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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 3 страница

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duais f prize

aidhm aim, airgead buaite winnings, amhantar windfall; find, an chraobh the laurel of victory, an lб the day, bбire goal, bua victory, concas conquest, corn (sport) cup, corn na bhfuнoll horn of plenty, crannchur lottery, sweepstake, cuspуir objective, flaitheas Dй the Kingdom of God, gradam award, luach saothair reward, na flaithis paradise, neamh f(neimhe) heaven, onуir honour, prйimh premium, prнomhdhuais jackpot, main prize, sнochбin shнoraн eternal peace, trуfaн trophy, uaillmhian f(- mhйine; ~ ta) ambition.

dualgas m duty

comaoin obligation, conradh contract, cъram care; family obligations, children, dнlse(acht) loyalty, diъitй duty, dleacht due; duty, royalty, dliteanas due, liability, feidhm function, feidhmeannas office, capacity, fiacha mpl debt, freagracht responsibility, gnу business, job, jab job, obair f(oibre; oibreacha) work, oibleagбid obligation, уmуs respect(s), pбirt part, role, post position, post rud le dйanamh a thing to be done, seirbhнs service, tasc task, assignment.

dъbailte adj. double

an dб oiread twice as much, an oiread cйanna arнs the same amount again, ath- re-, second, athuair second time, dй- dual, dйach dual, dйnбrtha binary, dhб uair two times, faoi dhу twice.

dubh adj. black, evil, dark

An oilcevil (< an t-olc), ar dhath an fhйichraven-coloured, cailemhineogachdingy, cianъilmelancholic, ciar-dark,ciardhubhjet-black, daoldubhpitch-black, jet-black,domheanmnachdepressing, dorcha dark, dъ-black, duaircmorose, cheerless, dubh le picpitch-black, dubhachdismal, dъchanblackening, darkening, dъighinky-black (<dъch), duibheacъilovercast, dark, duibheagбnachgloomy, duibhrй

moonless, duirc morose, (< duirc), dъr dour, dъranta grim, sullen, йabainn ebony (< йabann), gan ghealach moonless, gan rйalta starless, gan solas without light, unlit, gruama gloomy, modartha dark, murky, plуdaithe crowded, riabhach dull gloomy, smъitiъil overcast, sъicheach sooty. (see also: dorcha)

▲ cailleach dhubh cormorant, caipнn ~ blackcap, fear ~ devil, fiabhras ~ typhus, an Galar ~ the Black Death, an Mhuir Dhubh the Black Sea, margadh ~ black market, smйara dubha black berries, sъil dhubh black eye.


dъchasach adj. native, indigenous

бitiъil local, baile domestic, bundъchasach aboriginal, dъchais of one’s birthright (< dъchas), inmheбnach internal, intнre domestic, lonnaithe resident, nбisiъnta national, saorбnaigh citizen (< saorбnach), teaghlaigh (< teaghlach) home.

dufair f jungle

domhan cruбlach cruel world, fбsach m wilderness, foraois thrуpaiceach bбisн tropical rain forest, gaineamhlach m desert, saol crua harsh life, saol na madraн allta the rat race (cf. Saol na madraн allta a bhнonn i gcъrsaн gnу inniu! It’s dog-eat-dog in business today.)

dъil f desire

achainн f(~;~ ocha) petition, entreaty, ampla m cupidity, anrachбn craving, andъil addiction, cнocras craving, easnamh deficit, easpa lack, need, fonn desire, want, need, ganntanas want, ganntar need, goile appetite, guн wish, mian f(mйine; ~ ta) desire, longing, ocras hunger, paidir f(- dre; - dreacha) prayer, ragъs urge, sensual desire, riachtanas requirement, saint greed, sine qua non a must-have, spйis interest, suim interest, taitneamh liking, appeal, toil f(tola) will; inclination, desire, tnъth longing expectantly, tnъthбn yearning, toighis f(- ghse) taste, fancy.

duilleog f leaf

bileog sheet, leaf, duille leaf, duilleachбn leaflet, duilleoigнn a small leaf, duillнn docket, duilliъ foliation, duilliъr foliage, leaves, leathanach m page, paimflйad pamphlet.

