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Bacbalk, hinder, bac a chur(le) to ban blocбilblock, bris suasbreak up, cosc a chur(le) to prohibit,crнochnaigh

finish, cuir isteach (ar) interrupt, deireadh a chur (le) put an end (to), dъn close gabh arrest, idirbhris (computer) interrupt, mъch extinguish, quench; switch off, stop stop, halt, toirmisc prohibit, prevent.

coiscйim f footstep

cйim step, crбgбil tramp, ungainly walk siъl walk, tread,, siъl maslach plodding along, spбgбil shambling gait, strбcбil trudge, torann coise footfall.

cуisir f party, communal celebration

cйilн evening of Gaelic dancing, ceiliъradh celebration, ceremony, comуradh commemoration; fete, damhsa dance, dioscу disco, йigse festival of poets and writers, fйasta feast, fйile f festival, celebration, fete, feis fete, celebration, lнth m(lнotha) celebration, peбrtaн (office, drinks, etc) party, rince dance, seisiъn (ceoil, comhrб, etc..) (musical, chatting, etc..) session, gig, siamsa pleasant diversion, teacht le chйile get-together.

coiste m committee

bord board, caibinйad cabinet, coimisiъn commission, comhlacht comhairleach advisory body, giъirй m(~; ~ ithe) jury, grъpa comhairleach advisory group, comhairle council, meitheal oibre work-party, meitheal smaointe think-tank, painйal panel, tascfhуrsa taskforce.

cуiste m coach

bus m(~; ~ anna) bus, bus scoile school bus, carrбiste carrage, landу landau, limisнn fada stretched limousine, ricseб rickshaw, searabanc charabanc.

coitianta adj. common, ordinary

Aithnidiъilfamiliar, beag le rбundistinguished, run-of-the-mill, caighdeбnach standard, coiteanncommon, general, comуntacommon, vulgar, gan airdunexceptional, ginearбltageneral, gnбchcommon-place, average, gnбth-ordinary, usual, iomadъilfrequent, iondъilcustomary, usual, laethъil


daily, liosta pedestrian, pleibeach plebian, poiblн public, rialta regular, seanchaite clichйd, smolchate stock (cf. freagra smolcaite stock answer), sъchaite trite, traidisiъnta traditional, uilнoch universal.

colбiste m college

acadamh academy, cliarscoil seminary, clochar convent, institiъid lйinn institute of learning, ollscoil university, scoil school. (see also: scoil)

colscaradh m divorce

(ar) chrosaire na beatha (at the) parting of the ways, briseadh break, briseadh sнos breakdown, briseadh suas break-up, cur ar ceal cancellation, abolition, cur ar neamhnн annulment, deireadh an phуsta the end of the marriage, foraithne f nisi decree nisi, neamhniъ annulment, rйabadh rupture, scaradh separation, scaoileadh dissolution, scoilt split, siosma m (hist.) schism, titim as a chйile falling apart.

colъn m column

cuaille post, crann seasta upright, support, gallбn pillar, fearsaid (science) shaft, gas stem, shaft, lнne f line, marcra cavalcade, mуrshiъl procession, oibilisc obelisk, pilйar pillar, pilйar balla pilaster, seafta (art) shaft, scuaine f queue, sraith row, sraoillнn file, train, sreang f(sreinge) string, treas m(~ a; ~ a, ~) file, line (cf. i dtreas singil in single file).

comaoin f compliment, favour, obligation.

aisнoc m(~ a) payback, cineбltas kindness (Na cineбltais a rinne siad orm. The kindnesses they showed me.), coimirce f patronage, cъiteamh compensation, recompence, focal deas kind word, gar favour, good turn, moladh praise, oibleagбid obligation, rud thing (Rinne sй rud dom. He did something for me), pбtrъnacht patronage, plбmбs flattery, urraнocht sponsorship.

comhaireamh m count, counting

бireamh calculation, enumeration, grбdъ grading, rating, iomlбn total, liostбil listing, meб m weighing, meas reckoning, deeming, measъnъ assessing, scуr score, tally, suim sum, suimiъ adding, addition seiceбil checking, rнomh calculating, rбtбil rate, reicneбil reckoning, rнomhaireacht computing, scуrбil score, uimhir f(- mhreach; - mhreacha) number, uimhriъ numbering.

comhairle f advice, council

cabhair f(- bhrach) help, cumarsбid communication, cogar quiet word, dearcadh view, eolas information, faisnйis intelligence, focal i do chluas a word in your ear, focal rabhaidh word of warning, fуgra notification, folбireamh injunction, liosta dб bhfuil ceadaithe agus nach bhfuil list of do’s an don’ts, moladh advice, recommendation, suggestion, meamram memorandum, treoir f(treorach) guidance, instruction, treoracha fpl instructions, rabhadh warning, admonition, tuairim opinion.

