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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 2 страница

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  5. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 5 страница
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serious, tromchъiseach grave, with serious consequences, truaillithe corrupt, tubaisteach disastrous, uafбsach horrible, atrocious, urchуideach malignant.

3. [expressed by the prefix: ain- ] bad, unnatural

ainbhйasach vicious, ainbhreitheach perverse, ainciseach malignant, peevish, aindiaga impious, ainiarmhartach having evil consequences, ainiochtach cruel, ainmhianach lustful, ainrialta undisciplined, unruly, ainrianta licentious, ainriochtach in a sorry plight, in bad shape, ainsealach chronic, ainspianta grotesque, aintiarnъil tyrannical, aintrйan oppressive.

4. [expressed by the prefix: droch- ] bad, evil

droch-araнonach ill-favoured, droch-bheartach evildoing, drochbheathach loose-living, evil-living, droch-chroнoch evil-hearted, drochdhathach of a bad colour, sickly-looking, drochghnуthach up-to-no-good, evil-doing, ill-employed, drochghnъiseach sinister-looking, drochintinneach ill-intentioned, drochlabhartha evil-tongued, drochmhianaigh base, vicious, drochmhъinte rude.

5. [expressed by the prefix: mн- ] bad, ill, mis- un-

mн-бisiъil inconvenient, mн-amhantrach unfortunate, mн-бmharach unlucky, mн-бsach mischievous, mн-bhйasach ill-behaved, mнbhinn cacophonous, mн-chбiliъil infamous, mнchaoithiъil inopportune, mнcheart incorrect, wrong, mнchineбlta unkind, mнchreatъil miserable-looking, mнchrнostъil unchristian, mнchuн improper, undue, mнchuibhiъil unseemly, mнchumtha deformed, mнdhaonna inhuman, mнdheas unlovely, mнdhнlis unfaithful, disloyal, mнfhabhrach unfavourable, mнfheiliъnach unsuitable, mнfhoighneach impatient, mнfhуinteach useless, mнfhollбin unwell, unhealthy, mнfhortъnach unfortunate, mнgheanasach immodest, mнgheanъil unloving, mнghnaнъil disaffected, ungenerous, mнghreannach mischief-making, mн-iomprach misbehaving, mн-ionъch inopportune, mнmheabhrach unmindful, mнmhйiniъil unmindful, mнmhorбlta immoral,

mнmhъinte rude, mнnбireach shameless, brash, mнnуsach off-hand, insolent; mischievous, mнrathъil unsuccessful, mнrialta disorderly, mнshбsъil unsatisfactory, mнshйanmhar inauspicious, mнshocair uneasy, restless, mнshlбintiъil unhealthy, unwholesome, mнshona unhappy, joyless, mнshuaimhneach restless, perturbed, mнshuairc morose, mнstaidйarach unthinking, thoughtless, mнstuama imprudent, mнthairbheach profitless, mнthaitneamhach unpleasant, mнthrбthъil untimely, mнthreorach confused, mнthuarъil unpropitious, mнthuisceanach inconsiderate, mн-urramach disrespectful.

6. [expressed by prefix: neamh- ] in-, un-, -less, non,

neamh-бiseach unhandy, inconvenient, neamh-aistearach mischievous, neamhbhailн invalid, non-valid, neamhbhбъil unsympathetic, neamhbhlasta insipid, bland, tasteless, neamhbhrнoch ineffectual, neamhbhuнoch ungrateful, neamhcharthanach uncharitable, uncaring, neamhchйadfach insensible, numb; non-sensory, neamhcheart incorrect, neamhchothrom unfair, neamhfhabhrach unfavourable, neamhfhuaimintiъil unsound, unsubstantial, neamhleor inadequate, neamh-mhothбlach insensitive, neamh-mhuinteartha unfriendly, neamhnбireach shameless, neamhshuairc joyless, neamhthorthъil fruitless, neamh-thrйscaoilteach impervious, neamhthrуcaireach merciless, neamhthuisceanach inconsiderate.


