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2. convict
breith a thabhairt ar dhuine to pass judgement on a person, daor convict, condemn, cuir i bprнosъn imprison, send to jail, duine a chur i gcarcair to put a person behind bars/ in jail, imtheorannaigh (hist.) intern, pianbhreith a chur ar dhuine to sentence a person, tйarma prнosъnachta a ghearradh ar dhuine to sentence a person to a term of imprisonment.
ciontуir m offender, delinquent
aimhleastуir wrong-doer, bithiъnach m malefactor, coireach m transgressor, coirpeach m criminal, ciontach m culprit, cъisн accused, foghlaн trespasser, уgchiontуir juvenile delinquent, lucht briste an dlн law-breakers, peacaн sinner, rйabуir dlн law-breaker, suarachбn miscreant.
cнor v comb
Cнorlбilcomb; search, cuardaighhunt, iniъchscrutinize, lorgseek, search, plйighdiscuss, pуirseбil a dhйanamhto have a grope around, to have a rummage, rбcбilrake, ransaighrummage, rйitighput in order, disentangle, comb, scuab
brush, scrъdaigh examine, seilg hunt, siortaigh forage; ransack, tуraigh seek, pursue.
ciorcal m circle
ciorcad circuit, ciorclъ encirclement, clуs enclosure, cordъn cordon, cruinne f globe, cruinneog orb, cuaird f(cuarda; cuarda) lap, diosca disc, fбinne m ring, imlнne f circumference, lъb f loop, sfйar sphere, sraith set, timpeall round, roundabout, timpeallбn (traffic) roundabout, timpeallaнocht circuitousness, timpeallъ encirclement.
ciorclach adj. circular
ciorclуideach cycloidal, ciorclaithe encircled, cruinneogach globular, globe-shaped, dioscach disc-shaped, domhanda global, fбinneach annular, ring-shaped, imlнneach circumferential, lъbtha looped, sfйarach spherical, sfйirнnнteach spherulitic, timpeallach circuitous; surrounding, timpeallaithe encircled.
cнos m rent
cбin f(cбnach; cбnacha) tax, caiteachas expenditure, deachъ tithe, dochar deficit, dola toll, expense; deprivation, eisнocaнocht outlay, fruiliъ hiring, нocaнocht payment, нocaнocht amach disbursement, rбtaн mpl rates, tбille f charge, taraif tariff. (see also: cбin)
ciotach adj. awkward, clumsy
anбsta awkward, unwieldy, ciotуgach left-handed, awkward, gauche, gan aon chomhordъ uncoordinated, liobarnach ham-fisted, lumbering, mйara sliopacha bheith ort to be all fingers and thumbs, tuathalach blundering, liopasta cumbersome, mнghrбstъil, graceless, mнofar ungainly, mнstuama clumsy, starrуgach gawky.
cipнn m little stick, matchstick
craobhуg twig, gйagбn small branch, giolcуg small cane, maidнn small (wooden) stick, scealp f(sceilpe; ~ a, ~) splinter, slaitнn small stick/ rod, sleб f(~) large splinter (e.g. sleб sa mhйar splinter in the finger). (see also: bata)
cнrйib f riot
aindlн lawlessness, ainrialtacht anarchy, бr slaughter, cнor f thuathail mayhem, clampar turmoil, noisy quarrelling, йirн amach insurrection, uprising, gleo tumult, lйirsithe mpl demonstrations, mнshuaimhneas unrest, plйrбca revelry, racбn rumpus, ragairne m merry-making in public view, raic f(~ e) racket, rйabhlуid revolution, ruaille buaille commotion, rнrб uproar, troid f(troda; ~ eanna) fight, fighting.
ciseбn m (wicker) basket, bin
araid f bin (e.g. araid choirce corn-bin), bascaed basket, bosca athchъrsбla recycling bin, bosca bruscair bin (for waste) cis wicker container, hamper, ciseog punnet; small shallow wicker basket, feadhnach m pannier, mбla bag, sciobуg storage basket. (see also: bascaed)
ciste m kitty, fund
an acmhainn chuн the wherewithal, acmhainnн fpl resourses, airgead money, airgead tirim cash, caipiteal capital, coigilteas savings, dearlaic f endowment, gustal wealth, sparбn purse, stуr store, fund, maoin finance, funds; wealth, mionairgead petty cash, taisce reserve, solбthar supply.
