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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 5 страница

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  5. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 5 страница
  6. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 6 страница
  7. A Flyer, A Guilt 1 страница

йirн m rising; excitment

ardъ elevating, going up, rising, ardъ meanman exhilaration, dul in airde getting higher; mounting, dul i mйad augmentation, dul i ndйine intensifying, dul suas going up, dreapadh climbing, eitilt in airde flying high, eitilt ardaitheach soaring, eitilt suas to flying up, faoileoireacht soaring; gliding, fбs growing, gйarъ intensifying, mйadъ in creasing, meidhrйis friskiness, neartъ strengthening, seasamh standing up, spleodar exuberance, spreagthacht excitement, teacht anнos coming up.

йirн amach m uprising, revolt

ceannairc mutiny; rebellion, corraнl unrest, easulmhlaнocht shibhialta civil disobedience, rйabhlуid revolution, reibiliъn rebellion, stailc strike.

eiriceacht f heresy

claonadh deviation, easaontas dissent, imeacht у norm deviation from the norm, mнnaomhъ profanation, neamhcheartchreidmheacht f(~a) unorthodoxy, sacrailйid sacrilege, teagasc eiriceach heretical doctrine, truailliъ contamination.

йirigh v rise, ascend; get up

ardaigh rise up, elevate, do leaba a fhбgбil to leave your bed, dreap climb, dreap amach to climb out, dul in airde to go higher; mount, dul i mйad toaugment, dul i ndйine to intensify, dul suas to go up, eitil go hardaitheach soar, faigh get, fбs grow, lйim amach jump out, lйim suas jump up, mйadaigh increase, amplify, neartaigh strengthen, teacht anнos to come up.

йirimiъil adj. intelligent

бbalta able, acmhainneach resourceful, beo alive, quick, beo-intinneach quick-witted, ciallmhar sensible, cliste clever, deisbhйalach witty, domhain deep, eolach knowledgeable, knowing, geal bright, fуirsteanach apt, gasta quick, gйar sharp, keen, gйarchъiseach discerning, astute, grinn perceptive, discriminating, intliъil ingenious, intleachtach intellectual, meabhrach mindful, intelligent, na hinchinne mуire brainy, stuama prudent, sensible, tallannach talented, tapa fast, trйitheach gifted. (see also: cliste)

eisceacht f exception

dнolъine exemption; immunity, easnamh omission, eisiamh exclusion, neamhrialtacht irregularity, rud difriъil different thing, scйal eile different story.

eiseamlбir f example

бsc instance, cбs case, lйarбid illustration, paraidнm f(~e) paradigm, patrъn pattern, samhail model, sampla example.

йist v

1. listen

aire a thabhairt to pay attention, Cб raibh tъ aimsir na gcluas? Were you not listening?, clois hear, coinnigh i gcuimhne take note, Cuir cluas ort fйin! listen!, gйill (do) obey, yield, Tabhair aird ar m’fhocail! Heed my words!, tabhair faoi deara notice.


2. desist from

cuir deireadh le put an end to, йirigh as give up, rud йigin a chur uait to give up something (cf. Cuir uait an amaidн! Stop being silly!) scoir cease, desist, (cf. Scoirigн den ghleo! Desist from making noise!), stad stop, halt, stop stop.

йisteacht f hearing, audience

cluas f(- aise; ~ a, ~) ear, audience (cf. cluas aa thabhairt do dhuine to listen to what a person has to say), cluasbhraisint aural perception, cluastuiscint f aural comprehension, fiosrъ inquiry, raon na gcluas earshot (cf. i raon na gcluas within earshot), triail f(- alach; -acha) audition.

йisteoir m listener

bean f(mnб; mnб, ban) woman, йisteachta woman who listens, fear йisteachta man who listens, lucht йisteachta audience.

eitil v fly

ardaigh rise up, elevate, bheith ar eite to be in flight, bheith san aer to be in the air, dreap climb, dul ar eite to take flight, dul ar eiteog to take wing, dul ar eitleбn to go on a plane, to fly by plane, dul go hardaitheach soar, dul in airde to go up high, to go higher, dul suas to go up, йirн de thalamh to take off, йirн suas san aer to rise up into the air, eitleбn a thуgбil to take a plane, lйim (in airde) jump (high).

eitilt f flight, flying

ardъ rising up, elevation, dreapadh (suas) climbing (up), dul ar eite taking flight, dul ar eiteog taking wing, dul ar eitleбn going on a plane, flying by plane, dul go hardaitheach soaring, dul in airde going up high, going higher, dul suas going up, йirн de thalamh taking off, йirн suas san aer rising up into the air, eitleбn a thуgбil taking a plane, eitleoireacht aviation, flying, lйim (in airde) jumping (high).

