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Бlainnbeautiful, ardchйimeacheminent, cбiliъilfamous, caithrйimeachtriumphant, diagadivine, godly, йachtachsensational, galбntagrand, elegant, gealbright, glйigeal 3 страница

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  5. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 5 страница
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insint f telling

admhбil admission, confession, aithris relating, narration, caint talking, ciallъ signifying, cogar i gcluas word in confidence, quiet word, comhairliъ advising, counselling, comharthъ indicating, craobhscaoileadh broadcasting;

disseminating, propagating, cumarsбid communicating, communication, cur i bhfios appraisal, cur i gcuimhne reminder, cur i gcroinic chronicling, cur in iъl informing, cur i lбthair presentation, cur sнos description, tuarascбil account, report, dearbhъ declaration, eachtrъ narration of an adventure, faoistin confession, fуgairt heralding, announcing, fуgra announcement, proclamation, labhairt speaking, leathadh spreading, lйiriъ portraying; illustrating, lua mentioning, meabhrъ reminding, mнniъ explanation, moladh advice, nochtadh revealing, revelation, ordъ command, order, saying, scaoileadh releasing, sceitheadh divulging, scileadh divulging, prattling, scrнobh writing, solбthar eolais provision of information, tabhairt scйala bringing of news taispeбint showing, tarraingt depicting, tuairisciъ reporting, ъdarъ authorisation.

intinn f

1. mind, mental state

aigne mind, anam soul, cйadfaн senses, ceann head, ciall sense, cuimhne f memory, recall, dianmhachnamh concentration, eagna intelligence, eagna cinn brain-power, intelligence, eagnaнocht sapience; wittiness, йirim intelligence, forintleacht superior intelligence, ginias genius, inchinn brains, intleacht intellect, intleacht shaorga artificial intelligence, machnamh meditation, meabhair mind, meabhrъ recollection, meanma f (~ n) state of mind; sentiment, na cealla fpl beaga liatha the little grey cells, rйasъn rationality, reason, sнcй psyche.

2. intention

aidhm aim, purpose, aigne mentality, disposition, creideamh belief, faith, cuspуir objective, dearcadh point of view, dъil desire, fбth reason, guн wish, meanma f (~ n) disposition, meanmanra inclinations, meanmarc aspiration, meon attitude, spiorad spirit, rъn intention; secret; (debate) motion, smaoineamh thought, smaointe thoughts, taitneamh liking, toil f will; fancy, tuiscint understanding.


~ aibн witty/ quick mind, ~ an oilc evil mind-set, ~ dhall dim intellect, ~ dhъr dour disposition, ~ charthanach charitable disposition, chrбbhaidh pious disposition, ~ ghuagach fickle mind, ~ shaolta worldly disposition, ~ shocair steady/ settled mind-set, ~ shuairc cheery disposition; faoiseamh ~e mental relief, galar ~e mental illness, mearъ ~e mental aberration, tуgбil ~e lifting of spirits tuirse ~e mental fatigue.


Cad tб ar ~ agat a dhйanamh? What do you intend to do?, Tб rud йigin ar a h~. She has something on her mind., Bhн mй ar ~ й a rб leis. I had a mind to tell him., Thбinig mй le h~ cabhrъ leat. I came with the intention of helping you., D’athraigh mй m’~. I changed my mind.


intuigthe adj. understandable

bailн valid, comhthбite coherent, follasach evident, gan athbhrн ar bith totally unambiguous, gan cheist faoi unquestionable, gur fйidir a thuiscint that it is possible to understand, inghlactha acceptable, loighiciъil logical, sofheicthe obvious, soilйir clear.

нoc v pay

airgead a thabhairt ar to give money for, cъiteamh a dhйanamh i rud йigin to make retribution for something, forghйill forfeit, cъitigh le reimburse, compensate, tabhair give.

нocaнocht f payment

ailiъnas alimony, airgead sнos money down, biseach m premium (on shares), costais mpl expenses, cъiteamh compensation, нoc-ar-sheachadadh cash on delivery, luaнocht reward, pay, prйimh (insurance) premium, socrъ settlement, tбille fee, trбthchuid f(- choda; - chodanna) instalment, tuarastal salary.