dъiseacht f awakening

adhaint ignition, kindling, allabhair f(-bhrach) evocation, beochan f(~a) animating, vivification, breith birth, fuascailt release, deliverance, gnнomhachtъ activation, mъscailt arousal, awakening, spreagadh stimulation, tabhairt chun beatha bringing to life, tionscnamh initiation, tosach m beginning, tъs start.

dъisigh v awake, wake, evoke

adhain ignite, kinde, beoigh animate, vivify, beir give birth, fuascail release, deliver, gair invoke, summon up, gnнomhachtaigh activate mъscailt arouse, awaken, spreag stimulate, tabhair chun beatha bring to life, tionscnamh initiation, tosach m beginning, tъs start.

dul m going

bailiъ getting (it) together (to do something), bogadh shifting, moving, brostъ hurrying, brъ chun cinn pressing on, corraн stirring, moving, cur chun bуthair setting off, dйanamh ar making towards, dнriъ ar heading towards, dreapadh climbing, druidim approaching, йalъ escaping; eloping, fбlrуid strolling, gabhбil going, gluaiseacht moving, imeacht leaving, departing, lбmhacбn crawling, lйim jumping, meallacadh sauntering, strolling, rith running, siъl walking, snбmh swimming, snбmhaнl creeping, crawling, teitheadh fleeing, tiomбint driving, tionlacan accompanying, treabhadh ar aghaidh ploughing ahead, tumadh diving.

dъn 1 v close, shut

calc plug, ceangail fasten, tie, ceil conceal, clъdaigh cover, conclъidigh conclude, corcбil cork, crнochnaigh finish, end, cuibhrigh confine, cuir ar fionraн suspend, cuir ar laiste latch, cuir deireadh le terminate, cuir faoi glas lock, cuir i bprнosъn imprison, cuir i ngйibheann incarcerate, cuir le chйile put together, cuir plocуid/ stopallбn i plug, daingnigh secure, dнghnнomhaigh deactivate, inactivate, druid close, shut, fionraigh suspend, folaigh hide, gliъбil glue, greamaigh le chйile stick together, iaigh close, shut, mъch extinguish, put out, nasc bind, connect, plъch muffle; choke, plugбil plug, scaoil dissolve, terminate, scoir (de) desist, cease, sйalaigh seal, stad stop, halt, stop stop, tabhair chun crнche terminate, bring to an end, tabhair chun deiridh to bring to a close, tarraing le chйile pull together.

dъn 2 m fort

acrapail acropolis, barda garrison, caiseal ancient stone fort, caisleбn castle, campa camp, cloigtheach round-tower, daingean fortress, stronghold, daingniъ fortification, dъnбn blockhouse, dъnfort citadel, garastъn garrison, lios ring-fort; fairy fort, lisнn little fort, rбth m(~ a; ~ anna) ring-fort; earthen rampart, tъr tower.

dъnmharъ m murder

бr slaughter, bбsъ slaying, killing, doirteadh fola bloodshed, dъnorgain manslaughter, feallmharъ assassination, marъ killing, нdiъ slaying, slйacht massacre. (see also: бr)

dъshlбn m challenge

achrann confrontation, ceist question, cruatan hardship, deacracht difficulty, folбireamh deiridh ultimatum, geall bet, iomarbhб f confrontation, neamhchead m defiance, tairiscint comhraic gauntlet (cf. tairiscint comhraic a fhуgairt to throw down the gauntlet), tбstбil test, saighdeadh provocation.

dъshlбnach adj. challenging

achrannach confrontational, ceisteach questioning, ciapach torturous, comhraiceach confrontational, crua hard, deacair difficult, йilitheach demanding, fadhbach problematical, forrбnach formidable, gйar steep,precipitous, iomarbhбch contentious, maslach gruelling, taxing.

dъthracht f earnestness

daigne steadfastness, firmness of purpose, dбirнre sincerity, deabhуid devotion, dйine intentness, dнocas fervour, dнograis enthusiasm, dianas intensity, vehemence, diongbhбilteacht determination, resolve, fadcheannaн purposefulness, faobhar keenness, fiuchadh passion, fervency, rъndaingne firm resolution, sollъntacht solemnity, stuamacht gravity, serious & wise attitude.

dъthrachtach adj. earnest

daingean steadfastn, firm of purpose, dбirнre sincere, deabhуideach devout, dian intense; intensive, dнocasach fervent, dнograiseach enthusiastic, diongbhбil determined, resolved, fadcheannach purposeful, faobhrach keen, ar fiuchadh boiling over with passion, rъndaingean withfirm resolution, sollъnta solemn, stuama prudent, serious-minded & wise.


