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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 1 страница

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derision, fuath hatred, mнshбstacht disapproval, tarcaisne f scorn.

dнobhбlach adj. injurious

damбisteach damaging, dochrach deleterious, harmful, droch- evil, bad, loiteach pernicious, harmful, nimhneach poisonous, oilc evil, scriosach destructive, urchуideach malignant. (see also: dochrach)

dнograis f enthusiasm, fervour

cнocras avidity, dнocas zeal, dъil desire, dъthracht assiduity, flosc eagerness, fonn desire, paisean passion, saint greed, tart thirst, thirsting, tnъth yearning.


dнograiseach adj. enthusiastic, fervent

ar bнs excited, cнocrach avid, keen, croнъil whole-hearted, dнcheallach diligent, dнocasach eager, keen, dlъsъil industrious, dъilmhear desirous, longing for, dъthrachtach assiduous; fervent, fonnmhar keen, desirous, mianъil desirous, paiseanta passionate, santach greedy, rapacious, saothraнoch hard-working, industrious, spreagtha inspired, tartmhar thirsty, thirsting, tnъthбnach yearning, tugtha committed (cf. Bhн sн tugtha go hiomlбn don obair. She was committed totally to the work.)


dнol v sell

бitigh persuade, allmhairigh import, cuir abhaile (ar) make realize, cuir chun cinn promote, cuir i bhfeidhm (ar) persuade, cuir ina luн (ar) to convince, dнol (maith) a dhйanamh ar to make a (good) sale on, earraн a chur ar an margadh to put goods on the market, fуgraнocht a dhйanamh to advertise, malartaigh barter, miondнol retail, mуrdhнol wholesale, onnmhairigh export, reic vend, peddle, stocaireacht a dhйanamh to tout, trбdбil trade.

dнoltas m revenge

agairt vengeance, cъiteamh compensation, do phunt feola a fhбil to get one’s pound of flesh, йiric reparation, retribution, faltanas vindictiveness, sбsamh satisfaction, tomhas a lбimhe fйin a dose of his/her/their own medicine.

dнomб f disappointment

aifйala regret, anacair f distress, anbhroid anguish, distress, ciall f(cйille) ceannaithe one of life’s hard-earned lessons; disenchantment, cic sa tуin (slang) bummer, kick in the backside, frustrachas frustration, gearбn complaint, mнshбsamh dissatisfaction, discontent, mъisiam displeasure, oscailt sъl disillusionment, teip failure.

dнomhaoin adj. idle, cowardly

cladhartha craven, gan feidhm without use, gan gnу le dйanamh unoccupied, gan misneach gutless, inoibritheach inoperative, iomarcach redundant (cf. He was made redundant. Rinneadh iomarcach й.), lagspreosach spineless, leisciъil lazy, meata cowardly, neamhghnнomhach inactive,. (see also: meata)

dнon m roof

barr top, lid, brat covering, protective cover, clъdach m cover, cuan haven, dнdean f shelter, dнonlach m roofing, forbhrat outer covering, scбth screen, protection, sciath f(scйithe; ~ a, ~) shield, sнleбil ceiling, teach m(; tithe) house. (see also: dнdean)

dнospуireacht f debate

achrann quarrelling, agall f(agaille; ~ a, ~) argument, agallamh argument, disputation, aighneas dispute, argument, argуint argument, caibidil discussion, caint talk, imreas quarrel, plй discussion, plйadбil pleading, poileimic polemic. (see also: argуint)



rъn motion, in aghaidh an rъin opposing the motion, ar son an rъin proposing the motion, cathaoirleach chairperson, A chathaoirligh, a mholtуirн, a chomhchainteoirн, agus a dhaoine uaisle, is mуr an phribhlйid dom bheith anseo inniu chun caint a dhйanamh ar son an rъin seo! Chairperson, Judges, fellow-speakers, ladies and gentlement, it a great privilege for me to be here to day to propose this motiong!, ar an gcйad dul sнos… in the first place…, sa dara hбit in the second place, ar an taobh amhбin… on the one hand…, ar and taobh eile… on the other hand…, mar fhocail scoir… to conclude…,

