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I. Answer these questions.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Answer these questions.
  2. A) Answer these questions.
  3. Hold the talks along these lines.
  4. Hold the talks along these lines.
  5. Hold the talks along these lines.
  6. Hold the talks along these lines.
  7. I. Answer these questions about the text

A. 1. What place do deliveries take in business transactions? 2. Who
determines the amount of deliveries? 3. What does this amount depend on?
4. What do the design organizations do when the contract is signed? 5. What
is submitted to the customer for consideration and approval? 6. When do
both parties make the division of supplies? 7. What is the division of sup­
plies based on? 8. What do the parties agree about? 9. What document is
signed as a result of the talks on the division of supplies? 10. What does the
supplier work out on the basis of the protocol of division of supplies?

B. 1. What did the customer say about the terms and conditions of the
draft? 2. Did the customer accept everything? 3. Why did the customer want
to have some clarifications? 4. What was the major point the customer
wanted to discuss? 5. Why didn't the price suit the customer? 6. What did
the supplier refer to giving his explanation to the customer? 7. What did the
supplier remind the customer of with regard to technology? 8. How did the
customer explain his position? 9. How did the supplier prove that the cost
was justified? 10. What factor couldn't the supplier ignore while calculat­
ing the price? 11. Why didn't the customer accept the supplier's proposal at

С 1. What was the outstanding problem that the customer wanted to bring up? 2. Why couldn't the customer possibly accept the delivery time? 3. What was the customer's request in terms of the delivery period? 4. How did the supplier justify his position? 5. Why did the supplier want to get in


touch with the manufacturers again? 6. What schedule of deliveries was the customer interested in? 7. Why couldn't the supplier meet the customer's request? 8. Why did the customer need the supplier's monthly delivery sched­ules? 9. What did the supplier say to prove that there was no reason to worry with regard to deliveries?

D. 1. What was the manufacturers' response to the customer's request? 2. Why did the supplier remind the customer of the necessity to meet all their contractual obligations? 3. What did the supplier write about the stor­age period? 4. What did the supplier point out in respect of the replacement of equipment? 5. What did the supplier propose as regards the transporta­tion of heavy and oversized equipment?

II. Find Russian equivalents to the following phrases from the texts.

A. depending on the project; gives some idea as to; submits it to the
customer for consideration and approval; for the full range of equipment;
the supplier works out a draft contract; discuss the terms and conditions of
the contract

B. we find the terms and conditions quite acceptable; it won't take us
long to finalize the matter; the prices you quoted; we followed the decision
we reached; we have a longer term in mind; it is fully justified; it will have a
beneficial effect on the home market; open up export opportunities; there's
something else I'd like to point out; we can hardly ignore it; we need a couple
of days; there won't be any need to revise the price

С are there any outstanding problems?; it's quite a problem; a reason­able period; in any case; I wonder if we could have your schedule of monthly deliveries; I wish we could meet your request; would enable them to coordi­nate; we're aware of all this; there is no reason to worry; we shall also take into account

D. the manufacturers concerned;... should be brought to your notice; you will understand; may bring about; postponement of the project commis­sioning;... should not exceed six months; at their own expense; it is under­stood that...; will not affect the capacity or technological characteristics specified in...

HI. Find English equivalents to the following phrases from the texts.

А. занимает важное место; определяется заинтересованными сто-^ ронами; проектные организации готовят технический проект; на весь объем требующегося оборудования; стороны производят разделение

поставок; приходят к соглашению, какая сторона отвечает за какие по­ставки

B. мы внимательно изучили ваш проект; если вы согласны с нашим
предложением; прийти к окончательному решению; получить некото­
рые разъяснения; при расчете цен; менее сложная технология, которая
отвечала бы насущным потребностям вашей страны (на данный момент);
мы будем полностью использовать вашу сложную (современную) тех­
нологию; общая стоимость может показаться несколько высокой; изме­
нения, которые мы внесли, охватывают (касаются)...; это не причина
для увеличения стоимости; наблюдается ежегодный рост цен на миро­
вом рынке; именно на этот вид оборудования; вряд ли мы можем игно­
рировать это; в удобное для вас время (когда вам будет удобно)

C. не могли бы вы сократить сроки поставки?; мы не можем позво­
лить себе такие сроки; безусловно!; жаль, что мы не в состоянии удов­
летворить вашу просьбу; не очень нам подходит; как вы понимаете...;
привести в соответствие их сроки поставок с нашими; мы представим
вам...; в первую очередь будут поставлены узлы, сборка которых тре­
бует много времени; примем во внимание

D. связались с заводами-изготовителями; дали свое согласие на со­
кращение сроков поставки; необходимо довести до вашего сведения
следующее; задержки поставок или срыв графика монтажа; повлечет
за собой задержку в...; мы просим вас обратить особое внимание на
соблюдение...; сделайте все возможное, чтобы субподрядчики вы­
полнили работу; мы хотели бы разъяснить; в противном случае; за их
счет; за время выполнения контракта; подразумевается, что замена...;
не повлияет отрицательно на качество; готовность оборудования к от­
грузке; за три месяца до отправки вышеупомянутого оборудования

IV. Single out the main points of the texts. Use the following opening

The text (letter) deals with the problem (issue) of...; It further says that...; I find the question of... very important; And we shouldn't forget that...; I think that... should be mentioned here as very important.

V. Sum up the contents of the dialogues. Make use of the following phrases.

The conversation is about...; The position of the supplier (customer) on the matter is the following...; The supplier (customer) expects (wants)...;



In his turn the supplier (customer) suggests (asks, stresses the fact that, reminds him, promises)...; Finally, the parties come to the conclusion that (agree about, find a suitable decision, make a decision to)...

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 237 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: DISCUSSING THE COST OF THE DESIGN WORK | Сторона, участвующее лицо | II. Find Russian equivalents to the following phrases from the texts. | Act out the flashes of conversation using the substitutions for the word and phrase in italics. | XI. Study these translation difficulties. Translate into English. | DISCUSSING THE ADVANCE PAYMENT | В заголовках и дате писем точка не ставится. | Para 6. Terms of Payment | ARRANGING FOR DELIVERIES | To answer the needs |
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Монтировать, устанавливать| A) Act out the flash of conversation using the substitutions for the phrase in italics.

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