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Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 4 страница

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cбilнocht f qualification

бbaltacht ability, cйim degree, cuntar reservation, condition, deimhniъ confirmation, dioplуma diploma, forбil provision, gnй f aspect, inniъlacht aptitude, cumas capability, capacity, meon temperament, mianach m disposition, temperament, teastasъ certification, trйith trait.

cбiliъil adj. famous, celebrated

Ardchйimiъilpre-eminent, ardmholta highly acclaimed, cйimiъileminent, distinguished, clъiteach renowned, dearscnaitheachoutstanding, prominent, gur dнol spйise do thurasуirнtouristy, dea-mheastaesteemed, of good esteem, i mbйal an phobailon everybody’s lips, celebrated, esteemed, iomrбiteachcelebrated, measъilestimable, mнchlъiteach

infamous, mуr le rб highly spoken of, nуtбilte notable, noteworthy, oirirc eminent, os comhair an tsaoil mhуir publicly, for everyone to see, sбrmhaith excellent, sofheicthe conspicuous, suntasach remarkable. (see also: clъiteach)

caill v lose

Baineadh leagan as. He came a cropper., bбnaigh lay waste, bбs a fhбil to die, bris break;dismiss; wreck, bris ar fail; break up, wreck, buille iomrallach a thabhairt ar to miss in firing a shot, buaigh air beat, gain victory over, caith expend; consume, cloнgh defeat, creach a dhйanamh to plunder, cronaigh notice absent, miss, (Cronaнm uaim thъ. I miss you.), cuir ar neamhnн annul, negate, cuir amъ waste, cuir in бit chontrбilte misplace, dearmad a dhйanamh ar to forget, dнscrнobh write off, dul amъ/ ar seachrбn/ ar strae, to go astray, off track, dul ar iarraidh to go missing, dul chun raice to go to rack and ruin, dul у chrнch to ruin one’s prospects, dul thar fhocal to omit a word, йalaigh escape, folmhaigh drain, exhaust, forghйill forfeit, gaoth a thabhairt do (mhaoin), to squander (wealth), gan casadh le duine to miss (meeting with) a person, gйill do capitulate to, yield to, giorraigh curtail, giortaigh shorten, нdigh deplete, erode, laghdaigh diminish, lig titim let fall, loic shirk, fail, stall, misfire, maidhm defeat, rout, maolaigh lessen, fall, ruaig put to flight, ruaig a chur ar to rout, sбraigh overtake, surpass, scaip dissipate, scaradh le rud/ duine to shake a thing/ a person off, scoith outrun, slaghdбn a chur dнot to shake off a cold, sleamhnaigh у, slip from, seachain avoid, dodge, teip ar fail, tit fall, titim chun ainnise to come to grief, titim i ngaiste to fall into a trap, tosach a bhaint de to out strip, treascair vanquish, lay low.

cailleach f witch, old hag

ban-asarlaн sorceress, bandraoi sorceress, bandraнodуir m enchantress, bean f feasa soothsayer, marbhdhraoi mnб necromancer, seanbhean f(-nmhnб; -nmhnб, -nbhan) old woman, seanmhaighdean f old maid, seanraicleach f harridan. (see also: bean )

caillteanas m loss

ainimh drawback, blemish, angar deprivation, anбs privation, bбs death, briseadh break, break-up; breach; defeat; dismissal, caill loss, cailleadh losing, loss, cailliъint loss, coinneбil deprival, costas cost, crapadh shrinkage, creach loss, ruin, cur amъ waste, damбiste damage, dнobhбil detriment, injury, diomailt squandering, wastage, dнomua defeat, dнothъ eradication, annihilation, dнscrнobh write-off, dнth lack, absence, dochar loss; damage; debit, drochbhail ruination, easnamh deficit, insufficiency, easpa lack, shortage, fiach m(fйich; ~ a, ~) debt, folmhъ depletion, forghйilleadh forfeiture, giorrъ curtailment, giortъ shortening, gortъ hurt, injury, нdiъ erosion, depletion, imeacht m departure, disappearance, laghdъ lessening, diminishment, lot impairment, maidhm defeat, rout, mн-бdh misfortune, mнbhuntбiste disadvantage, scrios destruction, ruin teip failure, turnamh downfall, decline, uireasa deficiency, shortfall.

