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We told him so. He said he was going abroad and it was his last chance, he

Читайте также:
  1. A Safe Trip Abroad
  2. Advantages of studying abroad
  4. Cover the dialogue and say how long Alice is going to stay in the United States.
  5. Dialogue 8-2 Going to the Movies
  6. DR. MORTIMER: I got that covered. Tomorrow we are going to the port. You will get the best seats in town to watch the show.
  7. End up (doing something or going somewhere)

might never see you again. He said, 'How's the baby?", and we said, 'Tip-


"I know what's in your mind," said Lou. "But it isn't true. I've got the

blood tests."

"Oh, Mrs. Parker, I wouldn't suggest for a minute..."


"She must have went (must have went = must have gone; она, должно быть,

загуляла) with one of they niggers that used to come (с одним из тех ниггеров,

что частенько приходили)."

Lou could never be sure (Лу была не вполне уверена) if that was what she

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru



heard (это ли она слышала) from the doorways and landings (из-за дверей и на

лестничных площадках) as she climbed the stairs of Cripps House (пока она

поднималась по лестнице в Криппс Хауз), the neighbours hushing their

conversation (соседи приглушали голоса /при разговоре/; to hush —

водворять тишину, замолкать) as she approached (как /только/ она


"I can't take to the child (я не могу привыкнуть к ребенку; to take to —

привыкать, приспосабливаться). Try as I do (стараюсь, как могу). I simply

can't even like it (я просто не могу даже любить его)."

"Nor me (я тоже) —," said Raymond. "Mind you (обрати внимание), if it

was anyone else's child (если бы это был чей-то ребенок) I would think it was

all right (я бы подумал, что все нормально). It's just the thought (это все из-за

мысли, что) of it being mine (ребенок мой), and people thinking it isn't (а люди

думают, что не мой)."

"That's just it (вот именно: «это именно то»)," she said.

One of Raymond's colleagues had asked him that day (в тот день один из

коллег Раймонда спросил его) how his friends Oxford and Henry were getting

on (как его друзья Оксфорд и Генри поживают; to get on = get along —

жить, делать успехи, продвигаться). Raymond had to look twice (Раймонду

пришлось дважды подумать: «посмотреть») before he decided that the question

was innocent (прежде чем он решил, что вопрос был невинным; innocent —

наивный, безобидный). But one never knew (но никогда не знаешь /точно/)...

Already Lou and Raymond had approached the adoption society (Лу и Раймонд

уже обратились в общество по усыновлению; to adopt — усыновлять,

удочерять). It was now only a matter of waiting for word (теперь им оставалось

только ждать его решения: «это было всего лишь вопросом ожидания



climb [klaIm] hush [hAS] colleague ['kOli:g] adoption [q'dOpS(q)n]

society [sq'saIqtI]


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru



"She must have went with one of they niggers that used to come."

Lou could never be sure if that was what she heard from the doorways and

Landings as she climbed the stairs of Cripps House, the neighbours hushing

Their conversation as she approached.

"I can't take to the child. Try as I do. I simply can't even like it."

"Nor me," said Raymond. "Mind you, if it was anyone else's child I would

think it was all right. It's just the thought of it being mine, and people

thinking it isn't."

"That's just it," she said.

One of Raymond's colleagues had asked him that day how his friends

Oxford and Henry were getting on. Raymond had to look twice before he

Decided that the question was innocent. But one never knew... Already Lou

And Raymond had approached the adoption society. It was now only a matter

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 109 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Stitches in her knitting. | Announced that he was thinking of looking for a job in Manchester. | To admire the art-work or to pray, Lou was not sure. She gave her attention | They decided to put in for a baby to the Black Madonna. | Cheeked up to the teachers, so pretty and sulky and shabby, and she | To the Black Madonna. | She was well enough next day to go to visit Henry in the sanatorium. He | Upset your wife at this stage. She has already refused to feed the child, says it | And tiny negroid nostrils. She had been baptized that morning, though not in | And came to report its progress to Lou. |
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Funny you have a coloured God is not asleep. There was that Flinn cousin| of waiting for word.

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