dнreach adj., adv. straight; exactly

barбntъil authentic, beacht exact, cinnte certain, cinnte dearfa (i.e. go cinnte dearfa) positively certain (absolutely certainly) comhlнneach aligned, comhthreomhar parallel, cothromaithe balanced, cruinn accurate, dнr- direct, fнor true, fнrйanta trustworthy, upright, gan aon chaimilйireacht absolutely honest, straight, gan chaolъ undiluted, gan cor gan casadh unswerving, undeviating, gan dul amъ undeviating, gan fiacail a chur ann blunt, gan mhaisiъ plain, glan pure, clean, gnбth- normal, heitrighnйasach heterosexual, ingearach perpendicular, iontaofa reliable, ionraic honest, macбnta decent, neamhbhalbh forthright, nйata neat, oscailte open, frank, simplн straightforward, urmhaiseach well-aimed; gan amhras undoubtedly, gan dabht without doubt, Cinnte Certainly, Cinnte dearfa! Absolutely!, Go deimhin! Indeed!, Leag tъ do mhйar air! You put your finger on it!

dнrigh v direct, focus, straighten

aimsigh aim, bainistigh manage, deachtaigh dictate, lйirigh indicate, maoirseoireacht a dhйanamh to superintend, maoirsigh supervise, ordaigh order, rialaigh rule, govern, rialбil regulate, rith run, seol send, slacht a chur ar to neaten. socraigh settle, arrange, stiъraigh conduct, teaspeбin show, traenбil train, treoraigh guide.

diъltach adj. negative

dнobhбlach harmful,pernicious, dochrach harmful, doirbh pessimistic, dubhach depressing, йagmaiseach non-reciprocated, unrequited, easnamhach deficient, wanting, easpach lacking, gruama gloomy, milleбnach fault-finding, blaming, neamhchъntach unhelpful, uireasach lacking, deficient.

diъltaigh v refuse, turn down, deny

aithisigh snub; defame, brйagnaigh contradict, refute, dнcheadaigh disallow, droim lбimhe a thabhairt do to turn one’s back on, to reject, gan aontъ le not to agree to, eitigh decline, refuse, seachain avoid, sйan deny, declare untrue, tabhair gonc do rebuff, trйig repudiate, abandon.

dleathach adj. lawful, legal

aitheanta go hoifigiъl ag officially recognized by, ceadaithe allowed, permitted, deimhnithe certified, dlisteanach legitimate, legal, dlisteanaithe legalized, de rйir an dlн according to the law, gach rud a dhйanamh gan dul ar chъl scйithe to do everything above-board, macбnta honest, oifigiъil official, taobh istigh den dlн within the law, ъdaraithe authorized.

dlн m law

acht m act, aithne f(~; - theanta) commandment, fodhlн by-law, fуgra edict, forуgra decree, proclamation, ordъ order, riail f(- alach; - alacha) rule, rialбil regulating, rialachбn regulation (cf. rialachбn tуgбla building regulation), rialъ ruling,

dуcha adv. probably, likely (as in phrase; Is dуcha..)

An dealramh atб air nб the way it looks, b’fhйidirperhaps, de rйir dealraimhapparently,de rйir gach cosъlachtain all probability,feictear domsa it seems to me,gach uile sheansmore than likely, gan aon amhrasundoubtedly, is amhlaidh


it appears, is cosъil it’s likely, is dуigh liom I suppose, is fйidir it is possible, Tб gach cosъlacht air. Everything points to it.


dochar m harm, damage, loss

anachain disaster, loss, anrу wretched condition, бr slaughter, bascadh severe injury, briseadh defeat, caill loss, failure, caillteanas loss, cneб wound, costas cost, creach spoil, creachadуireacht vandalism, crйacht f gash, wound, cruatan hardship, damбiste damage, dнobhбil harm, loss, injury, dнothъ annihilation, goin f(gona; gonta) wound, hurt, gortъ hurt, lйirscrios devastation, loitimйireacht destruction; vandalism, loitmhilleadh severe damage, lomadh fleecing, misfortune, longbhriseadh disaster; shipwreck, lot injury, damage, mн-бdh ill-luck, mн-fhortъn misfortune, millteanas destruction, havoc, millteoireacht spoiling; mischief-making; pernicious illness, olc evil, scrios destruction.

