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Бisiъlachthandiness, cuibheaspropriety, cuibhiъlachtdecorum, fabharfavour, feiliъnachtsuitability, galбntacht 3 страница

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~ aireagail chamber music, ~ aitheantais signature music, ~ bailй ballet music, ~ barуcach baroque music, ~ clasaiceach classical music, ~ cъlra background music, ~ йadrom light music, ~ йan birdsong, ~ gutha vocal music, ~ rince dance music, ~ sн fairy music, ~ siansach symphonic music, ~ sioncуipithe syncopated music, ~ teagmhasach incidental music, ~ tнre folk music, ~ uirlise instrumental music.


~бras concert hall, ~bhosca musical box; melodeon, ~bhuнon f(- нne;~ ta) band of musicians, ~chluiche operetta, ~choimйide musical comedy, ~choirm concert, ~drбma opera, ~drбma grinn comic opera, ceolfhoireann f orchestra, ~scoil school of music.


eagcheol ragtime, feis cheoil musical festival, glйas ceoil musical instrument, luasc-cheol swing-music, rapcheol rap music, rйamhcheol overture, roc-cheol rock music, rosc ceoil rhapsody, snagcheol jazz.




Mo cheol thъ! Well done!, Nб dйan ~ is damhsa de! Don’t make a song and dance about it!, ~ is gбire a bhain sise as. It was all a big joke to her. Cuirfidh an bia ~ ionat. The food will cheer you up., Bhain mй ~ as an airgead. I enjoyed the money.


ceolfhoireann f(foirne; foirne) orchestra:

altchlбirnйid alto clarinet, altfhliъit alto flute, aonrйadaн soloist, bainseу banjo, baitнn baton, blocfhliъit blockflute. bogha bow, buabhall bugle, cairdнn accordion, cйadveidhlнnн (na ~) first violins (the ~), ceolбin bells, ciombal cymbal, citealdruma kettledrum, clбirnйid clarinet, clбirseach f(- ; ~ a, ~) harp, clбrchruit harpsichord, clingнnн chimes, cnagadh percussion, cnaipechairdнn button-accordion, coirnйad cornet, cуn cone, consairtнn concertina, corn horn, corn Francach French horn, corn Sasanach English horn, cornphнopa hornpipe, cruit harp, dordchlбirnйid bass clarinet, dord-druma base drum, dordfhliъit bass flute, dordtiъba bass tuba, dordveidhil cello, dordveidhlнn base violin, dordvнol bass viol, drumaн drums, feadуg whistle, feag f(~ a;~ acha) reed, feagphнb f(~ e; pнoba, pнob) reed-pipe, fidil f(- dle;- dleacha) fiddle, fнf fife, fliъit flute, fliъit Shasanach recorder, fliъiteog piccolo, flъgalchorn flugelhorn, gabhlуg thiъnta tuning fork, galltrumpa clarion, gangdhruma gong-drum, gaothuirlis wind instrument, glocainspнl glockenspiel, lбmhchorn handhorn, lir lyre, liъit lute, maindilнn mandolin, maothadуir mute, mйadranуm metronome, mйarchlбr keyboard, mуrchoinsйartу concerto grosso, mуrorgбn great organ, mуrphianу grand piano, уbу oboe, ollbhasъn contrabassoon, ollchlбirnйid pedal clarinet, olldord double bass, orgбn organ, pianу piano, pianуchairdнn piano-accordion, pнp f(~ e; pнoba, pнob) pipe, pнb mhбla bagpipes, pнb uilleann uilleann pipes, sacsafуn saxophone, siombail symbol, sliodtrumpa slide trumpet, stoc bugle, trumpet, tambуirнn tambourine, tйada fpl (na ~) the strings, tйaduirlis stringed instrument, timbrйil timbrel, tiompбn timpan, tiъba tuba, veidhlнn violin, vнol viol, viуla viola, xileafуn xylophone.



