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Airdeallachalert, watchful, aireachattentive, aireachtбlachperceptive, beo gastaon the ball, crнonnaastute, cъramach

careful, breathnуireachta observing, fadcheannach shrewd, faireach watchful, feighlнoch vigilant, fнneбlta fine, subtle, gйarshъileach sharp-eyed, grinn observant, discerning.

gearr 1 v cut

achoimrigh summarize, bain cut, mow; harvest, barrscoith (maths) truncate, bearr shave, trim; crop, caolaigh slim, become slender, cneбigh wound, colscar (marriage) divorce, comhdhlъthaigh condense, coscair rend, cut up; mangle, crйachtaigh wound, crosбil amach cross out, deighil segment, dйroinn bisect, diogбil prune, trim, dнcheangal untie, detach, unyoke; disconnect, dнlasc unclasp, disconnect, dнnasc detach, disconnect, diosc dissect, dнscoir disband, discontinue, йirigh as discontinue, grean engrave, нsligh lower, laghdaigh reduce, lessen, lom mow; shear; strip, mionnghearr chop up into small pieces, poll bore,pierce; clip, roinn divide, sбbh saw, scбin split, crack, scoilt split, crack, scoith sever, cut off, scamh peel, whittle, scaoil let go, release, discharge, scar separate; segment scor slash, scrнob scratch, scrios delete, sisйal chisel, slis slice, slisnн a dhйanamh de to slice, srac yank, wrench; sever, tear, strуic tear, snoigh carve, tanaigh thin, teasc hack, hew, tobghearr snip, toll pierce, perforate, trasnaigh intersect, treбigh penetrate, trinsigh incise.

gearr 2 adj. short

achoimrithe summarized, achomair (nнos achoimre more brief), brief, concise, ar nуs cuma liom in an offhand manner, beacht precise; to the point, beag small, little, bнdeach tiny, bocht poor, breacshaolach ephemeral, brнomhar pithy, forceful, dнreach direct, caol slender, cуngarach near, close, docht tight, drochbhйasach discourteous, easnamhach deficient, easpach lacking, fuinte terse; compact, gairid brief,short, gann scarce, scanty, gearrshaolach short-lived, giorraisc abrupt,curt, giorraithe shortened; abridged, giortaithe curtailed, gonta concise, gortach mean, i mbeagбn focal in a few words, нseal low, leibideach half-cocked, un-thought-out, lom bare, unadorned, maol bald,

blunt, mнmhъinte impolite, mуimintiъil momentary, neamhbhuan transitory, neamhiomlбn incomplete, neamhleor insufficient, neamhuilнoch partial, nн fada it is not long, nнorbh fhada it was not/ would not be long, reatha fleeting, tanaн thin, meagre, teann taut, teoranta limited, tobann sudden, turchainteach laconic.

gearradh m cut

achoimriъ prйcis, baint cutting mowing; harvesting, bearradh shaving, trimming; cropping, caolъ slimming, making slender, cneб wounding, colscaradh (divorce) divorce, divorcing, coscairt rending, cutting up, crйachtъ wounding, gashing, crosбil amach crossing out, deighilt partition, dйroinnt bisection, diogбil pruning, trimming, dнcheangal dissolution, detachment, unyoking; disconnection, dнlascadh unclasping disconnecting, dнnascadh detaching, dioscadh dissecting, dнscor unloosing, unyoking, dissolution, йirн as discontinuation, greanadh engraving, нsliъ lowering, laghdaъ reducing, lessening, lomadh mowing; shearing; stripping, mionnghearradh chopping up into small pieces, polladh boring,piercing, sбbhadh sawing, scбineadh splitting, cracking, scoilteadh splitting, scoitheadh severing, cutting off, scamhadh peeling, whittling, scaoileadh letting go, releasimg, discharging, scaradh separating, separation, scor adh slashing, cutting, slicing, scrнobadh scratching, scriosadh deleting, sisйaladh chiselling, sliseadh slicing, cutting, sracadh yanking, wrenching; severing, tearing, strуiceadh tearing, snoн carving, tanъ thinning, teascadh hacking, hewing, tobghearradh snipping, tolladh piercing, perforating, trasnъ intersecting, treб penetrating, trinsiъ incising.