dуchas m hope

Бitiъsconviction, бrachas(insurance) assurance, ardaidhm (religious, etc.) aspiration, ardmhianf(-mhйine; ~ta) aspiration, barrmhian(education) aspiration, bonn tuisceana(business) assumption, expectancy, creideamhbelief, faith, cruthъ maithgood promise, dearbhъassurance, dъil expectation, desire fonn desire, inclination, fo-shuнomh(religious, computers) assumption, gealladhpromise, guнwish, ionchas(gairme, fostaнochta, etc.) (career, employment, etc.) prospect, ionchas(saoil) (life-) expectancy, mianaidhm(motivation) aspiration, paidirf(-dre; -dreacha) prayer, rйamhghabhбilanticipation, rйamh-mheas(business) anticipation,rйamhtheachtas(music) anticipation, soirbheasauspiciousness, soirbhнochasoptimism, tнr tairngirepromised land, toimhdef (~an; -dн) assumption, tuairim

dhaingean conviction, strong opinion, tnъth longing desire, tnъthбn longing, expectancy, uaillmhian f(- mhйine; ~ ta) ambition, ъdar misnigh reason for optimism, cause for reassurance, ugach m confidence, encouragement, urrъs (business) assurance.

dуchasach adj. hopeful

aigeantach buoyant, ag a bhfuil an saol ar rothaн flying ahead, sanguine, ar a bhfuil cuma na maitheasa that is looking good, rosy, atб ag cruthъ go maith promising, brнomhar buoyant, bullъil (business) bullish, cinnte certain, dearfa assured, dъilmhear expectant, desirous, fabhrach favourable, propitious, fonnmhar eager, wishful, geal bright, lбn de chroн agus d’aigne cheery, light-hearted, muinнneach confident, rathъil auspicious, soirbhнoch optimistic, suaimhnithe reassuring, tnъthбnach expectant.

dochrach adj. harmful, deleterious

aicнdeach diseased, aiciseach venomous, ain- evil, wicked, bбis deadly, lethal, binbeach virulent, damбisteach damaging, dнobhбlach detrimental, harmful, dona bad, droch- evil, galrach infected, morbid, loiteach pernicious, mailнseach malicious, marfach lethal, millte destructive, evil, millteach baneful, naimhdeach malevolent, hostile, nimhneach poisonous, oilc evil, plбъil pestilential, scriosach destructive, mнbhuntбisteach disadvantageous, urchуideach malignant. (see also: droch -)

dochreidte adj. unbelievable

Aisteachstrange, aitbizarre, amhrasach dubious,as an choitiantachtout of the ordinary, as an ghnбth ar fad extraordinary, coimhthнochweird, domhнnitheinexplicable, dothuigtheincomprehensible, iontach astonishing, mearaitheach perplexing, nбr chualathas/ nach bhfacthas a leithйid riamh unheard of/ unseen ever before, neamhghnбch


unusual, neamhchoitianta uncommon, neamhshaolta unworldly, eerie, Nн chredfeб (go deo) й! You wouldn’t (ever) believe it! saoithiъil peculiar, strainsйartha unfamiliar, suntasach remarkable.


docht adj. tight, firm; stiff

balctha compact, brъite le chйile crushed together, buan permanent, buanseasmhach enduring, calctha plugged, choked, ceanndбna stubborn, cinnte certain, craptha cramped, crua hard, cruachroнoch hard-hearted, cъng narrow, daingean secure, steadfast, firm, dearfa definite, dian severe, dlъth- compact, dlъthluiteach close-fitting, do-bhogtha immovable, do-lъbtha inflexible, druidte closed tight, clenched, dъnta closed, shut, feistithe fixed, fastened, fуdъil well-grounded, stable, fuaimintiъil sound, solid, substantial, gairid close, iata enclosed, secured; constipated, neadaithe embedded, obach tight (excluding air, water, etc.), righin rigid, seasmhach steadfast, firm, seasta steady, stoptha bunged-up, teann taut, tight, firm.


dochtъir m doctor

altra nurse, asarlaн witchdoctor, banaltra nurse, clбraitheoir registrar, cliniceach clinician, cneasaн healer, comhairleach consultant, fear leighis medicine-man, fiaclуir dentist, gnбthdhochtъir general practitioner, lia physician, lucht cleachta leighis medical practitioners, lucht leighis medical people, mбinlia surgeon, mбtrъn m matron, pйidiatrуir paediatrician, trйidlia veterinarian.