ceoltуir m musician

amhrбnaн singer; vocalist, aonrйadaн soloist, baratуn baritone, bard bard, cairdнneoir accordion player, cantaire chanter; chorister, caointeoir keener, clбirseoir harpist, cnagionstraimн percussionist, cуr choir, cumadуir composer, dord base, dordveidhleadуir cellist, drumadуir drummer, dъdaire crooner, fidlйir fiddle-player, fнfeadуir fifer, fliъiteadуir flute-player, gaothionstraimн wind-instrumentalist, geoidlйir yodeller, giutбraн guitarist, ionstraimн instrumentalist, oirfideach m minstrel, pianуdуir pianist, pнobaire piping, potaire lilter, popcheoltуir pop-musician, rac-cheoltуir rock-musician, rapsуideoir rhapsode, reacaire reciter, sacsafуnaн saxophonist, seinnteoir player, performer, seinnteoir coirn horn-plyer, soprбn soprano, stiъrthуir conductor, tйadionstraimн string-instrumentalist, teanуr tenor, tionlacaн accompanist, trombуnaн trombonist, trumpadуir trumpet player, veidhleadуir violinist.

ceolmhar adj. musical

armуnaithe harmonized, binn harmonious, sweet to the ear, ceoil (< ceol) musical, dea-fhoghrach euphonious, lyrical liriciъil, meidhreach lilting, milis sweet, seanmnach melodious, music-making, sйiseach melodic, tuneful, tlбithbhinn dulcet, ton tone, tondath timbre, tonъil tonal.


choнche adv. ever, forever; never

am ar bith as seo amach any time henceforth, ar chъinse ar bith (+ neg) (never) under any circumstances, ar chuntar ar bith (+ neg) on no account, de shнor constantly, feasta (+neg.) nevermore, feasta choнche for all future time, gan chrнoch without end, unendingly, gan deireadh endlessly, gan staonadh ceaselessly, incessantly, go brбch in perpetuity, go brбch na breithe until the day of judgenent, go buan permanently, go deo for ever, go deo arнs ever again, go deo na ndeor for ever and ever, go sнor forever, go sнoraн eternally, everlastingly, i gcуnaн always, evet, riamh ever, trн shaol na saol (relg.) for ever and ever.


ciall f sense

aithne recognition, realization, abhras gainful employ (i.e. Nнl mуrбn abhrais ann. There is not much to be gained from it.), adhmad sense, worth, brн meaning, vigour, buntбiste advantage, bunъs basis, ciall cheannaithe common sense, clisteacht cleverness, cothrom na Fйinne fairness, cъis cause, йifeacht efficacy, йirim gist, feasacht awareness, fios do ghnу savvy, feoil f (feola; feolta) meat, fiъntas worth, gaois sagacity, gйarchъis perspicacity, gйire sharpness, astuteness, grinneas discernment guaim self-restraint, gus nous, intinn mind, intleacht intellect, iomas intuition, meabhair sense, mindfulness, worth, mнniъ explaining, maith good, maitheas goodness, mнniъchбn explanation, pointe point, rйasъn reason, rйasъntacht reasonableness, substaint substance, substaintiъlacht substantiality, tбbhacht importance, tairbhe benefit, tйagar substance, import, tuiscint understanding.


ciallaigh v signify

an brн atб leis the meaning that it has, comharthaigh signify, cumarsбid a dhйanamh to communicate, cuir in iъl convey, express, fochiallaigh connote, fуgair announce, proclaim, impleachtaigh imply, lйirigh indicate, maнgh claim, declare, mнnigh explaining; interpret, mol do suggest, sainchiallaigh denote, seas (do) represent, stand (for), siombalaigh symbolize, tabhair le tuiscint imply, tairngir (pres: - grнonn; vn: - greacht) augur, taispeбin show.


