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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 4 страница

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An ~ Anglacбnach the Anglican church, An ~ Bhaisteach the Baptist church, An ~ Bhunaithe The Established Church, An ~ Chaitliceach The Catholic Church, An ~ Cheartchreidmheach The Orthodox Church, An ~ Liъtarach The Lutheran Church, An ~ Mhormannach The Morman Church, An ~ Phrotastъnach The Protestant church, An ~ Phreispeitйireach The Presbyterianchurch, ~ na hЙireann The Church of Ireland.

eaglasta adj. ecclesiastical

bonneagar infrastruchture, clйiriъil clerical, crбbhaidh religious (< crбbhadh), crбifeach pious, religious, devout, creidimh (< creideamh) religious, eaglaiseach church, ecclesiastic, sagartъil priestly.

йagmais f absence, lack

dнothacht deprivation, dнth want, lacking, need, easnamh deficiency, deficit, easpa lack, need, ganntanas shortage, insufficiency, scбinteacht scantiness. (see also: easpa)

йagmaiseach adj. lacking, deficient; unrequited

йalangach impaired, easnamhach lacking, easpach lacking, wanting, fabhtach flawed, gan freagairt unacknowledged, unanswered, gann scarce, leatromach unrequited (cf. grб leatromach unrequited love), lochtach faulty, machбileach blemished, defective, neamhleor insufficient, uaigneach lonesome, uireasach inadequate.

eagna f wisdom

ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, crнonnacht wisdom that comes in old age, йirim intelligence, eolas an tsaoil knowledge about life, gйire intinne acumen, gaois wisdom, lйargas insight, tuiscint understanding.

йagуir f injustice

claonadh bias, йagothroime imbalance, unevenness, йagothrom inequality, iomrall ceartais miscarriage of justice, leatrom unfairness, leithcheal discrimination, mнghnнomh wrong-doing, rйamhchlaonadh prejudice, rud mнcheart wrong thing.

йagуrach adj. unjust

cearr wrong, claonta biased, йagothrom imbalanceed, uneven, inequitable, iomrallach missing the mark, astray, leatromach discriminatory, unfair, leithcheala pertaining to unfair discrimination, (< leithcheal), mнcheart wrong, mнghnнomhach iniquitous, rйamhchlaonta prejudiced.

йagothrom adj. uneven, unbalanced, inequitable

achrannach (terrain) rough, rocky, aimhrйidh uneven, ar leathmhaing lopsided, claonta biased, corrach bumpy, йagуrach unjust, eangach indented, grooved, gan bhetih cothrom not even, le linntreoga potholed, mantach chipped, indented, mнchothrom uneven, unbalanced, garbh rough, spiacбnach jagged. (see also: йagуrach)

eagraigh v organize, systematize

aicmigh classify, caighdeбnaigh standardize, cuir de rйir catagуirн catagorize, cuir i gcуras systemize, cuir in eagar arrange, put in order, cuir ord ar to put into order, sуrtбil amach sort out, rangaigh class, classify, rialбil regulate.

eagraнocht f organization

aontas (general) union, ceardchumann trade-union, club club, comhlacht company, cуnaidhm federation, conradh league, corparбid corporation, cumann society, feadhnacht f consortium, gnу business, gnуlacht firm, grъpa group, grъpбil grouping, institiъid institute, lйig league, sindeacбit syndicate. struchtъr structure. (see also: grъpa)

йagsъil adj. different, various

difriъil different, eile other, ilghnйitheach diverse, neamhchosъil lena chйile unlike one another, neamhghnбch unusual, neamhionann disparate. (see also: difriъil)

йagsъlacht f difference

breachnъ (music) variation, difear difference, difrнocht difference, йagothroime disparity, йagsъlъ variation, eisrйimniъ divergence, ilchineбlacht diversity, idirdhealън distinction, ilghnйitheacht diversity, variety, miondifrнocht nuance, neamhrйireacht discordance, neamhrйiteach m discrepancy. (see also: difrнocht)

йalaigh v. escape, elope, disappear off

an bуthar a bhualadh to hit the road, bain na boinn (Ulster dialect: na bonnaн) as бit scarper, bris amach break away, draenбil drain, eitil amach fly away, imigh leave, go away, (cf. D’imigh sй leis. He disappeared off., He went away.), rith as run away (cf. Rith sй leis as an tнr. He ran off with him self out of the country.), sceith overflow, scoir cease, leave off, sil trickle away, drain, teith flee, trйig abandon.