comhairleoir m councillor, adviser

abhcуide counsel, anamchara m(~ d; cairde, ~ d) spiritual adviser, aturnae m solicitor, comhairleach m (medical) consultant, cuiditheoir helper, faireach m monitor, giolla gualainne right-hand-man, lia comhairleach medical consultant, meantуir mentor, sainchabhrуir m (polit., etc..) aide, sainchomhairleoir (business) consultant, traenбlaн trainer, rъnchara m(~ d) confidant, teagascуir instructor, coach, ъdarбs authority.

comhairligh v counsel, advise

dнrigh direct, cuir in iъl inform, notify, fуgair announce, bring to general notice, folбireamh a thabhairt do dhuine to caution a person, grнosaigh urge, inis (do) tell (to), mol (do) advise, recommend, moladh a thabhairt do dhuine to give someone advice, rabhadh a thabhairt to warn, to caution,

spreag encourage, motivate, tuairim a thabhairt go give an opinion, treoraigh guide, direct.

comharsa f neighbour

cara m(~ a; cairde, ~ d) friend, comhleapach bed-fellow, comhshaorбnach fellow citizen, duine/ lucht aitheantais acquaintance/ acquaintances, duine dбr gcomhluadar one of ours, dъchasach native, dъichнoch personfrom the area, fear bйil dorais the man next door, lucht an bhaile seo againn our people, our town’s folk, muintir na hбite the locals, na daoine istigh (island talk) people living on the island, nбisiъnaн national, (an) teaghlach bйil dorais (the) house next door, saorбnach na tнre citizen of the country.

comharsanacht f neighbourhood

baile home, ceantar district, cуngar vicinity, cуngaracht nearness, dъiche f locality, locale, fochair (non-declinable) nearness, proximity, gaobhar proximity, pobal community, purlбin mpl precincts, rйigiъn region, sna bуlaн seo in these parts, timpeallacht surroundings, timpeall na hбite around the locale.

comharsanъil adj. neighbourly

bбъil sympathetic, brбithriъil brotherly, cabhrach helpful, caoithiъil amicable, cairdiъil friendly, caoin benignant, cбsmhar caring, considerate, comrбdъil comradely, garach obliging,accommodating, cuideachtъil companionable, sociable, cuidiъil constructive, helpful, cuirtйiseach courteous, flaithiъil bounteous, generous, lбch kind, gentle, mar a dhйanfadh comharsa as a neighbour would do, muinteartha treating others like family, sociable, avuncular, oibleagбideach obliging, sochaideartha approachable, sociable, so-ranna companionable, taitneamhach likeable, congenial, tuisceanach considerate. (see also: cairdiъil)

comharsanъlacht f neighbourliness

brбithriъlacht brotherliness, cairdiъlacht friendliness, comrбdъlacht comradeliness, cuideachtъlacht sociableness, cuidiъlacht helpfulness, cъirtйis courtesy, muinteartas sociability kinsmanship, oibleagбideacht obligingness, sochaidearthacht approachability, sociablility, so-rannacht companionableness, sociability.

comhartha m sign, gesture; signal

airн m symptom, alбram alarm, an solas glas the green-light, the go-ahead, blaidhm flare, bratach f flag, ciъ m cue, signal, comharthъ signification, cruthъ proof, cruthъ cinnte proof positive, cuaille m eolais sign-post, deilbhнn icon, drochthuar foreboding, portent, faisnйis evidence, fуgra notice, geбitse affected gesture, gotha m gesture, leid clue, lйiriъ manifestation, lorg trace, vestige, meabhrъchбn reminder, meirge m ensign, mнorъilt miracle, nod hint, nуta note, plaiceard placard, pуstaer poster, rabhadh warning, rian trace, rianaire marker, samhaltбn (herl.) emblem, samhlъ representation, sanas suggestion, siombail symbol, siomtуm symptom, suaitheantas badge, tarathar augery, tбsc indication, tбscaire indicator, tradmharc trademark, treoire indicator, tuar an oilc evil sign, ominous premonition.


Comharthaн an Stoidiaca:

An Cъpla Gemini

na nЙisc Pisces

Fear na bPйisteanna Ophiuchus

An Gabhar Capricorn

An Leon Leo

An Mhaighdean Virgo

An Mheб Libra

An Portбn Cancer

An Reithe Aries

An Saighdeoir Sagittarius

An Scairp Scorpio

An Tarbh Taurus

An tUisceadуir Aquarius

comhghairdeas m congratulation

ionracas compliment, beannachtaн fpl greetings, graidhin (restricted usage) felicitations, moladh praise.