ciallmhar adj. sensible

бbhartha to-the-point, salient, a luнonn le ciall commonsense, breithiъnach judicious, cliste clever, cosa-ar-an-talamh feet-on-the-ground, down-to-earth, crнonna wise (on account of age), shrewd, hard-headed, cъramach careful, dбirнre no-nonsense, serious, discrйideach discreet, йirimiъil intelligent, fad-bhreathnaitheach circumspect, fadcheannach far-sighted, shrewd, faichilleach cautious, feidhme pro-active, fуirsteanach apt, gaoiseach sagacious, wise, gйarchъiseach discerning, astute, glic shrewd, cunning, grinn perceptive,


discriminating, indйanta practicable, doable, neamh-mhaoithneach unsentimental, nithiъil concrete, nuts-and-bolts, praiticiъil practical saoithiъil wise, accomplished, snoite expedient, hard-nosed, stuama prudent, sensible, tuisceanach thoughtful, considerate, ъsбideach useful.


ciarsъr m kerchief, handkerchief

ceirt cloth, йadach cloth, fнochбn tissue, naipcнn serviette, brat cinn kerchief; head-scarf, scaif scarf. (see also: йadach)


cic m kick

buille blow, buille coise kick, ciceбil kicking, buille tosaigh kick-off, saorchic free kick, frithbhuille kickback (cf. cic tobann streangбin bheo sudden kick from a live wire), speac f(speice; ~ a, ~) kick (of animal); recoil (of gun) speachadh kicking (of animal).


cigire m inspector

athbhreithnitheoir (educ.) reviewer, bleachtaire detective, breathnуir viewer, cinsire censor, feighlн watcher, overseer, feitheoir supervisor, superintendent, garda guard, garda, lйirmheastуir (lit.) reviewer, mairseoir superintendent, rialtуir controller, saoiste foreman; boss, seiceбlaн checker, scrъdaitheoir examiner, scrъdanуir scrutineer, suirbhйir m surveyer, tбstбlaн tester. (see also: йadach)


cill 1 f cell, chamber, closed-off area

aireagal chamber; oratory, aonad unit, aonad beag d’бbhar beo small unit of living matter, buнon troda military cell, carcair place of confinement, prison, both m cubicle (e.g. for changing clothes), ceallуg cell, ceallra (battery) cells, cillнn (biol.) cell, cuas m( cuais; ~ a, ~) cavity, cubhachail m(~; ~ н ) cubicle, crу pen, cuibhreann enclosure, doinsiъn dungeon, grъpa group, imfhalъ fenced-off area, loca enclosed space, mainnear f( - nnre; - nnreacha ) enclosure, nъiclйas m(- йis ) nucleus, prнosъn prison, seomra chamber, room, stalla stall, urrann f compartment.


cill 2 f church, graveyard

ceallъir graveyard for the unbaptised; ancient burial-ground, cnбmhlann na marbh bone-yard, eaglais church, lantбn Dй God’s acre, reilig graveyard, sйipйal chapel, church, teampall church, temple. (see also: eaglais )


cine m race (as in: cine daonna human race)

sinsear ancestry, fuil f( fola ) blood, pуr m(pуir; ~ tha) breed, clann clan, family, muintir folk, (one’s) people, teach m(; tithe) house, teaghlach m household, trйithchineбl strain, sliocht m(sleachta) progeny, sнol m(sнl; ~ ta) seed, treibh tribe. (see also: cineбl)

cineбl m type, kind, species, genus,

aicme class, catagуir f(~ e) category, cine m(~; cinнocha) race, dйanamh make, dйantъs manufacture, make, eiseamlбir example, genre genre, grъpa group, pуr breed, saghas sort, kind,type, sainchreideamh (religion) denomination, samhail f(samhla; samhlacha) semblance, repreaentation, sampla sample, example, sуrt sort, speiceas species, tнopa type. (see also: sуrt)


