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Бisiъlachthandiness, cuibheaspropriety, cuibhiъlachtdecorum, fabharfavour, feiliъnachtsuitability, galбntacht 2 страница

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ceannaigh v buy, purchase

bain amach obtain, breab bribe, breab a thabhairt do to give a bribe to, faigh get, faigh ar cнos rent, fostaigh employ, fruiligh hire, fruilcheannach a dhйanamh to hire-purchase, lйasaigh lease, seilbh a fhбil ar to acquire, to take possession of, truailligh corrupt.

ceannaithe adj bought

bainte amach obtained, ar tugadh breab ( do ) to whom a bribe was given, bribed, faighte gotten, received, faighte ar cнos rented, fostaithe employed, fruilithe hired, fruilcheannaithe hire-purchased, lйasaithe leased, i seilbh (ag) in the possession of, truaillithe corrupted.

ceanndбna adj. headstrong, stubborn

cadrбnta obstinate, unfeeling, calctha fixed in one's ways, deacair difficult, dнgeanta wilful, dobhogtha unyielding, dochomhairlithe intractable, dolubtha inflexible, dъr dour, easumhal contumacious, mнcheansa recalcitrant, righin rigid, dogged, stuacach obdurate, stuacбnach obstinate.

ceantar m district

бit place, comharsanacht neighbourhood, contae m(~; ~ tha ) county, deoise f diocese, dъiche f locality; native place, fearann land, ionad place, lantбn level grazing area, limistйar territory, maighean f(maighne; maighne, ~) (police) precinct, parуiste parish, rйigiъn region, rйimse m stretch (cf. rйimse talъn stretch of land), taobh side, quarter. (see also: бit, tнr)

ceaintнn m canteen

bialann restaurant, caife cafй, halla bia food-hall, seomra bia dining room, tithe sъip (hist.) soup-kitchens. (see also: bialann)

ceap v

1. think

airigh sense, бirigh reckon, bheith den tuairim to be of the opinion, bhuail smaoineamh mй a thought struck me, chonacthas domsa (go) it seemed to me (that), creid believe, cuimhnigh consider, think; remember, dealraнodh domsa (go) I was under the impression (that), dealraнonn sй dom (go) It appears to me (that), feictear domsa (go) it seems to me (that), oibrigh amach work out, machnaigh reflect, ponder, ruminate, meabhraigh meditate; consider; recall meas consider, sнl think, smaoineamh a dhйanamh ar to do some thinking about, smaoinigh think (over), thбinig smaoineamh chugam (go) an idea came to me (that).


2. appoint

ainmnigh nominate, name, bunaigh establish, cinn determine, coimisiъnaigh commission, cruthaigh create, cuir in oifig put in office, an folъntas lнonadh to fill the vacancy, fostaigh employ, engage, glac (le) accept, oirnigh ordain, an post a thabhairt do to give the position to, rogha a dhйanamh to make a selection, roghnaigh choose, socraigh (ar) decide (upon), sann assign, solбthair provide, suiteбil install, tarmlig delegate, togh elect.

Nб ~ go ndearna mй dearmad air! Don’t think that I have forgotten., Bhн mй ag ceapadh nбrbh fhiъ й. I was thinking that it wouldn’t be worth it. Ceapadh ina hollamh н. She was appointed a professor. Cheap mй mй fйin. I held back, I watched my tongue., Nн cheapfб й! You wouldn’t think it.


ceaptha adj. appointed

ainmnithe nominated, named, bunaithe establised, cinntithe confirmed, coimisiъnaithe commissioned, cruthaithe created, lнonta filled, fostaithe employed, engaged, glactha accepted, in oifig in office, oirnithe ordained, roghnaithe selected, chosen, socraithe decided, sannta assigned, solбthraithe provided, suiteбilte installed, tarmligthe delegated, tofa elected.

ceardaн m artisan, wright

dйantуir maker, ealaнontуir artist, fear ceirde craftsman, lбmh f oilte skilled hand, mбistir m master, saineolaн specialist, expert, saor mason; wright.

~ bбicйir baker, bearbуir barber, brнceadуir bricklayer, caibinйadaire cabinet-maker, cбiseoir cheeze-maker, cуcaire cook, cъramуir carer, feisteoir fitter, foirgneoir builder,gabha m(~; gaibhne ) blacksmith, garraнodуir gardener, grйasaн cobbler, gruagaire hairstylist, leictreoir electrician, meicneoir mechanic, oibrн m miotail metal-worker, pйintйir painter, plбstrбlaн plasterer, pluimйir plumber, saor bбid boatwright, saor crainn (arch.) carpenter, saor iarainn ironworker, sciamheolaн beautician, siъinйir carpenter, joiner, tбilliъir taylor, tбthaire welder, tuнodуir thatcher. (see also: gairm bheatha)



cearnуg f square

ceathairuilleog quadrangle, dronuilleog rectangle, fнor f chearnach foursided figure, ciъb cube,craftsman, teitreagбn tetragon, plбs (street-name) place, plazza.