caimilйireacht f chicanery, dishonesty

brйige falsity, caime f crookedness, dishonesty, calaois fraud, camastaнl swindling, cealg f deceit, cneбmhaireacht knavery, roguery, corbadh corruption, cъblбil trickery, drochiompar bad behaviour, mнmhorбltacht immorality, meabhal deceitfulness, treachery, mнdhбirнre insincerity, mнdhнlseacht unfaithfulness, disloyalty, cheating, neamhscrupallaн unscrupulousness, mн-ionracas dishonesty, sйitйireacht cheating.

cбin 1 f tax, taxation

cнos m rent; tribute, deachъ tithe, dola toll, dleacht f duty (cf. saor у dhleacht duty-free, dleachtanna bбis death duties, dleachtanna custaim agus mбil customs and excise duties, etc..), dleachtanna Royalties (e.g. for published work, etc..), rataн rates, tбille f charge, taraif tariff, tobhach m levy.

cбin 2 v criticize, find fault with

daor condemn, feann slate, lochtaigh fault, censure, locht a fhбil ar dhuine to find fault with a person, liobair slam, tear to tatters, (e.g. alt a liobairt to slam/ to make mince meat of an article) milleбn a chur ar dhuine to blame a person, stiall slash, severly criticize.

caint f talk, talking

achainnн plea, request, agallamh interview, colloquy, agуid protest, aighneas argument, aitheasc address, exhortation, aithris narration, reciting, aithriseoireacht recitation; mimicry, argуint argument, bйadбn gossip, bйadchaint slander, bйal bбn soft talk, flattery, bйal bйalaithris oral account, bйalastбnacht ranting, bйalchnбimhseбil querulous talking, plaintive talking, bйalchnнopaireacht mean talking, bйalchrбbhadh lip-service to religion, bйalghrб lip-service, bйaloideas folklore, bйalscaoilteacht loose talking, bйaltriail oral test, bйarla speech, song (of birds), bйarlachas Anglicism, bйarlagair m(~) jargon; slang, bйal bocht woe-is-me-talk, moaning-on, bйal saibhir up-beat talk; talk pretending things are better than they are, bladaireacht blathering, bladar blather, briathra words, briathrachas verbosity, briathraнocht diction, cabaireacht chattering, babbling, cabantacht loquacity, talkativeness, cadrбil chat, caibidil discussion, caibidlнocht negotiation, canъint dialect; lingo, carъl witty remark, clever jibe, clabaireacht prattling, clostrбcht hearsay, cogar whisper, cogar mogar secretive whispering, comhagallamh symposium, comhairliъ counselling; consultation, comhairliъchбn consultation, comhdhбil conference, convention, comhrб conversation, comhrб beirte dialogue, comhrб cailleach, old wives’ tale, comhrбiteachas slang, colloquialism, comhthionуl conclave, craic crack, jovial banter, cruinniъ meeting, cъlchaint back-biting, gossiping, dнospуireacht debate, dosaireacht smart talk, dreas cabaireachta chin-wag, dreas comhrб chat, droch-chaint bad language, dъirtsй dбirtsй m tittle-tattle, focal remark; word, foclachas wordiness, verbiage,

foclaнocht wordiness; argumentation, fonуid (faoi) mocking talk (at), fuaimiъ pronunciation, gleois babble, gliogaireacht prattling, gliogairnйis gab, gabble, нde bйil verbal abuse, idirbheartaнocht negotiation, insint telling, labhairt speaking, speech, labharthacht loquaciousness, lйacht f lecture, leabhal libel, luaidreбn rumour, report, mionnaн mуra swearwords, nathaнocht banter, уrбid speech, ortha incantation, spell, pairlн parley, parole parole, patois patois, plй discussion, plucsбil indistinct talk, rбfla rumour, rбflбil rumour-mongering, rбisteachas repartee, banter, rбiteachas expression, utterance, rбiteas statement, comment, scйal scйil hearsay, scrъdъ bйil oral examination, seanmуir sermon, seimineбr seminar, sifil seaifil chit-chat, siosarnach f buzz of talking, spallaн deasa focal spiel (of fine words), suainseбn libellous gossip, teanga f(~;~ cha) language, tabhairt na mionn mуr swearing, cursing, tionуl assembly, trбchtas dissertation, tuairisc report, ъdramбil whispered talk, urlabhra speech, urlabhraнocht articulation.

