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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 7 страница

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  5. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 5 страница
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2. hospitality, generosity

cбirйis caring, carthanacht charity, friendliness, cineбltas kindness, comhar mutual assistance, croнъlacht cordiality, daonchairdiъlacht philanthropy, dea-chroн good-heartedness, dea-mhйin benevolence, fбilte f welcome, flaithiъlacht generosity, lбiche kindness, gentleness, mуrchroн large-heartedness, generosity, mуraigeantacht, magnanimity, muintearthacht affability, teochroн warm-heartedness, trуcaire f compassion, mercy.


feiliъnach adj. fitting, becoming, appropriate

ceart right, apposite, cуir proper, right, comhfhreagrach correspondent, comhrйireach accordant, cuн appropriate, cuibhiъil seemly, fуirsteanach becoming, iomchuн congruent, leor adequate, inghlactha acceptable, oiriъnach suitable, trбthъil apt, timely. (see also: oiriъnach)


fйirнn m gift

bronntanas present, cineбl (usually food) treat, duais award, comhartha (beag) (small) token, ofrбil (religious) offering, sнntiъs donation, tabhartas gift, (see also: bronntanas)

feirm f farm

acraн acres, acraнocht acreage, бiteamh farm-stead, calchas kolkhoz, gabhбltas holding, gabhбltaisнn croft, smallholding, gort field, leadhb f strip, pбirc field, plandбil plantation, rainse ranch, talamh land, treafas farm, homestead.

feirmeoir m farmer

curadуir planter, grower, garraнodуir gardiner, oibrн talmhaнochta agricultural work, scбbhaн talmhaнochta agricultural labourer, saothraн talъn cultivator, spailpнn migratory farrn labourer, tuathбnach m peasant.

feirmeoireacht f farming

curadуireacht planting, growing, tilling, garraнodуireacht gardening, saothrъ talъn cultivation of land, talmhaнocht agriculture saothraнocht husbandry, spailpнnteacht working as a migratory farrn labourer.

fiбin adj. wild

бibhйalta exaggerated, aimhleasta disruptive, бifйiseach preposterous, ainrialta anarchic, lawless, ainrianta unbridled, allta savage, wild, amaideach foolish, amhlбnta boorish, anfach tempestuous, anordъil chaotic, ar buile mad, ar chъl йaga in the back of beyond, bбnaithe desolate, barbartha barbaric, primitive, brъidiъil brutal, buile frenzied, mad, bunъsach primitive, basic, cбbуgach uncouth, confach rabid,

craiceбilte crazed, cracked, dбna bold, danartha savage, dнchйillн nonsensical, dнograiseach enthusiastic, fбsaigh uncultivated, wild, fiata wild, savage, fнochmhar fierce, fraochmhar ferocious, gбifeach sensational, gan бitriъ uninhabited, gan bunъs ar bith unfounded, gan lonnъ unsettled, uninhabited, gan smacht undisciplined, gan srian unrestrained, giodalach capricious, guanach fantastic, histйireach hysterical, iargъlta remote, le bбinн frantic, le gealtachas demented, luaineach flighty, mбineachъil maniacal, meargбnta madcap, millteanach howling, (slang.) wicked, mire mad, mнrйasъnta irrational, mнrйireach unruly, mнshibhialta uncivilized, neamhcheansaithe untamed, neamhphraiticiъil impracticable, imithe у smacht out of control, rabairneach extravagant, ragairneach disorderly, (late-night-) revelling, rбmhailleach delirious, rбscбnta reckless, ropбnta blustery, roisiъil rash, saor free, seafуideach ridiculous, scaollmhar exited; panicked, agitated, spadhrъil hysterical, stoirmeach stormy, straidhniъil furious, frenzied, suaite agitated, seething, taghdach capricious, impetuous, taomach given to fits, hysterical, teasaн testy, irascible, dulta thar fуir ar fad OTT, off-the-wall, trйigthe deserted, tъtach primitive.

fial adj. generous

ag cur thar maoil overflowing, ardaigeanta high-minded, bogchroнoch soft-hearted, carthanach beneficent, charitable, croн-oscailte open, open-hearted, dea-mhйiniъil benevolent, dйirceach open-handed, charitable, dнol rн de princely, lion’s share of, dуighiъil decent, dъthrachtach full of goodwill, fairsing ample, fбilteach hospitable, flaithiъil munificent, flъirseach abundant, fiъntach bounteous, frasach muinficent, ungrudging, gan teorainn limitless, unstinted, iomadъil copious, leathanaigeanta broad-minded, liberal, lнonmhar plentiful, maith good, mуraigeanta magnanimous, mуrchroнoch big-hearted, generous, neamhspбrбlach giving one’s all, unsparing, neamhfhйinchъiseach disinterested,

neamhghann unstinted, neamhleithleach unselfish, raidhsiъil lavish, abundant, saor free, uasal lofty, noble.