gйill v surrender, yield, succumb

admhaigh admit, concede, cъl a ligean to concede a goal, diъltaigh renounce, йirigh as relinquish, resign, give up, trйig abandon, lig allow, lig uait forego, tabhair isteach give in, tabhair suas resign, give up.

gйilleadh m surrender, yielding

admhбil admitting, conceding, briseadh defeat, dнomua defeat, diъltъ renouncing, йirн as relinquishment, resigning, giving up, trйigean abandonment, ligean allowing, conceding, ligean uait foregoing, tabhairt isteach giving in, tabhairt suas giving up.

geit f jolt, sudden startle

croitheadh shudder, ionadh surprise, lйim jump, preab f jolt, sudden shock. (see also: preab)

ginearбlta adj. general

coiteann common, coitianta common, comуnta common, fairsing extensive, forleathan widespread, fad-rйimseach wide-ranging, gnбch usual, gnбth- ordinary, usual, iomlбn overall, leathan broad, uilechoitieann general, universal, uilefhуinteach all-purpose, uileghabhбlach comprehensive, uilнoch universal

gioblach adj. tattered

amscaн untidy, bedraggled, brocach filthy, cifleogach tattered, in rags, gan chнoradh unkempt, gan slacht untidy, messy, grabasta grubby, mнshlachtmhar untidy, scrбbach dishevelled, untidy, sramach shoddy, sraoilleach scruffy, tattered, strуicthe torn, tбir shabby, trн chйile messed up, untidy.


giorraisc adj. abrupt

dйanta faoi dheifir rushed, dorrga gruff, drochbhйasach rude, impolite, gairgeach surly, gan choinne unexpected, gasta rapid, lбithreach immediate, mнchъirtйiseach discourteous, mнmhъinte uncivil, tobann sudden.

glac 1 f grasp, handful

boiseog palmful, greim (tobann) m grasp, lбmh f hand, lбn lбimhe handful, mбm f handful.

glac 2 v accept, take

admhaigh acknowledge; admit, aithin recognize, aontaigh le agree with, beir ar take hold of, cinneadh ar to decide upon, coinnigh keep; accommodate, creid believe, dul le (ceird) to take up (a trade), faigh get, foghlaim learn, fulaing suffer, gabh capture, seize, occupy; arrest; go, goid steal, greim a bhreith ar to take hold of, ionanбlaigh inhale, ith eat, mъscail arouse, awaken, уl drink, roghnaigh choose, rud йigin a thabhairt leat to bring something with you, seas withstand, smaoinigh consider, tуg take, tuig understand, uchtaigh adopt.

glan 1 v clean; clear

bбnaigh bleach, folc bathe, wash, cithfholcadh a thуgбil to shower, cuimil rub; wipe, deannach a bhaint de to dust, dнbholaigh deodorise, dнghalraigh disinfect, dнfhabhtaigh disinfect, sanitize, dustбil dust, folъsghlan vacuum, imghlan cleanse, нonaigh purify, mapбil mop, nigh wash, launder, purgaigh purge, sciomraigh scour, scrub, sciъr (money) launder; scour, scuab sweep, smбl a bhaint as to remove a stain, snas a chur ar to put a shine on, to polish up, sruth a scaoileadh to flush, sruthlaigh rinse; flush.

glan 2 adj. clean

antaiseipteach antiseptic, cneasta honest, decent, seemly, creidiъnach respectable, upright, dea-shamplach exemplary, dнfhabhtбnach disinfectant, fнor- pure, fнrйanta righteous, foirfe perfect, galбnta elegant, geanasach (of a woman) decent, ready to meet visitors, gan salъ unsoiled, gan smбl immaculate (e.g. Giniъint Mhuire gan Smбl The Immaculate Conception), gan teimheal gan smбl spotless, gan truailliъ unadulterated, geanmnaн chaste, pure, gnaнъil likeable, decent, iomlбn whole, нonaithe purified, ionraic honest; upright, lonrach sparkling, macбnta honest, decent, maighdeanъil virginal, maighdine virgin, maith good, measъil esteemed, respectable, modhъil decent, modest, morбlta moral, neamhfhabhtach uncontaminated, untainted

neamhthruaillithe unpolluted, neamhurchуideach innocent, guiltless, nйata neat, nite washed, уgh chaste, pure, saor у locht free of fault, saor у smъit dust-free, slachtmhar tidy, slбinteach hygienic, slбintнoch sanitary, soilйirithe clarified, steirilithe sterilized, steiriъil sterile, suбilceach virtuous, uile entire, ъr fresh, ъr nua brand new.

