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A) Answer these questions. 1. Do contractors have to pay any dutieson technological equipment entering the country for turn-key projects?

Читайте также:
  1. A) Answer these questions.
  2. Hold the talks along these lines.
  3. Hold the talks along these lines.
  4. Hold the talks along these lines.
  5. Hold the talks along these lines.
  6. I. Answer these questions about the text

1. Do contractors have to pay any duties on technological equipment entering the country for turn-key projects? 2. Is temporary importation equipment liable to duty or can it be brought in duty-free? 3. Who pays duties on construction equipment when the equipment is not taken back to the contractor's country?


b) Act out the flash of conversation using the substitutions for the phrase in italics. Complete the dialogue giving your reasons.

A. I'm quite positive we'll help you to clear your equipment and materi­
als for the works.

B. Good, and what are your customs formalities on temporary impor­
tation equipment?

A. Well, within the period for which you import it, it isn't liable to duty, but...

Substitutions: building equipment; building mechanisms; vehicles; lorries; cars

due; to be due; overdue; due to

a) Answer these questions.

1. What steps do your customers take if your deliveries are overdue? 2. What do you do about overdue payments from your customers? 3. When is your next payment due?

b) Act out the flash of conversation using the substitutions for the word
in italics. Complete the dialogue giving your reasons.

A. I'm sorry to say we haven't got the equipment due to us.

B. Well, yes, the equipment is overdue. We've fallen behind the sched­
ule, you know. We promise to put things right next week.

A. If that's your promise we'll accept it. But if you fail us again we'll have to turn to the proper authorities and...

Substitutions: delivery; consignment; payment; invoices; shipping docu­ments; visas

to allot

Act out the flash of conversation using the substitutions for the phrase in italics. Complete the dialogue giving your reasons.

A. Your calculations seem to us overestimated. The money we allot for
the starting expenses is quite enough.

B. Not if you consider our actual expenses which are going to be heavy.

A. Could you reduce on something?

B. Well, we'll look into the matter again but...

Substitutions: mobilization expenses; local expenses; hard currency ex­penses; purchases of equipment in third countries; initial expenses

VII. Compare the style of these phrases.

Phrases from a business letter: Phrases from a business talk:

Having thoroughly studied the We've studied your document ca-

document we have come to the refully and believe that...
conclusion that...

You will realize that... We believe you do understand that

On the matter of hard currency Speaking about hard currency
costs we are glad to state... costs we're glad to tell you...

As arranged... We've agreed that...

When the contract was being nego- When we were negotiating the con-
tiated... tract...

Therefore we urge you to pay... As a result we ask you to pay...

VIII. Fill in articles or possessive pronouns wherever necessary. Discuss
the letter.

December 15, 20... Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to confirm... agreement reached at... recent discussions in Moscow between you and... Mr I., and look forward very much indeed to... successful cooperation.

Before... contract is drawn up for signature we should like to restate... main points of the payment clause, viz.:

Payments of the part of the Contract price for... design and survey works as well as for... equipment to be delivered from... Russia will be effected by the Customer out of the proceeds of... commercial credit to be extended by the Contractor for... period of 8 years at... 5 % annual interest rate in accordance with... Agreement.

Payments will be made in U.S. Dollars in accordance with... Trade Agree­ment as follows:

1.20 % of this part of the Contract price, intended for mobilization work, will be paid by... Customer within 60 days from... date of... signing the present Contract against the Contractor's invoice presented for collection without any documents attached to it.


2. 80 % of this part of the Contract price will be covered by credit, to be; repaid by the Customer against the Contractor's drafts.

3. The Contractor will make out six invoices for 12.5 % of this part of the Contract price each in 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 months from... date of signing... present Contract.

4. The last invoice for 5 % of this part of the Contract price (enclosing the Final Acceptance Certificate) will be made out by the Contractor within 15 days after... project is taken over by the Customer for permanent opera­tion.

The amount of each draft will include... 5 % annual interest rate, charged for the amount of the outstanding debt. The interest rate for... principal sum will be charged from... date of each invoice.

We look forward to your letter confirming these points of our draft con­tract.

With all good wishes,

Yours faithfully,

re-state v зд. указать еще раз to take over a project принять объ

proceeds n средства ект

collection n инкассо outstanding debt невыплаченныг

draft n тратта, переводный вексель долг

to make out an invoice выставить principal sum капитальная сумма

IX. Fill in the prepositions or adverbs wherever necessary. Discuss the let­ter.

March 9, 20.. Dear Sirs,

We are very glad to receive your letter of... this year containing your ideas about some aspects of the payment clause.

As arranged we are sending you the wording of the relevant clause in the draft contract based on your recommendations.

"Payments of the part of the Contract Price... the Contractor's services... hard currency will be made... the Customer... Dollars USA in accor­dance with the Trade Agreement... force.

The payments will be made... follows:


1. 20 % of this part of the Contract Price for the Contractor's mobiliza­tion work will be paid by the Customer... 30 days... the date... signing the present Contract... the Contractor's invoice without any documents at­tached... it.

2. 75 % of this part of the Contract Price will be paid by the Customer... equal installments...4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 months from the date of signing the present Contract... the Contractor's invoices without any documents attached.

3. The last invoice... 5 % of this part of the Contract Price (enclosing

the Final Acceptance Certificate) will be made the Contractor within

15 days after the project is taken the Customer."

We think we have covered every point of your recommendations. If not, please do not hesitate to write... us again. It will be a pleasure to give you an immediate reply.

Yours faithfully,

to base on основывать(ся), базировать(ся)

X. Read these letters and do the assignments given below each of them.

1. December 20, 20...

Dear Sirs,

We are writing to remind you that you are to reimburse the expenses incurred on the in-plant training of your trainees in our country. The com­pany is to establish a Letter of Credit within 30 days from the date of cable notification made by us.

Guided by the above terms and conditions we sent a telex inquiry on August 10, 20... and 4 reminders requesting you to open a Letter of Credit to the amount of... with a validity of 18 months. Unfortunately we have not received a reply, so far.

At present we are not able to make out an invoice for training your 100 trainees who came to our country to be trained in the 2nd and 3rd quarters this year as the balance sum under the valid Letter of Credit is not sufficient to cover expenses on the upkeep of your trainees.

The second point we should like to raise here is the following:

Under the contract the Customer is expected to prepare foundations for 2 rolling mills.


Time is pressing but not all foundations are ready at the moment, which is sure to affect the erection work to be carried out by our side.

We could shorten the period of erection work if more specialists from our company could be received in your country and if you could accommo­date them adequately and without delay.

Please, advise us about your decision.

Yours faithfully,

in-plant training обучение на пред- balance sum остаток суммы
приятии rolling mill прокатный стан

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 269 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Article 4 Obligations of the Licensee | DISCUSSING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD | DISCUSSING ENGAGEMENT OF A CONSULTING COMPANY | Условие | Свидетельство о вакцинации | VII. Compare the style of these phrases. | Remoteness of the job site удаленность площадки | DISCUSSING ENGAGEMENT OF A NEW SUB-CONTRACTOR | Site Services | WRITTEN PATTERNS |
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