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lag adj. weak
anbhann feeble, weak, agus a leathbhйal faoi unconvincing, agus a thуin leis flimsy, anaemach anaemic, anbhainne debile, astaenach asthenic, atуnach (medical) atonic, bбn pale, bбnlнoch pallid, beag small; slight, bocht poor, bog soft, damp, caite worn out, caolaithe diluted, cladhartha spineless, corrach shaky, crуilн infirm, dearуil puny, dнblн decrepit, dнmrнoch enervated, dнneartaithe debilitated, enfeebled, dнomhaoin worthless, idle; unmarried, do-bhraite imperceptible, йadaingean unsteady, unsound, йadrom light; (of colours) light, pale; shallow, йagumasach impotent, incapacitated, easlбn unwell, easnamhach deficient, easpach lacking, йidreorach helpless, йislinneach insecure, unsafe; vulnerable; defective, fabhtach unsound, fann frail, faoi bhun an ghnбthchaighdeбin substandard, gan bhlas tasteless, gan bhunъs baseless, gan chosaint defenceless, gan mуrбn dealraimh unconvincing, in нsle brн down in the dumps, lagaithe weakened, leamh insipid, wishy-washy, leochaileach fragile, lochtach faulty, longadбnach wobbly, defective, maol blunt, dull, maoth tender, weak, marbh- dull, marbhбnta lerhargic, meata cowardly, meirbhlithe enervated, mнshбsъil unsatisfactory, Muire ‘s trua pathetic, neamhaн apathetic, neamhбbalta lacking in strength;
incompetent, neamhбbhartha immaterial, irrelevant, neamh-acmhainneach lacking in strength/ endurance, neamhbhailн invalid, void, null-and-void, neamhbhrнoch ineffectual, insignificant, neamhchumasach incapable, powerless, incapable, neamhchumhachtach powerless, neamhinniъil incompetent, neamhshocair unsteady, unfixed, neamh-shubstaintiъil insubstantial, soghonta vulnerable, spнonta effete; exhausted, tlбith wan, frail, toll hollow, traochta exhausted, trйith feeble, uisciъil watery; runny.
▲ ~anбlach breathing faintly, ~bheartach unable to get things done or to make things happen, ~bhrнoch languid, ~chraicneach thin-skinned, ~chroнoch faint-hearted, ~ -glуrach weak-voiced, lagintinneach feeble-minded, ~iolrach with weak-plural, ~labhartha diffident, ~lбmhach weak-handed, ~mheabhrach forgetful; weak-minded, ~mheanmnach low-spirited, ~mheasartha indifferent, rather poor, ~mheasъil contemptuous, ~mhisniъil despondent, ~-radharcach weak-sighted, ~shъileach weak-eyed, ~spreosach listless, ~spridiъil spiritless, in low spirits.
lagaigh v weaken
bain bonn у undermine, bog soften, slacken, loosen, ceansaigh pacify, subdue; appease, creim erode, cuir у chumas incapacitate, faoiseamh a thabhirt (do) to alliviate, to assuage, fuaraigh relieve, fuairnimh a chur (i) to numb, gearr cut, gearr siar cut back, нsligh humiliate, lessenreduce, laghdaigh abate, reduce, maolaigh mitigate, diminish, meathlaigh dwindle, roinn divide, scaip scatter, smiot whittle, suaimhnigh soothe, calm; pacify, tйigh in нsle go lower, tйigh sнos go down, tit fall.
laghad m smallness, fewness
annamhacht rareness, beag small, little amount, beagбinнn tiny little bit, beagбn little amount, beagmhйid smallness, ganntanas shortage, tearcamas scarcity, teirce fewness.
