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Бisiъlachthandiness, cuibheaspropriety, cuibhiъlachtdecorum, fabharfavour, feiliъnachtsuitability, galбntacht 5 страница

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cleasaнocht f trickery

abhуgacht playing tricks, pranks, бilteoireacht prank-playing, bobaireacht trickery, brйagadуireacht mendacity, brйige falsity, caime f crookedness, caimilйireacht fraud, swindle, camastaнl duplicity, cealg guile, cluain deception, cneбmhaireacht knavery, roguery, cъblбil trickery, cur i gcйill dissimulation, dalladh delusion, deception, dallamullуg hoodwinking, deception, geбitsнocht play-acting, meabhal deceitfulness, treachery, mearbhall confusion, mealladh allurement, meang f(meinge; ~ a, ~) wile, scam, deceit, mн-ionracas disingenuousness, sйitйireacht cheating, siabhradh bewitching, siabhrбn delusion, siabhrбnacht mental confusion, slusaнocht dissembling, flattery, sъgradh play, uisce faoi thalamh conspiracy.

clйir f clergy

an eaglais the church, eaglaisigh mpl churchmen; ecclesiastics, fir йadach na heaglaise men of the cloth, lucht ab bhуna men who wear the collar, lucht na heaglaise people of the church, ministreacht ministry, ministrн mpl ministers of the church, oibrthe eaglaise church-workers, sagairt priests, sagartacht priesthood,

clйireach m clerk

cуipeбlaн copyist, cъntуir assistant, helper, feidhmeannach m functionary, oibrн oifige office-worker, oifigeach m official, rъnaн secretary, scrнobhaн scribe, writer.

~ an Tionуil Clerk of the Assembly, ~ baile town-clerk, ~ na cънirte clerk of the court, ~ na Dбla Clerk of the Dбil, ~ na hoibre (also: ~ oibreacha) clerk of works, ~ seolta dispatch clerk, ~ vуtбla polling clerk, ~ clуscrнobhaн clerk-typist.


cleite m feather; quill

barr m eiteoige pinion, cluimhreach f feathers, plumage, clъmh down, plumage, clъmhnachбn downy growth, cuircнn crest, plume, curca (bird) comb, crest, йigrit aigrette, peann cleite quill-pen.

cliabhбn m

1. cradle

beithilнn (relg.) crib, breith birth, cruib crib, leaba f(leapa; leapacha) bed, leaba f(leapa; leapacha) linbh child’s bed; cot, mainsйar (relg.) manger, tъs na hуige early childhood


2. cage

cбs cage, йanlann aviary, clуs enclosure (cf. clуs cearc hen-coop), crу pen, cъb f(cъibe; ~ a, ~) coop, gabhann (cattle-) pound, gйibheann captivity, pуna pound for animals.

clis v fail

bбsaigh die, bris break, bris sнos break down, caill lose, dйan faillн (ar) neglect, dul faoi to sink, to go down, dul i laige to fade, to peter out, dul i lйig de rйir a chйile to fade away gradually, dul i ndearmad to forget, dul у chrнch to come to grief, йirн bancbhriste to go bust, йirн i d’fhйimheach to become bankrupt, fбg ar lбr omit, laghdaigh decline, gan bheith chomh maith is a bheadh sъil leis to underachieve, to underperform, leб de rйir a chйile dwindle away, loic (ar) fail, let down; misfire, meath dwindle, decay, meathlaigh deteriorate, scaradh le clann to miscarry, stad conk out, stop, stop stop, cease, teip (ar) fail, tit fall, tit as a chйile collapse, tobthit (economics) crash, tuairteбil (computer) crash.

cliste adj. clever, dexterous

бbalta able, aclaн agile, dexterous, acmhainneach resourceful, aibн alert, quick, airgtheach inventive, beo alive, quick, beo-intinneach quick-witted, ciallmhar sensible, crнonna wise (on account of age), shrewd, cumasach capable,

deaslбmhach adroit, dexterous, deisbhйalach witty, domhain deep, йirimiъil intelligent, eolach knowledgeable, knowing, fadcheannach far-sighted, far-seeing, shrewd, fуirsteanach apt, fuireachair bright, vigilant, galбnta elegant, gaoiseach sagacious, wise, gasta quick, gйar sharp, keen, gйarchъiseach discerning, astute, glic shrewd, cunning, grinn perceptive, discriminating, intliъil ingenious, intleachtach intellectual, meabhrach mindful, intelligent, na hinchinne mуire brainy, oilte skilled, saineolach (ar) expert (at), saoithiъil wise, accomplished, stuama prudent, sensible, tallannach talented, tapa fast, trйitheach gifted. (see also: ciallmhar, stuama,)

clisteacht f cleverness, dexterity

бbaltacht capability, aclaнocht agility, dexterity, acmhainn resource, aibнocht alertness, quickness, airgtheach inventive, beocht liveliness, quickness, ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, crнonnacht wisdom (on account of age), shrewdness, cumas ability, deaslбmhaн adroitness, dexterity, deisbhйalaн wittiness, doimhne depth, йirimiъlacht intelligence, eolas knowledge; knowing; knack, fadcheannaн far-sightedness, shrewdness, fios m (feasa) gnу know-how, fуirsteanaн aptness, fuireachaire brightness, vigilance, galбntacht elegance, gaois sagacity, wisdom, gastacht quickness, gйire sharpness, keenness, gйarchъisн discernment, astuteness, glice shrewdness, cunning, grinne perceptiveness, discrimination, intinn bheo quick wit, intliъlacht ingenuity, intleacht intellect, meabhair mind, intelligence, inchinn mhaith good brain, oilteacht skill, saineolas expertise, saoithiъlacht wisdom, insight, stuamacht prudence, sensible attitude, tallann talent, tapъlacht quickness, trйitheachas giftedness.

clу m

1. print, font, type

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 197 | Нарушение авторских прав

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