йalъ m escape

aislingeacht day-dreaming, bealach m йalaithe йigeandбla emergency escape route, briseadh break, caitheamh aimsire pastime, croнlйis recreation, draein f(draenach; draenacha), drain, draenбil drainage, йalъchaнocht escapism, imeacht departure, pнobбn sceite overflow pipe, rith run, sceith overflow, spewing forth, sceithbhealach m outlet, scor discontinuance, release, silteбn small drain, channel, staighre йalaithe fire-escape, teitheadh flight, fleeing, trйigean abandonment.

йan m bird

cearc hen-bird, coileach m cock-bird, ealta flock (of birds) йanlaith fowl, birds, eitleachбn fluttering thing, bird, eitleog flighty creature.

buнуg yellowhammer, cadhan barnacle goose, cбg jackdaw, caislнn aitinn whinchat, caislнn cloch stonechat, ceann cait long-eared owl, cearc f(circe; ~ a, ~) hen, cearc fhraoigh grouse, cearc uisce water grouse, ceolaire warbler, clamhбn buzzard, cnagaire woodpecker, colm dove, corr йisc heron, corr bhбn white stork, creabhar woodcock, cromбn na gcearc hen-harrier, cuach f(- aiche; ~ a,~) cuckoo, deargбn sneachta red-wing, deargйadan redpoll, donnуg hedge-sparrow, dreoilнn wren, droimneach black-backed gull, druid starling, eala swan, fabhcъn falcon, fabhcъn gorm peregrine falcon, faoileбn seagull, faoileбn ceanndubh black-headed gull, fбinleog swallow, feadуg plover, feadуg mhara sandpiper, fearбn turtle-dove, fiach m(fiaigh; ~ a,~) raven, filimйala nightingale, foitheach m diver, fuiseog lark, skylark, gabha dubh dipper, gabhlбn gaoithe swift, gainйad gannet, goose, geabhrуg tern, sea swallow, gealbhan sparrow, gealbhan claн hedge-sparrow, gealbhan cбtha chaffinch, gealbhan glas green linnet, gealbhan slйibhe mountain finch, gealуg bunting, gilphнb whitethroat, glasбn finch, glasбn darach greenfinch, glasуg wagtail, glasуg shrбide pied wagtail, gleoiseach f(- ; ~ a,~) linnet, gobadбn sandpiper, iolar eagle, lacha f(~ n; ~ in, ~ n) duck, lasair choille goldfinch, liatrбisc missel thrush, lon dubh blackbird, mallard mallard, meantбn tit, meantбn lйana tit willow, meirleach m mara skua, meirliъn merlin, naoscach m snipe, patraisc partridge, piardбlaн trб turnstone, piasъn pheasant,

pilibнn plover, pocaire na mbбnta magpie, pocaire gaoithe kestrel, puifнn puffin, riabhуg pipit, roilleach m oyster-catcher, rъcach m(- aigh) rook, rufachбn ruff, saidhbhйar kittiwake, scrйachуg choille jay, scrйachуg reilige barn owl, seaga shag, sicнn chicken, sнolta f merganser, smуlach thrush, snag tree-creeper, snag breac magpie, spбgaire na dtonn little grebe, dabchick, spideog robin redbreast, tiuf-teaf chiffchaff, ulchabhбn owl, ulchabhбn donn tawny owl, ulchabhбn rйisc short-eared owl.

eangach f net, grid; fishing net

criathar sieve, fбl eangaн netting, grбta grating, grйasбn web, greille f grid, laitнs lattice, lнonra network, mogall mesh, scagaire filter.

earraн mpl goods, merchanise, wares

lasta freight, lуn provisions; sustenance, (cf. lуn cogaidh munitions), marsantacht merchandise, riar m provision, solбthairtн mpl supplies tairgн mpl products.

earrach m(season) spring

aiseag restoration, restitution, aisйirн resurrection, aisghabhбil recovery, athbheochan f (~ a) revival, athbhreith rebirth, renaissance, athbhunъ re-establishment, athdhъiseacht reawakening, athйirн rising again, athfhбs regrowth, athghiniъint regeneration, athmhъscailt re-awakening, athnuachan f(~a) renewal, atуgбil rebuilding, dъiseacht awakening, mъscailt awakening, raising of new courage, уige youth, Renaissance (French)Renaissance, tosach beginning, tъs start, ъire freshness.

earrбid f error

botъn mistake, dearmad oversight, mistake, dul amъ slip-up, mistake, faillн f lapse, freagra mнcheart incorrect answer, mearbhall confusion, error, mearbhall cuntais misreckoning, mн-бireamh miscalculation, mнchruinneas inaccuracy, mнthapa mishap, mнthuiscint misunderstanding, seachrбn aberration. (see also: botъn)