Comhghairdeas! Congratulations!, Go maire thъ (an cйad)! May you live to enjoy it! (May you live to be a hundred!), Maith thъ! Well done! Mo ghraidhin thъ! Felicitations!, Mo ghraidhin go deo thъ! Sincerest congratulations!, Mo cheol thъ! It’s music to my ears! Well done!, Nбr laga Dia do lбmh! May God strengthen your hand!, Rinne tъ йacht! You’ve done marvelously (well)!, Tб sй tuillte go maith agat! You well deserve it!, Togha! Choice! Terrific! Super! Togha fir! Good man!, Togha mnб! No woman better! Tuilleadh biseach! May you have further successes!


comhlacht m company, firm, body

bardбs municipal corporation, bunaнocht establishment, cairtйal cartel, comhairle f body, comhlachas association, comhphбirtнocht partnership, conradh m(- nartha; - narthaн) league, corparбid corporation, cuibhreannas consortium, cumann association, gnу business, gnуthas concern, gnуlacht m firm, grъpa group, monaplacht monopoly, teach m(; tithe) house, sindeacбit syndicate.

comhlнon v fulfil; discharge, execute

bain amach accomplish, achieve, coimeбd keep, йist (le) listen (to), obey, coinnigh keep, observe (cf. an dlн a choinneбil to observe the law), cuir faoi deara bring about, cuir i bhfeidhm implement, cuir i gcrнch carry out, effect; consummate, crнochnaigh finish, complete, dйan do, perform, (do dhualgas a dhйanamh to perform your duty), dйan de rйir (+ gen) conform to, fнoraigh realize, make a reality, foirbhigh perfect, freagair answer, gйill (do) comply (with), lнon fill, rйadaigh realize, sбsaigh satisfy.

comhlнonadh m fulfilment; discharging, execution

baint amach accomplishment, achievemrnt, coimeбd keeping, йisteacht listening, obeying, coinneбil keeping,


observance, dйanamh doing, performing, fнorъ realization, freagairt answering, cur faoi deara bringing about, cur i bhfeidhm implemenation, cur i gcrнch carrying out, effecting; consummation, crнochnъ finishing, completion, dйanamh de rйir (+ gen) conforming to, foirbhiъ perfecting, gйilleadh (do) complying (with), lнonadh filling, rйadъ realization, sбsamh satisfaction..

comhluadar m (social) company,

aнonna mpl guests, buнon f(buнne; ~ ta) band, company, brъdбn mob, throng, cуisir party, comhbhrбithreachas fellowship, comhdhбil convention, comhthionуl assembly,gathering, compбntas troupe, company, cuairteoirн visitors, cuideachta f company, fun, cumann association, society, йigse gathering of poets and musicians, fleб celebration, party, grъpбil grouping, plуd throng, crowd, siamsa pleasant diversion, slua crowd, teacht le chйile get-together, tionуl assembly.

comhrб m conversation, talk

agallamh interview; colloquy, aighneas dispute, argуint argument, bйadбn gossip, bйalscaoilteacht loose talk, bйalastбnacht blathering, bйalghrб lip-service, bladar bladder, cajolery, soft-talk, bladhmaireacht boasting, big talk, cabaireacht chatting, cadrбil chat, caibidil pow-wow, discussion, caint talk, clabaireacht chattering, cogar mogar mumbling, conspiratorial talk, comhchaint interlocution, comhchomhairle f conference, comhdhбil convention, conference, conbharsбid conversing, intercourse, dioscъrsa discourse, dнospуireacht debate, dъirse-dбirse gossip, tittle-tattle, malartъ tuairimн exchange of opinions, plй discussion, plobaireacht blabbing, seanchas confabulation, sifil seaifil chit-chat, suaitheadh discussion, urlabhra f speech. (see also: caint)

comparбid f comparison

analach f analogy, collбid collation, codarsnacht contrast, comhchoibhneas correlation, comhghaolъ correlating, cosъlacht similarity, resemblance, contrбrthacht contrariety, contrast, idirdhealъ distinction, neas-suнomh juxtaposition, parailйalachas parallelism.

compord m comfort

бis convenience, бisiъlacht handiness, boige softness, cabhair succour, cluthaireacht snugness, comhfhortacht consolation, cъiteamh compensation, cъnamh help, faoiseamh relief, focal misnigh an encouraging word, meanma f(~ n) cheer, good spirits, meanmanra spirit, courage, misniъ encouragement, saol an mhadra bhбin the life of Reilly, saol na bhfuнoll opulence, sбsamh satisfaction, sбstacht contentment, seascaireacht cosiness, luxury, socracht ease, sуlбs solace, comfort, sуmas ease, comfort, spreagadh incentive, suaimhneas ease, tranquillity, taitneamh enjoyment, teolaнocht cosiness.

compordach adj. comfortable

бisiъil convenient, ar (do) shбimhнn sу at (your) ease, bog soft, cabhrach helpful, cluthar snug, cosy comhfhortъil consoling, cъiteach compensating, cъntach assisting, gan strus stress-free, ligthe relaxed, misnigh encouraging, meanman cheery, of good spirits, misniъil encouraging, saor у phian free from pain, sбsъil satisfactory, scaoilte loose-fitting, seascair cosy, snug, sуmhar luxurious, socair easy, composed, sуlбsach consoling, comforting, sуmasach easy-going, comfortable, so-ranna (person) homely, easy-to-get-on-with, spreagъil encouraging, suaimhneach tranquil, restful, taitneamhach enjoyable, pleasing, teolaн cosy.