eochair f key

aistriъ translation, barъil idea about what to do, ciъ cue, cуd code, comhartha sign, eochairfhocal key-word, freagra answer, gluais glossary, innйacs index, leid clue, nod hint, rйiteach m solution, rъn secret, tбscaire indicator, tбbla table, treo-aimsн m direction-finder, treoire pointer, direction-indicator, treoir f (- orach; - oracha) guide, treoirlнne f guideline, treoirshnбthaid pointer, treorach m guide-mark.


eolach adj. knowledgeable

ag a bhfuil seantaithн who is very experienced, aithnidiъil familiar, cleachta experienced, crнonna wise with age, prudent, dea-eolach enlightened, deaslбmhach dexterous, eagnaн mindful, wise, fбisnйiseach informative, fianaiseach evidential, bearing evidence, feasach aware, fiosъil knowledgeable, knowing, foghlamtha educated, learned, gaoismhear wise, lйannta learned, well-read, mъinte knowing how to behave, well-bred, oideachasъil educational, oilte skilled, paiteanta well-versed, saineolach expert, sciliъil skilled, scolaнoch scholastic, scolбrtha scholarly, taithнoch ar conversant with, traenбilte trained, tuisceanach heedful.

eolaн m

1. scientist

daoine a bhfuil an t-eolas acu people who know, daoine lйanta learned people, saineolaн specialist, expert, lucht an tsaineolais the people with the expertise, lucht an lйinn the



educated people, (slang) na cуtaн bбna the white-coats, na daoine proifisiъnta the professionals, ollamh m(- aimh; ollъna) professor, teicneolaн technologist, ъdar authority.


2. directory

comhadlann (computers) directory (cf. comhadlann reatha current directory), clбr table of contents; agenda, eolaire directory, innйacs index, leabhrбn eolais information booklet, tбbla table, treoraн guide.

eolas m knowledge, information

aithne recognition, beann heed, mindfulness, ceird trade, craft, ceird ghintlн sorcery, ciall cheannaithe common sense, cleachtadh experience, crнonnacht wisdom gleaned with age, prudence, dea-eolas enlightenment, deaslбmhaн dexterity, eagna wisdom, eagnaнocht sapience, eolaнocht science, fбisnйis information, intelligence, feasacht awareness, fianaise f evidence, fios m (feasa) knowledge, fiosaнocht clairvoyance, occult knowledge, foghlaim f(- ama) learning, foghlamthacht learnedness, gaois wisdom, intleacht shaorga artificial intelligence, lйargas enlightenment, lйann eruditeness, learning, mъineadh learning, manners, oideachas education, oiliъint training, oilteacht skilfulness, saineolas expertise, scil skill, scolaнocht school-education, schooling, (bunscolaнocht primary schooling, meбnscolaнocht secondary schooling, ollscolaнocht university schooling/ education, etc.), scolбireacht scholarship, taithн experience, teagasc tuition; catechism, magic formula, teicneolaнocht eolais information technology, traenбil training, tuairisc report; tidings, tuiscint understanding.


fabhar m favour

cabhair f(- bhrach) help, cineбltas kindness, coimirce backing, patronage, dea-thoil goodwill, gar favour, good turn, pбtrъnacht patronage, rud thing asked for (cf. rud a dhйanamh ar dhuine to do something for a person), soilнos good turn, taobhaнocht siding with, support, tacaнocht support.

fad m length

achar distance, fadaнocht lengthiness, leithead length (cf. leithead йadaigh length of cloth), rйise f span, rith-aga run-length, tomhas de rйir faid lengthwise measurement.

fada adj. long

breisithe extended, enhanced, buan persistent, cian long, distant, cian- remote, distant, cianda distant, remote, ciantrйimhseach long-time, dйanach late, dulta chun fadбla drawn-out, fadaithe lengthened, prolonged, fadбlach dilatory, slow; tardy, fadу fadу long long ago, forleathnaithe extended, developed, i bhfad у shin long-ago, i gcianaimsir in the long ago, in imigйin far off, far away, leadrбnach lengthy, boring, mall slow, marthanach sustained, silйigeach lingering, sнnte extended; stretched, sna cianta cairbreacha in remote times. (see also: fadу)

fadhb f problem

achrann trouble, difficulty, argуint argument, aimhrйidh complication, aincheist dilemma, an chnбmh spairne the bone of contention, ceist question, issue, conspуid dispute, cruachбs predicament, cruacheist brain-teaser, deacracht difficulty, dileama dilemma, dubhfhocal conundrum, easaontas disagreement, idir dhб bhrу an mhuilinn between a rock and a hard place, idir dhб chomhairle in a quandary, idir dhб thine Bhealtaine between the devil and the deep blue sea, tomhas puzzle, riddle, trioblуid trouble, ъdar imnн cause of concern.