йacht m exploit, feat

baint amach attainment, beart crуga brave action, cur i gcrнch accomplishment, cur i ngnнomh achievement, eachtra f adventure, gaisce feat, act of heroism, gnнomh action, gnнomhartha gaile is gaisce great deeds of heroism and valour, mнorъilt miracle, wonder, niamhracht brightness, resplendence, ollбs magnificence, sonraнocht extraordinary thing, remarkableness, suaithinseacht something that stands out, remarkable aspect, suntas prominent thing, wonder.

йachtach adj. full of prowess, extraordinary, wonderful,

ar fheabhas excellent, as an ghnбth ar fad extraordinary, dearscnaitheach brilliant, excellent, dochreidte unbelievable, fantaiseach fantastic, unreal, feinimйanach phenomenal, finscйalach fabulous, gбifeach sensational, gaisciъil valiant, inmholta admirable, iontach wonderful, amazing, maisiъil smashing, millteanach astounding, tremendous, mнorъilteach miraculous, niamhrach resplendent, ollбsach magnificent, sбr- super, excellent. sбrchйimeach superlative, sбrmhaith excellent, sonraнoch extraordinary, notable, suaithinseach remarkable, distinctive, suntasach outstanding, remarkable, taibhseach flamboyant, thar barr tip-top, super, thar cionn terrific.

eachtra f adventure

йacht m exploit, feat, eipeasуd episode, beart m(birt; ~ a, ~) undertaking, action, gnнomh action, imeacht m happening, mioneachtra f minor incident, rбig escapade, slуgadh expedition, mobilization, sluaнocht expedition, taiscйaladh exploring, taiscйalaнocht exploration, teagmhas occurance, incident, tуir f(tуra; ~eacha) quest, pursuit, turas journey.

eachtrach adj. external

amuigh outside, amuigh faoin aer out in the open air, amuigh faoin spйir out under open sky, imeallach peripheral, lasmuigh on the outside, уn taobh amuigh from the outside, seachtrach exterior, outer.

eachtraнocht f adventuring

craic fun, crack, ragairne (ach) act of rambling and revelling at night, siamsa entertainment, slуgadh going on a hosting, a military expedition, spуrt fun, spraoi enjoyment, taiscйaladh exploring, taiscйalaнocht exploration, incident, tуraнocht questing, pursuing.

eachtrannach adj. foreign, alien

aduain bizarre, unfamiliar, aisteach strange, ait peculiar, amuigh outside, beyond our neighbourhood, anaithnid unknown, as tнortha thar lear from countries abroad, coimhthнoch weird; foreign, eachtrбin alien (extraterrestrial < eachtrбn), gan aithne unrecognized, un known, imigйiniъil far-off, distant, nach bhfuil den saol seo not of this world, уn gcoigrнch from foreign parts, from abroad, thar tнr isteach from overseas.

eacnamaнocht f economics, economy

acmhainn wealth, acmhainnн fpl resoursces, barainn thrift, cъrsaн airgeadais finances, cъrsaн airgid money matters, geilleagar (na tнre) economy (of the country), Olltбirgeacht Nбisiъnta Gross National Product, tнos economy, thrift.

йad m jealousy

amhras suspicion, ampla m greed, antlбs covetousness, ceбrtas emulation, cloch sa mhuinchille grudge; ill-will, doicheall begrudgery, drochiontaoibh mistrust, fala f(~; - lta) spite; feud, faltanas spitefulness, formad envy, gangaid spite, virulence, iomaнocht vying, mнmhuinнn distrust, mioscais malice, active ill will, nimh san fheoil resentment, olc grudge,


bad feeling, ollphйist na sъl glas the green-eyed monster, saint avarice, covetousness.