cineбlta adj. kindly, kind

Altrънochaltruistic, athairiъilfatherly, bбъilsympathetic, boglenient, soft, bog-chroнъilsoft-hearted,brбithriъil brotherly,cairdiъilfriendly, caoingentle, delicate, caoithiъilamiable, carthanachcharitable, cбsmhar(i)considerate (to), ceansameek, ceanъilloving fondly, cneastamild-mannered, decent, comharsanъilneighbourly, croнъilwith heart, dбimhiъilsympathetic, daonchairdiъilphilanthropic, daonnachtъilhumane, dea-chroнъilgood-hearted, dea-mhйiniъilbenevolent, dea-mhъintewell-mannered, fбilteachhospitable, welcoming, fialbountiful, flaithiъilgenerous, hospitable,garachaccommodating, geanъilaffectionate, grбmharloving, grбstъilgracious, lбchaffable, maithgood, mбithriъilmotherlymбnlagentle, gracious, mild, maothtender, mнncourteous, gentle, modhъilseemly, soft, sйimh

clement, gentle, soilнosach obliging, so-ranna easy-to-get-on-with, stuama tactful, taitneamhach congenial, teochroнoch cordial, trуcaireach merciful, truachroнoch compassionate, tuisceanach sympathetic.


cineбltacht f. kindness, kindliness

altrънocht altruistism, athairiъlacht fatherliness, bбъlacht sympathy, boige lenience, softness, bog-chroнъlacht soft-heartedness, brбithriъlacht brotherliness, cairdiъlacht friendliness, caoine gentleness, delicateness, caoithiъlacht convenience; pleasantness, carthanacht charitableness, cбsmhaire consideration., ceansacht meekness, ceanъlacht affection, kindness, fondly, cineбltas kindness, cneastacht mildness, decency, comharsanъlacht neighbourliness, croнъlacht heartiness, dбimhiъlacht affectionateness, affability, daonchairdiъlacht philanthropy, daonnachtъlacht humaneness, dea-chroнъlacht good-heartednes, dea-mhйin benevolence, dea-mhъineadh good manners, fбilteachas welcoming manner, fйile generosity, flaithiъlacht munificence, hospitality, garaн accommodating manner, garaнocht facilitating favours, good turns, geanъlacht affection, lovingness, grбmhaireacht lovingness, tenderness, grбstъlacht graciouness, lбiche affability, kindness, maithe goodness, mбithriъlacht motherliness, mбnlacht gentleness, graciousness, mildness, maoithe tenderness, mнne fineness, delicacy, modhъlacht seemliness, sйimhe gentleness, placidity, taitneamhacht pleasantness, teochroн warm-heartedness, trуcaire f mercy, clemency, truachroнche compassion, tuisceanaн understanding, sympathy.


cinn v decide

ainmnigh nominate, name, beartaigh plan, decide, breithnigh adjudge, breithiъnas a thabhairt ar to make a judgement on, bunaigh establish, ceap appoint, cinneadh a dhйanamh to make a decision, coimisiъnaigh commission, conclъidigh conclude, eagraigh arrange, glac (le) accept, rйitigh settle, resolve, roghnaigh choose, socraigh settle, decide, arrange, socrъ a dhйanamh to make a decision,

sуrtбil amach sort out, teacht ar an tuairim to come to the opinion, teacht ar an chonclъid to come to the conclusion, teacht ar shocrъ to reach a decision, togh elect.


cinniъint f fate, destiny

бdh luck, an rud atб i ndбn dъinn the thing that is fated for us, an rud atб le teacht that which is to come, bбs death, cйim sнos come-down, downfall, crнoch f(- нche; ~ a, ~) end, finish, dбn portion, destiny, fortъn fortune, karma kharma, Lб an Bhreithiъnais the day of reckoning, pay-back time, mн-бdh bad luck, mнchinniъint ill fate oidhe f doom, rath success, seans chance, opportunity, toil Dй the will of God, toradh outcome, result, turnamh downfall.