fadу adv. long ago

anallуd of yore, in olden times, fada у shin long ago, fadу fadу long long ago, lб dб raibh on a day that is past, sa sean-am in olden times, sa seansaol in the old times, sa tseanaimsir in olden times, san aimsir chaite in the past tense, san am a chuaigh thart in times that have past, sna seanlaethanta in the old days. (see also: fada)

fadtrйimhseach adj. long-term

a bhfuil caitheamh maith ann durable, that will last the test of time, buan lasting, buanseasmhach long-standing, fad-tйarmach long-term, go ceann tamaill fhada for a long time to come, marthanach lasting.

fбg v leave

aghaidh a thabhairt le muir to head out to sea, an bуthar a bhualadh to hit the road, ancaire a thуgбil to weigh anchor, bogadh ar aghaidh to move off, cuir chun bуthair set off, cuir chun siъil make tracks, depart, йalaigh elope; escape, йirigh as quit, cease, eitil amach fly away, eisiaigh exclude, imigh leave, go away, (Imigh leat! Go away!), na boinn a bhaint as бit to take to one's heels, sбigh amach push out (i.e. to sea); scaoil leave go, scoir cease, leave off, tarraing siar withdraw, tйigh amach exit, tйigh ar gcъl reverse, fade into the background, tйigh ar eite take flight, tйigh ar scor retire, tйigh as radharc disappear, teith flee, tiomnaigh bequeath; dedicate, trйig abandon.

fбgбil f leaving

Bogadhm ar aghaidhmoving on, bogadh amachmoving out, bualadhmchun bуthairhitting the road, curmchun bуthairsetting off, curm chun siъilmaking tracks, departing, dulmamach going out, dul ar gcъlreversing, fading into the background, dul ar eite taking flight, dul ar scorretiring, dul as radharc disappearing, йalъ m eloping; escaping, йirнmasquitting, ceasing, eitiltfamach flying away, eisiamhm excluding, imeachtm leaving, departure, sб

m amach pushing out (i.e. to sea); scaoileadh letting go, scor m ceasing, leaving off, tarraingt f siar withdrawing, teitheadh fleeing, tiomnъ bequeathing; dedicating, tуgбil ancaire weighing anchor, trйigean abandonment.

faic f nothing

dada nothing; whit, tittle, dheamhan a dhath not even a hint of it, nбid zero, naught, neamhnн nil, nothing, oiread na frнde tittle, hardly anything, pioc iota, pick, ruainne m jot, (with negative) rud ar bith nothing whatsoever, tada iota, nothing.

fбidh m prophet

asarlaн m wizard, bean f feasa (female) soothsayer, cailleach f cбrtaн Tarot-reader, dearnadуir palmist, fбistineach m prophet, soothsayer, fбistineoir futurologist; predictor, fear feasa (male) soothsayer, fнsн visionary, prognуisн prognosticator, rйamhaisnйiseoir forecaster, predictor, rйamhaithristheoir (device) predictor, rйamhthascaire (business) predictor, sibil sibyl, tairngire soothsayer, prophet.

fбidhiъil adj. prophetic

aisligeach visionary, fadcheannach far-seeing, shrewd, fбistineach phrophetic, pleanбilte chun cinn forward-planned, prognуiseach prognostic, rйamhaisnйise pertaining to forcasting, predicting, rйamhaithristheach predictive, rйamhthagrach proleptic, tairngreachta pertaining to phrophecy.

faigh v find, get; ~ amach find out

Airighperceive, sense, aimsigh get, acquire, locate, aithinrecognise, bain amachobtain, acquire, braithsense, detect, buail le meet with, cas arbump into, ceap think, cinntighascertain, conclъidighconclude, eispйirighexperience, fionndiscover, ascertain, foghlaim learn, nochtreveal, mothaighfeel, tabhair chun crнcheprocure, tabhair chun solaisbring to light, expose, tabhair faoi dearanotice, sroichreach, tarlъ arto happen upon,teacht arto come across, teacht

suas le (duine) to track (a person) down, teagmhaigh (le) encounter, tuig realize.

faillн f neglect, negligence

an chluas bhodhar the deaf ear, beagbheann f little heed, ceal cъraim lack of care, drochmheas disrespect, neamhaird disregard; carelessness, neamh-aire inattention, neamart remissness, negligence, neamhshuim disinterest, scaoilteacht slackness, silйig dilatoriness, slackness, trйigean abandon.

faillitheach adj. neglectful, negligent

(dйanta) ar nуs cuma liom ( done) any old how, drochmheasъil disrespectful; impolite, gan cъram careless, mнchъramach careless, neamartach remiss, neamh-aireach unheedful,inattentive, neamhairdeallach incautious, negligent, unwatchful, neamhairdiъil heedleass, inattentive, neamhchъramach uncareful, scaoilte slack, loose, silйigeach procrastinating.

