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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 6 страница

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neirbhнs nervousness, cotъlacht tendency to be bashful, cъlбntacht retiring nature, shyness, cъthaileacht shyness, diffidence, eagla fear, leamhnбire f coyness, scбfaireacht timidity.

fбl m hedge, fence

bбbhъn walled enclosure, bawn, bac m barrier, balla wall, claн ditch, enclosure, cliath f (clйithe; ~ a, ~) hurdle, wattled fence, clуs enclosure, lнne f chrнche boundary line, rianaire teorann boundary marker, sciath f (scйithe; ~ a, ~) screen, teorainn f (teorann; ~eacha) boundary, tom bush, shrub, tor bush.


fan v wait, stay

bн ag feitheamh (le) be waiting for, expecting, braiteoireacht a dhйanamh to hesitate, cуnaigh dwell, cuir ar fionraн suspend, cuir fъt settle down, fionraigh wait, suspend, glac lуistнn lodge, lean (ar aghaidh) continue, lonnaigh settle, mбinneбil a dhйanamh to loiter, mair endure, moill a dhйanamh to make a stop/ a delay, moilleadуireacht a dhйanamh to dally, linger, moilligh delay, righneбil a dhйanamh dawdling, seas pause, sos a thуgбil to rest, to take time-out, stad stop, halt, stop stop (off), tйigh i bhfostъ become lodged, tйigh i ngreamъ get stuck.

fбnach adj. aimless, occasional

Amъastray, wasted, annamhrare, infrequent, a thagann anois is arнsthat comes now and again, ar bheagбn spйiseof little interest, ar nуs cuma liomany-old-how; haphazard, ar seachrбnwandering, straying, ar straeastray, beagsmall, beagthбbhachtach of little importance, cailltelost, cinniъnachchance, correrratic, odd, corrachunsettled, restless, de thaismeby accident, fбnуideachhaphazard, aimless, fuaidrimhvagrant, gan aidhmaimless, gan aird inconsequential, in aiscevain, gan chiallpointless, senseless, gan choinneunexpected, out of the blue, gan chrнoch

purposeless, gan chuspуir goalless, pointless, idir threallanna intermittently, luaineach inconstant, fickle, mearbhlach erratic, mion- minor, neamhchoitianta infrequent, uncommon, neamhchъiseach unconcerned, neamhghnбch unusual, neamhleanъnach lacking in continuity, neamhrialta irregular, neamhthбbhachtach unimportant, slight, уcбide occasional, уcбideach casual, randam- random, randamach random, scaipthe scattered, seachrбnach rambling, misguided, unpredictable, suarach trivial, tearc rare, fitful, taomach spasmodic, teagmhasach incidental, casual, treallach fitful,spadmodic.

fanacht v waiting, staying

braiteoireacht hesitating, cуnaн dwelling, abiding, cur ar fionraн suspending, cur fъt settling down, dul i bhfostъ becoming lodged, dul i ngreamъ gettinng stuck, feitheamh waiting expecting, fionraн waiting, suspending, glacach lуistнn lodging, leanъint ar aghaidh following on, continuing, lonnъ settling, mбinneбil loitering, moilliъ delaying, maireachtбil enduring, moilleadуireacht dallying, lingering, righneбil dawdling, seasamh standing, pausing, sos rest, break, pause, stad stop,stopping, halting, stopadh stopping.


fanaiceach adj. fanatical

cнocrach eager, dъghafa obsessive, dнocasach keen, eager, dнograiseach enthusiastic, zealous, dъthrachtach fervent, fosaithe fixated, paiseanta passionate, rуdhнograiseach over-enthusiastic, tiomnaithe dedicated, tiomanta committed, tugtha go hiomlбn (do) totally committed (to).