donas m misery; affliction

Achranntrouble, aicнddisease, aifйalaregret, aimhleasdetriment, aimlйiswretchedness, aincismalignancy, ainiarmhairtevil consequence, ainioctcruelty, ainnisemisery, ainriailanarchy, ainriochtsorry plight, ainsealchronic state, aintiarnastyranny, aintreiseviolent oppression, anachainf(-chana) calmity, anfhorlannviolence, oppression, anfhollбineunwholesomeness, angardire need, want, anacairanguish, anуmisery, anrуdistress, ansmachtoppression, bбs beoliving death, bochtaineacht

poverty, bochtanas poverty, briseadh croн heartbreak, brуn sadness, buaireamh agus lйan an tsaoil the trials and tribulations of life, ciapadh torture, cora crua an tsaoil the vicissitudes of life, cos ar bolg oppression, crб torment, crб croн heartache, creach ruin, plunder, devastation, cros le hiompar cross to carry, cruбlacht cruelty, cruatan hardship, dealъs destitution, dearуile wretchedness, dйine severity, diabhaltacht devilry, dнobhбil harm, injury, dochar harm, damage, doilнos sorrow, melancholia, dуlбs ruefulness, dreo withering, decay, drochнde abuse, dubhachas gloom, dъlagar depression, йadуchas despair, йagуir injustice, easnamh defect, deficiency, йigniъ rape, eirleach m(- ligh) catastrophe, feo withering, decay, fуrйigean violence, fulaingt suffering, galar disease, gбtar want, gйire severity, gorta famine, meanness, gruamacht despondency, isle brн low spirits, lagar spride low spirits, leimhe apathy, lйirscrios desolation, lionn dubh ‘the black dog’, depression, lofacht rottenness, mairg woe, mallacht curse, meathlъ decay, mн-бdh ill-luck, mнcheart wrongness, injustice, mнchompord discomfort, mнfhollбine unhealthiness, mнfhortъn misfortune, milleadh ruination, millteachas perniciousness, millteanas havoc, mнshlбinte ill-health, unwholesomeness, plб pestilence, plague, suaiteacht upset, unease, suaitheadh agitation, suarachas baseness,meanness, trioblуid trouble, tubaiste disaster, uafбs horror, umar na haimlйise trough of despondency, urchуid malignancy, bane.


doras m door, doorway

бit place, bealach m(- laigh; - laн) amach exit, bealach m йalaithe escape-way, bealach m isteach entrance, bearna f gap, crу aperture, dul isteach/ amach access/ egress, йalъ escape, fбil isteach getting in, folъntas vacancy, geata gate, iontrбil entrance, oirifнs orifice, oscailt opening; aperture, slн f(~; slite) isteach entrance, slн f(~; slite) amach exit, tairseach f(- ; ~ a, ~) threshold; portal, teacht isteach (drama) entrance; access.


~ amach exit, ~ bйil front door, ~ cъil back door, ~ gaoithe draughty door, ~ isteach entrance, ~ mуr main door, ~ srбide door to the street, ~ thiar rear door, ~ tн house door, ~ tosaigh front door, cos sa ~ foot in the door.


dorcha adj. dark

ainbhiosach ignorant, anaithnid unknown, asarlaнochta pertaining to sorcery, ceilteach secretive, withholding, ceobhrбnach misty, ceoch hazy, foggy, ceomhar foggy, ciar (cйir, cйire; ~ a, ~) dark, ciar- dark, ciardhubh jet-black, sable, collaн carnal, dall blind, diamhair (~, ~ e; diamhra, ~) mysterious, dark, dofheicthe invisible, unseen, doicheallach forbidding, doilйir dim, obscure, dothuigthe enigmatic, draнochta magical, dъ- black, dark, unknown, duairc morose, gloomy, dubh black, dubh le pic pitch-black, dubhach dismal, black dark, dъchneasach dark-skinned, dubhfhoclach enigmatical, duibheagбnach profound, hard to fathom, dъshъileach dark-eyed, fann bleak, feeble, folaithe hidden, gan solas lightless, unilluminated, gan tuiscint lacking in understanding, geamh- dim, gnйasach sexual, gorm negro, gruama gloomy, lag dim, neamheolach unenlightened, uniformed, marbh- dim, deathly, modartha dark, murky, riabhach dull gloomy, rъnda secretive, scamallach cloudy, sceirdiъil bleak.