laghdaigh v lessen, diminish
bain cut, bearr shave, bodhraigh deaden bog soften, caith wear out, ceansaigh pacify, subdue, ciorraigh curtail, ciъnaigh silence, creim erode, faoiseamh a thabhirt (do) to alliviate, to assuage, fuaraigh relieve, fuairnimh a chur (i) to numb gearr cut, gearr siar cut back, giorraigh shorten, нoslaghdaigh minimise, нsligh lower, lessen, reduce, lagaigh weaken, maolaigh mitigate, diminish, meathlaigh dwindle, moilligh slow, scamh peel, smiot whittle, chip, suaimhnigh soothe, calm, tar anuas come down, tйigh in нsle go lower, tйigh sнos go down, tit fall,
lбidir adj. strong
1. strong, potent; able to withstand
an- very, extremely, ard loud, brнomhar vigorous, forceful, buan lasting, permanent, buanfasach hard-wearing, buanseasmhach enduring, steadfast, cloнteach overwhelming, overpowering, cumasach capable, potent, cumhachtach powerful, daingean secure, steadfast, dian- intense, intensive, dнgeanta obdurate, die-hard, dingthe compact, thickset, dнocasach eager, dнograiseach enthusiastic, diongbhбilte stalwart; secure, staunch, deep-seated, dobhriste unbreakable, dochaite durable, dochloнte invincible, doineanta stormy, dolъbtha inflexible, unyielding, doscaн having fearless strength, doscъch tough, hardy, dъshlбnach defiant, dъthrachtach fervent, йifeachtach effective, fadsaolach long-lasting, faoi bhйim emphasised, fнor- intense, ultra-, fortъil strong, powerful, frйamhaithe go domhain deep-rooted, gustalach resourceful, iomadъil numerous, abundant, neartmhar mighty, righin rigid, tough, seasmhach resolute, so-aitheanta noticeable, stуinseach staunch, strong, robust, storrъil strong, vigorous, sбr- superlative, suntasach remarkable, tacъil sustaining, sturdy, tйagartha burly, stout, trйan- strong, trйan (nнos treise) strong (stronger), treisithe reinforced, trom heavy, uilechumhachtach almighty, omnipotent, urrъnta robust, hefty.
2. intense; pungent
aiceanta accentuated, ard- brilliant, great, brйan foul-smelling, putrid, cloнteach overwhelming, comhchruinnithe concentrated, dian- intense, intensive, dнbhirceach zealous, ardent, dнocasach eager, dнograiseach enthusiastic, domhain (colour) deep, rich, faoi bhйim emphasised, fнor- intense, ultra-, gйar sharp, pungent, glйigeal brilliant, glйineach vivid, marfach deadly, meisciъil intoxicating, sбithithe saturated, scйiniъil glaring, garish, suntasach remarkable, tacъil sturdy, tйagartha burly, stout, tiubh dense; thick, tiubhaithe concentrated, trйan- strong, treisithe reinforced.
3. physically strong, healthy
бbalta able, brнomhar vigorous, croнъil hearty, crua hard, hardy, cumasach capable, potent, daingean firm, strong, fairceallach strongly built, fйitheogach brawny, follбin fit, healthy, groн hearty, vigorous, lъfar athletic, lъithneach sinewy, muscular, lъthchleasach athletic, matбnach muscular, scafбnta strapping, scolbбnta wiry, slбintiъil healthy, spionnъil strong, vigorous, spleodrach exuberant, spreacъil vital, spirited, storrъil sturdy; stirring, tйagartha burly, stout, trйan (nнos treise) strong, urrъnta robust.
▲ arm ~ strong army, caint ~ strong talk, creideamh ~ strong faith, deoch ~ strong drink, gaoth ~ strong wind, goile ~ strong stomach, guth ~ strong voice, i staid ~ in a sound position, le lбmh ~ by force, oнche ~ stormy night, solas ~ strong light.
lбidreacht f strength
brнomhaire vigorousness, forcefulness, buaine durability, permanence, cumas capability, potency, cumhacht power, daingne steadfastness, dйine intensity, diongbhбilteacht steadfastness, constancy, dobhristeacht unbreakability, dochaiteacht resilience, dochloнteacht invincibility, fortъlacht prowess, strength, gustalaн resourcefulness, enterprising, neart might, righne toughness, seasmhacht resoluteness, stуinseacht staunchness, storrъlacht strength,
vigorousness, tacъlacht sturdiness, tйagarthacht stoutness, treise strength, dominance; emphasis, uilechumhachtaн omnipotence, urrъntacht robustness.
laige f weakness
anbhainne feebleness, weakness, anaemacht anaemia, bбine paleness, whiteness, bбnlнche pallid-ness, beagmhйid smallness, bochtaineacht poverty, boige softness, dampness, boichte poorness, caolъ dilution, claidhreacht spinelessness, crуilнocht infirmity, disablement, dearуile puniness, dнblнocht delapidation, decrepit condition, dнmrнche enervated condition, dнneartъ debility, enfeebledness, dнomhaoine worthlessness, idleness, do-bhraiteacht imperceptibity, йadaingne unsteadiness, unsound condition, йadroime light; (of colours) lightness, paleness; shallowness, йagumas impotence, incapacity, easlбinte ill-health, easnamhaн deficiency, easpa lacking, йidreoir helplessness,want of direction, йislinne insecurity, vulnerability; defect, fabht flaw, fault, fainne frailness, нsle brн low spirits, meatacht cowardliness, maoithe tenderness, softness, lagъ weakened-ness, leimhe insipidness, wishy-washiness, leochaileacht fragilitty, lochtaн faultiness, defectiveness, longadбnacht wobbliness, mairbhe lifelessness, dullness; numbness, mairbhitн languor, torpor, maoile bluntness, dullness, baldness, marbhбntacht lethargy, meirbhe langour, weakness, mнshбstacht disatisfaction, neamhбbaltacht lacking in strength, impotence, neamhбbharthacht irrelevance, neamhacmhainne lacking in/ lack of resources, neamhbhailнocht invalidity, neamhbhlas tastelessness, neamhbhrн insignificance, neamhchumas incapability, neamhchumhacht powerlessness; lack of authority, neamhdhaingne insecurity, unsoundness, neamhfheidhm irrelevance, purposelessness, neamhinniъlacht ineptitude, incompetence, neamhshocracht unsteadiness, unease, neamhshubstaintiъlacht insubstantiality, flimsiness, so-ghontacht vulnerability, tlбithe wanness, frailness, toille hollowness, traochadh exhaustion, trйithe feebleness, weakness uisciъlacht wateriness.