faobhar m sharp edge

bйal (lainne) edge (of a blade), bile f rim (cf. bile soithigh rim of a vessel), corr rim, edge (e,g. corr boinn airgid rim of a coin, corr cъinne corner edge), ciumhais edge, border, droim m ridge, edge, fonsa rim, hoop; frame, gйire sharpness, imeall border, edge, rim, ( e.g. imeall hata, spйaclaн rim of a hat,

spectacles, etc. imeall an uisce the water’s edge), imlнne f perimeter, lann blade, teorainn f(- rann, ~ eacha) border.


faoiseamh m relief, respite

faill f anбla breathing space, iomalairt reprieve, sбsamh satisfaction, scнth bheag breather, short break, sos m(~ a; ~ anna) break, pause, sos cogaidh truce, sбmhnas lull spбsas reprieve, period of grace, suaimhneas peace, tranquillity.

farraige f sea

aigйan ocean, an dъghorm domhain the deep blue sea, an duibheagбn uisciъil the watery abyss, an poll dъghorm the deep blue sea, bуchna f ocean, muir f(mara) sea, sбile brine.

fбg v leave

caith uait throw away, dumpбil dump, imigh leave, lig uait let go, rith as run out/ away, tйigh as amharc disappear, scaoil release, let go, trйig abandon. (see also: imigh)

fбgбil f leaving

caitheamh uait throwing away, dumpбil dumping, dul as amharc disappearing, imeacht leaving, ligean u\it letting go, scaoileadh releasing, letting go, trйigean abandoning.

fбs 1 v grow

aibhsigh heighten; highlight, aibigh mature, ripen, ardaigh rise, lift up, at swell (up), atбirg reproduce, bisigh prosper, improve, blбthaigh bloom, blossom, crнon age, becoming wiser, cuir gйaga amach branch out, cuir le add to, cuir thar maoil overflow, doimhnigh deepen, dul in mйid to get bigger, йabhlуidigh evolve, йagsъlaigh diversify, eascair spring, sprout, shoot, йirigh (in airde) rise (up), arise, fabhraigh develop, form into, fairsingigh expand, forbair develop, forleath propagate, iolraigh multiply, iomadaigh proliferate, leathnaigh spread, mйadaigh increase, sнn extend, sнolraigh seed, reproduce, sprйigh spread, tбirg produce, teacht i mйid to become bigger, to grow up, titim chun feola to become fat, tiubhaigh thicken, tйigh chun cinn progress.

fбs 2 m growth

бibhйil exaggeration, aibhsiъ enlargement, heightening; highlighting, aibнocht maturity, ripeness, ardъ raise, rising, at swelling, atбirgeadh reproduction, barr crop, biseach prosperity, mending, blбth bloom, blossom, blбthъ blooming, brabъs profit, cothъ nurturing, crнonnacht sagacity earned from living a long time; old age, cur gйag amach branching out, cur le adding to, cur thar maoil overabundance, doimhniъ deepening, dul chun cinn progress, dul chun tosaigh advance, dul in mйid getting bigger, йabhlуid evolution, йagsъlъ diversifying, eascairt springing forth, sprouting, йirн rising, arising, fabhrъ developing, forming into, fairsingiъ expansion, feabhsъ improvement, forbairt development, forleathadh propagation, iolrъ multiplication, iomadъ proliferation, leathnъ spreading, mйadъ increase, pйacadh germination, rathъ thriving, saothrъ cultivation, sнneadh extension, sнolrъ seeding, reproduction, soirbhiъ prospering, sprй spreading, suimiъ adding up, tбirgeadh production, teacht i mйid becoming bigger, growing up, titim chun feola getting fat, tiъchan thickening, tуgбil raising, building, tuile flooding, ъs interest.

fбsach m wilderness, desert

bбn uncultivated land, lea, coillte f cъil backwoods, foraois f forest, gaineamhlach m sandy desert, rйigiъin mpl fhiбine wilds, talamh m(- aimh) f(- lъn) gan rath wasteland, tнr aimrid barren land.

