъchasach Aborigine; Aboriginal, ~eolas elementary knowledge, ~fhrйamh tap-root; founder, ~leabhar primer, ~phб basic wage, ~phointe starting point, ~phrionsabail first principles, ~scoil primary school, ~sileбin eaves, ~siocair primary cause, ~toil f(-tola) express purpose, ~tomhas dimension, bunъdar primary cause; prime mover.


Cad tб ar ~? What’s up?, Nнl ~ nб barr ar an scйal. The story doesn’t make any sense., Sin ~ agus barr an scйil. That’s the long and the short of it., That’s it in a nutshell. An rud atб sa bhun bбn tб sй sa bharr glas. You can’t hide your true nature., Tб ~ na fнrinne leis. It’s based on fact., Cuireadh an scoil ar ~ i 2000. The school was established in 2000., i m~ oibre at work, Nнl sй ina bhun sin amhбin. It’s not just confined to that., Ta sй i m~ a charad. He’s taking advantage of his friend.


bunoscionn adv. upside-down

droim ar ais back to front, in aimhrйidh entangled, measctha suas mixed up, scrofa scrambled, taobh tuathal amach wrong side out, trнna chйile confused, tromach tramach pell-mell, topsy-turvy.

buntбiste m advantage

бis convenience, facility, бisiъlacht handiness, бrach m advantage, opening, beannacht blessing, brabach m profit, cabhair f(- rach) assistance, caoi means to avail of an opportunity, ceangal hold, ceannas lead, cleas caoithiъlachta expediency, cuidiъ aid, cъnamh help, deis opportunity, feidhm function, fуint usefulness, utility, fуnamh benefit, service, gradam esteem, lбmh in uachtar upper hand, leas welfare, beneficial use luamhбn leverage, maith good, rath bounty, rу-chйimнocht pre-eminence, rud m thing, saorбid facility, sochar plus, plus-point, somhaoin asset, sonraнocht remarkableness, tairbhe benefit, toradh fruit, tosach m start, tosaнocht precedence, ъsбid use. (see also: bua)


buntбiste m advantage

бis convenience, barrachas superiority, bua winning aspect, brabъs profit, fбltas plus, profit, (cf. ar thaobh an fhaltais on the plus side), fiъntas worth, mбmh trump, sochar gain,

sуmhainn asset, tairbhe f benefit, ъsбid use. (see also: bua, brabъs)


buntбisteach adj. advantageous

бisiъil convenient, buach winning, brabъsach profitable, fбltasach gainful, fiuntach worthwhile, sochrach advantageous, sуmhainneach solvent, tairbheach beneficial, ъsбideach useful. (see also: buach )


buntъs m rudiments

bun base, basic provision, bunadh origin, bunphrionsabail mpl first principles, bunsraith foundation, bunъs basis, origin, frйamh f (frйimhe, ~ a, ~) root, na chйad chйimeanna the first steps, tosach m beginning, tъs start. (see also: bun)




cabhair f help, assistance

araicis help, rescue, assistance, cabhrъ (le) helping (with), comhoibriъ cooperation, cuidiъ (le) helping, (with), assisting (with); help, cъnamh help, dйirc alms-giving, fуirithint succour, help, lбmh chъnta helping hand, moladh advice; advising, taca prop, support, tacaнocht support, treoir f(- orach) guidance, ъsбid use. (see also: cъnamh)

cabhrach adj. helpful

bбъil sympathetic, bisiъil fecund, brabъsach profitable, buntбisteach advantageous, cairdiъil friendly, carthanach charitable, cбsmhar caring, considerate, cуiriъil (weather) favourable, comharsanъil neighbourly, comhoibritheach co-operative, cuidiъil constructive, helpful, cъntach helpful; auxiliary, daonnachtъil humanitarian, kind, daonchairdiъil philanthropic, dea-ghnнomhach beneficent, dea-mhйiniъil benevolent, fabhrach favourable, garach accommodating, willing to help, lбch kind, oibleagбideach obliging, praiticiъil practical, sochrach profitable, beneficent, soilнosach willing to do a kindness, obliging, somhaoineach valuable, lucrative, tairbheach beneficial, tacъil supportive, tбirgiъil productive, torthъil fruitful, trбthъil timely, opportune, tuisceanach considerate, ъsбideach useful.

cabhraigh le v help

aisig (pr. aiseagann; vn. aiseag) restore, ardaigh promote, elevate, caradaigh befriend, coisc prevent, cothaigh foster, cuidigh (le) assist, help, cuir ar aghaidh advance, cuir chun cinn promote, feabhas a chur (ar) to improve, йascaigh facilitate, feabhsaigh ameliorate, fуir (vn. ~ ithint) aid, succour, freastail (pr. - talaнonn; vn. - tal) (ar) serve, goimh a bhaint as to take the harm out, laghdaigh lessen, mitigate,

