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doscaoilteacht indissolubility, dothuigtheacht abstruseness, dua difficulty, dris chosбin stumbling-block, dъrъn enigma, mystery, fadhb problem, faopach m predicament, jam (bheith san fhaopach to be in a predicament), gйire steepness, idir dhб chomhairle in a quandary, idir dhб thine Bhealtaine on the horns of a dilemma, in arбn crua in dire straits, mearъ confusion, mearbhall bewilderment, piolуid torment, ponc difficult spot (bheith i b~ to be in a spot), righneas rigidly, riteacht tautness, tightness, sбinn fix (bheith i ~ to be in a fix), saothar labour, scrupall scruple, snag hiccup, snaidhm knot, spota spot, (Chuir tъ ar an ~ mй. You put me on the ~.), starragбn stumble, strу exertion, stress, stuacбnacht recalcitrance, trioblуid trouble, troime weight, tуnбiste imposition, urchoilleadh hang-up, inhibition, ъspбntacht clumsiness, awkwardness, unmanageability.
dealbh f statue, sculpture
busta bust, deilbhнn figurine, statuette, fнor f (~ ach; ~ acha ) figure, нomhб image, leacht m(~ a; ~ anna ) monument, samhail f( samhla; samhlacha ) effigy, snoiteбn carving.
dealbhуir m sculptor
ealaнontуir artist, mъnlуir moulder, modeller, saor cloiche stone mason, snoнodуir carver, sculptor.
dealg f thorn, spike
bior m ( beara; ~ anna ) point, spike, biorбn pin, needle, colg prickle, blade, dias f( dйise; ~ a, ~) point, spike (e.g. dias claнmh point of a sword), friofac barb, snбthaid needle, spнce spike, spнon f( spнne; ~ ta ) spine.
dealramh m appearance
craiceann skin, surface covering, cruth shape, cuma f appearance, dearcadh outlook, regard, deilbh figure, shape, dуigh manner, dreach m facial look, expression, foirm form, gnй f aspect, radharc view, sight, riocht m(reachta; ~ aн) guise, samhail (-mhla; -mhlacha) likeness. (see also: cuma )
dea-mhйin f goodwill, kind regards, kindly disposition
bбъlacht friendly disposition, beannachtaн greetings, beannъ greeting, cairdiъlacht friendliness, cion m(ceana) affection, caring, croнъlacht cordiality, cъirtйis courteousness, dea-chroн benevolence, dea-ghuн good wish(es), dea-thoil f(-thola) goodwill, fabhar favour, good-will, gean affection, lбiche kindness, gentleness, teochroн warm-heartedness.
dйan v do, make
bunaigh establish, ceap conceive, invent, cуirigh arrange, cruthaigh create, cuir ar bun set up, establish, cuir ar fбil provide, cuir ar siъl set in motion, get going, cuir le chйile construct, put together, cum compose, eagraigh organize, fionn discover, gin beget; generate, gnуthaigh earn, nigh do, rйitigh arrange, put right, rith run, saothraigh earn, socraigh settle, adjust, resolve, tбirg produce, tionscain initiate, tуg build, tosaigh initiate.
brйag/ an fhнrinne a dhйanamh to tell a lie/ the truth
caint a dhйanamh to talk
calmacht a dhйanamh to act bravely
Carghas a dhйanamh to keep Lent
clann a dhйanamh to beget children
cуisir a dhйanamh to hold a party
deora a dhйanamh to shed tears
йad a dhйanamh to give way to jealousy
gбire a dhйanamh to laugh
gliceas a dhйanamh to resort to cunning
feadaнl a dhйanamh to whistle
fearthainn a dhйanamh to rain
foighne a dhйanamh to practise patience
fual a dhйanamh to pass water, urinate
уl a dhйanamh to drink
prбtaн a dhйanamh to produce potatoes
rothaнocht a dhйanamh to go cycling
snбmh a dhйanamh to swim
sneachta a dhйanamh to snow
dйanach adj. late
deireanach last, late, deiridh last, mall tardy, late; slow, moillithe delayed, righin lingering, tardy.
■ le dйanaн lately – ar ball beag a little while go, ar na mallaibh recently, ar na saolta seo in these times, go deireanach lately, go dtн le fнorghairid up to extremely recently, go dtн le scothghairid up to fairly recently, le blianta beaga anuas for the past number of years, le gairid recently, le tamall beag anuas for the past while, у chianaibh a while ago.
deannach m dust
pъdar powder, smъit grime, dust, smъr ash, dust, dross, salachar dirt, sъiche f soot, toit smoke, truailliъ pollution, contamination.
dйantъs m manufacture, make
cruthъ creation, cur le chйile construct, dйanamh make, making, tбirge m product, tбirgeadh production, output, tуgбil construction, building.