fбilte f welcome, joy

aнocht hospitality, aoibhneas delight, bliss бthas happiness, beannachtaн blessings; greetings, cairpйad dearg red carpet, cead permission, cuntanуs civility, fбiltiъ welcoming, fйile generosity, flaithiъlacht munificence, glacadh reception, gliondar croн heart-felt joy, inghlacthacht acceptability, plйisiъr pleasure, sбsamh gratification, sбstacht satisfaction, suбilceas agreeableness.

fбilteach adj. welcoming

aнochtach hospitable, aoibhinn delightful, blissful, бthasach happy, beannachtach wishing well to others, ceadmhach permissible, cuntanуsach civil, gracious, fial generous, flaithiъil munificent, glacach receptive, gliondrach joyful, inghlactha acceptable, iostasach willing to receive guests, hospitable, plйisiъrtha pleasurable, sбsъil satisfying; satisfactory, suбilceach agreeable.

fбinne m ring; halo

ciorcal circle, diosca disk, disc, fonsa hoop, lios (around moon) halo, lъb loop, naomhluan halo of a saint, sfйar sphere. (see also: ciorcal)

▲ ~ airgid silver ring, ~ an lae break of day, ~ arbhair crop circle, ~ brуidnйireachta embroidery hoop, ~ cluaise ear-ring, ~ cuirtнnн curtain-ring, ~ eochracha key-ring, ~ fн vicious circle, ~ gruaige ringlet of hair, ~ loine piston ring, ~ oinniъin onion ring, ~ уir gold ring, pуsta wedding ring, ~ sйala signet-ring, ~ solais halo of light, ~ srуine nose-ring, ~ gealltanais engagement ring; ceanglбn ~ ringbinder.

faire f keeping watch, watching out

aird attention, airdeall alertness, watchfulness (cf. bheith san airdeall to be watchful, alert), airneбn vigil, aire f care, attention, bheith ar do gharda to be on your guard, bigil vigil, breathnуireacht observing, breathnъ observing, breicneoireacht watching closely, faireachas surveillance, fйachaint (ar) looking (at), fйachaint timpeall looking around, feitheoireacht invigilation, forairdeall vigilance, iniъchadh scrutiny, scrъdъ examining, sъil a choimeбd amach to keep an eye out.

faireach adj. watchful

airdeallach alert, watchful, aireach careful, attentive, aireachtбlach perceptive, beacht exact, precise, beo gasta on the ball, cъramach careful, breathnуireachta observing, faire look-out, (cf. fear faire look-out man, watchman) feighlнoch vigilant, watchful, feitheoireachta invigilating, (e.g. lucht feitheoireachta invigilators) gardбla (> gardбil) guarding (e.g. kucht gardбla na seod the people guarding the gems), gйarchъiseach observant, astute, gйarshъileach sharp-eyed, grinn observant, discerning, Nн bhнonn nйal ar bith air. He’s really on the ball., scrъdaitheach examining.

fairsing adj. spacious, extensive

бbhal vast, immense, бbhalmhуr colossal, fairsingнoch extensive, fathachъil giant, gigantic, flъirseach abundant, forleathan far-reaching, iomadъil copious, leathan wide, mуrmhaise of great mass, oll- massive, great, ollmhуr huge, massive, oscailte open, raidhsiъil plentiful, scуipiъil expansive, spacious, spбsmhar spacious.


faisean m fashion

an rud is dйanaн the latest thing, claonadh trend, cur chuige approach, йadaн mpl clothes, йadaн mpl galбnta elegant clothes, modh mode, method, Nнl i mbйal an phobail ach й! It’s all the craze!, nуs custom, slн f way, stнl style.

faisnйis f information, intelligence, report

cuntas account, eolas information, knowledge, fianaise f evidence, fios m (feasa) knowledge, mionsonraн mpl details, tuarascбil report, tuairisc report. (see also: eolas)

fбistineach adj. future

amach anseo future, in the future, ar ball in a while, shortly, as seo amach from here on in; in the future, atб chugainn (coming) to meet us, next, atб le teacht upcoming, atб romhainn that’s ahead of us, dуchъil potential, probable, fйideartha possible, potential, gan rуmhoill in the not too distant future, ionchasach prospective, lб is faide anonn at some point in the future, lena mbeadh ag sъil as would be expected, poitйinsiъil potential, san am atб le teacht in times to come, sa todhchaн in the future.

faiteach adj. timid, apprehensive

neirbhнseach nervous, cotъil bashful, cъlбnta retiring, cъthail shy, eaglach fearful, leamhnбireach coy, scбfar timid, easily frightened.

faitнos m apprehension, timidity

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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 4 страница| Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 6 страница

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