cearr adj. wrong

aimhrйireach incongruous; (jur.) repugnant, aindleathach illicit, ar fiar (sceabha)askew,awry, ar strae astray, off track, brйagach false, untrue, bun os cionn topsy-turvy, upside-down, cam crooked, coiriъil criminal, contrбilte amiss, contrary, do-ghlactha unacceptable, йagуrach unjust, earrбideach erroneous, fallбsach fallacious, fealltach unsound, feileonach felonious, i bhfad уn sprioc wide of the mark, in-chбinte reprehensible, lochtach defective, meallta misled, mistaken, mнcheart incorrect, mнchruinn inaccurate, mнchuн improper, mнdhlisteanach unlawful, mн-eiticiъil unethical, mнfhуirsteanach inappropriate, mнfhreagrach incongruous, mнmhorбlta immoral, neamhdhleathach illegal, peacъil sinful.

ceart 1 adj. right, correct

amach is amach utter, ar a c(h)iall in (his) her right senses, barбntъil authentic, bailн valid, beacht exact, ceartchreidmheach orthodox, cйillн sane, cуir just, rightful, comme il faut comme il faut, cothrom balanced, cothromasach equitable, crнochnъil thorough, cruthanta thorough-going, absolute, cruinn precise, cuн appropriate, cuibhiъil seemly, dбirнre sincere, dнlis genuine, diongbhбilte worthy, fitting, dнreach straight, dleathach lawful, dlнthiъil legal, eiticiъil ethical, fabhrach propitious, feiliъnach suitable, fнor true, fнorбnta competent, fнorasach factual, fнorga righteous, fнorъil virtual, fнriъil diligent, faithful, fнrinneach truthful, veracious, fiъntach worthy, foirfe perfect, fуirsteanach becoming, follбin healthy, gan bhrйag veritable, gan earrбid flawless, idйalach ideal, ina c(h)eartmheabhair compos mentis, iomlбn complete, ionraic upright, macбnta honest, morбlta moral, neamhiomrallach unerring, oiriъnach apt, rйadach objective, real, rйadъil real, rйalta manifest, real, rйalaнoch realistic, rйasъnach rational, rйasъnta reasonable, sainiъil characteristic, suбilceach virtuous, trбthъil opportune, trйitheach typical, slбn sound, uasal honourable, honest.

ceart 2 m correctness, rightness

barбntъlacht authenticity, bailнocht validity, beaichte exactitude, ceartas justice, just claims, ceartchreideamh orthodoxy, ceartmheabhair compos mentis, ceartseasamh correct stance, cйillн sanity, cуir justice, equity, cothroime balance, cothromaнocht evenness, fairness, cothromas equity, crнochnъlacht thoroughness, cruinne preciseness, cruinneas precision, cuibhiъlacht seemliness, dбirнre sincerity, dнlse genuineness, faithfulness, diongbhбilteacht worthiness, merit, dнrн straightness, dнrнocht directness, dleacht due, dleachtanas propriety, due, dleathaнocht legality, justice, dlistinacht legitimacy, lawfulness, dliteanas rightful claim, dlнthiъlacht legality, lawfulness, eiticiъlacht ethicality, fabhar auspiciousness, feiliъint suitability, fнoras factuality, fнorgacht righteousness, fнorъlacht virtuality, fнre truthfulness, fнriъlacht diligence, faithfulness, fнrinneacht truthfulness, veracity, fiъntas worth, foirfeacht perfection, fуirsteanacht becomingness, follбine healthiness, idйal ideal, iomlбine completeness, fullness, ionracas uprightness, macбntacht honesty, morбltacht morality, neamhiomrallaн unerringness, oiriъint aptness, rйadachas realism, rйaltacht reality, rйalaнocht realistic quality, rйasъn rationality, rйasъntacht reasonableness, sainiъlacht specific distinctive nature, suбilce virtue, trбthъlacht opportune moment, slбine soundness, uaisle (acht)honour, nobility; integrity.

ceartaigh v correct

athchуirigh renovate, reform, athleasaigh reform; re-amend, cбin chide, criticize, coigeartaigh rectify, adjust, emend, comhairligh advise, cуirigh adjust, regulate, cothromaigh counter-balance, cuir ar bhealach a leasa put on the right road, cuir i gceart rectify, deisigh repair, dнfhabhtaigh debug, dнrigh straighten, feabhsaigh improve, leasaigh amend, leigheas cure, lochtaigh reprove, admonish, marcбil mark, pionуsaigh punish, sбbhбil rescue, smachtaigh discipline, tabhair casaoid do reprimand, admonish, treoraigh direct, guide.