comrбdaн m comrade, mate, buddy

caoifeach m companion, cara m(~ d; cairde, ~ d) friend, comhghleacaн ally, comhphбirtн associate, compбnach m



companion, pбirtн partner, rъnchara confidant, seise m comrade, companion. (see also: cara)

cуnaн f domicile, dwelling, residence

aice f habitat, бit chуnaithe place of residence, бit dhъchais native place, бitreabh habitation, abode, baile home,ceathrъna fpl quarters, cois teallaigh at the hearth, at home, fanacht staying, lуistнn lodgings, seoladh addresss, stop stop, stop off, stopadh stopping, suн seat, teach m(; tithe) cуnaithe residence, teallach m hearth, home.

cуnaigh v dwell; rest

бitrigh inhabit, buail sнos lie low; crash out, codail sleep, cuir fъt lodge, settle, croch hang, croch amach hang out, йirigh as discontinue, eis exist, fan stay, wait, fan socair remain still, glac sos rest, rйchas (engine) idle, lonnaigh settle, luigh lie, luigh sнos lie down, mair live, moilligh pause, delay, tб cуnaн orm (i) I live/ I am domicile (at), tб mй ar lуistнn I lodge, tб mй i mo chуnaн I live/ am domicile, tб lуistнn agam I lodge, lig do scнth take a rest, tйigh chun suain repose, slumber, tуg (go) bog й take it easy, tuirling alight, scoir desist, cease, stad cease, stop, stop stop, stop off, suanbhruith simmer, suigh sit.

cуngarach adj. close, adjacent; convenient

бisiъil convenient, handy, an-luiteach (le) (clothes) close-fitting (to), beacht precise, buailte suas (le) right up against, ceangailte attached, cois (+ gen) beside cruinn accurate, dlъth compact, close, dlъth- intimate, gar (do) close (to), gar- approximate, gonta concise, i gcуngar (le) in proximity (to), in aice lбimhe at hand, in aice lбithreach close by, in aice (le) beside, i ngar/ ngaobhar duit close to you, le hais (+gen) beside, nach bhfuil fada у (+ sйimhiъ) not far from, sa chуngar in the vicinity, taobh le taobh (le) side by side (with),

conradh m contract, treaty; league

banna bond, comhaontъ agreement, pact, concordбid concordat, coimisiъn comission, coinbhinsiъn convention, coinnнoll stipulation, condition, cъnant covenant, gealltanas commitment, idirbheart transaction, margadh bargain; deal, socrъ arrangement, tuiscint understanding.


conspуid f dispute

achrann quarrelling, wrangling, squabbling, agall f(agaille; ~ a, ~) argument, agallamh argument, disputation, agуid protest, aighneas dispute, argument, argуint argument, bruнon f clash, caibidil discussion, ceist question, issue, coimhlint contention, struggle, dнospуireacht debate, easaontas disagreement, dissension, fнoch feud, griolsa brawl, imreas quarrel, friction, iomarbhб f altercation, plй discussion, poileimic polemic, scйal atб idir camбin a matter at issue, suaitheadh ceiste discussion of an issue, troid fight, ъdar an achrainn the cause of the controversy. (see also: argуint)

constaic f obstacle

bac hindrance, obstacle, bacainn f barrier, cosc prohibition, restraint lбnchosc embargo, sriantacht constraint, srian constrainer, bridle, ceangal (ar) hold (on), toirmeasc proscription.

contrбilte adj. cont ra ry, opposite

agуideach stroppy, hard-to-please, ceanndбna stubborn, cadrбnta intractable, obdurate, ciotrъnta obstinate, adverse, claon perverse, colgach irascible, bristling with anger, deacair difficult, dochomhairleach wayward, doicheallach churlish, do-ranna difficult-to-deal-with, perverse, guagach capricious, neamhsheasmhach inconsistent, spadhrъil given to unprovoked fits of anger, toiliъil wilful.

contrбrtha adj. c o ntrary, opposite

бibhirseach (phil) adverse, bunoscionn upsidedown, topsyturvy, cinn adverse (cf. gaoth chinn adverse wind), eascairdiъil inimical, in aghaidh a chйile opposite, opposing one another, in imeartas le chйile contrasting, nach dtagann le chйile clashing, discordant, naimhdeach antagonistic, paradacsъil paradoxical.