teilgean ~e turn of phrase, Nнl ann ach ~. It’s only talk., Cad й an chaint atб ort? What are you on about?, уs air sin atбimid ag ~.. since we are talking about it., Tabhair cead ~e dу! Let him have his say!, Nб bн ag caint! Don’t be talking!


cainteach adj. talkative

achainnнoch pleading, agуideach protesting, aighneasach argumentative, aithriseach rendering in narration; argуinteach pertaining to anargument, bйadchainteach slanderous, bйalastбnach ranting, bйalchrбbhaidh sanctimonious, bйalghrбch from the teeth out, bйaloidis folkloric, bйalscaoilte indiscrete, bladrach blathering, briathrach verbose, cabach talkative, cabanta loquacious, talkative, glib, cadrбla chatty, cбgach loquacious, canъnach dialectal; clabach garrulous, comhairleach advisory, consultative, comhrбiteach conversational, cъlchainteach back-biting, gossiping, dнospуireachta debating, cabaireachta chin-wagging, dolabhartha unspeakable, droch-chainteach using bad language, faoi chaibidil under

discussion, foclach wordy, fonуideach scoffing, gliogach cackling, nattering, gliogairnйiseach gabbling, glуrach vocal, guthach voiced, i gcogar whispered, indнospуireachta debatable, ininste tellable, inlabhartha speakable, inrбite sayable; mentionable, inste told, related labhartha spoken, leabhal libellous, nathбnach witty, уrбideach oratorical, declamatory, plйite discussed, praeitseбla moralizing, preaching, rбflach rumour-mongering, rбite said, expressed, seanmуireachta sermonizing, siosarnach mumbling, suainseбnach libellous gossiping, urlabhartha articulated, urnaithe bйil vocal prayers


cainteoir m speaker

aithriseoir reciter, bйadchainteoir slanderer, bйalastбn ranter, bйiceadбn yeller, bawler, bladaire cajoler, bladhmaire boaster, buimbilйir foolish talker, cabaire babbler, cadrбlaн chatter-box, cogarnach m whisperer, comhrбiteach m conversationalist, craoltуir broadcaster, cъlchainteoir backbiter, fonуideach m scoffer, gliogaire prattler, gliosaire tattler, lйachtуir lecturer, lucht dнospуireachta debaters, lucht inste scйil storytellers, lucht labhartha speakers, nathaн aphorist, wiseacre, уrбidн orator, praeitseбlaн moralizer, preacher, rбflбlaн rumour-monger, reacaire narrator, trбchtaire commentator, scйalaн storyteller, scrйachaire screecher, screadachбn squaller; screaming child, seanchaн traditional storyteller, seanmуirн sermonizer, preacher, suainseбnaн gossiper, urlabhraн spokesperson.

cairdeas m. friendship

Altrъchasaltruism, bбf sympathy, bбъlachtfriendly disposition, brбithreachasbrotherhood, brбithriъlachtbrotherliness, cairdiъlachtfriendliness, cбirйiscaring, caithis fondness, affection, caoithiъlachtkindliness, carthanachtcharity, friendliness, cбsamhcondolence,caoimhepleasantness, caoinegentleness, cionm(ceana)affection, cineбltaskindness, cneastachtgentleness, mild-mannered sincerity, honesty,comharsanъlachtneighbourliness, coimircepatronage. comharmutual assistance, comhthanas

