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Of hay and brushed my face with it.

"D'you know," he said next, "I didn't think you and Skinny treated me very

decently in Rhodesia."


"Well, we were busy, George (ну, мы были заняты, Джордж; busy —

занятый). And we were younger then (и мы тогда были моложе), we had a lot

to do and see (нам надо многое было сделать и увидеть). After all (в конце

концов), we could see you any other time, George (мы можем видеться в любое

другое время, Джордж)."

"A touch of selfishness (немножко эгоистично; a touch — прикосновение;

чуточка, налет, оттенок)," he said.

"I'll have to be getting along, George (я должна идти, Джордж)." I made to get

down from the stack (я попыталась соскользнуть вниз со стога).

He pulled me back (он втянул меня обратно; to pull — тянуть). "Wait, I've got

something to tell you (подожди, я должен тебе что-то сказать),"

"О. К., George, tell me (хорошо, Джордж, говори мне)."

"First promise not to tell Kathleen (сначала обещай не говорить Кэтлин). She

wants it kept a secret (она хочет сохранить это в секрете; to keep a secret —

хранить в секрете) so that she can tell you herself (чтобы иметь возможность

ей самой сказать тебе)."

"All right. Promise (Хорошо. Обещаю)."


selfishness ['selfISnIs] herself [(h)q'self]


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"Well, we were busy, George. And we were younger then, we had a lot to

do and see. After all, we could see you any other time, George."

"A touch of selfishness," he said.

"I'll have to be getting along, George." I made to get down from the stack.

He pulled me back. "Wait, I've got something to tell you,"

"О. К., George, tell me."

"First promise not to tell Kathleen. She wants it kept a secret so that she can

tell you herself."

"All right. Promise."


"I'm going to marry Kathleen (я собираюсь жениться на Кэтлин)."

"But you're already married (но ты уже женат)."

Sometimes I heard news of Matilda (иногда до меня доходили: «я слышала»

известия о Матильде) from the one Rhodesian family (от одной из семей из

Родезии) with whom I still kept up (с которыми я до сих пор поддерживала

связь). They referred to her as (они говорили о ней как о; to refer —

направлять, адресовать) "George's Dark Lady (Смуглая Леди Джорджа;

dark — темный, черный)" and of course they did not know he was married to

her (и, конечно, они не знали, что он был женат на ней). She had apparently

(она очевидно) made a good thing out of George (извлекла из Джорджа много

денег: «сделала хорошую вещь из Джорджа»; to make a good thing of

smth/smb), they said (говорили они), for she minced around (так как она ходила:

«семенила вокруг») all tarted up (вся разодетая; tart — фруктовое пирожное;

уличная девка), never did a stroke of work (никогда пальцем о палец не ударила;

not to do a stoke of work — ничего не делать: a stroke — удар), and was always

unsettling (и всегда унижала: «расстраивала») the respectable coloured girls

(приличных цветных девушек) in their neighbourhood (в округе; neighbourhood

— соседство). According to accounts (по общему мнению: «согласно

расчетам»; accounts — счета, расчеты) she was a living example of the folly

(она была живым примером глупости; folly — безумие, безрассудство) of


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru




behaving as George did (Джорджа, что он жил с ней: «поведения Джорджа как

он сделал»).


already [O:l'redI] refer [rI'fq:] apparently [q'pxrqntlI] neighbourhood ['neIbqhVd]


"I'm going to marry Kathleen."

"But you're already married."

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 140 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Among ourselves, George, just Skinny and the old professors and two of the | There were times when, privately practicing my writings about life, I knew | The dozens we must have exchanged from our schooldays onwards. | Repeated twice again. | And he perfectly understood. | Diminishing but at that time I did not think she cared very much. | Literature, art, and life for industrial tycoons. | I visited Skinny twice in the two years that he was in the sanatorium. He was | If we had felt moved to do so. | Long country walks. |
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Carefully at the foot of the stack.| He tickled my face with a wisp of hay.

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