glao m call

amhastrach f barking, bйic yell, bйicнl yelling, bъir bellow, roar, bъireach f bellowing; fуgairt proclamation, fios m (feasa) call (to inform) gбir cry; cheer, geonaнl whining, glam roar, liъ m yell, lуg wail, cry, scairt shout, scrйach f(scrйiche) screech, scrйachach f screeching, scread f(~ a) scream, screadach f screaming, uallfairt grunt, uaill howl.

glaoigh v call

amhastraigh bark, bйic yell, bъir bellow, roar, dъisigh awaken, fios a chur ar an dochtъir to call the doctor, fуgair announce; declare, gбir cry out, glao a chur orm to give me a call, ordaigh order, sainigh designate, seirbheбil summon, scrйach screech, scread scream, tionуil convene, uallfairt a ligean to grunt; to howl, uaill a ligean as to howl.

glasra m vegetable

lйagъim (fruit) legumes, lйagъmaigh (general) legumes, pischineбlaigh legumes, greens, piseбnach m leguminous plants, plandaн inite edible plants.

glasraн comуnta agus grбnaigh common vegetables and cereals:

arbhar corn luibheanna herbs

bachlуga Bhruisйil meacan bбn parsnip

Brussels sprouts min bhuн Indian meal

biabhog rhubarb miontas mint

biatas beetroot muisiriъin mushrooms

bliosбn artichoke oinniъin onions

brocailн broccoli, pуnairн (reatha)(runner) beans

cabбiste cabbage pуnairн Francacha haricots

cairйad carrot paiprice paprika

cearbhas caraway, peirsil parsley

cуilis cauliflower piobar pepper

cбl kale pis pea

cnуnna nuts prбta milis sweet potato

coirce oats rнs fhadghrбinneach long-grained rice

cruithneacht wheat raidis radish

dias arbhair sбiste sage

corn-on-the-cob siocaire chicory

duilleog labhrais Bay leaf soilire celery

eorna barley, sreabhann chiffon

gairleog garlic tнm thyme

giosta yeast tornapa turnip

leitнs lettuce trбtaн tomatoes.

lintile lentil (see also: plandaн, toradh)


gleann m glen, valley

altбn gorge, ravine, clais gully, ditch, fothair f (foithre; foithreacha) dell, wooded hollow; steep slope towards a precipice, mбm m mountain pass.

glйas m instrument

бis facility, aid, ciъta (literary) device, feiste device, feisteas accoutrement, gaireas apparatus, device, giuirlйid gadget, giuirlйidн accoutrements, bibs and bobs, meaisнn machine,

modhanna mpl means, methods, trealamh equipment. uirlis instrument (see also: uirlis)

gleo m din, clamour

callбn noise, disturbance, callуid commotion, cambъs mayhem, clampar clash, commotion, cleatrбil clatter, clismirt noisy wrangling, glaomaireacht clamour, geoin drone, hum, gleorбn discordant talk, muirn tumult, racбn racket, raic outcry, ruaille buaille hullabaloo, commotion, torann noise, trup trap noisy trampling sound, uallfairt howling. (see also: glуr, torann)

glic adj. cunning, shrewd

acmhainneach resourceful, aibн alert, quick, airgtheach inventive, beartach scheming, conniving, beo-intinneach quick-witted, cleasach crafty, cliste clever, crнonna astute, shrewd, deaslбmhach adroit, dexterous, deisbhйalach witty, йirimiъil intelligent, eolach knowing, fadcheannach astute, shrewd, gasta quick, gйar sharp, keen, gйarchъiseach discerning, astute, grinn perceptive, discriminating, intliъil ingenious, sleamhain sly, slippery, slim cunning, sly, stuama prudent, tapa fast, (see also: cliste)