йasca adj. easy

aosбideach easy, bog soft, facile, caitheamh dairteanna child’s play, gan deacracht ar bith without the slightest difficulty, gan dua effortless, gan phian without pain, gan strу ar bith without any hassle, gan strus relaxed, neamhchasta uncomplicated, neamhphianmhar painless, pнosa cбca piece of cake, rйidh soft, easy, (rogha rйidh soft option), simplн simple, siъlуid sa phбirc a walk in the park, a doddle, so- easy, so-aimsithe easily reached, accessible, sobhogtha susceptible, easily moved, socheansaithe appeaseable, sochomhairleach amenable, tractable, socъlach easy, comfortable, sodhaing (obsolete) easy, sodhйanta easily-doable, sofheicthe manifest, obvious, soghluaiste biddable, soghonta vulnerable, soineanta naive, simple, solбimhsithe manageable, soilйasta lucid, clear, soilйir clear, obvious, soirbh easy, pleasant, solбimhsithe manageable, solъbtha flexible, sуmasach easy, easy-going, somheallta easily seduced, gullible, suaimhneach tranquil.


eascairdeas m enmity

binb venom, fury, col aversion, doicheall churlishiness, unfriendliness, easaontas disunion, droch-chroн ill-will, drochfhuil bad blood, fala spite, grudge, faltanas spitefuilness, viondictiveness, fuath hatred, goimh venom, spleen, mнghnaoi antipathy, mнthaitneamh displeasure, disliking, naimhdeas hostility, nimh virulence, bitterness, olc evil, anger, temper, olcas spite, badness, seanfhala feuding, old grudges, snamh dislike, distaste. (see also: doicheall)

eascairdiъil adj. unfriendly and hostile

binbeach venomous, doicheallach churlish, unfriendly, droch-chroнoch withill-will, drochfhola (< drochfhuil) with enmity, dъr dour, fala spiteful, full of grudges, faltanasach spiteful, vindictive, fuafar hateful, fuar cold, goimhiъill venomous, mнchairdiъil unfriendly, distant, mнghnaнъil unprepossessing, full of meanness, mнthaitneamhach displeasing, naimhdeach antagonistic,hostile, nimhneach nasty, virulent, oilc evil, bad-tempered, searbh bitter; embittered, seanfhala feuding. (see also: doicheallach)

easlбn m invalid

aimleoir deformed person, bacach m lame person, breoiteachбn sick person, duine faoi йagumas disabled person, duine faoi mhнchumas an incapacitated person, disabled person, clбirнneach m deformed person, cruiteachбn hunchback, mairtнneach m cripple, othar patient.

easnamh m deficiency, dearth; deficit

anбs dire need, poverty, dнlбthair absence, dнth want, lacking, need, easpa lack, want, gainne paucity, gannchъis scarcity, ganntanas shortage, insufficiency, ganntar need,gбtar need, distress, gorta famine, neamhnн void, nothing, riachtanas requirement, scбinteacht scantiness, tearcamas scarcity, tearc-chuid penury (cf. i dtearc-chuid in straitened circumstances), teirce sparseness. (see also: easpa)

easonуir f dishonour

aithis slur, reproach, cйim sнos humiliation, deargnбire crying shame, dнghrбdъ degradation, drochainm bad name, droch-chбil infamy, drochmheas contempt, disdain, drochtheist discredit, fonуid derision, нsliъ abasement, mбchail stigma, blemish, mнchlъ disrepute, nбire shame, disgrace, nбiriъ disgracing, smбl stain, blot, tarcaisne obloquy, affront, uirнsliъ utter humiliation. (see also: nбire)

easpa f lack, want

anбs dire need, poverty, anrу m distress, bochtaineacht pverty, cruatan hardship, dнlбthair absence, dнothacht deprivation, dнth want, lacking, need, easnamh deficiency, deficit, foilmhe emptiness, folъntas vacancy, need, ganntanas shortage, insufficiency, ganntar need,gбtar need, distress, gorta famine, нonais lack, absence, neamhnн void, nothing, riachtanas requirement, scбinteacht scantiness.

easumhal f disobedient

бbhailleach naughty, ceannairceach rebellious, dбna bold, dъshlбnach defiant, gan chosc wayward, gan mhъineadh cheeky, mнrйireach unruly, neamhghйilliъil noncompliant. (see also: dбna)

йide f uniform

aibнd habit, cуta bбn white coat, culaith f(~ e; - ltacha) dress, apparel, fallaing cloak, mantle, feisteas outfit, gъna gown, libhrй m regalia, rуbaн mpl robes. (see also: йadach)

йifeacht f effect, efficacy, significance

бbaltacht ability, бitiъ persuasion, bailнocht validity, barr crop (cf. dб bharr sin as a result of that), brнomhaireacht vigorousness, corraн stir, excitement, crнoch f up-shot, end, cumas capability, cumhacht power, deasca ill-effect (cf. dб dheasca sin as an ill-effect of that), йifeachtacht efficacy, competence, feidhm function, feidhmchumhacht effective power, feidhmiъlacht efficiency,forcefulness, fуnamh service, usefulness, benefit, validity, fуrsa force, fuinneamh energy, force, fuinniъlacht forcefulness, gnнomhachtъ activation, iarmairt f consequence, iarsma m after-effect, rath bounty, successful outcome, toradh result, fruit, tбirge product, ъsбid use.