contъirt f danger

amhantar venture, risk, bagairt threat, baol peril, dainsйar danger, йidearfacht precariousness, fiontar risk, guais hazard, danger, guaisbheart m(bhirt; ~a, ~) perilous deed, neamhdhaingne insecurity, priacal peril, jeopardy; risk, riosca risk, seans chance, risk, soghontacht vulnerability. (see also: dainsйar)

contъirteach adj dangerous

amhantrach risky, bagrach threatening, baolach perilous, dainsйarach dangerous, йidearfach precarious, fiontrach risky, guaisbheartach inclined to take risks, guaiseach hazardous, neamhdhaingean insecure, priaclach perilous, seans chance, risk, soghonta vulnerable. (see also: dainsйarach)

also: dainsйar)

cor m twist, turn

athrъ change (cf. Chuir sin ~ ina saol. That changed her life.), babhta bout, turn, caime crookedness, casadh turn; turn, revolving, dreas turn, spell, go, claonadh incline; bias, tendency, cor twist, turn, luascadh swinging, lъb f( lъibe; ~ a, ~) twist, bend, pнosa caimilйireachta bit of a con, a bit of trickery. (see also: casadh )

cуr m choir

amhrбnaithe mpl singers cantairн mpl choristers, guthanna mpl voices, salmairн mpl psalmists.

~ ban ladies choir, ~ fear male-voice choir, ~ scoile school choir (also: cуrscoil), ~ soiscйalach gospel choir, treoraн cуir choir leader.



cуras m system

comhordъ co-ordination, cur le chйile construct, eagar order, eagraнocht organization, eagrъ arrangement, modh method, rangъ classification, structъr structure, scйim scheme.

corn m trophy

an chйad duais the first prize, an lб the day (cf. an lб a bhuachan to win the day), bonn уir gold medal, bua victory, caithrйim triumph, comhramh trophy, triumph, corуin crown, craobh m(- aoibhe; ~ a, ~) palm; campionship, duais m prize, award, fleasc f(fleisce; ~ a, ~) labhrais laurel wreath, labhras laurel, plaic plaque, teideal title, trуfaн trophy.

corp m body, corpse

cabhail f body, torso, trunk, cnбmharlach m shell, skeleton, colainn living body conablach m carcass, corpбn (spйire) (heavenly) body, creatlach f skeleton, croн heart, dйanamh physique, eisint essence, foirm form, frбma frame, iomlбn total, totality, marbhбn corpse, tathag full body, tйagar bulk.


~ na hoibre the body of the work, ~ crainn tree-trunk, ~ colъin shank of a column, ~ eaglaise nave of a church, ~ na srбide the midfdfle of the street, ~ na fнrinne the whole truth, ~ Chrнost the Eucharist, the body of Christ.



Nб bн ag dйanamh ~ ar clбr dнot fйin. Don’t be showing off!, Chaith sн н fйin thar a corp fйin. She did a head over heals., Is tъ ~ an duine uasail! You’re a true gentleman, Lйim mй as mo chorp le heagla. I jumped out of my skin from fear.




ae m(~; ~ nna) liver, aghaidh face, artaire artery, bйal mouth, bolg belly, braoi f(~;~ the) eyebrow, bricнnн freckles, brollach m breast, caipнn sъile eyelid, caol na lбimhe wrist, ceann head, ceathrъ f(~ n; ~ na) thigh, cнocha fpl. breasts, clбr йadain forehead, cliabh m(clйibh; clйibh, ~) chest; bosom, cluas f(- aise; ~ a, ~) ear, cnбmh f(- бimhe, ~ a, ~) bone, cnбmharlach m skeleton, coim f(~ e; ~ eanna) waist, colpa calf, corrуg hip, corrmhйar f index-finger, cos f(coise;~ a, ~) foot, craiceann m(- cinn;- cne) skin, croн heart, dorn m(doirn; doirne ~) fist, droim m(droma; dromanna) back, duбn kidney, йasafagas oesophagus, easna (~; ~ cha) rib, fabhra eyelash, faireog gland, fйith f(~ e; ~ eacha) vein; sinew, fйitheog sinew, fuil f(fola; fola) blood, gйag f(gйige; ~ a, ~) limb, glъin knee, goile stomach, gruaig hair, gualainn f(~ e; guaillн) shoulders, imleacбn navel, ionga f(~ n; ingne) nail, lбmh f(lбimhe, ~ a, ~) hand, lamhnбn bladder, liopa lip, lorga f(~; ~ н) shin, lъidнn little finger, mala eyebrow, matбn muscle, mйar f(mйire; ~ a, ~) finger, mйar f coise toe, muineбl m(- nнl; - nнl, ~) neck, murnбn ankle, ordуg thumb, ordуg coise big toe, pollбire nostril, rъitнn ankle, sбil f(~ e; sбla, sбl) heel, scamhуga lungs, scornach f(- naн; ~ a, ~) throat, smig chin, srуn f(~ e; ~ ta) nose, stйig f(~; ~ eacha) bheag small intestine, stйig bheag small intestine, sъil f(~ e; ~ e, sъl), tуin f (tуna) backside, uilleann elbow, uisinn temple. (see also: ceann)


corr- adj odd, uneven

aimhrйidh uneven, corrach uneven, shaky, corraiceach rough, odd, (cf. bheith corraiceach to be the odd one out), йagsъil various, йalбrnach eccentric, off centre, fбnach occasional, fo- ocassional, odd, ilchineбlach sundry, le cois spare, ocбideach casual; occasional, randamach random, teagmhasach incidental, starrach sticking out, obstrusive.