companionship, compбnachas companionship, comrбdaнocht comradeship, Crнostaнocht Christianity, benevolence, croнъlacht heartiness,cordiality, cuideachtъlacht companionableness, sociability, cuidiъlacht helpfulness, cъirtйis courteousness, cъnamh help; daonnacht humanity, kindness, daonchairdiъlacht philanthropy, dea-chomharsanacht neighbourliness, dea-bhйas good manners, dea-bhйasaнocht mannerliness, dea-chaidreamh good relationship, good relations, dea-chroн good-heartedness dea-ghlуir kind word, dea-ghnнomhaнocht beneficence, dea-ghuн good-wishes, dea-mhйin benevolence, good-will, dea-mhъineadh good manners, dйirceachas charitableness, йadroime (medical) benign nature, fabhar favour, fйile generosity, bounty, flaithiъlacht generosity,big-heartedness,munificence, bounty, garaнocht accommodating service, bestowing favours, gean affection, caring, grб love, ionbhб f empathy lбiche kindness, gentleness, maith good, maitheas good, modhъlacht modesty, graciousness, muintearas friendliness, kinship, muintearthacht friendliness, affability, oibleagбideacht obligingness, pбtrъnacht patronage,support, seiseacht companionship, sнodъlacht urbanity, gentleness, soilнos favour, seathras sorority, suбilce f virtue, tairbhe benefit, taitneamhacht pleasantness, taca/ tacaнocht support, teochroн warm-heartedness, trуcaire f compassion, tuiscint consideration, understanding, urraнocht sponsorship.

cairdiъil adj. friendly

altrънoch altruistic, amhail deirfiъr sisterly, bбъil sympathetic, brбithriъil brotherly, caithiseach warm, loving, caoithiъil amicable, carthanach charitable, cбsmhar caring, considerate, caoin benignant, ceanъil affectionate, cineбlta kind, pleasant, cneasta gentle, mild-mannered, coimirceach (in positive sense only) patronizing, protective, comharsanъil neighbourly, comrбdъil comradely, Crнostъil Christian, benevolent, croнъil cordial, cuideachtъil companionable, sociable, cuidiъil constructive, helpful, cuirtйiseach courteous, cъntach helpful; daonnachtъil humanitarian, kind,

daonchairdiъil philanthropic, dea-ghnнomhach beneficent, dea-mhйiniъil benevolent, dea-mhъinte well-mannered, deirceach open-handed, charitable. йadrom (medical) benign, fabhrach favourable, partial, fial generous, giving, flaithiъil bounteous, generous, garach accommodating, geanъil loving, caring, lбch kind, gentle, maith good, modhъil gracious, muinteartha treating others like family, sociable, avuncular, oibleagбideach obliging, sнodъil urbane, gentle, sochaideartha approachable, sociable, soilнosach easy-going,accommodating, so-ranna companionable, suбilceach good-natured, pleasant, virtuous, tairbheach beneficial, taitneamhach likeable, congenial, tacъil supportive, teochroнoch warm-hearted, trуcaireach compassionate, tuisceanach considerate.


cairt 1 f chart

gormchlу blueprint, graf graph, lйarбid diagram, illustration, lйarscбil map, mapa map, tбbla table, tбblъ tabulation, treoirphlean blueprint.


cairt 2 f cart

barra ( rotha ) (wheel-) barrow, carbad chariot, carr car; cart, pram pram, buggy, tralaн trolley, trucail trolly, cart, vaigнn wagon.


cбis f cheese

anlann m cбise cheese sauce, Blarnбn Blarney cheese, cбis tн cottage cheese,cream cheese, cбis bheagmhйathrais low-fat cheese, cбis ghabhair goat’s cheese, cбis ghrбtбilte grated cheese, cбis uachtair carmбn Wexford Cheese, cйadar cheddar, gormбn blue cheese, gruth curd.

caisleбn m castle

acrapail acropolis, barda garrison, bastion, campa camp, daingean stronghold, daingnithe fortifications, daingniъ fortification, dнdean shelter, dъn fort, fortress, dъnfort citadel, garastъn garrison, lios ring-fort; fairy fort, liosachбn fairy fort, fairy fort, pбlбs palace, post post, rбth fort, earthen

rampart, stбisiъn station, tearmann sanctuary, tъr tower, urdhъn bastion.