ceartъchбn m correction

athchуiriъ reforming; renovating, ceartъ correcting, coigeartъ rectification, adjustment, cur i gceart putting right, righting, deisiъ fixing, mending, feabhsъ improving, leasъ amending, amendment, marcбil marking, profъ proofing.

cйasadh m torture, agony; crucifixion

ainnise misery, angar distress, affliction, anfhorlann oppression, an raca cйasta (hist.) the rack, ansmacht tyranny, bearrthуireacht nagging, brбca hassle, buairt anxiety, ciapadh torment, harassment, crб distress, crб croн heartbreak, cruatan hardship, doilнos affliction, fulaingt suffering, gйarleanъint persecution, ifreann hell, lйan anguish, mairtнreacht martyrdom, pian f pain.

cйasta m tortured, agony; crucified

ainnis miserable, ar an raca cйasta (hist.) onthe rack, bodhraithe annoyed, bothered, buartha vexed, perturbed, ciaptha tormented, harassed, crбite distressed, croнbhriste heartbroken, faoi lйan in anguish, faoi shбil an bhrбca hassled, i bpйin in pain, i lъb an angair in dire distress and need, i ndeireadh na preibe at one’s wit’s end, in ifreann in hell, in umar na haimlйise in the trough of despondency, martraithe martyrded.

ceil v conceal

adhlaic bury, clъdaigh cover, cuir brйagriocht ar disguise cuir caille ar place a veil over, cuir faoi cheilt conceal, cuir i bhfolach hide, cuir i dtaisce stash, dorchaigh obscure, duaithnigh camouflage, dubhaigh blacken, darken, dul i bhfolach to go underground, fan ar an gcъlrбid lie low, fial veil, masc mask, rud йigin a chur faoi bhrat na mistйire to shroud something in mystery, scбthaigh cloak, shadow, sciathaigh screen, taisc cache, teimhligh shroud. obscure.

cйile m spouse

an leath is fearr the better half, bean an tн f(mnб; mnб, ban) the woman of the house, bean f(mnб; mnб, ban) chйile wife,

compбnach m companion, fear an tн the man of the house, fear chйile husband, й fйin himself, н fйin herself, mo chйile cуir my better half, pбirtн partner.

cйilн m cйilн dance, traditional Irish dance

damhsa traidisiъnta traditional dance, cor m(coir; ~a, ~) reel, (cf. cor beirte twohand, ceathrair fourhand, ochtair, eighthand, etc reel), cumбile knees-up, rince Gaelach Gaelic dance, seitrince set-dance.

cйim f stage, step; degree

abhуg stride, aicme class, ardъ augment, heightening, coiscйim footstep, cбilнocht acadъil academic qualification, dioplуma diploma, dul chun cinn progress, dul chun tosaigh advance, dul in airde going up, dul suas/ sнos going up/ down, eang f(~ a; ~ ) notch, forbairt development, grбd grade, imeacht procedure, leibhйal level, lйim leap, hump, marc mark, pointe point, runga rung, siъl gait, staighre stair, teastas certificate.


cйimн m graduate

comhalta fellow, ceadъnach m licentiate, Baitsilйir m Ealaнon Bachelor of Arts, dochtъir m doctor, iarchйimн postgraduate, Mбistir m Ealaнon Master of Arts, scolбire scholar, alumnus.


ceird f trade

бbaltacht ability, cleachtadh practice, ealaнn art, eolas knowledge, foghlaim f (- lama) learning, gairm profession, oideachas education, oilteacht skill, mбistreacht mastery, proifisiъn profession, saineolas specialiality, expertise, saoirseacht craftsmanship, scil skill, slн f bheatha occupation, traenбil training.

~ bбicйireacht craft of baking, bearbуireacht hairdressing, brнceadуireacht bricklaying, caibinйadaireacht cabinet-making, cбiseoireacht cheeze-making, cуcaireacht cooking, cъramуireach care-skills, feisteoireacht fitters’ trade, foirgneoireacht building trade, garraнodуirreacht gardening, grйasaнocht shoe-making, gruagaireeacht hairstyling, leictreoireacht electrician-trade, meicneoireacht mechanic’s trade, oibriъ miotail metal-woring, pйintйireacht painting trade, plбstrбlaнocht plastering trade, pluimйireacht plumbing, saoirseacht bhбid boat-building, saoirseacht crainn (arch.) carpentry, saoirseacht iarainn ironwork trade, sciamheolaнocht beautician trade, siъinйireacht carpentry, joinery, tбilliъireacht taylor’s trade, tбthaireacht welding, tuнodуireacht thatching. (see also: ceardaн)


ceirt f cloth

бbhar material (cf. бbhar gan phatrъn plain material), cifleog rag, piece of tattered material, йadach cloth, glantуir duster, fabraic fabric, fнochбn tissue, flainнn face-cloth; flannel, tuбille towel.