dearbhaigh v assert, declare, assure, confirm, attest; prove
cinntigh affirm, assure, cruthaigh prove, fianaigh testify, attest, fуgair declare, йiligh demand, maнgh claim, mionnaigh swear, attest.
dearfa adj. certain
cinnte certain cinnte dearfa positively certain, dearfach positive, deimhin convinced, sure, gan dabht without doubt, gan amhras ar bith beyond all shadow of a doubt, siъrбilte sure, certain. (see also: cinnte)
dearfach adj. positive
cabhrach helpful, cuiditheach constructive, dйantasach providing what is required, deimhniъil affirmative, йifeachtach effective, inchiallaithe constructive; rationally explicable, soirbh optimistic, spreagъil encouraging.
dearmad 1 m forgetfulness, error
aimnйise amnesia, bуilйagar absent-mindedness, botъn mistake, dнchuimhne obliviousness, dнth meabhrach lack of concentration, dul amъ mistakenness, straying, earrбid error, easnamh omission, йislis negligence, remissness, faillн f oversight, negligence, iomrall cйille mental aberration, mainneachtain remissness, meancуg blunder, mнcheart incorrectness neamhaird neglect, inattention, neamhaire f heedlessness, neamhairdeall inattention, neamhghnнomh inaction, neamhshuim disregard, lack of interest, seachrбn intinne abstraction of mind.
dearmad 2 v forget
cluas bodhar a thabhairt do rud йigin to give the deaf ear to something, to ignore something, fбg ar lбr leave out, omit, faillн a dhйanamh i rud to neglect a thing, gan cuimhneamh ar rud йigin not to remember something, gan smaoineamh a thuilleadh air sin not to think any more about that, rud йigin a ligean tharat to overlook something, rud йigin a fhбgбil gan dйanamh to neglect to do something, rud йigin a ligean chun dearmaid to consign something to oblivion scaoil tharat discount.
dearmadach adj. forgetful
bуilйagrach absent-minded; negligent, dearmaithe forgotten, dнchuimhneach forgetful, йaganta flighty, empty-headed, faillнoch negligent, mearbhlach gaga; confused, nйaltraithe senile, (cf. nйaltrъ seanaoise senile dementia), neamartach remiss, neamh-airdiъil inattentive, scaipthe unfocussed, scatty, siabhrбnach distracted, prone to forgetfulness because of severe shock or old-age, sleamchъiseach negligent, uallach scatter-brained.
deas adj. nice
бlainn beautiful, aoibhinn pleasant, ar dуigh marvellous, ar fheabhas excellent, bagбnta spruce, blasta tasty, breб fine, cairdiъil friendly, caithiseach delightful, caoithiъil amicable, caomh gentle, carthanach charitable, kind, cineбlta kind, cuidiъil helpful, cъirtйiseach courteous, cuanna charming, graceful, dathъil handsome, dуighiъil good-looking, fial generous, flaithiъil munificent, galбnta genteel; elegant, geanъil amiable, gleoite delightful, gnaнъil comely, grбstъil gracious, inmholta commendable, iontach wonderful, lбch affable, maith good, milis sweet, mъinte polite, nйata neat, plйisiъrtha pleasant, pointeбilte well-groomed, dapper, sбsъil satisfactory, sciamhach beauteous, sйimh mild, seoigh grand, slachtmhar tidy, snasta cool, so-ranna agreeable, suбilceach virtuous, suairc cheerful, jolly, sultmhar enjoyable, sъmhar succulent, taitneamhach pleasing, thar barr tip-top. (see also: бlainn, blasta, dathъil, milis)
deifir f hurry
ar luas lasrach at lightning speed, brostъ hurrying, cosa in airde in a gallop, cruуg exigency, deabhadh hurry, dithneas haste, driopбs precipitance, flurry, faoi luas at speed, feirbнnteacht hurry, bustle, furъ hubbub,commotion, fuadar bustle, rush, (cf. Bhн fuadar an diabhail faoi й a dhйanamh. He was hell bent on doing it.), go maolchluasach at breakneck speed, meargбntacht reckless haste, prбinn hurry, emergency, rith run, ropadh dash, dart, ruathar rush, rъid dash, roisiъlacht rashness, scinneadh dart, flight, sciurd scurry; hurried visit, taghd rash impulse, taghdaнl impulsiveness, tobainne hastiness, suddeness.