caite v consumed, spent

bainte shed, cut, cnaнte gnawed; wasted away, creimthe corroded, creimseбilte nibbled away, cuimilte rubbed, curtha amъ wasted, curtha isteach put in, diomailte squandered, iompartha carried; worn, нdithe consumed, worn out, ite eaten, labбilte lobbed, lйimthe leaped, jumped, millte spoilte, уlta drunk, reicthe wasted, roptha thrust, scaipthe scattered, frittered, let go, scafa peeled, stripped, laid bare, scaoilte fired, shot, let go, slogtha swallowed, spealta dissipated; mowed, spнonta exhausted, spent, tugtha given, tugtha don ghaoth dissipated, frittered away, taosctha drained, teilgthe cast, hurled, flung tуgtha taken, ъsбidte used.

caiteach adj. wasteful

baothchaifeach profligate, caifeach given to spending, spendthrift, doscaн extravagant diomailteach dissipative, profligate, drabhlбsach prodigal, neamheacnamaнoch uneconomical, ragairneach ruinously wasteful, raidhseach lavish, scaipeach thriftless.


caith v consume, spend, pass; wear; treat

bain (de) strip caill shed, cnaнgh gnaw; waste away, creim corrode, gnaw, creimseбil nibble, cuimil rub, cuir amъ waste, cuir isteach put in, diomail squander, iompair carry, wear, нdigh consume, ith eat, labбil lob, lйim leap, jump, mill spoil, уl drink, reic waste, rop chuck, scaip scatter, fritter, scamh fray, lay bare, scaoil fire, shoot, let go, slog swallow, speal dissipate, spнon exhaust, spend, tabhair give, tabhair gaoth do dissipate, fritter away, taosc drain, teilg cast, hurl, fling tуg take, ъsбid use.

~ amach throw out; reject, ~ anнos vomit, ~ anuas (air) speak ill (about), ~ ar throw on, ~ as throw out, ~ chuig throw to; nag, ~ cуgas take medicine ~ de throw off, ~ ionat й! Eat it up!, ~ liom an liathrуid! Throw me the ball!, ~ go cineбlta leis! Treat him kindly!, ~ uait й! Drop it!, ~ siar й! Swallow it down!, ~ suas an t-уl! Give up the drinking!, ~ tharat й! Put it behind you!, Stop talking about it!,, Nб ~ tobac! Do not smoke!, ~ tamall spend a while, ~ meabhair (le) give thought (to), ~ (i ndiaidh) hanker (after), ~ na dнlsн throw the dice, ~ do vуta cast your vote, ~ hata wear a hat, ~ lйim jump, ~ urchar fire a shot.


caitheamh v spending, throwing, consuming, wearing

1. spending

buisйadъ budgeting, caiteachas expenditure, cnaн gnawing, cur amъ waste, diomailt squandering, нdiъ consumption, using up, expending, scaipeadh dispersal, scattering, tabhairt le gaoth dissipating, squandering, ъsбid using, use.

2. throwing, shooting

aiseag spewing, cur amach expelling, cur i leataobh discard, dнshealbhъ eviction, eisteilgean ejection, eitilt flying, labбil lobbing, scaoileadh shooting; letting go, radadh pelting, flinging, radъ radiate, sceitheadh spewing, teilgean casting, projecting, titim dropping, urlacan vomiting.


3. carrying, wearing, consuming

buanfas durability, creimeadh corroding, нdiъ consumption, iompar carrying, caiteachas expenditure, cnaн gnawing, ithe eating, уl drinking, tуgбil taking, ъsбid using.

~ agus cuimilt wear and tear, ~ aimsire pastime, ~ amach throwing out, expulsion; rejection; projection, ~ anнos vomiting, ~ anuas condescension, ~ beag sa tsъil a slight cast in the eye, ~ cloch stone-throwing, ~ fionnaidh (animal) shedding a coat, ~ i bpaca discarding, ~ in airde toss-up, caitheamh i ndiaidh an tseansaoil hankering after the good-old-days, ~ is cбineadh aspersions and censure, ~ siar throw back, ~ suas giving up, abandoning, ~ tobac smoking.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 155 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 3 страница| Carcairf(carcrach; carcracha) incarceration, coimeбdcustody, detention(general) coinneбil, detention(school) coinneбil istigh, gйibheanncaptivity, bondage, imtheorannъ 5 страница

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