нochtar m lower area, bottom; northern regions

bun base, bundъn fundament, bottom, bunlнne f base-line, buntъs basics, starting level, rudiments, cuid нseal low part, нoslach m basement, нseal m(нsil; нsle) low-lying place, нsealchrнoch f(- chrнche; ~ a, ~) lowland, silйar cellar, thнos below, tуin f(tуna) bottom, urlбr floor, tuaisceart north.

нochtarach adj. lower, low-lying

fo- sub-, нochtarбnach subordinate, нseal low, lagmheasa inferior, sуisearach junior, thнos below, underneath.

iomarcach adj. excessive

бibhйileach exaggerated, ainmheasartha immoderate, ainrianta inordinate, as compбs le mйid exorbitant, caifeach wasteful, diomailteach profligate; extravagant, dнrйireach disproportionate, fanaiceach fanatical, foircneach extreme, gan chall needless, gan ghб unnecessary, superfluous, mнchuibheasach extravagant, thar na bearta extreme.


iomlбn adj. total, complete

absalуideach absolute, ag cur thar maoil overflowing, ar fad entire(ly), ar maos saturated, amach is amach out-and-out, outright, downright, beacht exact, cab ar cab brimful, comhiomlбn aggregate, crнochnaithe finished, complete, crнochnъil thorough, cruinn precise, cruthanta consummate, cuimsitheach comprehensive, dйanta done, foirfe perfect, glan exact, absolute; net, lбn full, lбn go bйal full to the brim, lбn go draid chock-a-block, oll- gross, plъchta choked, slбn complete, safe, sound, suimeбlach (maths) integral.

iompair v

1. carry, wear

aistrigh move, transfer, bog move, caith wear, coimeбd suas keep up, coinnigh sustain, corraigh move, craobhscaoil broadcast; disseminate, foilsigh publish, fulaing suffer, gabh capture, glac accept, take on, guailleбil shoulder, leaschraol relay, scaoil release, srac le lug, tabhair bring, convey, taispeбin display, show, tarchuir transmit, tarlaigh haul, tйigh faoi dhйin fetch, tiomбin drive, tуg take.

2. behave

cruthaigh acquit, prove, dйan perform, feidhmigh function, gnнomhaigh act, oibrigh operate, rйitigh (le) comport, get on with, tъ fйin a thaispeбint (i solas maith) to show yourself (in a good light).

iompar m behaviour, conduct

bearta mpl deeds, bйasa mpl manners, gnнomhaнochtaн fpl activities, gnнomhartha mpl actions.

iomrб m rumour

bйadбn gossip, cogar mogar conspiratorial chitchat, cogarnach f whispering, cъlchaint backbiting, rбfla rumour, report, scйal story, tale, scйal scйil hearsay, scйala news, scйalaнocht telling tales, talebearing, tuairisc report.

ionad m place

бit place, dъiche locality, lantбn place, lбthair f location, suнomh site/ position. (see also: бit)

ionadh m wonder, surprise

geit jolt, iontas surprise, wonder, mearbhall bewilderment, oscailt sъile eye-opener, preab f shock. (see also: iontas)

iontach adj. wonderful

Aisteach strange, ait odd, bizarre, andъchasach exotic, aoibhinn splendid, ardйirimiъilbrilliantly clever, ar fheabhasexcellent, as an ghnбth ar fad extraordinary, breб fine, great, coimhthнochweird, odd, alien, creathnachawe-inspiring, dearscnaitheachbrilliant, excellent, pre-eminent; transcendent, dнchreidmheachincredulous, dochreidteunbelievable, йachtachfull of prowess, extraordinarily wonderful, fantaiseachfantastic, unreal, feinimйanachphenomenal, finscйalachfabulous, gбifeachsensational, gaisciъilvaliant, guanachfanciful, inmholtaadmirable, maisiъilsmashing, millteanachastounding, tremendous, mнorъilteachmiraculous, niamhrachresplendent, ollбsachmagnificent, sбr-super, excellent. sбrchйimeachsuperlative, sбrmhaith excellent, scanrъilstartling; scary, sonraнoch


extraordinary, notable, suaithinseach remarkable, distinctive, suntasach outstanding, remarkable, taibhseach flamboyant, thar barr tip-top, super, thar cionn terrific, uafбsach awesome.