lбimhseбil v handle
bheith in ann don obair to be able for the work, bheith i gceannas ar to be in charge of, bheith i gcуmhaith le to be equal to (e.g. Tб sн gcуmhaith leis. She is his equal, she can handle him), cуipeбil cope, eagraigh organise, eolas do ghnу bheith agat to know what you are doing, lбmh in uachtar bheith agat ar to have the upper hand on, rith run, smachtaigh control, stiъraigh direct, tuig understand.
lбithreach adv. immediately
anois now, ar an bpointe at once, promptly, ar luas lasrach at lightning speed, ar nуs na gaoithe in the manner of the wind, chomh luath agus is fйidir as soon as possible, cosa in airde in a gallop, de gheit at a bound, all of a sudden, dнreach anois right now, gan a thuilleadh moille without further delay, gan fanacht timpeall without waiting around, gan mhoill without delay, gan moilleadуireacht without dawdling, go beo presto, briskly, go beo gasta posthaste, go gasta apace, fast, quickly, go maolchluasach hell for leather, go tapa quickly, fast, lom lбithreach right now.
lбmh f
1. hand
bos f palm, bualadh bos clap, applause, crбg f large hand, crбgбn little claw, crobh claw; (pickup lever) hand, crъb claw, dorn m(doirn, doirne) fist, dornбn handful, fistful, ionga f(~ n; ingne) talon; hoof., ladhar claw, lapa paw, mбg f(mбige; ~ a, ~) paw, teanchair tongs, tlъ (fire-) tongs.
2. handle
cos (hammer, knife, etc.) handle, cluas f (cup, cap, etc.) ear, lug, crann stock, handle; feac (spade, shovel, etc..) handle, greim m (greama; greamanna) grip, luamhбn lever, maide (knife) handle, murlбn knob, sбfach (axe) long-handle, sciathбn arm; wing.
3. skill, ability
бbaltacht ability, bua talent, gift, cumas ability, strength, deaslбmhaн deftness of hand, deis dexterity, fйith flair, scil skill, tallann talent, tнolacadh у Dhia gift from God.
lбmhach m shooting, gunfire
caitheamh roicйad firing rockets (e.g. Chaith sй urchar liom. He fired shot at me), cith m(ceatha; ceathanna) pilйar shower of bullets, pleancadh shelling, rois pilйar volley of shots, scaoileadh urchar gunfire, urchar gunna gunshot.
lampa m lamp
laindйar lantern, lуchrann lantern, lamp, solas light, tуirse torch, trilseбn (open flame) torch.
lбn adj. full
Ag cur thar maoil overflowing, brimful, ar fadentire, whole, athshondachresonant, resounding, corpantathorough, out and out, crнochnъilthorough, complete, crochta go barrchock-a-block, cruthantareplete, fully-made, cuimsitheachcomprehensive, dingthecrammed, stuffed, dlъthdense; compact, dlъthaithecompacted, compressed, dуthanachsatiated, sufficient, druidte lechock-full with, dubh leswarming with, faнochcopious, fairsingextensive, fialgenerous, frasample, gafaoccupied, engaged, gan chiorrъ,unexpurgated, gan ghearradhuncut, go buinne bйilbrimful, ina iomlбinein its entirety, glacthataken, iomlбncomplete, entire, whole; plenary, i riocht rйabthabursting at the seams, leathanbroad, le bolg amach (air)bulging, lнonmharplentiful, lнontafilled, lнonta chomh fada lena riochtfilled to its full capacity, lуdбilteloaded, lomlбn jam-packed, luchtaitheloaded, luchtmharcapacious, macnasachvoluptuous, luxurious, mйithcorpulent, fleshy, rich, mionchuntasach detailed, neamhghiorraitheunabridged, pбinteachplump, pacбiltepacked, pulcthastuffed, gorged; (exams) crammed, raidhsiъil abundant, riar бr gcбisadequate for our needs, sбchsated, sacthacram-full, saibhirrich, sбstasatisfied, tуgthataken, uas-maximum, toirtiъil
voluminous, uasta maximum, uileghabhбlach exhaustive, uilнoch universal, ъisiъil fulsome.