~ clбraitheach registrar, ~ cуnaithe intern, ~ croн heart specialist, ~ ginearбlta general practitioner, ~ oifigiъil ceannais chief medical officer, ~ seanliachta geriatrician, ~ sъl eye specialist, ~ teaghlaigh family doctor.

dodhйanta adj. unfeasable, impossible (to do)

бifйiseach absurd, craiceбilte crazy, dochurtha i gcrнch unachievable, domharthana not viable, do-oibrithe unworkable, doshroichte unattainable, mнrйasъnta unreasonable, nach fйidir a dhйanamh that cannot be done, neamhphraiticiъil impracticable, seafуideach silly.

doicheall m churlishness, inhospitality

ainnise misery, creagaireacht callousness, cruбlacht cruelty, cruas hardness, dйine severity, doilbhreas dark unpleasantness, doineantacht wintriness, cheerlessness, dolъbthacht inflexibility, doshбstacht implacability, dъire hardness, dourness, eascairdeas unfriendliness, easpa trua lack of pity, fuaire coldness, gairge harshness, geimhriъlacht wintriness, gйire austerity, sharpness, goimhiъlacht chilliness, naimhdeas hostility, neamhthrуcaire merciless-ness, neamhphбirteachas stand-offishness, aloofness, nimhe nastiness, severity, oighreatacht iciness, seachantacht stand-offishness, searbhas sarcasm, seirbhe bitterness, siocъla frostiness, suarachas miserableness, mean-spiritedness.

doicheallach m churlish, inhospitable

ainnis miserable, creagбnta callous, unfeeling, cruбlach cruel, crua hard, dian severe, doilbh dark, gloomy, unpleasant, doineanta wintry, cheerless, dolъbtha inflexibke, doshбsta implacable, dъr dour, eascairdiъil unfriendly, fuar cold, gairgeach harsh, gйar austere, severe, geimhriъil wintry, goimhiъil chilly, biting, naimhdeach hostile, neamhchairdiъil unfriendly, neamhphбirteach stand-offish, neamhthrуcaireach lacking in mercy,merciless, nimhneach nasty, venomous, oighreata icy, seachantach diffident, evasive, searbh bitter; embittered, seabhбnta bitter, acrid, searbhasach bitter. acrimonious, siocъil frosty, suarach miserable, mean-spirited.

dуigh f likelihood; manner

bail state, proper condition, bealach m way, caoi f(~; caнonna) manner, way, cosъlacht resemblance, cruth shape, form, cuma form, appearance dуchъlacht likelihood, dealramh look, appearance, dreach m expression, aspect, slн f way.


dуighiъil adj. handsome

бlainn beautiful, breб fine-looking, cуrach comely, cumtha shapely,well-proportioned, dathъil handsome, deas nice, galбnta distinguished, gallant, taitneamhach pleasing, tarraingteach attractive. (see also: dathъil)

f way.


doilйir adj. obscure, unclear

amhrasach doubtful, athbhrнoch ambiguous, ceoch misty, clouded, ceomhar misty, foggy, deacair le tuiscint difficult to understand, dorcha obscure, йideimhin uncertain, vague, faoi dhuifean clouded over, under a cloud, modartha murky, moirtiъlacht muddiness, turbidty, neamhchruinn unclear; inexact, imprecise, scamallach cloudy, clouded.


dуigh v burn

adhain kindle, ignite, athlas (med.) inflame, barrdhуigh singe, bladhm flame, flare up, cnбdaigh burn away slowly, smoulder, crбndуigh smoulder, las light, las suas ina chaor blaze up, loisc scorch, scall scald, sйid (med.) inflame, tйigh trн thine go on fire, catch fire.


doirt v pour

aistrigh transfer, cuir put, dбil dispense, folmhaigh empty, riar distribute, roinn amach share out, scaoil discharge,let out, scaoil amach let loose, release, scinceбil decant, tabhair amach give out.


dуiteбn m conflagration, fire

bladhmanna fpl flames, combustion; burning, ifreann inferno, hell, lasadh flaming, lasracha blazing flames, loscadh burning, scorching, tine fire (see also: tine)


doleigheasta adj. incurable

ainsealach chronic, buan permanent, dochуireбilte untreatable, foirceanta terminal, gan dуchas without hope, gan leigheas without a cure, marfach fatal.