iontas m wonder, amazement; surprise

бbhar caidйise / spйise matter of curiosity/ interest, alltacht astonishment, stupefaction, anbhб m dismay, anbhuain consternation, йacht feat; prowess, deismireбn curio, curiosity, dнchreideamh disbelief, dнchreidmheacht incredulity, feic m(~; ~ eanna) sight, spectacle, gбifeachas sensationalism, gaisce feat of valour, geit jolt, ionadh surprise, wonder, mearbhall bewilderment, mearbhall intinne mental confusion, meascбn mearaн disorientation, confusion, daze, mнorъilt miracle, oscailt sъile eye-opener, preab f shock, start, seу spectacle, show, uafбs horror, uafбs agus ionadh awe.


Nн ~ ar bith й! It’s no wonder! Nн chuirfeadh sй lб iontais orm! It wouldn’t surprise me in the least!, Nнorbh iontaн liom an sneachta dearg nб й. I was totally gob-smacked., I could hardly believe it., ~ na n-~! miracles of miracles! Would you believe it?!, mбs ~ le rб й even though it may be hard to believe it, tнr na n-~ wonderland, iontais turasуireachta tourist sights


Dar fia is fiolar! By Jove!, In ainm Chroim! For crying out loud!, A Thiarcais! Good Lord!, M’anam don Diabhal! Well I’ll be damned!, In ainm Dй! In God’s name, For God’s sake!, Dar m’anam! Upon my soul! Tб ionadh orm. I’m amazed., Cuireadh alltacht orm. I was stupefied., gбire amhrasach incredulous laugh, Baineadh preab asam nuair a chuala mй. I got a shock when I heard., Ba mhуr an oscailt sъile dom й sin. That was a great eye-opener to me., Thit an drioll ar an dreall agam! I was flabbergasted., Nн raibh sъil agam leis nб lena leithйid. I wasn’t expecting it or anything like it., Cб leis a mbeifeб ag drйim? What would you expect?., Nн chuirfeб amach choнche й! You’d never guess what!,



нorуnta adj. ironic

aorach satirical, drochmheasъil contemptuous, fonуideach scoffing, greannmhar funny, magъil derisive, mнrйireach incongruous, paradacsъil paradoxical, searbh sardonic, searbhasach sarcastic, tarcaisneach scornful.

iris f mag, magazine

bliantбn annual, foilseachбn publication, irisleabhar magazine, irisleabhar snasta glossy magazine, mнosachбn monthly, seachtanбn weekly, trйimhseachбn periodical.

iriseoireacht f journalism

nuachtбnachas journalese, preas press, scrнbhneoireacht writing, tбblуideachas tabloid journalism, tuairisciъ reporting, tuairisceoireacht reportage, coverage.

нseal adj. low, lowly; mean, base

1. lowly, low

anuasal ignoble, ar lбr laid low, beag small, beag is fiъ worthless, bocht poor, beo bocht extremely poor, ceapбnach stumpy, craptha shrunken, dealbh destitute, dealъsach impoverished, dingthe squat, domhain deep, йadomhain shallow, gearr short, ifreanda infernal, i ndaoirse subjugated, нochtair lower, нochtarach lower; inferior, lagmheasartha inferior, pleibeach plebeian, sclбbhaнochta enslaved; menial, seargtha shrivelled, saor cheap, tъtach ill-bred, uirнseal servile, umhal humble.


2. mean, base

aineolach ignorant, ainnis miserable, amh crude, raw, amhlбnta boorish, borb unrefined, brйan foul, brocach sordid, cбbуgach uncouth, cъl le rath worthless (person), dearуil puny, miserable, gairgeach gruff, gбirsiъil lewd, gross, garbh coarse, rough, garg rude, gortach mean, miserly, grбnna ugly, vile, mнchlъiteach disreputable, mнchuibhiъil unseemly, low, mнofar nasty, mioscaiseach malicious, spiteful, nбireach shameful, neamhfhiъntach unworthy, sprionlaithe miserly, salach dirty, suarach despicable, mean,


wretched, tбir, vile, shabby, truaillithe depraved, corrupt, tъtach crude.


