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Kathleen, to prove that George had absolutely no motive, told the police that

Читайте также:
  1. Among ourselves, George, just Skinny and the old professors and two of the
  2. Anyhow, we visited George eventually, taking advantage of the offer of
  3. Approved agreement which then becomes a binding contract
  4. Approved by
  5. Be recovering, proves fatal. Notable phases of a remarkable career. 1 страница
  6. Be recovering, proves fatal. Notable phases of a remarkable career. 10 страница
  7. Be recovering, proves fatal. Notable phases of a remarkable career. 11 страница

She was engaged to him. George thought this a little foolish. They checked up

On his life in Africa, right back to his living with Matilda. But the marriage

didn't come out — who would think of looking up registers in the Congo?

Not that this would have proved any motive for murder. All the same, George

Was relieved when the inquiries were over without the marriage to Matilda

Being disclosed..


He was able to have his nervous breakdown (он мог перенести: «иметь»

нервный срыв; breakdown — поломка, упадок сил) at the same time as Kathleen

had hers (в тоже самое время, когда у Кэтлин случился ее /нервный срыв/),

and they recovered together (они вместе выздоравливали) and got married (и

поженились), long after (гораздо позже чем) the police had shifted (полиция

перенесла; to shift — передвигать, перемещать) their inquiries (свои поиски:

«расследования») to an Air Force camp (к лагерю военно-воздушных сил; Air

Force — военно-воздушные силы) five miles from Kathleen's aunt's home (в

пяти милях от дома тетки Кэтлин). Only a lot of excitement and drinks came of


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those investigations (единственное, что вышло из этих расследований, так это

много эмоционального возбуждения и /распитие/ напитков; to drink — пить,

drink — напиток; to investigate — расследовать, investigation —

расследование; to excite — возбуждать, excitement — возбуждение). The

Haystack Murder (Убийство в Стогу Сена) was (осталось: «было») one of the

unsolved crimes that year (одним из неразрешенных преступлений того года;

to solve — решать; (un)solved — (не)разрешенный).


nervous ['nq:vqs] air force ['εqfO:s] camp [kxmp] excitement [Ik'saItmqnt]


He was able to have his nervous breakdown at the same time as Kathleen

Had hers, and they recovered together and got married, long after the police

had shifted their inquiries to an Air Force camp five miles from Kathleen's

aunt's home. Only a lot of excitement and drinks came of those investigations.

The Haystack Murder was one of the unsolved crimes that year.


Shortly afterwards (вскоре после этого) the byre-hand (дояр) emigrated to

Canada (иммигрировал в Канаду) to start afresh (чтобы начать все заново;

afresh — снова, сызнова, fresh — свежий), with the help of Skinny (с помощью

Скинни) who felt sorry for him (которому было его жалко; to feel sorry for smb

— жалеть кого-либо).

After seeing George taken away home by Kathleen (после того, как я увидела

Джорджа, уведенного домой Кэтлин) that Saturday in the Portobello Road (в ту

субботу на Портобелло Роуд), I thought that perhaps (я подумала, что,

возможно) I might be seeing more of him (я увижу его опять: «больше его») in

similar circumstances (при схожих обстоятельствах). The next Saturday (в

следующую субботу) I looked out for him (я высматривала его; to look out for

smb/smth — выглядывать, высматривать), and at last there he was (и в конце

он пришел: «там он был»), without Kathleen (без Кэтлин), half-worried

(наполовину испуганный; to worry — волноваться, беспокоиться), half-


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hopeful (наполовину обнадеженный; to hope — надеяться).


emigrate ['emIgreIt] perhaps [pq'hxps] circumstance ['sq:kqmstxns, 'sq:kqmstqns]


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 129 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: And he perfectly understood. | Diminishing but at that time I did not think she cared very much. | Literature, art, and life for industrial tycoons. | I visited Skinny twice in the two years that he was in the sanatorium. He was | If we had felt moved to do so. | Long country walks. | Carefully at the foot of the stack. | Of hay and brushed my face with it. | He tickled my face with a wisp of hay. | Looked so unwell when I stood, nearly five years later, by the barrow in the |
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Walking as far as the haystack with me, but he denied lingering there.| The Portobello Road.

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