cinnte adj certainly, definitely

Cuirfidh mй do rogha geall leat! I bet you anything!, You better believe it!, gan amhras without doubt, undoubtedly, gan aon йideimhne unequivocally, gan cheist without question,unquestionably, gan aon dabht without any doubt, undoubtedly, gan dearmad unmistakably, gan teip without fail,unfailingly, go dearfa definitely,positively (so), go deimhin ceratinly, go dнreach precisely, exactly (so), go follasach obviously, go siъrбilte surely, nн fйidir a shйanadh it is undeniable, undeniably, Nнl aon cheist faoi. There is no question about it., absolutely.


cinnteacht f certainty

бitiъs conviction, crй f creed, creideamh belief, faith, daille blindness, dearbhъ assurance, deimhneacht sureness, surety, dosheachantacht inevitability, doshйantacht indubitableness, fнric f fact, muinнn f confidence, trust, rйaltacht reality, seasmhacht firmness of position, siъrбilteacht sureness, ъdarбsacht authoritativeness.


cнocrach adj. ravenous

airceach voracious, amplach gluttonous, antlбsach covetous, craosach rapacious, dнocasach avid, dнograis fervour, zeal,

doshбsaithe insatiable, ocrach hungry, sбil self-indulgent, santach greedy, stiъgtha famished, starving.


cнocras m avarice; enthusiastic desire

airc voracity, ampla gluttony, cupidity, antlбs covetousness, craos rapacity, voracity, dнocas avidity, dнograiseach fervent, zealous, doshбsaitheacht insatiability, gorta famine, ocras hunger, sбile self-indulgence, saint greed.


cion 1 m offence

ainfhнrйantacht unrighteousness, bithiъntas villainy, briseadh dlн law-breaking, caill loss, ciontуireacht delinquency, coir crime, corbadh corruption, dochar damage, duбilce f vice, eagуir wrongdoing, locht fault, failing, mнcheart wrong, mнgnнomh misdeed, mнdhlisteanacht illegality, mн-iompar misconduct, oilghnнomh midemeanour, olc wickedness, gnнomh neamhdhleathach unlawful act, neamhdhlнthiъlacht illegality, peaca sin, sбrъ violation (e.g. sбrъ trбchta traffic violation, etc..), urchуid iniquity.


cion 2 m affection

armacas love, caring, affection, sympathy, boige softness, cairdeas friendship, carthanacht charity, cineбltas kindness, cumann (fellowship) love, companionship, dбimh loving admiration; soft spot, gean affection, attachment, warmth, grб love, grбmhaireacht tenderness, lбiche kindness, miochaire tenderness, pбirt (warm) alliance, partnership, taitneamh liking, teochroн warmth, tlбithe affection, mildness. (see also: grб)


ciontach adj. guilty, culpable

aifйalach regretful, aithreach repentant, aithrнoch penitent, bithiъnta delinquent, brуnach sad, sorrowful, ciontуireachta (< ciontуireacht ) delinquent, coiriъil criminal, croнbhrъite contrite, daortha condemned, doilнosach remorseful, contrite, earrбideach erring, freagrach responsible, accountable inchбinte blamable, cupable, inlochtaithe blameworthy,

inmhmhilleбin reprehensible, lochtach at fault, nбirithe shamed, peacъil sinful, urchуideach iniquitous, nefarious.


ciontaн blame (comparative form < ciontach ) Nнl mo chiontaн leis. I’m not to blame for it., Is tъ is ciontaн. You are to blame., Cй ba chionntaн leis? Who was responsible for it?, etc..)


ciontaigh v

1. accuse

cбin censure, denounce, coir a chur i leith duine to criminate a person, coirigh incriminate, coiriъ ( ar ) dhuine to make allegations against a person, cuir i leith accuse, cuir milleбn ( ar ) blame, cuir sнos ( do ) attribute (to), cъisigh charge, accuse, dнotбil indict, lнomhain (pres. - mhnaнonn) allege, impute, lochtaigh fault, sann (do) assign (to), tбinsigh impeach

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 136 | Нарушение авторских прав

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