3. down, disheartened; very ill

ag comhrб leis an mbбs at death’s door, beaguchtъil dispirited, dejected, brуnach sad, dobrуnach grieving, afflicted, doilнosach sorrowful, melancholic, duairc dejected, faoi bhrуn in sorrow, in a sorrowful state, faoi dhъlagar (medical) depressed, gan ach an dй ann barely alive, gruama gloomy, i lagar spride in low spirits, i ndeireadh na feide at one’s last gasp, i ndeireadh na pйice at the end of one’s tether, in нsle brн in low spirits, down in the dumps, lag weak, lagbhrнoch down in the dumps, lagmhisniъil down in the mouth, thнos down, downcast, tite i lionn dubh depressed, tromchroнoch heavy-hearted. (see also: brуnach)

нsligh v lower, dip

bog slacken, loosen, ciorraigh curtail, cъngaigh narrow, dнghrбdaigh degrade, gearr siar cut back, lessen, giorraigh shorten, abridge, нoslaghdaigh minimise, lagaigh weaken, laghdaigh lessen, diminish, meathlaigh dwindle, maolaigh moderate, moilligh slow, tar anuas come down, tйigh in нsle go lower, tйigh sнos go down, tit fall, tum dive.

ith v eat

alp devour, caith consume, take (cf. siъcra a chaitheamh to take sugar; fleб a chaitheamh to feast, dinnйar a chaitheamh to dine, etc.) creim erode, нdigh consume, leбigh melt, muc chraosach a dhйanamh dнot fйin to pig out, slog swallow, ъsбid use.


jab m job

бit place, baisc batch, beart proceeding, action, ceird trade, conradh m contract, dreas (oibre) stint, feachtas campaign, mission, feidhm function, fiontraнocht enterprise, fostaнocht employment, freagracht responsibility, gairm vocation, career, gairm bheatha profession, occupation, giurnбil chores, gnнomh action, gnнomhaнocht activity, gnу business, misean mission, obair work, pбirt part, role, post position, saothar work, labour; exertion, seal shift, sealobair shift-work, siobбil pottering, doing odd jobs, slн bheatha livelihood, tasc task, teachtaireacht errand, message, tionscadal project, tionscnamh assignment. (see also: obair)

jabfhairsingiъ job enlargement, jaboiliъint job training, jabrothlъ job rotation, jabshaibhriъ job enrichment, jabscileanna job skills.


Rinne tъ ~ maith. You did a good job. Nach deas an ~ a rinne siad?! Didn’t they do a nice job?!, Beidh ~ ort! You’ll have your work cut out!


m day

aimsir span of time, am time, amanathar the day after tomorrow, anallуd in days of old, an seansaol breб the good old days, arъ amбrach the day after tomorrow, arъ innй the day before yesterday, breacadh an lae daybreak, camhaoir daybreak, ceithre huaire fichead twenty four hours, dбta date, Domhnach is dбlach day in day out, every day of the week, lenбr linne in our day, seal period of time, spell; shift. (see also: am)

Bhн an lб linn. We won the day., de ~ by day, go ~ an tsligнn not until pigs fly, i lбr an lae ghil in broad daylight, i rith an lae during the day, le solas an lae by daylight, ~ de na laethanta seo one of these days, Nб cuireadh sй ~ imnн ort! Don’t let it worry you at all!, Nн chreidfinn an ~ uaidh siъd. I wouldn’t believe a word he’d say., Nн dhйanfaidh sй lб dochair dу. It won’t do him a bit of harm., Nн dhearna sн ~ maith tar йis bбis a fir. She never made good after the death of her husband., Nнl ~ iomrб aici air sin anois. She never speaks of that now., sa ~ in the day, Tб sй ina ~. It is day., Tiocfaidh бr ~. Our day will come.