fбth m reason, cause

бbhar reason, cause, bonn basis, breithniъ consideration, ceannfhбth motive, cъisнocht causation, cruthaitheoir creator, cъis cause, cur faoi deara bringing about, rйasъn reason, rationality, spreagadh motivation, spreagthacht motive, tionscnуir originator, trъig cause, occasion, ъdar author, prime-mover, cause. (see also: cъis)

feabhas m improvement

athcheartъ reformation, athchуiriъ refurbishment, biseach m recovery; prosperity, brabach m gain, breisiъ enhancing, breisiъchбn enhancement, ceartъ correction, cur ar aghaidh furtherance, cur i gceart rectification, dul chun cinn progress, dul chun tosaigh advancement, advance, forbairt development, leasъ amelioration, luascadh suas upswing, maisiъ decoration, mйadъ augmentation.

feabhsaigh v improve

biseach a fhбil (у thinneas) to recover, get better (from an illness), dul chun cinn a dhйanamh to make progress, йirн nнos fearr to get better, forbair develop, leigheas heal, remedy, misneach a ghlacadh to perk up, teacht ar fуnamh to get into a healthy state, teacht chugat fйin to recover.

fйach v look, watch; ~ le try, test

amharc view, look, bheith ag iarraidh й a dhйanamh to be trying to do it, blais taste, breathnaigh (ar) observe, look (at), breithnigh adjudge; inspect, caith sъil ar to cast an eye on, dйan gliъcaнocht peer, dйan smaoineamh ar consider, dйan staidйar ar study, dearcaigh ar look at, fair watch, feic see, gliъc peep, peer, iniъch scrutinize, promh test, prove, radharc do dhб shъil a bhaint as to get a load/ a good look at it, scrъdaigh examine, smaoinigh think, splйach (ar) glance (at), splйachadh a fhбil to catch a glimpse, stбn stare, sracfhйachaint a thabhairt (ar) to take a glance (at), tabhair faoi deara notice, tabhair iarracht faoi attempt, tбstбil test, examine, triail try, test, triail a bhaint as to try it.

fйachaint f look, watch; trial, trying

Amharclook, view; sight, aoibh pleasant expression, look, blastaste, blaiseadh taster, brйagriochtdisguise, breathnъobservation, ceannaithefpl facial features, craiceann skin, surface covering, cuntanуs countenance, dealramhappearance, dearcadhoutlook, regard, dуighmanner, dreachmfacial look, expression, duaithnнochtcamouflage, faire


watch, faireachбn watching, keeping watch, feic (ungodly) sight, feiceбil seeing, gnй f aspect, iarracht attempt, iarraidh f(iarrata; iarrataн) attempt, imeacht bearing, iniъchadh inspection, iompar deportment, demeanour lйargas insight, radharc view, sight, look, riocht m(reachta; ~ ) guise, scrъdъ examination, snua complexion, splйachadh glimpse, sracfhйachaint glance, stбnadh staring, tбstбil test, testing, triail trial; attempt.

feachtas m campaign

cath battle, cogadh m war, crosбid crusade, cur chuige approach, gluaiseacht movement, modh m oibre mode of operation, promуisean promotion, troid f(troda; ~ eanna) fight.

feall 1 f treachery, perfidy, foul, failure

ardtrйas m(~ a) hightreason, brath m betrayal, buille m fill foul blow, caime fraudulence, caimilйireacht duplicity, calaois fraud, cealg f deceit, treachery, ceannairc sedition, cneamhaireacht swindling, cheating, dъblбil double-dealing, feillbheart m treacherous deed, foul act, lъbaireacht swindling, mнdhнlseacht disloyalty, sйitйireacht cheating, teip failure, trйas m(~ a) treason, uisce m faoi thalamh conspiracy.

