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Achasбn slight, cneбf wound, sore, crбtorment, damбistedamage, gearradh cut, gortъinjury; hurt, lotlesion, maslainsult, pianf(pйine; ~ta) pain, scoradhslash, gash, scrбib

Читайте также:
  1. Ainnise misery, anachaincalamity,anfhorlann oppression, anуdistress, ansmacht tyranny,angaradversity, bochtaineachtpoverty, ciapadhtorture, crбtorment, crб

abrasion, spuaic shlaghdбin cold-sore, tarcaisne f affront, trбma trauma.


creathach adj. trembling, quaking, shaky

aimhrйidh uneven, ar aon bharr amhбin creatha all of a shake, shaking, ascalach oscillating, creathбnach quivering, йadaingean unsteady, shaky, guagach wavering; unstable, longadбnach wobbly, shaky, luaineach fickle,inconstant, mнshuaimhneach uneasy, treallбnach vacillating, tuisleach faltering.


creatlach f framework; skeleton

cnбmha fpl bones, cnбmharlach m skeleton, creat m(~ a; ~ ) frame, framework, drйacht m draft, eiseachnбmharlach m exoskeleton, frбma frame, frбmaнocht framework, frбmъ framing, imlнne f outline, ionchбmharlach m endoskeleton, leagan amach layout, sceitse sketch, struchtъr structure.


crйatъr m creature

ainniseoir (miserable person to be pitied) miserable creature, ainmhн animal, beithнoch beast, bochtбn (to be pitied) poor person, brъid brute, duine bocht poor soul, madra dog, cur, mamach m mammal, peata pet, pйist beast, reptile, monster. (see also: ainmhн)

creid v believe

bheith den tuairim to be of the opinion, ceap think, cuir i gcбs postulate, dearbhaigh maintain, is dуigh liom (go) I deem (that), glac (le) accept; assume, meas consider, meath-thuairim a chaitheamh to conjecture, machnaigh mull over, meбigh weigh up, slog swallow, Tб muinнn agam as Dia. I trust in God, talamh slбn a dhйanamh (de) to take as a give, to take for granted, teacht ar an mbreith (go) to come to the judgement (that), presume, tuairim a chaitheamh reckon, guess, tuairimigh speculate, tuairimнocht a dhйanamh to guess.

creideamh m belief, faith

бbhar creidimh conviction, airteagail mpl tenets, articles, бitiъs conviction, barъil opinion, conviction, barъil mheбite considered opinion, breith judgement, caiticeasma m catechism, canуnaigh mpl (religious) canons, cinnteacht certainty, crй m creed, creidiъint credence, dearcadh view, deimhne f sureness, dogma m dogma, foirceadal precept, doctrine, idй-eolaнocht ideology, imprisean impression, nуisean notion, prionsabail mpl principles, teagasc teaching, doctrine, teagasc crнostaн christian catechism, teoiric theory, toimhde f(~an; -mhdн) presumption (cf. toimhde infhrisnйise rebuttable presumption), tuairim understanding, tuairim dhaingean firm understanding, conviction.

creidmheas m (business) credit

cairde credit (cf. rud йigin a fhбil ar cairde to get something on credit), DDU (Dlitear duit uaim) IOU, iasacht loan, morgбiste mortgage, sochar (accounting) credit, profit (cf. sochar agus dochar credit & deficit).


crнoch f

1. end, boundary, limit

bailchrнoch culmination, barr profit, yield, bбs death, buille scoir finishing stroke, final blow, bun agus barr an scйil the upshot of it all, bun an bhуthair the end of the road, bun na spйire horizon, ceann scrнbe journey’s end, terminus, clabhsъr closure, cleamhnas (marriage) match, conclъid conclusion, crнochnъ completion, deireadh end, dul i lйig extinction, dъnadh closing, (Is dъnadh cuirtнnн dу й! It’s curtains for him!), druidim closure, йag death, focal scoir final word, limistйar limit of sphere of action, rйiteach settlement, solution, socrъ arrangement, rath success, abundance, scor termination, stad cessation, teorann f(- rann; -~ eacha) boundary, turnamh demise, downfall, urchar scoir parting shot.