cнste m cake
Alasca bбcбilte baked Alaska, arбn bread, bairнn breac barmbrack, bбs le seaclбid death by chocolate, bollуg loaf, borrуg bun, borrуga carraigeacha rock cakes, borrуga sн fairy cakes, briosca biscuit, brioscarбn short-bread, builнn loaf, cбca (milis)(sweet) cake, marуg pudding, marуg arбin bread pudding, marуg mharmalбide marmalade pudding,
marуg Nollag Christmas pudding, milseog dessert, milseogra confectionery, piуg ъll apple pie, toirtнn tart, scуna scone, scoth na marуg queen of puddings, sуlaistн delicacies, spъinse sponge, taoschnу doughnut, taosrбn pastry, taosrбn briosc-chrъsta short-crust pastry, taosrбn calуgach flaky pastry, taosrбn meireang lнomуide lemon meringue pie, toirtнn ъll apple tart, ъllagбn (apple-) dumpling. (see also: arбn)
◊ ~ arбin choirce oat cake, ~ bainise wedding cake, ~ breithlae birthday cake, ~ cairйid carrot cake, ~ cбise cheese cake, ~ cearbhais seed cake ~ Maidйarach Madeira cake, ~ Nollag Christmas cake, ~ rнsнnн plum cake, ~ sabhdбnach sultana cake, ~ seaclбide chocolate cake, ~ silнnн cherry cake, ~ spъinse sponge cake, ~ torthaн fruit cake, ~ uachtair cream cake, ~ uachtair reoite ice-cream cake.
cith m shower
bailc heavey shower, blбithchith m fresh shower, brбdбn drizzle, cithfholcadh shower-bath, draonбn light gentle rain, fearthainn rain, fras f(fraise; ~a, ~) shower, (cf. frasa deor, urchar showers of tears, of bullets) rбig bhбistн sudden shower, rбig de mhъr sudden downpour, seadbhбisteach f spitting rain, sprais fearthainne heavey swift shower. (see also: bбisteach)
ciъin adj. quiet
balbh dumb, mute; dull, beagchainteach reticent, reserved, bйalstуinsithe taciturn, bodhar dull, bog soft, ceansa meek, ceansaithe subdued, cogarnach whispered, cъlrбideach secluded, dъnбrasach taciturn, reserved, faoi choim (conversation) hushed, faoi chiъnas muted, i gcogar in a whisper, ina clбr (sea) calm, ina lйinseach (sea) calm, нseal low, lбch gentle, rъnda hush-hush, sбmh serene, sнochбnta peaceful, socair calm, sochma, phlegmatic, composed, socrбnta placid, somhъinte docile, staidйartha sedate, suaimhneach tranquil, suaimhneasach soothing, tostach silent.
ciъnaigh v quieten, quell
lagaigh weaken, laghdaigh abate, reduce, bodhraigh deaden, muffle, bog soften, ceansaigh pacify, subdue; appease, cuir faoi chois quell, silence (rioters, dissenters, etc) eanglach a chur (i) to numb, faoiseamh a thabhirt (do) to alliviate, to assuage, fuaraigh relieve, fuairnimh a chur (i) to numb, нsligh lower, reduce, lessen, maolaigh mitigate, diminish, suaimhnigh soothe, calm; pacify, tost silence, being quiet, tost become silent.
ciъnas m silence
bailbhe dumbness, muteness, bodhaire dullness, boige softness, mildness, ceansacht gentleness, meekness, ceansъ pacification; appeasement, ciъine silence, cogar whisper, fuist hush, нsle lowness, нsliъ lowering, lбiche gentleness, rъndacht secrecy; hush, sбimhe serenity, sнochбin peace, socracht stillness, calmness, sochmaнocht equanimity, placidity, somhъinteacht docility, scнth rest, sos rest, pause, staidйaracht level-headedness, suaimhneas tranquillity, suaimhniъ pacification, tost silence, being quiet, tostaнl taciturnity. (see also: sнochбin)
cladach m shore, seashore
ciumhais na farraige the edge of the sea, cois farraige by the sea, at the seaside, cois mara by the sea, cois trб at the seaside, in aice na farraige by the sea, tнr f(~ e; tнortha) land, dry-land, trб f beach, strand, cуsta coast, imeall na farraige edge of the sea, promanбd promenade.
cladhaire m spineless person, villain
Ainniseoirwretch,misery-guts, bastъnlout, bithiъnachscoundrel, bligeardblackguard, cluanairedissembler, cъl le rathgood-for-nothing, dailtнn brat, drabhlбsaнprofligate, debauchee, fuarthй dead-and-alive individual, leicimйirwaster, liъdramбnlazy person, shirker, ragairneбlaнwastrel, rйicerake, rуgaire rogue, sбrachбnbounder, scabhaitйir
blackguard, sнomбnaн dawdler, sleaingear lurcher, waster, slнbhнn sly person, slъiste slacker, sneбchбn contemptible person, sorachбn louse, spreasбn worthless person, sramaide slimy, sneaky person, srathaire loafer, staincнn petulant person, stangaire shirker, idler, suarachбn v ile person. (see also: fear)
claн m fence; dike
bбbhъn bulwark, stockade, bac barrier, balla wall, baracбid baracade, dнog f( dнge, ~ a, ~) ditch, trench, fбl hedge, fonsa fense, garda guard, mуta moat, rбille railing, rбth m rampart, scбth m gaoithe wibdbreak sconsa sconce, fence, sonnach m paling. (see also: balla, fбl )
claнomh m sword
beaignit bayonet, lann f( lainne; ~ a, ~) blade, rбipйar rapier, maiseite machete, marc-chlaнomh sabre, miodуg dagger, muirchlaнomh cutlass, pionsa maol foil, simeatбr scimitar.
