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Repeated twice again.

Читайте также:
  1. Aibileen shakes her head, then nods. Then shakes it again. We watch her and wait.
  2. Falling Asleep with the Possibility of Trying Again.
  3. I stand there trying to think of something to stop this from happening. I look at the phone, pray it never rings again.
  4. I visited Skinny twice in the two years that he was in the sanatorium. He was
  5. III Listen to the text again. Decide if the statements are true or false.
  6. Now listen to the recommendations that a dietitian gives to her patients. Fill in the table after listening to it twice.

"And Matilda got tough," said George, "after you and Skinny came to visit us.


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She had some friends at the Mission, and she packed up and went to them."

"You should have let her go," I said.

"I went after her," George said. "She insisted on being married, so I married



"That's not a proper secret, then («это не правильный»=это вообще не секрет,

тогда; proper — правильный, настоящий)," I said. "The news of a mixed

marriage soon gets about (новость о смешанном браке быстро становится

известной: «распространяется»; news /ед.число/ — новость; marriage —

брак; to mix — смешивать)."

"I took care of that (я позаботился об этом; to take care)," George said. "Crazy

as I was (хотя я и был сумасшедшим; crazy — безумный), I took her to the

Congo (я отвез ее в Конго) and married her there (и женился на ней там). She

promised to keep quiet about it (она обещала молчать об этом; to promise —

обещать; to keep — держать; quiet — тихий, спокойный)."

"Well, you can't clear off (ну, ты не можешь уехать; to clear — чистить) and

leave her now (и оставить ее сейчас; to leave — оставлять, покидать; now —

сейчас), surely (конечно)," I said.


proper ['prPpq] mixed [mIkst] crazy ['kreIzI]


"That's not a proper secret, then," I said. "The news of a mixed marriage

soon gets about."

"I took care of that," George said. "Crazy as I was, I took her to the Congo

and married her there. She promised to keep quiet about it."

"Well, you can't clear off and leave her now, surely," I said.


"I'm going to get out of this place (я собираюсь убраться отсюда: «из этого

места»; to be going to do smth). I can't stand the woman (я не могу выносить

эту женщину) and I can't stand the country (и я не могу выносить эту страну).


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru




I didn't realize (я не понимал; to realize — понимать, осознавать) what it would

be like (во что это выльется: «на что это будет похоже»). Two years of the

country (два года в стране: «страны») and three months of my wife (и три

месяца с моей женой: «моей жены») has been enough (оказалось


"Will you get a divorce (ты разведешься: «ты получишь развод»; divorce —

развод, to get a divorce = to divorce)?"

"No, Matilda's Catholic (нет, Матильда католичка). She won't divorce (она не

даст мне развод)."

George was fairly getting through the highballs (Джордж уже почти набрался:

«покончил с коктейлями»; to get through — доходить, доставлять), and I

wasn't far behind him (и я тоже: «я была не далеко за ним»).


divorce [dI'vO:s] Catholic ['kxT(q)lIk] through [Tru:]


"I'm going to get out of this place. I can't stand the woman and I can't stand

the country. I didn't realize what it would be like. Two years of the country

and three months of my wife has been enough."

"Will you get a divorce?"

"No, Matilda's Catholic. She won't divorce."

George was fairly getting through the highballs, and I wasn't far behind him.


His brown eyes (его карие глаза) floated shiny and liquid (сверкнули слезами:

«наполнились блестящими и жидкими»; to float — плавать на поверхности,

затоплять; to shine — блестеть; liquid — жидкий) as he told me (когда он

сказал мне) how he had written (как написал; to write-wrote-written) to tell his

uncle of his plight (чтобы сообщить: «сказать» своему: «его» дяде о своем

незавидном положении), "Except, of course (за исключением, конечно), I didn't

say we were married (я не сказал, что мы поженились), that would have been too

much for him (это было бы слишком для него). He's a prejudiced hardened old


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru




Colonial (он непоколебимый старый: «пристрастный закоренелый» колонист

с предрассудками; prejudice — предрассудок, предубеждение; hard —

твердый, стойкий; to harden — затвердевать). I only said (я только сказал)

I'd had a child by a coloured woman (что у меня будет ребенок от цветной

женщины) and was expecting another (и скоро она опять родит: «и ожидается

другой»), and he perfectly understood (и он все понял; perfectly — совершенно,

полностью; to understand — понимать).


floated ['flqVtId] liquid ['lIkwId] plight [plaIt] prejudice ['preGqdIs]


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 126 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: At him. She was worried. | Liked them but far more now that I have no need of any. | Formerly I would jaunt with Kathleen in our grown-up days. The barrow- | Seeing a ghost when he saw me standing by the fruit barrow repeating in so | To Africa knowing I should probably leave his unit within a few months. | We had settled first at Fort Victoria, our nearest place of access to the | Anyhow, we visited George eventually, taking advantage of the offer of | Expressing it. He gave me a Presbyterian look. | Among ourselves, George, just Skinny and the old professors and two of the | There were times when, privately practicing my writings about life, I knew |
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The dozens we must have exchanged from our schooldays onwards.| And he perfectly understood.

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