2. territory, land

ceantar area, contae m(~; ~ the) county, coigrнoch f(- grнche; ~ a, ~) continent, crios m(creasa, ~ anna) belt, zone, cъige province, earnбil sector, fearann domain, gabhбltas holding, limistйar ъdarбis jurisdiction, machaire plain, open country, rйigiъn region, rian tract, stбt state, talamh (m: talaimh / f: talъn; tailte) ground, land, tнr f(~ e; tнortha) country, land, tнr-raon terrain, mуr-roinn continent, rйimse domain, tiarnas dominion. (see also: talamh)

crнochnaigh v finish, terminate

alp devour, beachtaigh refine, bheith rйidh le duine to be finished with a person, buille scoir a thabhairt (do) to finish of, to give the final punch (to), caith consume, comhlнon fulfil, crнoch a chur (le) conclude, cuir deireadh le to put an end to, cuir i gcrнch complete, accomplish, achieve, diъg drink to the dregs, drain, druid close, dъn shut, йirigh (as) discontinue, cease, folmhaigh empty, scoir cease, slog siar gulp down, stad stop, stop stop, halt, уl siar drink up, snas a chur (ar) to polish, to put the finishing touches (to), tabhair chun crнche bring to a close; finalize, tabhair chun foirfeachta perfect, taosc drain, teacht isteach (sa trнъ hбit, etc.) i rбs to come in (third, etc.) in a race, tйigh ar scor retire.

crнochnaithe adj. finished, terminated

alptha devoured, beachtaithe refined, caite consumed, spent, comhlнonta fulfilled, crнochnъil thorough, complete, curtha i gcrнch completed, accomplished, achieved; married, dйanta done, diъgtha drained, druidte closed, dulta ar scor retired, dъnta shut, folmhaithe emptied, ite eaten, scortha terminated; dismissed, slogtha swallowed, gulped down, stoptha stopped; blocked, уlta drunk, snasta polished, tugtha chun crнche finalized, tugtha chun foirfeachta perfected, taosctha drained.

crнonna adj. old, wise

an tseansaoil of the old-world, of old, aosta aged, ancient, as dбta out of date, bundъchasach aboriginal, caite spent, worn out, cleachta experienced, crнon withered, decayed, dea-eolach enlightened, den seandйanamh old-world, of yore, of the old-school, eagnaн mindful, wise, feasach aware, feoite withered, gaoismhear wise, sean- old, seanaimseartha passй; retro, seanbhlastъil stale, mouldy, seanbhunaithe old-established, long-established, seanchaite antiquated, worn out, obsolete, trite, seanchrнonna old & experienced, seandйanta dйmodй, old hat, seanfhaiseanta old-fashioned, seanlбmhach well-practised, skilled by dint of practice, seanуrtha aged elderly, senior, roimh an dнle antediluvian, tuisceanach heedful, understanding.

crios m belt; zone

banda band, ceantar district, region, cуirsйad corset, corda cord, sreang f(sreinge,~ a, ~) string; wire, sursaing surcingle, girdle.

crith 1 m tremor

aimhrйidhe unevenness, ascalъchбn oscillation, creathadh vibration, creathбn shudder, creathбnaн quivering, croitheadh shake, йadaingne unsteadiness, shakiness, guagacht wavering; instability, longadбnacht wobbliness, luaineach inconstant, mнshuaimhneas uneasiness, disquiet, suaitheadh disturbance, shake up, agitation, tonnchrith m(chreatha) (seismology) vibration, tuislн unsteadiness, faltering.

crith 2 v quake, shake, tremble

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 182 | Нарушение авторских прав

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