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Свидетельство о вакцинации

Читайте также:
  1. III. 4. 8. Выдача СЕРТИФИКАТА, подтверждающего ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКОЕ ОБСЛЕДОВАНИЕ и ФАКТ ЗАШИТЫ после вакцинации или перенесения инфекционной болезни.
  2. L Гипераминоацидурия - свидетельство нарушения реабсорбции аминокислот.
  3. Вакцинации
  4. Ведущие государства мира отказались от вакцинации новорожденных и грудных детей живыми вакцинами от туберкулеза!
  5. Общие представления о вакцинации
  6. Осмотр и освидетельствование
  7. Программы вакцинации ремонтных молодок птицефабрики для комплектования родительского стада.


Your vaccination certificate is»

valid for one year.
inoculation n прививка

inoculation certificate свидетельство о прививках

to comply with следовать чему-л., поступать соглас-

( но чему-л.

The supplier fully complied with

the provisions of the agreement.


1. Answer these questions.

A. 1. What does the contractor usually undertake to do under a turn-key
contract? 2. Why do many developing countries cooperate with developed
countries on a turn-key basis? 3. Are local companies engaged during turn­
key construction? 4. Are turn-key projects constructed in Russia?

B. 1. On what basis is the contractor ready to execute the work? 2. What
does the contractor undertake to provide? 3. When will the contractor hand
the project over to the customer? 4. At what interest rate will the credit be
extended? 5. What will the credit cover?

C. 1. Does the contractor agree to reduce the period of the design work?

2. Why does the contractor agree to carry out the construction work within
a shorter period? 3. What labour will be employed for the construction of
the project? 4. What right does the contractor wish to reserve? 5. Does the
customer undertake any responsibilities towards the contractor?

D. 1. Why was a consulting company engaged as the Engineer on the
job site? 2. What Engineer's obligations are discussed in the conversation?

3. Why do the customer and the contractor put off the discussion of the
construction and erection schedules? 4. Why must the Engineer be granted
access to all works, including foundations? 5. What does the customer re­
mind the contractor of?

E. 1. What conclusion did the parties come to in respect of first aid?
2. What is the customer satisfied with? 3. Is the customer ready to assist
the contractor in providing medical treatment to Russian specialists? 4. How
will the payments be made?

II. Find Russian equivalents to the following phrases from the texts.

A. to do part or full civil engineering works; carry out erection and start-ing-up and adjustment operations; upon completion of construction...; with-

out any conditions attached that might infringe the rights...; in keeping with the requirements of the time

B. in accordance with the Protocol of the meetings...; in the perfor­mance of the above work...; to extend a credit at an annual interest rate of... per cent; shall be repaid by equal annual installments; as agreed...; we are sending you our draft contract...

С as you undertake to do the construction work; bear in mind that con­tracts with foreign sub-contractors...; as soon as we know the names...; but if you are delayed...; extension of the contract time to get the work completed

D. since we don't have...; we take it...; within the limits of one's pow­
ers; access to all the works he (the Engineer) might wish to see; especially
to covered-up work(s); obligation to pull down and re-do (the works); the
work that will be found improper

E. speaking about first aid...; this goes contrary to...; we'll... invoice
the sums on you; while we are on this "medical" subject; must have medical
certificates on vaccinations and inoculations; we'll comply with them

III. Give English equivalents to the following phrases from the texts.

A. помощь иностранным государствам в строительстве промышлен­
ных предприятий; организация строительства объектов; подрядчик бе­
рет на себя обязательства; страны, испытывающие недостаток в квали­
фицированной рабочей силе; открываются благоприятные возможно­

B. мы хотим сообщить вам, что...; выполнять работы на условиях
«под ключ»; передать объект готовым к коммерческой эксплуатации;
кредит покроет расходы по...

C. ускорить проектные работы; мы заинтересованы в использовании
..; это... снизит стоимость; оставить за собой право нанять...; окон­
чательно согласовать срок строительства; только при одном условии;
своевременно финансировать работы

D. будут уполномочены решать все вопросы; в соответствии с тен­
дерной документацией; без подписи Инженера; отложить обсуждение;
снести и переделать за счет...

E. оснастить современным медицинским оборудованием; уком­
плектовать; внести свой вклад; оплачивать счета за пребывание в боль­


Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 181 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Равный, одинаковый | A) Answer these questions. | September 25, 20... | В ожидании скорого ответа. | THE SALE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT | XVII. Act out the situations. | Article 3 Obligations of the Licensor | Article 4 Obligations of the Licensee | DISCUSSING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD | DISCUSSING ENGAGEMENT OF A CONSULTING COMPANY |
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Условие| VII. Compare the style of these phrases.

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