▲ ~ dhб lбimh two-handed sword, ~ feistis dress-sword, ~ mуr claymore, ~ leathan broadsword, ~ Oirнon (astrom.) The Sword of Orion, ~ Rуmhбnach gladius.
clбirнneach m cripple; deformed person
bacach m lame person, cruiteachбn hunchback, duine ar йagumas incapacitated person, duine faoi dhianbhac profoundly handicapped person, duine faoi йalang handicapped person, duine faoi ilbhac multi-handicapped person, duine faoi mhнchumas disabled person, easlбn invalid, mбirtнneach cripple.
clamhsбn m complaint, grumble
cбineadh censure, cбinteoireacht fault-finding, caoineadh lament, casaoid grievance, cnбimhseбil grousing, whinging, cъiseamh accusation, charge, йagaoin moan, lament, wail, gearбn complaint, locht m fault, lochtъ fault-finding, milleбn blame, censure, mнnнneacht nit-picking, splitting hairs,
mнshбsamh dissatisfaction, ochlбn moan, tormas act of carping, grumbling.
clampar m wrangle, quarrelling, commotion
achrann quarrelling,row, argуint argument, bйicнl yelling, callбn noise, disturbance, cambъs row, dispute, clampracht quarrelsomeness, noise, clismirt noisy wrangling, easaontas disagreement, clash, gleo din, row, iomarbhб f altercation, imreas bickering, tiff, muirn tumult, racбn racket, row, raic outcry, uproar, rнrб (agus ruaille buaille) uproar (and commotion), pandemonium, ruaille buaille hullabaloo, commotion, sciolladуireacht slanging, scolding, (cf. dreas sciolladуireachta a dhйanamh le to have a slanging-match with), siъite m squabbling, bickering, torann noise, uallfairt howling. (see also: torann)
clann f one’s children,family
aicme class, family, бr n-aithreacha romhainn our forefathers, cine m(~; - nнocha) race, cineбl genus, type, cуras system, (do) c (h) ъram (your) dependants, folaнocht blood-line, foroinnt subdivision, fuil blood, lineage, gaolta relations, gasra kids, gйineas genus, gin offspring; foetus, ginealas family tree, grйasбn network, grъpa group, iarmhar progeny, posterity, leanaн mpl children, lнon tн members of a household, muintir kin, (extended) family, pбistн children, rнora dynasty, sinsear ancestry, ancestor, sнol seed, sliocht m(sleachta) progeny, descendants, speiceas species, teach house, teaghlach (those under one rood) family, household, treibh tribe, family, trйithchineбl strain. (see also: muintir)
▲ ~ Bhullaн the English, ~ clainne grandchildren, ~a Gael the Irish, ~ inнonacha daughters, Liъtair the Lutherans, ~ mhac sons.
◊ Cй mhйad duine clainne atб ort? How many children have you got? Tб triъr clainne orm. I have three children ., Tб Бine ag iompar clainne. Ann is expecting., Is lбnъin gan chlann iad. They are a childless couple.
claonadh m inclination, bias, proclivity
fabhraнocht favouritism, fonn desire, intinn intention, cathъ temptation, leatrom one-sidedness, leithcheal discrimination, luн (le rud a dhйanamh) disposition (to do something), meon attitude, meon aigne mindset, rйamhchlaonadh prejudice, bias, togracht predisposition, proneness (cf. togracht do ghalar proneness to an illness).
clapsholas m twilight
agus an lб ag diъltъ dб sholas and the light of the day in decline, ardtrбthnуna m late afternoon, breacdhorchadas dusk, breacdhuibhe f crepuscle, breacdhuifean gloaming, coimheascar twilight, dul faoi na grйine, the going down of the sun, le comhrac lae agus oнche as day struggled with night, luн na grйine setting of the sun, teacht an dorchadais the coming of darkness, titim na hoнche nightfall, trб m an lae/ an tsolais the ebb of the day.
clбr m program(me)
craoladh broadcast, curaclam curriculum, dearadh design, leagan amach line-up, lay-out, liosta list, liostъ listing, ord gnу order of business, modh f oibre procedure, ordъ an lae (Dбil) order of the day, plean gnнomhaнochta plan of action, plean oibre work-plan, seу m show, sceideal schedule, scйim scheme, scйim oibre scheme of work, siollabas syllabus, taispeбntas display, show, tionscnamh project, traschur m transmission.