Lбmh cъnta a thabhairt(do) to give a helping hand (to), leigheascure, heal, leigheas a chur(ar) remedy,maolaigh ease, relieve, neartaigh(le)abet, sбbhбilsave,seas lestand by, smachtaigh control, tacaigh(le)support, tabhair

cбca m cake

bloc block, cake, bollуg loaf, borrуg bun, builнn loaf, cбicнn little cake, cнste m cake, cnap lump, йadromуg йclair, leac slab, scуna scone, tбiblйad tablet, taoschnу doughnut, taosrбn pastry, toirtнn tart, (see also: cнste )


cбch m everyone

achan duine every person, an t-iomlбn dearg acu the whole damn lot of them, an uile duine each person, gach aon each (and every) one, gach mac mбthar the world and his granny, gach (uile) duine every (single) person, uile all.


caibidil f chapter; debate

alt article, cйim stage, clбsal clause, cuid part, eipeasуid episode, pas phase, roinn section, teach caibidle chapter house, topaic topic; ceist issue, conspуid controversy, diospуireacht debate. (see also: diospуireacht )


caidreamh m companionship, relationship

aifinideacht affinity, baint connection, cairdeas friendship, cleamhnacht affiliation, coibhneas relationship, affinity, comhcheangal association (e.g. of ideas, etc.,), comhghaolъ correlation, cumann association, dlъthchaidreamh intimicy, dlъthbhaint close association, gaol relation, idirspleбchas interdependence, nasc link.

faoiseamh (do) alleviate, tarrthбil rescue. (see also: cuidigh)

caifeach adj. given to spending, wasteful

baothchaifeach profligate, caiteach wasteful doscaн extravagant diomailteach dissipative, profligate, drabhlбsach prodigal, neamheacnamaнoch uneconomical, ragairneach ruinously wasteful, raidhseach lavish, scaipeach thriftless.

caighdeбn m standard

aicme class, balbhshamhail f(- mhla) mock-up, canуin canon, cineбl type, critйar criterion, cuspa model, dlн law; accepted way of doing things, dearbhchloch f touchstone, eiseamlбir example, grбd grade, leibhйal level, miosъr measure, prionsabal principle, riachtanas requirement, riail f(- alach) rule, saghas sort, kind, samhail f(- mhla) representation, model, sampla sample, slat tomhais yardstick, sуrt sort, tagarmharc benchmark, tomhas gauge, measure treoir guide, treoracha guidelines, sonraнocht spec, sonrъ specification.

caighdeбnach adj. standard

aicmeach class, aitheanta recognised, canуnach canon, ceadaithe allowed, cineбlach generic, clasaiceach classic(al), dlite legally allowed (cf. srбid-dlite street-legal), dleathach legal, eiseamlбireach exemplary, faofa approved, glactha accepted, gnбth- usual, grбdach graded, meбnach average, mуrйilimh popular, normбlta normal, normatach normative, oifigiъil official, ortadocsach orthodox, prнomh- main, staple, rialaithe regulated, rialta regular, samplach sample, sonraithe particularized, defined, tomhaiste measured, gauged, tagarmharcбilte benchmarked, tomhas gauge, measure, treoraithe guided, ъdarбsach authoritative.

caighdeбnaithe adj. standardized

comhshamhlaithe assimilated, cothromaithe equalized, normalaithe normalized, olltбirgthe mass-produced, rialta regulated, steirйitнopach stereotyped

cбil f reputation, celebrity; repute

Ainmm name, aithnerecognition, бit is dнol spйise do thurasуirнtourist-trap, ardmheashigh esteem, bladhfame, renown, clъ fame, renown, clъ agus cбilfame and reputation, creidiъintcredit, cuid suntaissomething worthy of notice, dea-ainmgood name, dea-chбilgood repute, dea-chlъgood repute, dea-mheasdeference, high regard, dearscnaitheacht

prominence, drochainm bad reputation, droch-chбil bad repute, droch-chlъ bad-reputation, drochmheas contempt, drochmhianach baseness of character, gnaoi an phobail popularity, gradam esteem, meas regard, respect, mianach character, mнchбil evil reputation, mнchlъ infamy, ill repute mн-уmуs disregard, oirirceas eminence, уmуs homage, onуir honour, suntasacht distinctiveness, tuairim opinion, urraim esteem, deferential regard. (see also: clъ)

cбilнn m girl

ainnir damsel, bбb f( bбibe; ~ a, ~) babe, bбbуg doll, banуgh f(- уighe; ~ a, ~) virgin, banуglach f girlguide, banphrionsa m princess, maiden, muse, bliteog well-dressed young woman, bogchailнn prepubescent young girl, bruinneall f(-nnille; ~a,~) maiden, cйirseach f fair maiden, fairceallach (mnб ) strapping muscular young woman, gearrchaile lass, giodrуg saucy girl, girseach f lass, gustуg pert young woman, inнon f(inнne; inнonacha) daughter, maighdean f virgin, уgbhean young woman, pantalуg (colloq.) plump shapely lass, pнosa den sciorta (vulg.) piece of skirt, sceidhreog flighty girl, sceimhleog timid,easily frightened young girl, sciotуg chit (of a girl), struipear fast-and-easy girl, stunaire stunner, toice f wench. (see also: bean )

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Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 2 страница| Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 4 страница

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