dorchacht adj. darkness

Ainbhiosm(-bheasa)ignorance, anaithnelack of recognition, asarlaнochtsorcery, ceobhrбnmist, ceohaze, fog, ceomhaireacht fogginess, ceilteanasconcealment, hugger-mugger, cйiredarkness, ciardhuibhejet-blackness, sable, cogar mogarhugger-mugger, clandestine chatter, collaнochtcarnality,daille blindness, ignornance, diamhrachtmysteriousness, darkness, dofheictheacht invisibility, (the) unseen universe, doicheallforbiddingness, doilйiredimness, obscurity, dothuigtheachtincomprehensibility, draнocht druidic art, draнodуireachthocus-pocus, trickery, duairceas



moroseness, gloominess, duibhe blackness, duibheagбn profundity, abstruseness, dubhachas gloom, back sorrow, dubh-ainbhios deep ignorance, dubhaois dark age (sna dubhaoiseanna in the dark ages), dubhfhocal ridde, enigma, dъcheist enigma, dъchrнoch f(- chrнche; ~ a, ~) unexploredmysterious land, fainne bleakness, faintness, easpa solais lack of light, lack of illumination, easpa tuisceana lack of understanding, gnйas sex, gruamacht gloominess, laige dimness, neamheolas un-enlightenment, mairbhe dullness, mairbhitн languor, torpor, modarthacht murkiness, gloominess, poll duibheagбin deep chasm, riabhaiche dullness, greyness rъndacht secrecy, scamallacht cloudiness, sceirdiъlacht bleakness.


dуthain f enough

leor enough (cf. Tб go leor airgid agam. I have enough money.), riar m adequate provision (cf, Tб riar бr gcбs againn. We have enough o meet our needs), sufficiency (cf. An bhfuil do shб den bhainne agat? Have you enough milk?), sбstacht satisfaction.


dуthanach adj satiated, full-up; ~ de fed-up with

go leor enough, lбn full, lбn go bйal full to the brim, sбch sufficient, sбsta satisfied, sбsъil satisfactory; brйan (de) sick (of), ciaptha (ag) tormented (by), tuirseach (de) tired (of).

drabhlбs m profligacy, debauchery, dissipation

ainriantacht debauchery, licentiousness, baothchaitheamh profligacy, carbhas carousal, craos indulgence, greed, drъisiъlacht lasciviousness, lust, macnas wantonness, rabairne prodigality, ragairne revelling, roistering, rйicнocht rakishness, truaillнocht depravity.



drabhlбsach adj. debaucherous, dissipated

ainrianta debaucherous, licentious, carbhasach carousing, craosach over-indulgent, gluttonous, drъisiъil lascivious, lustful, macnasach wanton, meathlaithe degenerate (cf. meon / iompar meathlaithe degenerate attitude/ behaviour), ragairneach revelling, roistering, rйiciъil rakish, truaillithe depraved.

draнocht f magic; Druidic art

asarlaнocht sorcery, ceo (draнochta)(magical) fog, haze, ceomhaireacht fogginess, ceilteanas concealment, cleas m(clis; ~ a, ~) trick, cleasaнocht juggling; playing tricks, cumais pharanormбlta paranormal capabilities, diamhracht mystery, deaslбmhaн sleight-of-hand, doilйire obscurity, draнodуireacht hocus-pocus, trickery; conjuring, geis f(~ e; geasa, geas) taboo; spell, meabhalscбil mirage, mealladh allurement, mearъ sъl hallucination, mъscailt na marbh waking the dead, ortha f charm, spell, spioradachas spiritualism, toghairm f(~ e; - eacha) conjuring-up spirits.