▲ ~ бbhair table of contents, ~ ama time-table, ~ bia menu, ~ bбsanna death-register, ~ comhardaithe balance sheet, ~ dubh blackboard, ~ йadain forehead, ~ gnу agenda,~ leabhar bibliography, ~ meбchan agus tomhas table of weights and measures, ~ oibre work-schedule, ~ pуstaн register of marriages, ~ scуir score-board, ~ smъdбla ironing board, ~ taiplнse draught-board, ~ toinne surf-board, ~ urlбir floor-board.
clбraigh v register
catalуgaigh catalogue, croinicigh chronicle, d’ainm a chur sнos to put your name down, liostaigh list, liostбil enlist, logбil isteach log in, rollaigh enrol, sнnigh sign on, sнnigh isteach sign in, taifead record, tйigh isteach enter.
clбraitheoir m registrar
riarthуir administrator, annбlaн annalist, cartlannaн archivist, catalуgaн cataloguer, clйireach m clerk, croiniceoir chronicler, rъnaн secretary, taifeadуir recorder.
clasaiceach adj. classical
Бgustach Augustan, aircitнopъil archetypal, buan lasting, abiding, buanchlънteach time-honoured, buanseasmhach enduring, bunaithe established, caighdeбnach standard, cйimiъil distinguished, cruthanta consummate, deifnнdeach definitive, do-mharaithe deathless, mбistriъil masterly, marthanach undying, enduring, neamhbhбsmhar immortal, paraidнmeach paradigmatic, traidisiъnta traditional, saineithneach quintessential, sйimh refined, sinsearach age-old, sнoraн eternal, suthain perpetual.
clбsal m clause
abairtнn phrase, aguisнn addendum, agъs qualification, addition, airteagal article, alt article, clбs clause, coinnнoll f condition, proviso, cuntar provision, stipulation, йileamh demand, fo-roinn sub-section, frбsa phrase, leasъ amendment, roinn section.
cleacht v practise
achtaigh enact, bheith i mbun (+ gen .) to engage (in), coimeбd keep, observe, cuir i bhfeidhm apply, implement, cuir i ngnнomh carry out, put into practice, dйan do, lean follow, pursue, druileбil drill, rud йigin a dhйanamh arнs agus arнs eile to do something over and over again, pбirt a ghlacadh ( i ) to participate (in), tabhair chun foirfeachta
perfect, taithн a fhбil to get experience, traenбil train, ullmhaigh prepare.
cleachtadh m practice, rehearsal, exercise
babhta trialach dummy run, bйas habit, practice, conduct, cleachtas practice, procedure, cliantacht clientele, dreas m traenбla work-out, druil drill, druileбil drilling, gairm profession, gnбs institution, usage, gnбth custom, customary thing, gnбthamh routine, gnу business, modh method, nуs habit, oiliъint training, praitic (lit) practic, practice, rith m trialach dry run, staidйar study, taithн experience, traidisiъn tradition, traenбil training, ъsбid use.
cleamhnas m marriage, match-making
aontas union, bainis wedding, nuptials, cйile faoin dlн coiteann common-law spouse, comhaontъ union, comhar alliance, comhcheangal coalition, confederation, association, comhphбirtнocht partnership, comhphбirtнocht aonghnйis same-sex partneship, cumasc amalgamation, merger, cъplбil coupling, gaol pуsta relationship by marriage, pуsadh matrimony, marriage, socrъ pуsta marriage arrangement, tнos living together.
cleas m trick
abhуgacht playing tricks, pranks, бis facility, aistнl idiosyncrasy, бilteoireacht prank-playing, beart stratagem, bob hoax, ciъta knack, ingenious trick, cleachtadh practice, cleasaнocht antics, capers, cluain deception, cor dodge, doilfeacht illusionism, ealaнn f(~ e; - aнona, - aнon) art, eolas knack, feiste f device, fios m(feasa) gnу know-how, geбitsнocht play-acting, greann joke, oiliъint training, plean plan, rъn secret, scil skill, seift ruse, expedient.
cleasaн m trickster
abhуgaн bounder, бilteoir prankster, hoaxer; joker, amhlуir clown, camilйir fraud, cluanaire con man, cneбmhaire swindler, feallaire impostor, deceiver, fear ginn joker, clown,
geбitseбlaн poser, play-actor, gleacaн twister, dissembler, mealltуir deceiver, impostor; beguiler, rуgaire rogue, sйitйir m cheat,
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