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Ascalaighoscillate,bheith ar aon bharr amhбin creathato be all of a tremble, to be trembling, bogmove,creathnaightremble, crith uafбis a dhйanamhto shudder, longadбnacht 6 страница

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diabhal m devil

бibhirseoir devil, adversary, Aingeal an Uabhair The Prince of Darkness, an buachaill bбire Old Harry, an donas badness, An Fear Dubh the evil one, An fear Thнos the man below, An Leideoir The Prompter, An tOlc Evil, An Seanbhoc Old Nick, cathaitheoir tempter, deamhan demon, fear na gcrъb the cloven-footed one, fear na n-adharc the man with the horns, lъicifir Lucifer, Sбtan Satan.

diaga adj. divine, godly

crбbhaidh pertaining to religious practice, crбifeach God-fearing, pious, of God, divine, deabhуideach devout, diaganta godly, dнlis faithful, fнrйanta righteous, gan smбl immaculate, geanmnaн pure, chaste, glan pure, maighdeanъil virginal, maith good, naofa holy, reiligiъnach religious, spioradбlta spiritual. (see also: naofa)

dialann f diary

croinic chronicle, cuntas account, cuimhnн fpl cinn memoirs, dнrbheathaisnйis autobiography, leabhar book, log log, logleabhar log book, nуtaн notes, oireas record (of events); taifead record, tбscleabhar diary (of job activities; prep/ homework diary), tuairisc report.

dian adj. severe, stern, intense, hard

aisйitiъl ascetic, anrуiteach distressing, ansmachtъil tyrannical, oppressive, antoisceach extreme, aorach satirical, brъidiъil brutal, cadrбnta harsh, caolaigeanta bigoted, cealgach stinging, ceartaiseach strait-laced, crapthach astringent, criticiъil critical, crosta fractious, difficult, crua hard, cruбlach cruel, cъng narrow, stringent, daingean tough,


hard and fast, dнcheallach diligent, dнmheasъil disapproving, dlъsъil assiduous, dochraideach oppressive, doicheallach forbidding, dolъbtha inflexible, dorrga gruff, surly, Draganta Draconian, dъr dour, йilitheach demanding, feanntach scathing, feannta cutting, fнochmhar fierce, forйigneach violent, fuar cold, gan staonadh unrelenting, gan taise unsparing, gan trua pitiless, garbh harsh, rough, garg austere, gйar acute, goimhiъil venomous, sharp, gruama grim, loiscneach caustic, maslach arduous, punishing, neamhthrуcaireach inexorable, nimhneach venomous, piъratбnach puritanical, polltach biting, righin rigid, searbh bitter, searbhasach sarcastic, smachtъil repressive, despotic, Spartach Spartan.

dнbirt f banishment, deportation

aslonnъ (hist.) evacuation, cur amach dispatch (note - more commonly used to mean: ‘ information’), dнshealbhъ eviction, dispossession, glanadh (amach) cleansing, clearing/ cleaning (out), glanadh eitneach ethnic cleansing, ionnarbadh m(- btha) expulsion, banishment, purgъ purging; purgation, ruaig chasing off, ruaigeadh m(- gthe) expulsion, stoitheadh uprooting.

dнcheall m best endeavour

breбthacht fineness, do chroн iomlбn your whole heart, dul chun cinn progress, feabhas excellence, fiontar venture,enterprise, gach a bhfuil ionat everything you’ve got in you, iarracht effort; attempt, mo sheacht ndнcheall my level best, sбriarracht excellent effort, treallъs get-up-and-go, initiative.

dнchйillн adj. sensless, foolish

бifйiseach ridiculous, amaideach foolish, baoth silly,foolish, ar buile mad, buile frenzied, mad, craiceбilte crazed, йigiallta senseless, irrational, йigrнonna imprudent, mearaithe deranged, meargбnta madcap, mearbhlach arising from a confused mind, mire mad, mнchйillн senseless, mнloighciъil illogical, mнrйasъnta unreasonable, irrational,

imithe le craobhacha off the wall, nйaltraithe demented, daft, уinmhideach foolish, simple, уinsiъil (of female only) foolish, pleidhciъil silly, stupid, daft, rбmhailleach delirious, seachmallach deluded, seafуideach silly, nonsensical. (see also: amaideach)

dнdean f shelter, refuge

brat covering, protective cover, caomhnъ conservation, cosaint protection, clъdach m cover, cuan haven, forbhrat outer covering, scбth screen, protection, sciath f(scйithe; ~ a, ~) shield, teach m(; tithe) tearmainn / dнdine, house of refuge, tearmann sanctuary, asylum; haven (cf. tearmann cбnach tax haven).


dнdean f shelter, refuge

brat covering, protective cover, caomhnъ conservation, cosaint protection, clъdach m cover, cuan haven, dнon roof, forbhrat outer covering, scбth screen, protection, sciath f(scйithe; ~ a, ~) shield, teach m(; tithe) tearmainn / dнdine, house of refuge, tearmann sanctuary, asylum; haven (cf. tearmann cбnach tax haven).


difrнocht f difference

aighneas dispute, airн m peculiarity, athrъ change, athrъchбn alteration, claochlъ metamorphosis, difear difference, йagothroime disparity, йagsъlacht dissimilarity, unlikeness, easaontъ disagreement, eisceacht exception, eisrйimneacht divergence, frithbheart counter measure, idirdhealъ distinction,differentiation, ilchineбlacht diversity, ilghnйitheacht variety, malairt alternative, swap, malartъ variation, exchange, miondifrнocht nuance, neamhrйireacht discordance, neamhrйiteach m discrepancy, saintrйithiъlacht idiosyncrasy, singilteacht singularity, trйith ar leith particularity.

difriъil adj. different

aimhrialta anomalous, aisteach strange, ait peculiar, aonair unique, athraithe changed, contrбrtha contrasting. йagsъil different, various, eile other, freasъrach opposing, il- assorted, many, diverse, multi- poly-, varied, нlathraitheach kaleidoscopical, ilchineбlach multifarious, heterogeneous, ilchruthach polymorphic, ildбnach versatile, ilfheidhmeach multifunctional, ilghnйitheach miscellaneous, ilriochtach having many different appearances, iltaobhach multilateral, iltrйitheach with many different abilities, in aghaidh coinbhinsiъn unconventional, lнonmhar numerous, mнchuн clashing, mнfheiliъnach incompatible, mнfhreagrach non-corresponding, incongruous, neamhchoitianta uncommon, neamhchosъil unalike, divergent, neamhghnбch unusual, neamhionann disparate, uathъil unique, singular.

dнlis adj. loyal; genuine

buan constant, cruinn precise, daingean staunch, firm, diongbhбilte firm, committed, fнor true, gan chlaonadh unswerving, inmhuinнne trusty, iontaofa trustworthy, dependable, leata (ar) devoted (to), muinнneach reliable, seasmhach steadfast, tairiseach loyal, faithful; trusty, reliable, tiomanta dedicated, devoted.

dнlseacht f loyalty; genuineness

buaine constancy, cruinne precision, daingne staunchness, firmness, diongbhбilteacht firmness, steadfastness, fнre sincerity, truthfulness, iontaofacht trustworthiness, dependabilty, seasmhacht steadfastness, tairiseacht loyalty, faithfulness.

dнmheas m contempt, disrespect

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 150 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Ascalaighoscillate,bheith ar aon bharr amhбin creathato be all of a tremble, to be trembling, bogmove,creathnaightremble, crith uafбis a dhйanamhto shudder, longadбnacht 5 страница| Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 1 страница

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