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Discussing engagement of a new sub-contractor

Читайте также:
  1. Discussing a Contract.
  4. Discussing Foundation Documents

Contractor: Look, there's a thing here we've got to discuss with you. We've had no end of trouble with your local sub-contractor: delays, poor qual­ity of work, all's bad.

Customer: To be honest, I'm surprised to hear that. The firm has the high­est reputation possible. We are fairly confident that they are having tem­porary difficulties. There are all sorts of imponderables.

Contr.: Certainly there are. But as to this firm they are clearly not adequate for such work.

Cast.: How about engaging another company?

Contr.: Well, it may cause extra expenses.

Cust.: The contract price includes a certain amount to cover unforeseen expenses.

Contr.: Yes, it does, but the expenses may well exceed the sum.

Cust.: At the moment I'm afraid, we are not ready to pay extra money.

Contr.: We do understand your position, but in the circumstances we ex­pect some cooperation from you. The time factor is important for both of us.

Cust.: Well, I must talk the matter over with my President.

Contr.: Then we'll be expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.

imponderables n непредвиденные обстоятельства

XIV. Give extensive answers to these questions.

1. In what cases do customers prefer concluding contracts on a turn-key basis? 2. Are developing countries interested in signing turn-key contracts? 3. Who undertakes to carry out the design work? 4. Who provides the nec­essary materials, equipment and labour for the design and construction of the project? 5. At what stage does the contractor hand the project over to the customer? 6. What are the obligations of contractors under turn-key contracts? 7. What can speed up the construction work? 8. Do contractors use the services of sub-contractors? Why? 9. What are the contracts with foreign sub-contractors governed by? 10. Do contractors willingly employ national personnel to carry out construction work? 11. Why do customers engage consulting companies? 12. What are the duties of the Engineer on the job site? 13. In what way do contractors arrange medical services at

site? 14. Do customers assist contractors in the matter in any way? 15. Does hospitalization of foreign specialists in the customer's country give much trouble? 16. Who bears the cost of medical treatment? 17. Do your con­tracts for sending specialists provide for vaccination before departure? Why? 18. Does your company deal with turn-key construction in Russia? What has prompted this form of cooperation?

XV. Write letters based on the following situations.

1. В ходе переговоров с заказчиком по заключению контракта на строительство объекта на условиях «под ключ» возникли расхождения по отдельным пунктам проекта контракта, и переговоры были временно прерваны. Напишите письмо заказчику, указав свои дополнительные соображения в пользу: 1) сроков строительства объекта, указанных в вашем проекте контракта; 2) привлечения иностранных субподрядчи­ков к выполнению работ в ходе строительства.

2. В ходе переговоров с заказчиком по подписанию контракта на строительство объекта на условиях «под ключ» вы завершили обсуж­дение обязательств заказчика. Напишите письмо заказчику с указани­ем достигнутых договоренностей в отношении обязательств заказчика по: 1) предоставлению строительной площадки; 2) обеспечению стро­ительства энергоносителями; 3) финансированию работ.

3. Вы получили письмо от заказчика, в котором заказчик выражает обеспокоенность в связи с отставанием в ходе выполнения работ от со­гласованного графика. Напишите письмо заказчику, указав на: 1) при­чины, приведшие к отставанию в ходе выполнения работ; 2) необ­ходимость продления контрактных сроков на завершение работ; 3) меры, которые могли бы способствовать ускорению завершения работ.

XVI. Act out these situations.

1. Receive a representative of a foreign firm. They want your company to construct a project on turn-key terms. Discuss tentatively the scope of the contract and the period of construction.

2. You are constructing a project on turn-key terms. The customer is not punctual in executing his obligations, the same goes for your local sub-con­tractor. Meet the representative of the customer, bring up the point of grant­ing you an extension for completion of the work. Finalize the matter.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 273 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: В ожидании скорого ответа. | THE SALE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT | XVII. Act out the situations. | Article 3 Obligations of the Licensor | Article 4 Obligations of the Licensee | DISCUSSING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD | DISCUSSING ENGAGEMENT OF A CONSULTING COMPANY | Условие | Свидетельство о вакцинации | VII. Compare the style of these phrases. |
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