ceist f question; issue

achrann quarrel, aighneas dispute, argуint argument, ceastуireacht interrogation, ceistiъ questioning, cnбmh spairne bone of contention coimhlint struggle, conspуid controversy, croscheistiъ cross-questioning, dabht doubt, йiginnteacht uncertainty, fiosrъ inquiring, fiosrъchбn inquiry, scrъdъ examination, tбstбil test, tomhas puzzle, ъdar achrainn cause of strife; бbhar subject, бbhar cainte subject of discussion, бbhar na cъise point at issue, beart matter, action, thing, cuspуir objective, deacracht difficulty, fadhb f(faidhbe, ~ anna) problem, gnу business, matter, pointe point, rъn motion, intention, scйal matter; story, topaic topic.

ceistigh v question, inquire

bheith amhrasach faoi to be sceptical about, bheith in amhras (faoi) to be in doubt (about), caith amhras (ar) throw into question, cruthъ a йileamh to demand proof, cuir ceastуireacht (ar) interrogate, croscheistigh cross-examine, cuir amhras (i) suspect, doubt, cuir ceist (ar) pose a question (to), dнchreid disbelieve, faisnйisigh debrief, fiafraigh (de) ask (of), iarr (ar) ask, plйigh dispute, discuss, scrъdaigh examine, tбstбil test, tugaim do dhъshlбn I challenge you.

ceistiъchбn m questionnaire

freagarleabhar answer-book, caiticeasma catechism, ceistiъ questioning, foirm form, liosta de cheisteanna list of questions, suirbhй survey, suirbhй tuairimн poll, tбstбil test, trбth na gceist quiz.

ceo m fog, low cloud, gloom

brбdбn drizzle, brat ceo blanket of mist, ceobhrбn mist, ceocht mistiness, doilйire obscurity, dorchacht darkness, mearbhall perplexity, confusion, meascбn mearaн muddle, nйal cloud, scamall cloud, smъit gloom; murky mist, smъitcheo dense mist, smъitiъlacht murkiness, toitcheo smog.

ceol m music

aintiъn anthem, бiria aria, alt alto, amhrбn song, amhrбnaнocht singing, aoncheol unison, aonrйad solo, armуin harmony, armуnъ harmonisation, bailй ballet, bailйad ballad, baratуn baritone, barc-amhrбn barcarole, blosc blare, caintic canticle, canadh singing, canуin canon, cantбid cantata, cantaireacht chanting, caoineadh lament, carъl carol, ceathairйad quartet, coinsйartу concerto, cуiriъ arrangement, contralt contralto, cуr choir, corda chord, creathбn tremolo, crуnбn humming, cъigrйad quintet, cumadуir composer, cumadуireacht composition, cuntraphointe counterpoint, curfб chorus, damhsa dance, deontraн (trumpa)(trumpet) voluntary, dнchorda discord, dнshonas dissonance, dнsrйad duet, dord base, dъdaireacht crooning, йagnairc requiem, fantaise fantasia, feadaнl whistling, feadбnacht whistle-playing, fidlйireacht fiddle-playing, fнfeadуireacht fifing, fiъga fugue, fleб musical festival, fliъiteadуireacht flute-playing, foilsiъ exposition, fonn tune, air, fuaim sound, fuaimнocht acoustics, gabhуid gavotte, geantraн light music, geoidlйireacht yodelling, gleadhradh fanfare, goltraн lament, gormacha (na ~) blues, (the ~) guth voice, guthaнocht vocalisation, iomann hymn, ionstraimнocht instrumentation, iontonъ intonation, laoi lay,

liodбn litany, loinneog refrain, madragal madrigal, meбnsoprбn mezzo-soprano, mнbhinneas cacophony, minit minuet, mion-cheoldrбma operetta, nochtraн nocturne, nodaireacht notation, nуta note, oratуir oratorio, pбirtcheol part music, pнobaireacht piping, pнosa piece, plancadh strumming, polca Polka, popcheol pop music, potaireacht lilting, prasamhrбn patter-song, rabhcбn shanty, rapsуid rhapsody, reacaireacht recitative, rйamhdhrйacht prelude, rуmбns romance, rondу rondo, salmaireacht psalmody, sarabann sarabande, sбrshaothar masterpiece, scбla scale, scуr score, seinm playing, performance, sйis melody, siansa symphony, sonбid sonata, soprбn soprano, spioradбlach spiritual, suantraн lullaby, tйamamhrбn theme-song, teanуr tenor, stoitheadh plucking, tionlacan accompaniment, tiъin tune, tobchumadh extemporisation, tobsheisiъn jam session, ton tone, tondath timbre, tonъlacht tonality, trнrйad trio, vбlsa waltz.

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