fianaise f evidence

bunъs substantiation, cinntiъ confirmation, comhartha sign, cruthъ proof, dearbhъ affirmation, fнricн fpl facts, sonraн mpl data, tacaнocht support, tбsc m indication.

fiбntas m wildness

ainriantacht unruliness, ainrialtacht anarchy, lawlessness, ainsciantacht fury, wildness, aintiarnas tyranny, alltacht wildness, astonishment, amhasуireacht hooliganism, anbhuain unrest, disturbance, anlathas tyranny, anarchy, anord chaos, buile craziness, cнrйibeacha f riots, clampar uproar, doineantacht storminess, easpa f smachta lack of control, fiбine wildness, forйigean f violence, histйire f hysteria, mбine f mania, mire madness, mнrйir unruliness, racбn rowdiness, ragairne m revelling at night,disorderly behaviour, rн-rб agus ruaille buaile uproar, spadhrъlacht waywordness; mental unbalance.

fiar adj. diagonal, slanted, crosswise, crooked, warped

ar sceabha slanted, cam crooked, claon- oblique, perverse, claonach oerverse, deceitful, claonta biased, i leataobh to one side, le fбna sloped, fiarthrasna crosswise, saofa warped, perverse, sceabhach oblique.

figiъr m figure

cruth shape, digit f digit, fнor f(~ ach; ~ acha) figure, sign, imlнne f outline, lнon m quantity, number, staitistic statistic, suim sum, uimhir f(- mhreach; - mhreacha) number.

file m poet

bard bard, ceathrъnach ceoil composer of quatrains, liriceoir lyricist, oirfideach m minstrel, rannaire rhymester, versifier.



names of the seven graded Bardic School poets:

7. fochlach freshman, novice poet, 6.fuirmhidh senior freshman, poet of the sixth degree, 5.dos poet of the fifth degree, 4.cana poet of the fourth degree, 3. clн poet of the third order, 2.бnradh poet of the second order, 1.ollamh ollave, master-poet.

fileata adj. poetic

ceolmhar musical, eiligiach elegiac, goilliъnach sensitive, grбstъil graceful, lбn de mhothъchбin full of feelings, liriciъil lyrical, oirfideach muical, harmonious, rithimeach rhythmical, scuabach flowing.

filнocht f poetry

dбnta mpl poems, liricн f lyrics, rнm rhyme, vйarsaн verses, vйarsaнocht versification, versing.

fill v return; fold

aisнoc refund, aischistigh reimburse, aislйim recoil, athnasc rejoin, cas siar turn back, crap draw in, draw up, йirigh i do bhall arнs rejoin (become a member again), iompaigh turn, preab ar ais rebound, seol ar ais send back, tar abhaile come home, tar ar ais come back, tйigh ar ais go back; cas turn, iompaigh ar ais turn back, corn ar a chйile roll together, dъbail to bend over.

filleadh m returning; folding

aisнoc m refund, aischistiъ reimbursing, aislйimeach m recoil, aisphreabadh rebounding, athnascadh rejoining, casadh siar turning back, crapadh drawing in, drawing up, йirн i do bhall arнs rejoining (becoming a member again), iompъ turning round, seoladh ar ais sending back, teacht arrival, teacht abhaile coming home, teacht ar ais coming back; casadh turning, iompъ ar ais turning back, cornadh ar a chйile roilling together, dъbailt bending over.

fнor adj. true; real

achtбilte actualized, atб ag cloн leis na fнricн factual, aicsнmiteach axiomatic, bailн valid, barбntъil authentic, beacht exact, precise, bona fide bona fide, buan constant, ceart correct, proper, cinnte certain, crнochnaithe complete, utter, cruinn accurate, precise, cruthaithe proven, cruthanta consummate, to a ‘t’, daingean steadfast, dбirнre sincere, dearbh- absolute, pure; genuine, dearfa attested, assured, Dia m(Dй, dйithe) God, dнlis faithful, loyal; genuine, dнreach straight, dнreach mar ba chуir spot-on, fнrinneach truthful, fнrйanta just, righteous, fнriъil constant, foirfe perfect, gan chlaonadh unswerving, gan smбl immaculate, glan pure, free of impurities, glanchroнoch pure-hearted, glanintinneach pure-minded, glanrъnda of sincere intent, inmhuinнne reliable, iontaofa trustworthy, ionraic honest, macбnta decent, honest, neamhthruaillithe unsullied, у chroн from the heart, rйalaнoch real, realistic, seasmhach staunch, seasta steady, tairiseach trustworthy, faithful.