▲ ag an ~ mara at full tide, ar ~luas at full speed, chomh ~ le mбla pнbe as full as can be, faoi ~rйim in full swing, faoi ~seol under full sail; in full swing, faoi ~siъl at full pace, ina ~rith arнs fully recovered, firing on all cylinders again, ~бbalta fully capable, ~aimseartha full-time, ~aosta of full age, ~chбilithe fully qualified, ~chinnte fully certain, ~chъlaн fullback, ~dбirнre completely serious, ~dйanta fully made, ~dearfa absolutely certain; fully attested, ~dearthбir full brother, ~deirfiъr full sister, ~dнcheall utmost, ~dorchadas total darkness, ~dъiseacht fully awakened state, ~dъnadh (music) perfect cadence, ~ go doras crowded out, ~йiclips total eclipse, ~fhada full-length, ~fhбsta (student) mature, ~fheistithe fully equipped; (rehearsal) full-dress, ~fhostaнocht full employment, ~ go fiacail chock-full, ~ go snaidhm le hairgead bursting at the seams with money, ~ghafach (le) fully intent (on), ~ghaolmhar (le) germane (to), ~нoctha fully paid, ~lйargas panorama, ~lнon full complement, ~ mhйid full size, ~mhъchadh black-out; asphyxia, ~-nуta (music) breve, ~oilte fully trained, ~phб full pay, ~rй full moon, ~saol easy life, ~sбsta fully satisfied, ~scor dissolution, ~seol full speed, ~ spъnуige spoonful, ~stad full stop, period, ~staonadh total abstinence, ~suim sum total, full amount, ~toil full consent, ~ъdarбs full authority.
laoch m hero
buaiteoir winner, victor, cloнteoir conquerer, concaire (hist.) conquerer (cf. Uilliam Concaire William the Conquerer) curadh champion, fear airm man of arms, fear comhraic combatant, fighter, fear crуga brave man, fear troda fighting man, gasbhбlaн taker, conquerer, gaiscнoch m warrior, osduine superman, superwoman, prнomh-charachtar fir / mnб male/ female protagonist,trodaнfighter.
lбr m centre, middle
beo (na ceiste) crux (of the matter), ceann sprice objective, goal, ceartlбr dead centre, croн heart, core, eadarbhuas in mid air, eithne nucleus, fуcas focus, leath bealaigh midway,
maighdeog pivot, meбn average; medial, meбnach m middle, mid-; medium, meбnlнne f median, Mecca Mecca, mol hub, nave, pointe fуcais focus-point, sъil sprice bull’s-eye, sprioc f(sprice; ~ anna) target.
▲ ~chуras central system, ~ionad centre, ~lнne centre-line, diameter, ~lнneach diametrical, ~mhб central plain, ~mheбn exact centre, ~phointe mid-point, ~theifeach centrifugal, ~thosaн (sport) centre-forward.
las v light; blush
adhain (adhnann sй he kindles) kindle, ignite, aibhligh scintillate, bladhm flare up, breacshoilsigh glimmer, breoigh glow, crithlonraigh shimmer, cuir ar lasadh set on fire, inflame, cuir ar siъl switch on, turn on, cuir trн thine set alight, put on fire, dallraigh glare, dealraigh shine forth, illuminate, dearg (pipe, cigarette, etc) light, turn red, dуigh burn, drithligh glisten, glitter, sparkle; twinkle, eitil flicker, fadaigh kindle, frithchaith reflect, glioscarnach a dhйanamh to glitter, lonraigh sparkle, luisnigh blush, preab flicker, scal flash, sйid (wound) inflame, soilsigh illuminate, solas ag preabadh light flickering, sprйach spark; sputter, splutter; sprйacharnach a dhйanamh to sparkle, taitin shine, tine a chur sнos to light a fire.
lasmuigh adv. outside; ~ de outside of
amuigh outside, ar an taobh amuigh on the outside, ar an tsrбid on the street, amuigh faoin aer out in the open air, amuigh faoin spйir out in the open; gan a chur san бireamh not taking into account, gan trбcht ar not to mention, seachas apart from, taobh amuigh de outside of.
lasta adj. lit, alight
ar aon bharr amhбin solais lit up like a Christmas tree, ar lasadh alight, ar scoite lasrach ablaze, trн thine on fire.
lбthair f scene, place
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