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The hay, the thumb was where the needle had stuck.

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Английский язык с Мюриэль Спарк (рассказы)


Книгу составила и адаптировала Ольга Ламонова

Под редакцией Ильи Франка


Метод чтения Ильи Франка


Портобелло Роуд

The Portobello Road



One day in my young youth (одним днем в моей ранней юности; young —

молодой, новый) at high summer (в разгаре лета: «высоким летом»; high —

высокий), lolling with my lovely companions upon a haystack (лениво

развалясь с моими приятными товарищами на стогу сена; to loll — сидеть

развалясь, hay — сено, stack — стог) I found a needle (я нашла иголку; needle

— игла). Already and privately (уже /давно/ и про себя; privately — лично,

про себя) for some years (несколько лет) I have been guessing (я догадывалась;

to guess — догадываться) that I was set apart from the common run (что я

выделялась из общей толпы; to set apart — выделять, разделять; common

run of men — обыкновенные люди), but this of the needle (но этот /случай/ с

иголкой) attested the fact to my whole public (засвидетельствовал факт всей

моей публике = компании; to attest — удостоверять, public — народ,

публика), George, Kathleen, and Skinny. I sucked my thumb (я сосала свой

большой палец; to suck — сосать, thumb — большой палец руки), for when I had

thrust my idle hand deep into the hay (так как, когда я засунула свою свободную

руку глубоко в сено; to thrust — толкать, совать; idle — незанятый,

свободный), the thumb was where the needle had stuck (большой палец был /тем



Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru




местом/, куда воткнулась иголка; to stick, stuck, stuck — втыкать).


young [jAN] haystack ['heIstxk] thumb [TAm]


One day in my young youth at high summer, lolling with my lovely

Companions upon a haystack I found a needle. Already and privately for

Some years I have been guessing that I was set apart from the common run,

But this of the needle attested the fact to my whole public, George, Kathleen,

And Skinny. I sucked my thumb, for when I had thrust my idle hand deep into

the hay, the thumb was where the needle had stuck.


When everyone had recovered George said (когда все пришли в себя, Джордж

сказал; everyone — каждый, to recover — выздоравливать, поправляться),

"She put in her thumb and pulled out a plum." (она засунула свой большой палец

и вытащила сливу; to put in — положить в, to pull out — вытянуть из, plum —

слива). Then away we were into our merciless hacking-hecking laughter again

(затем мы забылись в нашем отрывистом безжалостном смехе опять; to be away

— быть далеко, hacking-hecking laughter — авторск. сухой отрывистый смех).


plum [plAm] merciless ['mq:sIlIs] laughter ['lQ:ftq]


When everyone had recovered George said, "She put in her thumb and

pulled out a plum." Then away we were into our merciless hacking-hecking

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 169 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Seen her, nearly five years ago. Kathleen barely thirty, had said, | Wondered that I had not seen her before in the Portobello Road on my | I took a good look at this man accompanying Kathleen. It was her husband. | Between the fair grassy growths of beard and moustache. | At him. She was worried. | Liked them but far more now that I have no need of any. | Formerly I would jaunt with Kathleen in our grown-up days. The barrow- | Seeing a ghost when he saw me standing by the fruit barrow repeating in so | To Africa knowing I should probably leave his unit within a few months. | We had settled first at Fort Victoria, our nearest place of access to the |
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B. Identify the Headings| I was known as Needle.

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