fios m knowledge

бbaltacht ability, facility, aiseolas feedback, aitheantas acquaintanceship, aithint recognition, discernment, aithne acquaintance, asarlaнocht sorcery, knowledge of Wicca, ceardaнocht craftsmanship, comhfhiosacht consciousness, awareness, cumas capability, draнocht witchcraft, eolaнocht science, eolas knowledge; information, fбidheoireacht prophesy, faisnйis evidence, fбistine prophesying, feasacht awareness, foghlaim learning, gaois wisdom, gintlнocht knowledge of sorcery, lйargas enlightenment, lйann book-learning, academic knowledge, mъineadh instruction, teaching, oideachas education, oiliъint training, printнseacht apprenticeship, saнocht erudition, learned wisdom, saoithiъlacht learning, wisdom, scolбireacht scholarship, scolaнocht schooling, staidйar study, tabhairt faoi deara apprehension, tairngreacht soothsaying, teagasc tuition, traenбil training, tuairisc report, tuiscint understanding.

fiosrach adj. inquisitive

caidйiseach curious, cъlйisteachta eavesdropping, snooping, cunуrach prying, meddlesome, fiafraitheach questioning, inquisitive, gobach intrusive, srуnach nosy, treallъsach forward.

fiosraigh v inquire, investigate, look into

braith probe, ceistigh question, croscheistigh cross-question, dйan staidйar ar study, fiafraigh ask, iniъch scrutinize, explore, meas consider, scrъdaigh examine, inspect, taighid research, tуraнocht a dhйanamh to probe.

fiosrъchбn m inquiry

brath spying, breithniъ inspection, ceistiъ questioning, ceistiъchбn questioning, cigireacht inspection, (e.g. tuairisc chigireachta inspection report), croscheistiъ cross-questioning, staidйar study, fiafraн asking, iniъchadh scrutinizing, inspection; exploration, meas considering (cf. Cad й do mheas ar an scйal seo? What’s your consideration regarding this matter?), scrъdъ examination, inspection, taighde research.


fнrinne f truth

achtбil actualization, aicsнm axiom (eg. aicsнm dуchъlachta axiom of probability), aicsiom (logic) axiom, bailнocht validity, beachtaнocht exactitude, beachtas exactness, precision, cinnteacht certainty, clichй clichй, cneastacht decency, honesty, creideamh faith, cruinneas accuracy, cruthъ dearfa positive proof, dбirнre earnestness, sincerity, dearfacht sureness, dia m (dй, dйithe) god, dнlseacht fidelity, dlн m(~; ~ the) law, dlisteanacht legitimacy, loyalty, faoi mar atб an scйal how things are, fнre truthfulness, fнrйantacht justness, righteousness, fнric fact, fнricн facts, fнrinneacht truthfulness, veracity, fнriъlacht constancy, ionracas honesty, lйireasc truism, macбntacht uprightness, neamhbhailbhe frankness, oscailteacht openness, rйadaн realness, rйaltacht reality, soilйirse (lit.) axiom, obvious truth.

fнrinneach adj. truthful

dнreach straight, direct, fнor true, gan bhrйag gan бibhйil factually, in plain fact, gan aon бibhйil without any exaggeration, gan aon chur i gcйill without any affectation, ionraic upright, honest, straightforward, macбnta honest, decent, neamhbhalbh forthright, neamhchlaonta unbiased, candid, oscailte open, frank.

fнs f vision

aisling vision, aislingeacht daydreaming, brionglуid dream, brionglуideach f dreaming, нomhб image, lйirshamhlъ visualization, mearъ sъl trick of the eyes, samhail f (- mhla; - mhlacha) semblance, image, samhlъ fancy, imagining, siabhrбnacht hallucination, hallucinating, tais phantom, apparition, taispeбnadh apparition.

fiъ (as in phrase: Is fiъ й. It is worthwhile)

Tб ciall leis. It makes sense, Is бbhar spйise й. It is worth looking into., Is fiъntach an rud й. It is a worthwhile matter., Is mуr an t-abhras atб ag baint leis. There is a lot to be gained from it. (see also: fiъntas)

fiъntach adj. worthwhile

brнomharsignificant, ciallmhar sensible, meaningful, dнol spйisiъil interesting, luachmhar valuable, mealltach appealing tбbhachtach important, tarraingteach attractive, tuillte merited.

fiъntas m worth

brн significance, ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, meaning, dнol spйise something of interest, fiъntas worth, merit, luach m(~ a; ~ anna) value, mealltacht appeal, tбbhacht importance, tarraingt attraction, tuillteanas merit.

flaithis mpl heaven (also: flaithis Dй Kingdom of God)

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Anurraimdisrespect, droch-bharъil disapprobation, bad opinion, drochmheascontempt, easonуirdishonour, easpa уmуislack of respect, fбilнochtcondescension, fonуid 6 страница| An saol atб le teachtthe world to come, an saol eile/ an saol thall the next world/ the world beyond,aoibhneasbliss, neamhf(neimhe)heaven, niarbheбnam(~; ~н) nirvana, muin

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