йadach m cloth

blaincйad blanket, braillнn f(~; ~ н) sheet, brat mantle, covering, bratach f(- taн; ~ a, ~) flag, ceirt rag, cloth, ciasъr handkerchief, clуca cloak, clъdach covering, cuirtнn curtain, culaith f(~ e; - ltacha) dress, apparel, suit, cъlbhrat back-cloth, йadaн mpl clothes, fallaing mantle, gъna gown, ionar tunic, pluid blanket, pluideog small blanket, rуba robe, scaif scarf, long strip of cloth, seбl m(- бil; ~ ta) shawl, tuбille towel.


~ altуra altar-cloth, ~ boird table-cloth, ~ baile homespun cloth, ~ clбir table-cloth, ~ cnis underwear, ~ leapa bedclothes, ~ lнn sackcloth, ~ ola oil-cloth, ~ saic sackcloth, ~ soitheach dish-cloth, ~ tuбillн towelling; ciseбn йadaigh clothes-basket, pionna йadaigh clothes-peg; йadaн ban women’s wear, йadaн fear men’s wear, йadaн pбistн children’s wear, йadaн siopa ready-made clothes, йadaн tбilliъra made-to-measure clothes.

йadmhar adj. jealous

amhrasach suspicious, amplach greedy, antlбsach covetous, doicheallach begrudging, drochiontaobhach distrustful, fala spiteful, faltanasach vindictive, formadach envious, gangaideach spiteful, virulent, gortach mean, begrudging, iomaнoch vying, mнmhuinнneach distrustful, mioscaiseach malicious, oilc resentful, ite ag an йad green with envy, santach avaricious, covetous.

йadуchas m despair

ainnise misery, anу m desolate, misery, anrу m wretchedness, beaguchtach m hopelessness, despondency, dobrуn gloom, dуlбs melancholy, inconsolableness, drochmhisneach m despondency, dejection, dubhachas gloom, depression, dъlagar (med.) depression, easpa dуchais lack of hope,

gruamacht gloominess, oirdйal ordeal, tбnaiste an anama desperation (cf. bheith i dtбnaiste an anama to be in desperation), tromchroн tribulation.

йadуchasach m hopeless, despairing

ainnis miserable, anуiteach desolate, miserable, anrуiteach wretched, beaguchtъil spiritless,despondent, dobrуnach gloomy, dуlбsach melancholic, inconsolable, drochmhisniъil dejected, despondent, dubhach gloomy, depressed, faoi dhъlagar (med.) depressed, gruama gloomy, i dtбnaiste an anama desperate, tromchroнoch heavy-hearted.

йadomhain adj. shallow, skin-deep

caol slight, dнomhaoin idle, without substance, dromchlach superficial, surface, йadrom light, superficial, йaganta frivolous, giddy, fбnach trivial, folamh empty, gan chiall meaningless, gan doimhne without dept, gan tйagar slim, unsubstantial, gan tathag without substance, leanbaн puerile, infantile, leochaileach fragile, neamhlйannta unscholarly, neamhshubstaintiъil insubstantial, scagach full of holes, flimsy, suarach paltry, tanaн thin, flimsy.

йadrуcaireach adj. merciless, unmerciful

cadrбnta harsh, cruachroнoch hard-hearted, cruбlach cruel, do-mhaite unforgiving, faltasanach spiteful, vindictive, gan chroн heartless, gan trуcaire without mercy, gan trua without pity, gan trua gan taise devoid of pity or compassion, neamhthrуcaireach merciless, pitiless.