feall 2 f betray, deceive

bob a bhualadh ar dhuine to pull a fast one on a person, braith betray, cam a imirt ar dhuine to con a person, cleas a imirt ar dhuine to play a trick on a person, cluain a chur ar dhuine to trick a person, dallamullуg a chur ar dhuine to hoodwink a person, faisnйis a thabhairt do na gardaн faoi dhuine to grass on someone to the police, loic (ar) let down, mealladh a bhaint as duine to deceive a person, sйitйireacht a dhйanamh to cheat, teip (ar) to fail, trйig abandon.


feallaire m betrayer, deceiver

brathadуir betrayer, informer, brйagadуir liar, caimilйir con artist, fraudster, cneamhaire swindler, cъl le cъis defector, dъblбlaн double-dealer, mealltуir beguiler, ollbhrathadуir supergrass, sйitйir cheat, slнbhнn sly, deceitful person/ twister, trйatъir traitor, Tadhg an dб thaobh turncoat, trйigtheoir deserter.


fealltach m treacherous, deceitful

brйagach false, cam crooked, underhand, calaoiseach fraudulent, cealgach deceitful, cluanach deceiving, fill (<feall) treacherous (e.g. gnнomh fill treacherous act), lъbach crafty, deceitful, mealltach beguiling, mнdhнlis unfaithful, slнtheбnta devious.

fear m man

aosach m adult, aostach m old person, bacach tramp, athair father, athair crнonna grandfather, buachaill grб boyfriend, cйile spouse, comhalta (academic) fellow, comhphбirtн associate, compбnach fir male-companion, comrбdaн comrade, cuilceach m playboy, crйatъr bocht poor sod, diъlach m bloke, chap, duine person, duine uasal gentleman, fбidh m(~; ~ ithe) prophet, fostaн employee, gaige fop, dandy, gaiscнoch m warrior, laoch hero, leaid m lad, leannбn lover, leannбn seirce ban Йireann God’s gift to women, leicimйir idler, liъdramбn ne’er-do-well, loiceadуir slacker, mac son, Mac Uн Rudaн what’s-his-name, micнn sonny, pбirtн partner, prionsa prince, king, saoiste gaffer, foreman, Seбinнn Saorбnach na srбide mуire the average Joe Soap, seanathair grandfather, seanduine old person, seanfhondъir old-timer, spailpнn seasonal hireling, spбsaire spacer, sprionlуir miser, stуcach m young single man, suarachбn contemptible person, uncail m uncle. (see also: buachaill, bithiъnach)


fearthainn f rain

bбisteach f rain, batharnach f downpour, brбdбn drizzle, ceathanna mpl showers, clagarnach f pounding heavy rain,

dallcairt blinding rain, draonбn light rain, forlacht heavy precipitation, gleidearnach f torrents of rain, liagarnach f beating rain, mъrtha cloudburst. (see also: bбisteach)


fearg f anger

aicis venom, spite, alltacht, wildness, uncontrollable rage, bearrбn annoyance, bбinн frenzy, buile fury, cancar cantankerousness, cantal bile, ciapadh pestering, clipeadh irritation, colg rage, confadh ill temper, rabies, crostacht fractiousness, crossness, cuthach rage, vehemence, diomъ indignation, doicheall resentment, droch-araн ill-humour, drochfhuil bad blood, drochmhianach m bad temper, eascairdeas antagonism, fala f(~; - lta) spite, faltanas vindictiveness, fiбntas wildness, fнoch ire; feuding, fiъnach m rage, fury, fraoch m wrath, fury, goimh virulence, gall, mailнs malice, mнchйadfa peevishness, mioscais spleen, mire frenzy, craziness, mнshбstacht dissatisfaction, mъisiam displeasure, naimhdeas hostility, nimh venom, animosity, nimheadas spitefulness, venomness, olc anger, ill-will, seanfhala feud; grudge, spadhar feirge fit of rage/ temper, stodam huffiness, straidhn vexation, taghd fit of anger, teasaнocht hot temper.

