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XVII. Act out the situations.

Читайте также:
  1. XV. Write letters based on the following situations.
  2. XV. Write letters based on the following situations.
  3. XVI. Write letters based on the following situations.
  4. XVII. Вечный муж


1. Why is licence trade becoming increasingly popular? 2. What licences are widely practised in the world? 3. What is know-how? 4. Why is transfer of technology and know-how very important for developing countries? 5. What services does the licensor usually grant to the licensee? 6. What's the licensee entitled to, if he signs an exclusive licensing agreement? (non­exclusive)? 7. What's the normal duration of a licensing agreement? What's usually done by the two sides before the expiration of the licensing agree­ment? In what case(s) do they terminate the agreement? 8. What kind of consultations do licensor's experts grant to the licensee's staff? 9. For what purpose does the licensee's personnel come to Russia? 10. What methods of payment are practised in the licensing agreement? 11. What other un­conventional forms of cooperation do you know?

XVI. Write letters based on the following situations.

1. Ответьте на письмо — запрос будущего лицензиата о продаже лицензии. Дайте согласие начать переговоры по поводу лицензионного соглашения. Укажите условия, на которых вы обычно заключаете ли­цензионные соглашения, их виды; оговорите услуги, оказываемые вами; условия платежа; срок лицензионного соглашения и т. д.

2. Напишите ответ лицензиату о том, что вы не возражаете против передачи им права на изготовление продукции по лицензии суб­лицензиату. По отдельному контракту вы согласны дать консультации сублицензиату. Напомните, что процент отчислений (running royalties) за изготовление продукции в зоне экспорта должен производиться в валюте страны-покупателя.

3. Напишите ответ лицензиату на их просьбу прислать ваших экс­пертов для оказания услуг в передаче секретов мастерства и оказании консультаций, а также для руководства и помощи в монтаже, наладке и начальном этапе производства. Отметьте, что оплата за первую ка­тегорию услуг производится по почасовой системе (at an hourly rate), a вторая категория оплачивается по ставкам возмещения.

4. Ответьте на просьбу заказчика принять их специалистов для обу­чения секретам мастерства изготовления продукции по вашей лицен­зии. Напомните, что плата за обучение 5 специалистов будет произво­диться по ставкам, согласованным между РФ и страной-заказчиком. Укажите, какие расходы вы берете на себя.


1. Your prospective licensee would like to establish the manufacture of equipment under your licence. You want background information about their firm. In your turn you tell them everything about your line of business.

2. You're negotiating a licensing agreement. The customer would like to obtain from you an exclusive right to use the know-how and technical documentation to produce the equipment under your licence and sell it on the territory. Give your idea of the methods of payment for the services granted.

3. The licensee sent a letter requesting you to receive in Russia a group of 4 experts with the view to getting consultations on the manufacture of the equipment under your licence. Discuss the conditions under which the service may be granted.

4. Discuss with the customer extension of the licensing agreement which is due to expire in six months. You are willing to give consent provided run­ning royalties are increased by 0.2 per cent.

XVIII. Read these excerpts from documents you can come across in your business activity.




We wish to install a... plant with a capactiy of... metric tons per year of... to be located at....

Since your company is noted as a specialist in this process technology, we are requesting you to present us a formal proposal for our specific project. We are also sending similar letters to some other companies which have the right to license know-how for this process.

We are enclosing hereto (i) a list of the information we require to ensure uniformity in content of the different bids and simplicity in their evaluation and (ii) an outline of the Scope of the Process Engineering Design Package which the Licensor will be expected to supply.

We wish to complete evaluation of bids and contracting of technology by.... Therefore, you must present your proposal on... or before....

We would also like to obtain from your company the name of engineering companies with experience and knowledge of your process who would be


suitable to undertake the detailed engineering and construction of the plant under our supervision.

Thank you for your kind attention to this invitation; confirmation by e-mail of your intention to bid would be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

on behalf of

The Prospective Licensee...

uniformity in content единообра- detailed engineering and con-

зие содержания struction рабочее проектирова-

outline of scope наметка, общий ние и строительство

план (черты) объема bids п торги, тендеры

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 233 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: DISCUSSING LINES OF COOPERATION | XV. Write letters based on the following situations. | Invitation | LICENCE AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS | THE CONTRACT PRICE | Консультационная фирма консультационные услуги | Равный, одинаковый | A) Answer these questions. | September 25, 20... | В ожидании скорого ответа. |
<== предыдущая страница | следующая страница ==>
THE SALE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT| Article 3 Obligations of the Licensor

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