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Lucht fуirithintethose who bring succour,MeisiasMessiah, saoradhfreeing, scaoilteoirreleaser, deviverer, slбnaitheoir

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salvatiour, redeemer, trodaн na saoirse freedom-fighter, tarrthбlaн rescuer.

fuath m hatred

adhfhuafaireacht abomination, adhfhuath horror, deep hatred, binb venom, fury, cais hatred, spite, col aversion, dйistin disgust, drochaigne manevolence, droch-chroн ill-will, drochintinn evil intention, eascairdeas antagonism, fala spite, grudge, goimh venom, spleen, grбin hatred, Is й pъca na n-adharc agam й. It’s anathema to me., mнghnaoi antipathy, mнthaitneamh displeasure, disliking, muc ar mala scowl, great displeasure, (e.g. Thбinig muc ar gach mala aici. She frowned darkly.), naimhdeas animosity, neamh-ghrбmhaire unloving-ness, nimh virulence, bitterness, olc evil, anger, temper, olcas spite, badness, seanfhala feuding, old grudges, snamh dislike, distaste.

fuilteach adj. bloody, cruel

ag cur fola bleeding, бir (< бr) of slaughter, barbartha barbarous, brъidiъil brutal, crуilinnteach gory, cruбlach cruel, dъnmharfach murderous, fola (<fuil) bloodied, bleeding, fuilchнocrach bloodthirsty, fuilbhreac blood-spattered, fuilsmйartha blood-stained, gonta wounded.

fuinneamh m energy

anamъlacht liveliness, beocht vitality, brн vigour, cumhacht power (cumhacht nъiclйach nuclear power), flosc gusto,force, grianchumhacht solar energy, inneach m stamina, neart potency, power, lбidreacht strength, miotal mettle, scafбntacht vigorousness, spleodar exuberance, spionnadh vim, zest, spionntacht vigorousness, sponc spunk, spirit, spreacъlacht vigour, teacht aniar recuperative power, never-say-die, treallъs get-up-and-go, tualaing potential, potency, tualangacht potentiality,.

fuinneog f window

bбfhuinneog bay-window, gaothscбth windscreen, frбma frame, gloine f glass, pane, oscailt opening, seans opportunity, chance, solas light, radharc view.


~ adhmaid wooden window, ~ бilйir attic window, ~ alъmanaim aluminium window, ~ ar urlбr na talъn downstairs window, ~ bhairr upper/ top window, ~ chбisminte casement window, ~ chъil rear window, ~ dhaite stained-glass window, ~ dhйghloinnithe double-glazed window, ~ dhнn skylight, ~ dhormбnta dormer window, ~ doicimйad document window, ~ fhardorais fanlight, ~a Francacha French windows, ~ laitнse lattice window, ~ shleamhnбin sliding window, ~ thaispeбna display window, ~ ubhach oval window.

fuinniъil adj. energetic

aibн brisk, lively, anamъil lively, beo alive, beoga full of vitality, brнomhar vigourous, cumhachtach powerful, cumasach capable, dinimiciъil dynamic, floscthach exciting, gnнomhach active, neartmhar potent, powerful, lбidir strong, miotalach mettlesome, scafбnta vigorous, lбn de spleodar full ofexuberance, full of beans, preabadach bouncing, full of bounce, slбintiъil healthy, fit, spleodrach exuberant, spionnъil full ofvim, full of zest, sponcъil spunky, spirited, spreacъil forceful, energetic, teacht aniar recuperative power, never-say-die, treallъsach self-assertive, tualangach havingpotential. (see also: brнomhar)

fulangach adj. suffering, tolerant

anacrach distressed, anуite miserable, anrуite wretched distressful, buartha upset, afflicted, cйasta tortured, ciaptha tormented, crбite tormented, daigheartha suffering from stabbing pains, dуcъlach distressing, in pain, i bpian in pain, i bpianphбis in anguish, in agony, ifreanda hellish, lйanmhar agonizing, woeful, mнchompordach uncomfortable, mнshуcъlach indiscomfort, mнshuaimhneach uneasy, pianmhar painful.

fulaingt f suffering

anacair f(- cra) distress, anу m misery; discomfort, anbhroid wretchedness, affliction, anrу wretched condition, distress, arraingeacha an bhбis throes of death, cйasadh torture, ciapadh torment, cora crua an tsaoil vicissitudes of life, crб torment, cruatan hardship, daigh f(~ e; daitheacha) pang, dуcъl discomfort, distress, pain, ifreann hell, lйan agony, lйan agus leatrom agonies, mairtнreacht martyrdom, mнchompord discomfort, mнshуcъl discomfort, mнshuaimhneas unease, perturbation, pian f (pйine; ~ta) pain, pianphбis anguish, purgadуir purgatory, sceimhle terror, ordeal.




ga m spear, sting, dart, ray

beaignit bayonet, bior m(beara; ~ anna) pointed rod, bonsach f javelin, cealg f(ceilge; ~a, ~) sting, goineog sting, goimh venom, sting, (cf. goimh an dнomuнochais the sting of ingratitude), lansa lance, lйas m(lйis; ~ acha) beam, sleб f spear, snбthaid needle, sting, (cf. snбthaid na haithrн the sting of remorse), spнce spike.

m need

ceanglas (law) requirement, easpa want, lack, йigeantas compulsion, Nн fйidir gan й. It’s a must., gбtar need, want, Is fйidir gan й. It’s not a must., oibleagбid obligation, rйamhriachtanas prerequisite, riachtanas requirement, requisite, necessity.

gabh adj. capture, apprehend, arrest, captivate

1. capture, arrest, take

beir ar take hold of, catch, beir greim ar take a grip of, coinnigh keep detain, duine a chur i bprнosъn to jail a person, duine a chur i ngйibheann to put a person into custody, giall a dhйanamh de dhuine to make a hostage of a person, glac take (on), accept, tуg take, capture

2. go

bog shift, move, corraigh stir, move, dйan ar make towards, druid move close to, approach, gluais move, siъil walk, tйigh irr. go, tйigh chun cinn proceed, teith flee, treabh ar aghaidh plough ahead. (see also: tйigh)



Gabhann sй cead aici. He askes her permission.

Gabhann sй air fйin й a rб lйi. He takes it upon himself to tell her.

Gabhann sй ar an obair. He starts the work.

Gabhann sй ar a anбil. He holds his breath.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 146 | Нарушение авторских прав

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An saol atб le teachtthe world to come, an saol eile/ an saol thall the next world/ the world beyond,aoibhneasbliss, neamhf(neimhe)heaven, niarbheбnam(~; ~н) nirvana, muin| Gabhann an tine as. the fire goes out.

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