feargach adj. angry

Aiciseachvenomous, spiteful, allta,wild, uncontrollably enraged, ar craobhachahopping-mad, ar deargbhuileraging mad, ar builelivid, ar mirefrenzied, crazed, bearrбnachannoying, cancrachcantankerous, cantalachcranky, grumpy, ciapachirritating, colgach bristling with age, corraitheworked up, cliptheachprickly, confachrabid, irate, crostacranky, cross, cuthachenraged, doicheallachresentful, drisнneachprickly, touchy, droch-araнonachill-humoured, drochmhianaigh bad tempered, eascairdiъil antagonistic, falaspiteful, faltanasachvindictive, fiбinwild, fнochmharirate, fierce, fraochmhar wrathful, furious, giorraiscsnappish, abrupt, goimhiъilvirulent, le bбinнfrenzied, maslaitheoffended; insulted, mailнseachmalicious, meirgeachirritable, mнchйadfachpeevish, mioscaiseach

malicious, full of spleen, mнshбsta dissatisfied, mosach surly, grumpy, mъisiamach irritated, upset, naimhdeach hostile, nimhneach venomous, pusach pouting, seanfhala (g.sg.) of feuding, spadhrъil given to fits of rage, stalcach sulky, stainceach piqued, huffy, stodamach huffy, straidhniъil subject to fits of anger, suaite upset, troubled, taghdach given to fits of temper, teasaн hot-tempered, teidheach crotchety.


fearъil adj. manly

calma stout-hearted, crуga brave, curata gallant, dбna bold, dбsachtach daring, fearga virile, fireann masculine, matбnach muscular, misniъil courageous, laochta heroic, uasal noble. (see also: crуga)


fearъlacht f manliness

calmacht stout-heartedness, crуgacht bravery, curatacht gallantry, dбnacht boldness, dбsachtacht daringness, feargacht virility, fireannacht masculinity, matбn muscle, misneach f courage, laochas heroism, uaisleacht nobility. (see also: crуgacht)


feasta adv. henceforth

as seo from now, as seo amach from now on, ina dhiaidh seo after this, san am atб le teacht in times to come, sa todhchaн in the future, uaidh seo amach from this point on.


fйasta m feast

bйile mуr big meal, ceiliъradh celebration, cуisir party, dinnйar mуr big dinner, fйile f festival, fleб f banquet, fulacht f barbecue.


feic v see

1. see

aithin recognise, amharc look, see, ardaigh do shъile ar raise your eyes upon, breathnaigh observe, dйan staidйar ar study, dearc behold, regard, fйach, look, glinnigh scrutinize, gliъcaнocht a dhйanamh to peer furtively, gliъmбil pry, peer, gliъmбil a dhйanamh to peer, to pry, splйach glance,

splйachadh a thabhairt ar to peep at., sracfhйachaint a chaitheamh ar to cast cursory glance at, stбn stare, tabhair faoi deara notice, tabhair suntas do discern, give (one’s) attention to (see also: fйach)

2. ~ im I see (i.e. I understand)

tuigim I understand, is eol dom I am aware, is feasach dom I know, is lйir dom it is obvious to me, is soilйir dom it is clear to me, tб a fhios agam I know, tб fios an scйil agam I have the facts of the case, I know what’s up.

fйideartha adj. possible, feasible

a bhfuil craiceann air that looks likely, possible, a bhfuil gealladh faoi promising, dуchъil probable, indйanta doable, achievable, dealraitheach likely, poitйinsiъil potential.


fйidir (as in phrase) is fйidir liom I can

йirнonn liom I manage, tб mй бbalta I am able, tб mй in ann I can, Tб mй in inmhe (chuig an tasc) I am equal (to the task), tб sй de chumas agam I am capable.

fйile f

1. festival, feast day

aonach m fair, carnabhal carnival, ceiliъradh celebration, comуradh commemoration, festival, cuimhne memory, cuimhneachбn commemoration, fйasta feast, fleб f banquet, lб cuimhneachбin day of remembrance, уmуs tribute.

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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 5 страница| Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 7 страница

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