corr adj. odd, peculiar, eccentric

aisteach strange, aduain eerie, creepy, ait bizarre, peculiar coimhthнoch weird, foreign, corrmhйiniъil eccentric, odd, craiceбilte crazy, cracked deoranta alien, outlandish, difriъil different, le Dia touched, mнnormбlta abnormal, neamhghnбch unusual, saoithiъil peculiar, strainsйartha unfamiliar. (see also: aisteach)

corrach adj. unsteady, unsettled, uneven

aimhrйidh uneven, coipthe (sea) choppy, corraithe agitated, creathбnach shaky, йadaingean insecure, unsteady, garbh rough, guagach unstable, capricious, liongбnach wobbly, luaineach flighty, inconstant, malartach changeable, mнshuaimhneach uneasy, neamhshocair restless, stoirmeach stormy, treallach fitful, given to fits of anger, tuisleach faltering.

corraitheach adj. emotional, touching

adhainte ignited, ardaithe heightened, brнomhar expressive, corraithe upset, coscrach shattering, fadaithe stirred, stirred up, faoi adhall in heat, gonta poignant, gorthach ardent, grнosaithe inflamed, mothъchбnach emotional, paiseanta passionate, spreagtha excited, inspired, spreagъil inspiring, teasaн fiery, tochtmhar moving. (see also: teasaн)

cos f foot, leg; base

ball coirp bodily part, bonn base, foundation, bun base, bottom, stump, ceathrъ leg (cf. ~ chaoireola leg of mutton), cйim stage, leg (cf. cйim dheiridh rбsa last leg of a race), crann seasta prop,upright, cuaille upright, gйag f(- йige; ~ a, ~) limb, hanla leg (cf. hanla mairteola leg of beef), lorga f shank, maide croise crutch, f(~, ~ eacha ) leg (cf. rн uaineola leg of lamb), seastбn stand, stumpa stump, taca support.

~ ar bolg oppression, ~ boird table-leg, ~ casъir handle of a hammer, ~ cleite quill of feather, ~ chrainn wooden foot, ~ crainn foot of a tree, ~ deiridh hind leg, ~ dhubh scurvy, ~ eochrach shank of key, ~a fuara uninvited guests, ~ fuipe crop of a whip, ~ ghй goosefoot, ~ ina cуnaн stick-in-the-mud, ~ i dtaca leg-up, ~ i dtalamh foothold, ~ leapa foot of bed, ~ mhуna bank of turf, ~ pнopa pipe stem, ~ rбmha shaft of oar, ~ scuaibe brush handle, ~ tosaigh front leg; cois abhann by the river, cois cladaigh by the shore, cois cnoic at the foot of a hill, cois cuain beside a harbour, cois farraige by the sea, cois tine by the fire.

Tб a chosa nite. He’s done for, he’s a goner., le haghaidh na coise tinne for the rainy day, Chuirfeadh seisean ~a crainn faoi na cearca. He would work wonders; Take whatever he promises to do with a pinch of salt., Nб bн ag caint leis na ~a nuair a bhнonn an ceann i lбthair! Don’t talk to the hired help, talk to the boss!, de chois in addition; siъl de chois traveling by foot, am le cois time to spare, le mo chois at my side, lena chois sin along with that, faoi chois underfoot, D’imigh na ~a uaim. My feet went from under me., tine na gcos fuar a miserable fire.



cosain v defend, protect

bheith ag faire ar dhuine to be keeping watch over a person, bheith in airdeall in aghaidh to be on guard against, caomhnaigh conserve, cherish, ceart a sheasamh do to champion, clъdaigh cover, coimeбd keep, sustain, coinnigh keep, maintain, uphold, conspуid contest, cuir ar lбimh shбbhбilte safeguard, cuir i gcoinne oppose, cumhdaigh safeguard, protect, daingnigh secure, dearbhaigh affirm, assert, dнdean a thabhairt (do) to shelter, fнoraigh vindicate, fuascail redeem, deliver, liberate, gardбil guard, labhairt amach ar son to speak up for, neartaigh fortify, plйadбil plead, sбbhбil save, scag screen, sciathaigh shield, seas (le) to stand (by), tacaigh support, taobhaigh (le) espouse, ъdar a thabhairt (le) to justify.