glуr m

1. voice

bйicнl yelling, bladar soft talking; chatting up, briathar word, Briathar Dй The Word of God, cabaireacht chattering, cadrбil chatter, caint speech, ceol music, clabaireacht chatting, cogar whisper, comhrб conversation, cumas cainte ability to speak, utterance, focal remark, word, foghraнocht phonetics, foghrъ pronunciation, giolcaireacht prattling, glaomaireacht loud-mouthedness, guth voice, guthaнocht vocalization, guthъ voicing, lapaireacht babbling, labhairt speaking, labhra f utterance, statement, remark, rнrб (agus ruaille buaille) uproar and commotion, pandemonium, salmaireacht prattling; blabbing on in droning tone, scйal tale, scrйachach f screeching, siolla syllable, teanga f language, teilgean expression, toil f (tola) will, ton tone,

urlabhairt articulation, urlabhra speech, urlabhraн m spokesperson, vуta vote. (see also: caint)

2. sound, noise

callбn noise, disturbance, callуid commotion, cambъs mayhem, clampar clash, commotion, cleatrбil clatter, clismirt noisy wrangling, fuaim sound, glaomaireacht clamour, geoin drone, hum, gleo din, clamour, gleorбn discordant talk, gliogar sound of rotten egg, glug-glug sound; death-rattle, gliogram rattling, glothar (an bhбis)(death-) rattle, mнbhinne cacophony, muirn tumult, racбn racket, raic outcry, ruaille buaille hullabaloo, commotion, torann noise, trost thud, tramp of feet, trup trap noisy trampling sound, uallfairt howling. (see also: torann)


glуrtha na n-ainmhithe voices of the animals:


bйarla na n-йan song of the birds

bъireach f asal braying of donkeys

bъireach f tairbh bellowing of a bull

bъireach f tнogair roar of a tiger

bъirнl na mbу bellowing of the cows

ceiliъr na n-йan warble of the birds

ceol na n-йan song of the birds

corracъ na gcolm cooing of the doves

crуnбn na gcat purring of the cats

dordбn na mbeach buzzing of the bees

gйimneach na mbу lowing of the cows

gнog йan birds’ chirping

giolcaireacht йan twittering of birds

glam an mhadra the dog’s howling

gnъsacht na muc grunting of the pigs

grбgaнl an phrйachбin cawing of the jackdaw

mйileach f gabhar bleating of goats

mйileach f na gcaorach bleating of the sheep

mionghйimeach uain bleating of a lamb

tafann na madraн barking of dogs

uaill na conairte howl of the hound-pack


glуrtha rudaн voices of things:


clagarnach bбistн clatter of rain

bloscadh gunna report of a gun

bъireach f na farraige roar of the sea

clingeacha na gclog the chimes of the bells

geonaнl na gaoithe whining of the wind

plab dorais slam of a door

plйasc mhianaigh blast of a mine

plimp toirnн crack of thunder

puis ghaoithe gust/ whish of wind

rois urchar volley of shots

scairteanna gбirн roars of laughter

siorradh gaoithe blast of wind

tailm na plйisce the bang of the explosion

titim de phleist to fall with a flop

tuairt eitleбin crash of a plane

uallfairt na mac tнre the howl of the wolves

glуrach adj. noisy, vociferous; voiced

ard loud, a scoiltfeadh do chloigeann/ do cheann ear-splitting, bйalchlabach garrulous, bйalscaoilte loose-tongued, bйalsceiteach blabbing, bladhmannach bombastic, verbose, bodhraitheach deafening, briathrach verbose, cabach chattering, chatty, cбgach loquacious, cainteach talkative, callбnach noisy, caolghlуrach shrill, foclach wordy, gairgeach harsh, garg-ghlуrach strident, gбrthach vociferous, gleoch clamorous, contentious, gleoirйiseach happily-noisy, gleorбnach discordant, noisy, gleothбlach noisy, grбgach raucous, inchloiste audible, polltach penetrating, ropбnta piercing, seanchais full of old chat, scйalach full of stories, sochloiste easily heard, spleodrach boisterous, toirniъil thundery, torannach noisy.

glуrmhar adj. glorious

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 194 | Нарушение авторских прав

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