~ amhбin one day, ~ an Bhreithiъnais The day of Judgement, ~ aonaigh fair (i.e. market) day, ~ breб grйine fine sunny day, ~ breithe birthday, ~ den saol in former days, ~ йigin some day, ~ margaidh market day, ~ na gcйadta bliain a rare occasion, ~ pб pay day, ~ pуsta wedding day, ~ saoire holiday, ~ troscaidh fasting day.


Fйilte Festivals, feast days: Fйile an Earraigh Springtime festival, ~ Caille New Year’s Day, Carghas Lent, Cбisc Easter, ~ Bealtaine May-Day, ~ Fhйile Brнde Saint Bridget’s Day, ~ Fhйile Pбdraig Saint Patrick’s day, ~ Fhйile Na Naomh Uile All Saints’ Day, ~ Fhйile na Marbh All Souls’ Day, ~ Fhйile Vailintнn Saint Valentine’s Day, Oнche Nollag Christmas Eve, ~ Nollag Christmas day, Oнche Shamhna Halloween.

labhair v speak, talk

1. speak, talk

agallamh a dhйanamh le duine to interview a person, бitigh persuade, argue, ardaigh raise, caint a chur ar dhuine to address a person, caint a dhйanamh to speak, do (some) talking, to do a talk, ciallaigh signify, cuir put, cuir in iъl communicate, express, cur sнos a dhйanamh ar to describe, dearbhaigh assert, dul chun cainte le to go to speak with, to interview, йisteacht a thabhairt do dhuine to grant a person an audience, fуgair announce, freagair answer, fuaimnigh pronounce, glaoigh call, impigh implore, beg, inis tell, lйirigh explain, luaigh mention, maнgh claim, mнnigh explain, mol (do) advise, smachtaigh discipline, smaoineamh a chur i gcaint to express a thought, tabhair le tuiscint imply. (see also: inis & abair)

2. speak in a particular manner

achainн a dhйanamh to plead, agуid a dhйanamh to protest, aitheasc to exhort, aithris narrate, bйadбn a dhйanamh to gossip, bйadchaint a dhйanamh to slander, bйal bбn a dhйanamh to flatter, bйalghrб a thabhairt to give lip-service, bйal bocht a dhйanamh to be moaning on, bйal saibhir a dhйanamh to speak in an up-beat manner, bladar a dhйanamh to blather, cabaireacht a dhйanamh to chatter, cadrбil a dhйanamh to chat in a friendly manner, casaoid a dhйanamh to give out, cogarnach a dhйanamh to whisper, comhrб a dhйanamh to converse, to chat, cъlchaint a dhйanamh to be back-biting, dнospуireacht a dhйanamh to debate, fonуid a dhйanamh (faoi) to mock (at), gearбn a dhйanamh to complain, gliogaireacht a dhйanamh toprattle, нde bйil a thabhairt to abuse verbally, leabhlaigh libel, lйacht a thabhairt to lecture, plйigh discuss, rбfla a dhйanamh to rumour, suainseбn a dhйanamh to speak libellously.

3. speak with a particular aim/ purpose

argуint a dhйanamh to make an argument, bйaltriail a dhйanamh to do an oral language test, bladar a dhйanamh le duine to chat a person up, carъl a dhйanamh to make a witty remark, comhairligh counsel, advise, focal a chur isteach to

put a word in, focal a rб to make a remark, уrбid a dhйanamh to make a speech, ortha a dhйanamh/ a rб to incant, say a spell, rбiteas a dhйanamh to make a statement, seanmуireacht a dhйanamh to sermonise, tuairisc a dhйanamh to make a report.

lбch adj. affable, pleasant

bбъil sympathetic, cairdiъil friendly, caoin gentle, tender, caoithiъil amiable, carthanach charitable, caring, ceanъil loving, affectionate, cineбlta kind, cneasta mild-mannered, cбsmhar caring, decent, comhbhбch sympathetic, geanъil affectionate, gnaнъil likeable, mбnla gentle, soirbh pleasant. (see also: cairdiъil, cineбlta)

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