йadrom adj. shallow, light

amaideach silly, baoth foolish, flighty, beagthбbhachtach insignificant, caol narrow, йadomhain superficial, skin-deep; shallow, йaganta scatty, frivolous, fбnach trivial, folamh empty, gan dochar harmless, gan tathag unsound, gan tйagar flimsy, greannmhar funny; amusing, neamh-dhochrach undistressing, light, innocuous, harmless, neamh-fhuaimintiъil unsubstantiated, insubstantial, flimsy, neamh-

thбbhachtach unimportant, neamhthuairimeach light, casual, у bhйal insincere, superficial, scбinte thin, sparse, spraнъil playful, light, amusing, suarach trivial, tanaн thin.

eagar m arrangement, order

bail proper condition, caoi order, proper shape, cruth shape, dea-riar good order, eagarthуireacht editing, leagan amach layout, ord order, riocht form, shape, seiceamh sequence, slacht neatness. (see also: ord)

eagla f fear; awe

alбram m alarm, anbhб m(~) consternation, anbhuain dismay, anfais consternation, alltacht wild fear, claidhreacht cravenness, cotadh diffidence, critheagla shaking fear, cъthaileacht shyness, йadбnacht timidity, faitнos trepidation, fear, geit fright, jolt, leisce hesitation, meatacht cowardice, scбfaireacht timidity, scanradh fright, fear, scaoll panic, scaollmhaireacht panickiness, scбth apprehension, scйin wild terror, scйiniъlacht frightened state, scariness, sceimhle terror, sceimhlitheoireacht terrorism, scrupaill qualms, uafбs horror, terror, uamhan m (- ain; - mhna, ~) dread.

eaglach adj. fearful

anbhбch fearful, panicky, anbhuaineach dismayed, uneasy anfaiseach aghast, allta wild, ar aon bharr amhбin creatha shivering with fear, cladhartha craven, cowardly, cotaidh diffident, critheaglach shaking with fear, cъthail shy, bashful, йadбna timid, diffident, faiteach apprehensive, timid, geiteach easily startled, leasc loath, reluctant, diffident, meata cowardly, scбfar fearful; easily frightened, scanraithe terrified, scanrъil frightening, scaollmhar panicky, (very) alarmed, scбthach apprehensive, fearful, scйiniъil terrifying, scйiniъlachta pertaining to scariness/ to a frightened state, sceimhlithe terrorized, sceimhlitheoireachta pertaining to terrorism, scrupallach havingqualms, uafбsach horrible, terrible, uamhnach dreadful.

eaglais f church

airgeal oratory, ardeaglais cathedral, ardteampall cathedral, baisleach f basilica, mosc mosque, pagуda pagoda, sйipйal chapel, sйipйilнn little chapel, sionagуg synagogue, teach Dй house of God, teach pobail church, teach urnaн house of prayer, teampall temple, church. (see also: reiligiъn)

Aidbhint Advent, Aifreann Mass (e.g. an tAifreann a rб to celebrate Mass), Aifreannach m Mass-goer, Бivй Mбiria a rб to say a Hail Mary, altуir altar, An Chбisc f(na Cбsca; na (g)~ eanna) Easter, An Pбpa the Pope, Ard-Aifreann High Mass, ardeaspag archbishop, baisteadh m(baiste; - ) baptism, baisteadh m easpaig confirmation, beannacht blessing, bosca faoistine confessional, cairdinйal cardinal, canуnach m canon, coisreacan consecration, crй (na nAspal) (the Apostles’) creed, creideamh faith; belief, dearbhъ creidimh confession of faith, deoise diocese, dul faoi lбimh an easpaig to get confirmed, easpag bishop, faoistin a dhйanamh (le sagart) to make a confession (to a priest), glъinfheacadh genuflection, Inid Shrovetide iomann a chanadh to sing a hymn, lйacht a lйamh to read a lesson, ministir m(~; - trн) minister, naofacht holiness, naomh saint, Nуibhйine f Novena, Nollaig f (Nollag; ~ н) Christmas, nuinteas an Phбpa Papal nuncio, paidir f(- dre; - dreacha) prayer, Paidir an Tiarna The Lord’s Prayer, paidrнn rosary, parуiste parish, peaca (marfach, solathach, an tsinsir, etc..) (mortal, venial, original, etc..) sin, pobal congregation, sacraimint sacrament, sacraimint an phуsta the marriage sacrament, sagart priest, salm psalm, seanmуir f(- mуra; ~ н) sermon, seanmуireacht preaching (a sermon), tras-subtaintiъ transubstantion, uisce m coisreacain holy water.

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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 2 страница| Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 4 страница

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