cosaint f defence, protection

anacal protection, coimirce (historical) patronage, protection, caomhnъ conserving, cherishing, clъdach m cover, covering coimeбd keep, sustaining, coinneбil maintenance, retention, conspуid contention, cur i gcoinne opposing cumhdach m protection, daingniъ fortification securing, dearbhъ affirmation, assertion, dнdean f(- dine) refuge, protection, foscadh shelter, fothain f(- thana) shelter, fнorъ vindication, fuascailt deliverance, liberation, gardбil guard, labhairt amach ar son to speak up for, neartъ fortifying, plйadбil pleading, rбthaнocht (financial) safeguard, sбbhбil saving,

scagadh screening, sciath shield, seasamh stand, tacaнocht support, taobhъ recourse, reliance, resort, tearmann sanctuary, ъdar authority, justification.


cosбn m path, sidewalk

ascaill avenue, bealach m(- laigh; - laн ) way, clбrchosбn boardwalk (cf. clбrchosбn na Life Liffey boardwalk), conair f(~ e; ~ н ) pathway, path, conair eitilte flight-path, cъrsa course, dearbhchosбn absolute path, geata gate, lбna lane, pasбiste passage, rian track, sйad m(~ a; ~ a, ~) path, way, slн f(~; slite ) way, teorуid narrow rough path, treo direction.


cosantуir m defender, vindicator

abhcуide m counsel, caomhnуir gaurdian, protector, coimirceoir gaurdian, protector, crann seasta champion, cumhdaitheoir keeper, preserverer, dнonadуir protector, йarlamh patron saint, fуrsa coimeбdta sнochбna peacekeeping force, garda guard, garda, garda cosanta bodyguard, garda sнochбna guardian of the peace, garda, pбtrъn patron, plйadбlaн advocate, urra m sponsor.

cosc m ban, restraint, prohibition

agуid objection, bac hindrance, onstacle, bac fadchainte filibustering, bacainn f barrier, ceangal (ar) hold (on), col impediment (cf. col ceathrair first cousin, ciorrъ coil incest, etc..), constaic obstacle, cros prohibition, cur in aghaidh resistence, cur i gcoinne opposition, lбnchosc embargo, urghaire injunction, sriantacht constraint, srian check, restraint, srianadh restraining, stop stop, toirmeasc proscription.

costas m cost

an t-airgead amach outgoings, caill loss, caillteanas loss, cбin f(cбnach; cбnacha) tax, caiteachas expenditure, cнos m(~ a; ~ anna) rent tribute, damбiste damage, daoire dearness, costliness, dнobhбil detriment, damage, dochar deficit, dola toll, expense; deprivation, eisнocaнocht outlay, eis-sreabhadh (caipitil)(capital) outflow, gortъ injury, нobairt sacrifice,

нocaнocht payment, нocaнocht amach disbursement, mйid m(~) amount, muirear charge, pionуs penalty, praghas price, rбta rate, speansais mpl. expenses, suim sum, amount, tбille fee.

costasach adj. expensive, costly

adhmhillteach cataclysmic, as compбs le mйid exorbitant, ard i bpraghas highly priced, cailliъnach extravagant, caillteach ruinous, damбisteach damaging, daor dear, costly, dнobhбlach detrimental, injurious, dochrach deleterious, baneful, iomarcach excessive, goilliъnach injurious, distressing, millteach pernicious, ruinous, millteanach terrible, gan luach air priceless, tubaisteach disastrous, turraingeach catastrophic.

cosъil adj. like, similar

amhail similar, aonchineбlach homogenous, aonghnйitheach uniform, homogeneous, analach analogous, ar comhbhrн (le) of equal significance (with), coibhneasach related, chomh- (+ sйimhiъ) co-, equal, mutual, common, comhainmneach homonymous, comhbhбch sympathetic, comhchuimsitheach (le) commensurate (with), comhchumarach (geometry) concurrent, i gcomhfhogas (le) close (to), comhfhreagrach (le) corresponding (to), comhghaolmhar (le) related (to), comhionann identical, comhoiriъnach compatible, comhrйireach concordant, comhrianach on corresponding trajectory, comhsheasmhach (le) consistent (with), comhshuite homologous, comhtheagmhasach coincidental, comhthiomsaitheach associative, comhthreomhar parallel, comhuaineach simultaneous, comparбideach comparitive, cуngarach close, cothrom balanced, equal, dealraitheach apparent, fearacht in like manner of, gaireach near, gaolmhar related, gar (do) close (to), inchomуrtais (le) comparable (with), inchomparбide (le) comparable (with), ionann (agus) same (as), ionann same, identical, mar (+ sйimhiъ) as, meafarach metaphorical, pictiъr picture samhlachъil typical.