drбma f play; drama

aisteoireacht acting, amharc spectacle, amharclann theatre, ceoldrбma opera, ceoldrбma grinn comic opera, ceoldrбmaнocht operatic art, coimйide comedy, cur i lбthair presentation, drбmataнocht dramatics, dramatic art, drбmъ dramatization, geamaireacht pantomine, gluaiseacht act, lйiriъ production, mйaldrбma melodrama, radharc scene, sceitse sketch, seу show, taispeбntas display, show, tragуid (general) tragedy traigйide f(~; - ) (theatre) tragedy. (see also: taispeбntas)

drбmata adj. dramatic

A bhainfeadh an anбil dнotbreathtaking, amharclannachtheatrical, aoibheallachthrilling, beogaalive, bнogachstartling, bнogъilbursting with life, bladhmannachglitzy, flashy, brнochmeaningful, brнomharvigorous, corraitheach

moving, cumasach capable, powerful, cumhachtach powerful, dнlis don saol mar atб true-to-life, йachtach sensational, йifeachtach effective, glйineach vivid, feiceбlach conspicuous, gбifeach gaudy, brash, loud, grafach grafic, mйaldrбmata melodramatic, millteanach wicked, deadly, mуrthaibhseach impressive, pйacach showy, seoigh wonderful, snasta cool, sonnta forceful, sonrach striking, sonraнoch extraordinary, spiagaн spectacular, brassy, suaitheanta noteable, suaithinseach remarkable, outstanding, suntasach remarkable, taibhseach flamboyant, teann tense.

draoi m druid; magician

asarlaн m sorcerer, bean feasa fortune-teller, cailleach witch, cleasaн trickster, draнodуir magician, conjuror; wizard, fear feasa witch-doctor, lбma lama, lucht feasa soothsayers, sagart priest, spioradaн spiritualist.

dreach m facial look, expression

aghaidh face, dealramh appearance, cuma f shape, look, cruth shape, form, gnъis countenance, mien, (see also: dealramh)

drйacht m draft

cуip copy, cnбmha an scйil the bones of the story, creatlach m outline, framework, dearadh design, garbhchуip rough copy, gormchlу blueprint, leagan version, leagan amach lay-out, plean plan, sceitse sketch, tairiscint proposition, tionscnamh project, treoirphlean blueprint.

dream m group of people

aicme class, grouping, бl brood, clutch, baicle clique, gang, cohуrt cohort, comhar partnership, comhluadar (people) company, cuideachta (people) company, drong multitude, faicsean faction, foireann f(foirne; foirne) team, crew, gramaisc mob, grбscar rabble, affray, grъpa copy, grъpбil grouping, scuad squad, slua crowd, host, tionуl assembly, treibh tribe. (see also: grъpa)

dreancaid f flea

corrmhнol m mosquito, corrmhнoltуg midge, cuil fly, cuileog fly, feithid insect, fнneog mite, frнd mite, sceartбn tick, sniodh f(sneб; sneб) nit, sor louse.

dreap v climb, clamber

ardaigh ascend, rise, ardaigh tъ fйin lift yourself up, bog suas move up, dul ag dreapadуireacht to go climbing, dul ar eite to take flight/ wing, dul go barr balla to scale a wall, dul in airde to go up, йirigh suas rise up, gabh suas go up, mйadaigh increase, siъil suas walk up, tiomбin suas drive up.

drйimire m ladder

cйimeanna fpl steps, drйimire taca stepladder, rangъ ranking, staighre stairs.

dreo m withering, decay

crнonadh decaying, feo withering, lobhadh decomposing, meathlъ decaying, degeneration, morgadh putrefaction, seargadh wasting away, withering.

droch- adj. bad; evil

Achrannachtroubled, adhfhuafarterrible, aibйiseachexasperating, бibhirseach perverse, aicнdeachdiseased, aimlйiseachwretched, ain-bad, unnatural, ainnismiserable, anacrachcalamitous, anfhollбinunwholesome, angarachdistressful,anrуiteachdistressing, athъltarude, bochtpoor, brйanrancid, brуnachsad, sorry, cearrwrong, coiriъilcriminal, contrбilteperverse, cruahard, tough, cruбlachcruel, dalbanaughty, damбisteachdamaging, dйistineachdisgusting, diabhaltadevilish, dнobhбlach deleterious, dochrachdetrimental, dochraideachoppressive, distressing, dreoitewithered, decayed, йagуrachunjust, easnamhachdefective, deficient, fabhtachflawed, faulty, feoitewithered, fuafarhateful, grбnnaugly, leamhoff, putrid, lofarotten, lochtachfaulty, mбchaileachblemished, meathlaithedecayed, milltespoilt, millteachpernicious, millteanach

