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To Africa knowing I should probably leave his unit within a few months.

Читайте также:
  1. A school should be life.
  2. A Universe Within
  4. African Quotes on Food
  5. Agenda: Petition for godhood submitted by Phenïx the Ever-Knowing, firstborn Valkyrie 1 страница
  6. Agenda: Petition for godhood submitted by Phenïx the Ever-Knowing, firstborn Valkyrie 10 страница
  7. Agenda: Petition for godhood submitted by Phenïx the Ever-Knowing, firstborn Valkyrie 2 страница


We were there a few weeks (мы были там несколько недель) before we began

inquiring for George (до того как мы начали наводить справки: «узнавать» о

Джордже) who was farming (который занимался плантацией: «фермерством»)

about four hundred miles away to the north (в четырехстах милях к северу:

«около четыре сотен миль к северу»; north — север). We had not told him of

our plans (мы не сказали ему о наших планах).

"If we tell George (если мы скажем Джорджу) to expect us (ожидать нас) in

his part of the world (в этих краях: «в его части мира») he'll come rushing (он

прибежит сломя голову; to rush — мчаться, нестись) to pester us the first week

(надоедая нам в первую же неделю; to pester — докучать). After all (в конце

концов), we're going on business (мы же едем по делу; to go on business),"

Skinny had said (сказал Скинни).


farming ['fQ:mIN] business ['bIznIs] pester ['pestq]


We were there a few weeks before we began inquiring for George who was

Farming about four hundred miles away to the north. We had not told him of

Our plans.


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru



"If we tell George to expect us in his part of the world he'll come rushing to

pester us the first week. After all, we're going on business," Skinny had said.


Before we left (до нашего отъезда: «до того, как мы уехали») Kathleen told us

(Кэтлин сказала нам), "Give George my love (передайте Джорджу сердечный

привет от меня; to give smb love) and tell him not to send (и скажите ему, чтобы

он не отправлял: «не отправлять») frantic cables (отчаянные телеграммы; a

cable — провод, телеграмма) every time I don't answer his letters (каждый раз,

когда я не отвечаю на его письма) right away (сразу, немедленно). Tell him

(скажите ему) I'm busy in the hat-shop (что я занята в шляпном магазине) and

being presented (и должна там постоянно находиться). You would think (можно

подумать: «вы подумаете») he hadn't another friend in the world (у него нет

никого в целом мире: «другого друга в мире») the way he carries on (судя по

тому, как он себя ведет: «по манере /в которой/ он продолжает»)."


frantic ['frxntIk] present ['prez(q)nt] hatshop ['hxtSOp]


Before we left Kathleen told us, "Give George my love and tell him not to

send frantic cables every time I don't answer his letters right away. Tell him

I'm busy in the hat-shop and being presented. You would think he hadn't

another friend in the world the way he carries on."


We had settled first (мы сперва расположились) at Fort Victoria (в Форт-

Виктория), our nearest place (наше ближайшее место) of access (доступа) to

the Zimbabwe ruins (к развалинам Зимбабве). There we made inquiries about

George (там мы расспросили о Джордже: «мы сделали запросы о Джордже»).

It was clear (стало понятно: «было ясно»; clear — прозрачный) he hadn't many

friends (что у него не было много друзей). The older settlers (давние

колонисты: «более старые»; to settle — поселиться) were the most tolerant

(были более чем терпимы) about the half-caste woman (к женщине-метиске; half-


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru




cast — человек смешанной расы) he was living with (с которой он жил), as we

found (как мы узнали: «обнаружили»), but they were furious (но они были в

ярости; furious — бешеный) about his methods of raising tobacco (от его методов

выращивания табака) which we learned (которые, как мы выяснили) were most

unprofessional (были совершенно непрофессиональными) and in some

mysterious way (и каким-то непостижимым образом) disloyal to the whites

(предательскими по отношению к белым; (dis)loyal — (не)верный; the whites —



settler ['setlq] tolerant ['tOl(q)rqnt] furious ['fjV(q)rIqs] disloyal [dIs'lOIql]


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 120 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: The hay, the thumb was where the needle had stuck. | I was known as Needle. | Seen her, nearly five years ago. Kathleen barely thirty, had said, | Wondered that I had not seen her before in the Portobello Road on my | I took a good look at this man accompanying Kathleen. It was her husband. | Between the fair grassy growths of beard and moustache. | At him. She was worried. | Liked them but far more now that I have no need of any. | Formerly I would jaunt with Kathleen in our grown-up days. The barrow- | Anyhow, we visited George eventually, taking advantage of the offer of |
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Seeing a ghost when he saw me standing by the fruit barrow repeating in so| We had settled first at Fort Victoria, our nearest place of access to the

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