cosъlacht f likeness

aifinideacht f affinity, aonchineбlacht homogeneity, aontъ agreement, analach f (- laн, ~ a, ~) analogy, araicis close approach, meeting, coibhneas kinship, affinity, cуip copy, comard equivalence, comhaontas concord, agreement, comhardadh (bardic) rhyme, comhbhб sympathy, comhchoibhneas correlation, comhchuid f(- choda) equal part, comhchumaracht (geometry) concurrent, comhfhogas nearness, comhfhreagracht correspondence, comhghaol near relative, comhionannas congruence, comhoiriъnacht compatibility, comhrйir accord, comhsheasmhacht consistency, comhtharlъ concurrence, coincidence, comhtheacht harmony, synchronicity, comhtheagmhas coincidence, comhthiomsaitheacht associativity, comhthreomhaireacht parallelism, comparбid comparison, likeness, cуngaracht closeness, consaeit m(~) conceit, cothroime equality, cъpla twin, dealramh appearance, facsamhail f facsimile, foisceacht proximity, frithchaitheamh reflection, gaireacht i ngaol propinquity, closeness, gaol relation, inchomparбide comparability, нomhб f(~; ~ nna) image, ionannas uniformity, ionannъ (le) identification (with), ionbhб f empathy, macalla echo, meafar metaphor, pictiъr picture, rнm rhyme, samhail f(- mhla; - mhlacha) similitude, semblance, slis den seanmhaide chip off the old block.

cуta m overcoat, coat

blйasar blazer, brat coating, brat nascбla bonding-coat, bratъ (process) coating, casуg (short) coat, casуg chois tine smoking jacket, casуg eireabaill tail-coat, clуca cloak, clъdach m covering, culaith f(~ e; cultacha) mhбilleach coat of mail, cumhdach m(cookery) coating, dufal duffel-coat (also: cуta dufail), fallaing cloak, fallaing sheomra dressing gown, fionnadh fur, froc frock-coat, gnбthchulaith f(~ e; cultacha) lounge-coat, gъna gown; dress, lomra fleece, seaicйad jacket, seaicйad dinnйir dinner-jacket.



~ bбinнn dheirg red flannel petticoat, ~ bбistн raincoat; mackintosh, ~ beag petticoat, ~ eireabaill tail-coat, ~ fada long coat, ~ fionnaidh fur coat, ~ linbh xchild’s coat, ~ marcaigh riding, ~ mуr overcoat, coat, ~ pйinte coat of paint.

cothrom adj. even, balanced

analachъil ( le ) analogical (to), ar cуimhйid commensurate, cйillн sensible, coibhйiseach equivalent, cуir just, fair, comhbhrнoch (maths) equivalent, cуrach well-rounded, cothromasach equitable, even-handed, inchomparбide comparable, loighiciъil logical, neamhchlaonta impartial, unbiased, neamhfhйinchъiseach disinterested, selfless, socair composed, stuama sensible, wise.

crб m anguish, torment, distress

ainnise misery, anacair f(-cra; -craн) distress, anу distress, bearrбn hassle, briseadh croн heart-break, buaireamh annoyance, brуn sorrow, buairt angst, cйasadh agony, torture, ciach m(ciaigh) sorrow, woe, ciapadh harassment, cruatan hardship, dobrуn grief, dochraide distress, dуiteacht heart-scalding annoyance, dуlбs tribulation, distress, fulaingt suffering, lйan deep affliction, mйala grief, sorrow, mъisiam upset, irritation, scalladh croн heart-ache. (see also: brуn)

craiceann m skin, pelt; peel

blaosc f( blaoisce; ~ anna ) husk, brat coating, coirt bark, clъdach m covering, crъsta crust, eipideirm epidermis, leathar leather, lomra fleece, rъsc bark, scannбn membrane;film, scannбn cumhdaithe clingfilm, sceo film, screamh f( sreimhe; ~ a, ~) crust, seithe f(~; - thн ) hide.

crбifeacht f piety

beannaitheacht blessedness; sanctity, caondъthracht devoutness, creideamh faith, deabhуid devotion, diagacht godliness, dualgas duty, grбsta grace, naofacht saintliness,




holiness, уmуs veneration, reiligiъn religion, reiligiъnachas religiosity, suбilce f virtue, urraim reverence.


crбite m tormented, distressed

anуiteach distressed, bearrtha hassled, thar bharr ( do ) chйille distraught, bodhraithe annoyed, bothered, buartha annoyed, upset, brуnach sad, cбsmhar ( faoi ) anxious (about), cйasta tortured, crucified, ciaptha harassed, corraithe troubled, emotionally distraught, dуite fed up, faoi chiach down in the dumps, gloomy, imnнoch worried, mнshuaimhneach uneasy, suaite upset. (see also: brуnach)

crann m

1. tree

buinneбn sapling, cуnaifйar conifer, croch f(croiche) gallows; cross, duillsilteach m deciduous, fбs plant, rod, sapling, sнolphlanda seedling, sнorghlas evergreen, tom shrub, tor bush. (see also: planda)

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Binse tribunal, bench, bordboard, coistecommittee, comhairlef council, comhlachaschamber, comhthionуl| Achasбn slight, cneбf wound, sore, crбtorment, damбistedamage, gearradh cut, gortъinjury; hurt, lotlesion, maslainsult, pianf(pйine; ~ta) pain, scoradhslash, gash, scrбib

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