terrible, naimhdeach hostile, adverse, nimhneach poisonous, venomous, oil- evil, mischievous, oilc evil, wicked, olcach causing evil, pernicious, plapach foul, despicable, scбfar frightful, scanrъil terrifying, searbh sour, bitter, suaiteach upsetting, suarach base, mean, tбir vile, shabby, truaillithe corrupt, tubaisteach disastrous, uafбsach horrible, atrocious, urchуideach malignant. (see also: dona)

drochbhйasach adj. rude, ill-mannered

aineolach ignorant, amhlбnta uncouth, barbartha vulgar, barbarous, bodachъil loutish, bromбnta crude, boorish, cбbуgach graceless. unrefined, dйistineach foul, offensive, gan mъineadh ar bith devoid of manners, mнmhъinte impolite, mнchъirtйiseach discourteous, tъtach boorish, uncouth, urghrбnna offensive (cf. radharc urghrбnna offensive sight).

drogall m reluctance

col aversion, doicheall indisposition, reluctance, leisce hesitancy, reluctance, mнfhonn disinclination, mнshбstacht dissatisfaction, unwillingness, neamhthoil unwillingness, involuntariness.

droichead m bridge

ceangal connection, nasc bond, link, tarbhealach viaduct, uasbhealach flyover, overpass.

droim m back, ridge

ard height, high part, ardбn raised area, platform, barr top, cнor f crest, cнrнn crest (cf. cнrнn toinne crest of a wave), cnoc hill, cъl back, dromchla surface, dromlach spine, mullach top, crest, taobh thiar riar side, behind.

drugaн mpl drugs

leigheas medicine, piollairн pills, tбibhlйid tablets, substaintн neamhdhleathacha illegal substances, substaintн rialaithe controlled substances.

cnagchocбon crackcocaine, cnбib marijuana, cуcaon cocaine, dй-eiteolaimнd aigйid lнseirgigh LSD, eacstais ecstasy, hearуin heroin.


druid v close; close in, approach

bailigh gather, dъn close, shut iaigh close, stop stop, (see also: dъn); bog move, gabh i leith go towards, gabh suas chuig go up towards, tar come, tar i leith approach, tarraing ar to draw towards, teann press towards, close upon, tйigh i leith approach.

dua m toil, trouble, difficulty

brбca hassle, distress, callуid drudgery, disquiet, doilнos difficulty, dуlбs tribulation, fadhb problem, saothar labour, scrupall scruple, snag hiccup, snaidhm knot, spota spot, strу exertion, stress, trioblуid trouble. (see also: deacracht)

duбilce f vice

corbadh corruption, depravity, baothchaitheamh profligacy, drabhlбs debauchery, dissipation droch-chleachtadh bad habit, drochghnнomhartha mpl evil deeds, йalang m(- lainge; ~ a, ~) flaw, fabht hidden defect, flaw, laige weakness, failing, locht fault, mбchail defect, mнghnнomh misdeed, olc evil, peaca sin, peaca marfach mortal sin, smбl stain, blemish, teimheal tarnish, stain, truailliъ defilement, corruption, urchуid iniquity. (see also: drabhlбs)

duairceas m moroseness, gloom

Anуmdistress, atuirseweariness, dejection, brуnsorrow, buairtsorrow, grief, ciachm(ciaigh)sorrow, woe, cianlonging, wistfulness, crбdistress, cumha nostalgia, dearуilewretchedness, dobrуndeep sorrow, grief, dochraidedistress, doilнossorrow, affliction, dуilsedolfulness, duaisgloom, dejection, dubhachasblack despair, dъlagar(medical) depression, gruaimgloom, despondency, lйananguish, sorrow, нsle brнdispirited, lagar spridelow spirits,mйala

grief, sorrow, mъisiam upset, irritation pъic glumness, moroseness, smъit gloominess. (see also: brуn & cumha)

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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 1 страница| Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 3 страница

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