йifeachtach adj. effective

бbalta able, бititheach convincing, persuasive, an-lбidir compelling, bailн valid, brнomhar vigorous, cinnte dearfa positively certain, corraitheach stirring, moving, crнochnъil thorough, methodical, cumasach capable, cumhachtach powerful, dearscnaitheach outstanding, prominent, йifeachtъil efficacious, feidhmiъil efficient; functional, fуnta sound, serviceable, effectual, fуrsъil forceful, fuinniъil energetic, gnнomhach active, imleor adequate, mуrthaibhseach impressive, rathъil successful, rйalaнoch realistic, suntasach striking, tбirgiъil productive, tualangach potent, ъsбideach useful.


йigean m extreme force, force; strait, distress

ainнde ill usage, anacair distress, anbhroid bondage, distress, anу m misery, distress, ansmacht tyranny, antroime oppression, bulaнocht bullying, cruachбs strait, plight, йigniъ rape, violence, forbhrн great force, overbearingness, f orйigean violence, forlбmhas despotism, forlann m violence, forneart superior strength, violence, forrach m violent fury, forrбntacht aggressiveness, fуrsa force, gбtar need, want, gйibheann strait, lбmh lбidir physical force, maistнneacht (school) bullying, tromaнocht heavy-handedness, denigration. (see also: forйigean)

йigeantach adj. compulsory

б iarraidh required, de chъram ar responsible, de dhualgas ar incumbent on, йilithe demanded, eisintiъil essential, faoi shainordъ mandatory, freagrach responsible, answerable, nach bhfйadfaн dйanamh dб uireasa/ gan й indispensable, oibleagбideach obligatory, riachtanach necessary,required, sainordaitheach mandatory, sine qua non indispensable.


йigiallda adj. senseless, devoid of reason

бifйiseach ridiculous, ar mire mad, baoth foolish, dнchйillн senseless, йadairbheach futile, gan chiall without sense, in aisce vain, leamh pathetic, pointless, maol bald, lacking in any inspiration, mнchйillн senseless, mнrйasъnta unreasonable, ramhar dumb, thick-headed, seafуideach silly.


йigin some

beagбinнn tiny bit, beagбn little, lнon бirithe certain number/ amount, mйid бirithe certain amount, uimhir бirithe certain number.


йiginnte adj. uncertain

amhrasach doubtful, doilйir unclear, vague, йidearfa unconfirmed, йideimhin unsure, hesitant, gan bheith cinnte not to be certain, idir dhб chomhairle in two minds, neamhchinnte uncertain; undecided, neamhchruinn imprecise, triaileach tentative.


eile other

anuas air sin on top of that, breise additional, chomh maith leis sin as well as that, difriъil different, fуs yet, fуs arнs yet again, ina theannta sin in addition to that, thairis sin apart from that, sa bhreis in addition, additional.


йileamh m demand, claim

achainн petition, ceart right, claim, coinnнoll stipulation, condition, comaoin recompense, cъiteamh requital; compensation, cuntar proviso, undertaking, fiafraн inquiry, iarratas petitioning, asking, ordъ order, rбchairt demand, riachtanas requirement, seasamh insistence, tairiscint bid, teideal claimentitlement, teinne resolve.


йiligh v demand, claim

achainн a dhйanamh to make a petition, achainigh entreat, petition, coinnнoll a dhйanamh de rud йigin to stipulate a something, coinnнollacha a chur ar dhuine to impose conditions on a person, fiafragh inquire, ask, iarr ar ask,request, impligh implore, supplicate, ordaigh order, require; command, seasamh ar rud йigin toinsist on something, tairg propose.


йineacht (as in phrase) in йineacht together, altogether

araon both together, together, ar aon uain in sync, le (na) chйile together, ag an am cйanna at the same time, go comhchйimeach concurrently; concomitantly, walking in step, go comhuaineach simultaneously.

eireaball m tail, tail-end

bundъn bottom, cъl rear, back, deireadh end, droim m (droma; dromanna) back, scuaine queue, tуin f(tуna; ~eanna) bottom, backside, triopall train, flounce, triopall treapall trailing thing.

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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 3 страница| Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 5 страница

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