◊ Cad й do dheifir? What’s your hurry., Tб ~ dhiabhalta orm. I’m in a mad rush., Tб ~ leis. It’s urgent., Dhб dtrian moille le ~. More haste less speed.
deighilt f separation
bбbhъn bulwark, bac barrier, obstacle, balla wall, baracбid barricade, bloc block, claн dike, ditch, briseadh break, briseadh suas break-up,abolition, cliath f(clйithe; ~ a, ~) latticed fence, fencing wall, cinedheighilt apartheid, colscaradh divorce, crнoch f(- нche; ~ a, ~) boundary, crнochdheighilt partition (of territory), deireadh end, fбl hedge, fence, imeacht departure, laitнs lattice, mъr m(pl. mъrtha) wall, pб tйarfa severance pay, painйal panel, rampar rampart, rannadуir divider, scannбn membrane, scaradh parting, separation, separating, scбthlбn screen, scoilt split, seipteam septum, scaradh separation, scaoileadh dissolution, scoilt split, siosma m (hist.) schism.
deiglneach adj. thorny, barbed
biorach pointy; tricky, cealgach stinging, colgach bristling; waspish, crua severe, harsh, diasach spiky, pointed, drisнneach prickly; waspish, feanntach cutting, gйar sharp, goilliъnach hurtful, polltach piercing, penetrating, searbh bitter, sour, spнceach spiky.
deimhin adj. sure,certain
cinnte certain, daingean steafast, firm, dearfa attested, proved, gan amhras without doubt, undoubtedly, gan cheist without question,unquestionably, gan aon йideimhne unequivocally, gan dabht without doubt, undoubtedly, siъrбilte surely. (see also: cinnte )
dйirc f alms
Airgead do na daoine bochtaponey for the poor, cabhairf(-bhrach) aid, cabhairf dhaonnъil humanitarian aid, carthainf charity, carthanachtcharity, cъnamhhelp, daonnachthumaneness, daonnъlachashumanitarianism,dea-chroнgood-heartedness, dea-mhйinbenevolence, dйirceachascharitableness, fabharfavour, fadfhulaingtlong-suffering, forbearance, faoiseamhrelief, reprieve, faoiseamh daonnъil
humanitarian relief, grбsta grace, lбiche kindness, tabhartas Dй godsend, taise compassion, mercy, trua pity, truachroнche kind-heartedness, truamhйala piteousness, pity.
deireadh m end, ending
bailchrнoch culmination, barr top, bбs death, buille scoir finishing stroke, final blow, bun bottom, base, bun agus barr an scйil the upshot of it all, bun an bhуthair the end of the road, bundъn tail-end, bun na spйire horizon, ceann top-end, end, ceann scrнbe journey’s end, terminus, clabhsъr closure, cleamhnas (marriage) match, conclъid conclusion, crнoch f (crнche; ~ a,~) end, crнochnъ completion, dul i lйig extinction, dъnadh closing, druidim closure, йag death, finale finale, focal scoir final word, geadбn rump, bottom, limistйar limit of sphere of action, rйiteach m settlement, solution, socrъ arrangement, rath success, abundance, scor termination, stad cessation, teorainn f(- rann; -~ eacha) boundary, tуin f(tуna; ~ eanna) posterior, turnamh demise, downfall, urchar scoir parting shot.
deireanach adj. last, final
antoisceach extreme, ar an aonъ huair dйag at the eleventh hour, ceann- final, ceannais (sport) final, cinntitheach definitive, determinative, conclъideach conclusive, crнochnaitheach closing, dйanach last, final, deifnнdeach definitive, deiridh ultimate, last, do-bhrйagnaithe incontrovertible, do-chъlghairthe irrevocable, doshйanta irrefutable, foirceanta terminating, foircneach extreme, terminal, is dйanaн latest, is faide furthest, is iargъlta most remote, is sia furthest, is sia siar furthermost, scoir final, parting, scrнbe destinational, end-, teirminйalach terminal.
deis f opportunity
Бdhluck,cabhair Dй God’s help, caoif(~; caнonna)window of opportunity, cinniъintdestiny,dea-fhortъngood fortune,йadбilserendipity, unexpected gain,foichefDй act of God, ionchasprospect, ocбid shonahappy opccasion, oscailt
opening, sciorta den бdh stroke of good luck, sйan prosperity, seans chance, sonas good luck, tabhartas у Dhia Godsend, tarlъ бmharach lucky occurrence, toice fortune, chance. (see also: seans)
deisbhйalach adj. witty, clever-tongued
aibн quick-witted, barrъil comical; droll, cliste clever, gasta quick, gйar sharp, keen, gйarchъiseach discerning, astute, nathбnach full of clever remarks, plйisiъrtha entertaining, saoithiъil cleverly humorous, siamsъil diverting, entertaining, spraнъil amusing, fun-filled.
deisigh v repair, fix, mend
athcheartaigh revise, athchуirigh rearrange; renovate, restore, atheagraigh reorganise, re-edit, athmhъnlaigh reshape, remould, atуg reconstruct, ceartaigh correct, cуirigh arrange, cuir bail ar fix, shape up, cuir caoi ar to put into shape, cuir dуigh йigin ar to knock some shape into, cuir i gceart put right, cuir le chйile arнs put together again, glan suas clean up, glйas fit out, equip, iompaigh thart turn round, leasaigh amend, leigheas heal, cure, mend, maisigh decorate, mionathraigh modify, paisteбil patch up, rйitigh set right, bring order, socraigh settle, ullmhaigh prepare.