domhain adj. deep, profound

aibhйiseach abyssal, beacht observant, bunaidh innermost, caillte preoccupied, diamhair mysterious, abstruse, doilйir obscure, dorcha dark, dord- bass, dothuigthe unfathomable, dъ- profound, duibheagбnta bottomless, abyssal, dothomhaiste enigmatic, fadcheannach shrewd, gan tуin bottomless, gaoiseach sagacious, wise, gйarchъiseach discerning, shrewd, grinnslнtheach penetrating, нseal low, нsealchlaonta low-pitched, lйannta learned, mуr great, rъnda secret, rъnmhar secretive, saibhir rich, toll deep-hollow, trom heavy, tumtha immersed.

dona adj. bad, unfortunate, poorly

1. bad [only when used predicatively, e.g. Tб sin go dona. That’s bad. ] (as in behaviour)

бbhailleach mischievous, achrannach troubled, aibйiseach exasperating, uncouth, бibhirseach perverse, aifйalach regretful, aimhleasach misguided, aimlйiseach wretched, ain- bad, unnatural, (see below), ainnis miserable, amhrasach ropy, dubious, anfhollбin unwholesome, noxious, anrуiteach distressing, ansmachtъil oppressive, bocht poor, cealgach treacherous, guileful, clamprach noisy-troublesome, coiriъil criminal, contъirteach dangerous, perilous, contrбilte perverse, crua hard, tough, cruбlach cruel, dainsйarach dangerous, dalba naughty, damбisteach damaging, diabhalta devilish, dнobhбlach harmful, injurious, dochrach detrimental,

dochraideach oppressive, distressing, dуlбsach rueful, droch- bad (see below), gortach mean, нseal low, ignoble, mн- bad, ill, mis-, un- (see below), neamh- un- -less, non- (see below), peacъil sinful, suarach mean, tбir vile, uafбsach horrible, atrocious, urchуideach baneful.

2. bad [only when used predicatively, e.g. Tб sin go dona. That’s bad. ] (as in condition)

Achrannachtroubled, adhfhuafarterrible, aibйiseachexasperating, бibhirseach adverse, aicнdeachdiseased, aifйalachregretful, aimlйiseachwretched, aimseachunfortunate, ain-bad, (see below), ainnismiserable, amhrasachropy, dubious, anacrachcalamitous, anfhollбinunwholesome, angarachdistressful,anrуiteachdistressing, ansmachtъiloppressive, beagmhaitheasachshoddy, bochtpoor, brйanrancid, brуnachsad, sorry, cearrwrong, coiriъilcriminal, contъirteachdangerous, perilous, cruahard, tough, dainsйarachdangerous, damбisteachdamaging, diabhaltadevilish, dianintense, rigorous, dнobhбlach deleterious, dochrachdetrimental, dochraideachoppressive, distressing, doilнosachsorrowful,dуlбsachrueful, dreoitewithered, decayed, droch-bad (see below), dubhachsombre, йagуrachunjust, easnamhachdefective, deficient, fabhtachflawed, faulty, faoi chaonach liathmouldy, feoitewithered, fuafarhateful, gan a bheith ar fуnamhunwell, gйarsevere; stale, gortachscanty, guaiseachhazardous, grбnnaugly, gruamagloomy, grim, нseallow, ignoble, lagmheasarthainferior, leamhoff, putrid, lofarotten, lochtachfaulty, mбchaileachblemished, meathlaithedecayed, mн-bad, ill, mis-, un- (see below), milltespoilt, millteachpernicious, millteanachterrible, naimhdeach hostile, adverse, neamh-un- -less, non- (see below) nimhneachpoisonous, venomous, oil-evil, mischievous, oilcevil, wicked, olcachcausing evil,pernicious,priaclachrisky, scбfarfrightful, scanrъilterrifying, searbhsour, bitter, suaiteachupsetting, suarachbase, mean, tбirvile, shabby, trйigthefaded, decayed,trom

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Ascalaighoscillate,bheith ar aon bharr amhбin creathato be all of a tremble, to be trembling, bogmove,creathnaightremble, crith uafбis a dhйanamhto shudder, longadбnacht 6 страница| Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 2 страница

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