deisithe v repaired, fixed, mended
ag obair arнs working again, athcheartaithe revised, athchуirithe rearranges; renovated, restored, atheagraithe reorganised, re-edited, athmhъnlaithe reshaped, remoulded, atуgtha reconstructed, ceartaithe correctwd, cуirithe arranged, curtha i gceart put right, curtha le chйile arнs put together again, glanta suas cleaned up, glйasta fitted out, equipped, iompaithe thart turned round, leasaithe amended, leigheasta healed, cured, mended, maisithe decorated, mionathraithe modified, paisteбilte patched up, rйitithe set right, brought into order, socraithe settled, ullmhaithe prepared.
dйistin f disgust
adhfhuath horror, deep hatred, col aversion, colъlacht revulsion, dearg-ghrбin abhorrence, fuath hatred, grбin loathing, mнghnaoi antipathy, mнthaitneamh repugnance, snamh dislike, distaste, uafaireacht repulsion.
deo (as in expression: go deo ‘ for ever’)
choнche for ever, de shнor constantly, feasta evermore, feasta choнche for all future time, gan deireadh endlessly, gan sos without a break, gan stad without stop, gan staonadh ceaselessly, incessantly, go brбch in perpetuity, go brбch na breithe until the day of judgenent, go buan permanently, go sнor forever, go sнoraн eternally, everlastingly, i dtуlamh all the time, i gcуnaн always, evet, riamh ever, trн shaol na saol (relg.) for ever and ever. (see also: choнche)
deoch f drink
alcуl alcohol, ambrуise ambrosia, bolgam sip, snifter, braoнnнn little drop, biotбille liquor, spirits, blaiseadh taste, braon drop, diъg f(- ъige; ~ a, ~) drain, diъgaireacht tippling, diurnбn drop of drink, dram dram, gloine drink, naigнn noggin, уl drink, уlachбn drinking, pionta pint, pуit excessive drinking, poitнn hooch, pуtaireacht heavy drinking, slog gulp, slogadh draught, swallow, slogуg swig, taoscadh copious drinking, taoscбn draught.
deoir f tear(drop), drop; deora fpl tears
beagбнnнn tiny bit, beagбn bit, beagбn beag small quantity, braoнnнn little drop, blaiseadh taste, taster, braon drop, braonбn droplet; caoineadh lamenting weeping, deora tears, lуgуireacht wailing; lamentation, gol crying, olagуn wailing, uisce do chinn sobbing, waterworks.
deonach adj. voluntary
deirceach charitable, gan chomйigniъ uncoerced, gan нoc without being paid for, gan нocнocht without payment, gan phб unpaid, gan tuarastal unsalaried, without a salary, saor free, saor in aisce free of charge, sбsta willing, satisfied, toilteanach willing, trн dheonъ Dй providentially.
deontas m grant
cistiъ funding, dearlaic f endowment, deonachбn contribution, donation, (cf. deonachбin pholaitiъla political contributions), lamhбltas concession, allowance, liъntas allowance, maoiniъ financing, funding, rannнocaнocht contribution, scolбireacht scholarship, tabhartas donation, gift.
deoraн m exile
cadhan aonair loner, coimhthнoch m outsider, alien, diaspуra diaspora, dнbeartach m outcast, dнthreabhach recluse; hermit, duine person, duine gan dнdean homeless person, eisimirceach emigrant, iarrthуir tearmainn asylum seeker, imirceach migrant, inimirceach immigrant, spailpнn fбnach migratory farm labourer, person of no fixed abode, wanderer, teifeach refugee.
deoraнocht m exile, banishment
coimhthнos alienation, dнshealbhъ eviction, dispossession, dнbirt banishment, deportation, imirce emigration, ionnarbadh m(-btha) expulsion, banishment, ruaigeadh m(-gthe) expulsion, stoiteachas uprootedness.
Dia m God
An t-Athair Sнoraнthe Eternal Father, An Fear ThuasThe Man upstairs, An Tiarna Uilechumhachtachthe Lord God Almighty, abhatбravatar, AllahAllah, BrбmaBrahma, cruthaitheoir creator, coimirceachm tutelary,cumhachtaн osnбdъrthasupernatural powers,diagachtdivinity, diacht
deity, Fуrsa (an ~) Force (the ~), Iбivй Jehovah, нol m(нl; нola, нol) idol, monad monad, oirchill providence, Tiarna Lord (An ~ The Lord), Trнonуid Trinity (An ~ Rу-Naofa The Most Holy Trinity).
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