Читайте также: |
-.Yes, it.is. - xYes, it xis. - xYes, it 4is. - 4No, it 4isn't -,No, it.isn't. -,No, it.isn't. |
'This is a xring,.isn't it?
'This is a.sink,.isn't it?
'This is a.finger,,isn't it?
This 'isn't a xring,.is it?
This 'isn't a xwing, xis it?
This 'isn't a.stick,.is it?
What is it?
13. Посмотрите на рисунки и задайте вопросы, уточняющие или подтверждающие вашу мысль.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
a coat
coffee - tea
- a jacket
a cow - a goat
a note-book - a book
i. Подготовьте чтение текста.
'This is 'Barry.King. He is a.pop-.singer. 'Now he is at.home. He is in the.kitchen. There are 'many vthings around him. There is a,table, 'three,chairs, a,cooker and a.kitchen-, sink in it.
'Barry is.married. He's 'not.single. He has a 'finger-, ring on his.finger. He has a 'wife,Nora and a 'little 'son.Franks
2. Выразите согласие или несогласие, употребляя фразы: I think you're right
или I'm afraid you're wrong.
1. Barry is a clerk. 2. Barry is a pop-singer. 3. He is in the living-room. 4. There are many things around him. 5. There's no kitchen-sink in the kitchen. 6. Barry is single. 7. He has no finger-ring on his finger. 8. His son's name is Steve.
3. Подготовьте чтение диалога и выучите его наизусть.
-'Let's 'go to the.park on.Friday.
-A,park? There are a 'lot of 4' people in the.park. 'Oh,.no,^'no.parks
for me. -^Well, 'let's 'go to the.river.then. There is a 'nice.place not.far
from.here. There is a^river and 'not 'many.people. -'Let's 'go to the.river then. - 'Fine!
4.~ Послушайте, как выражают свое согласие или несогласие говорящие и выразите свое согласие или несогласие.
Т.: There are many people here!
Stj: There are.
St2: No, there aren't.
Т.: There are no people here! Stj: There aren't. St? Why! There are.
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a mountain - a hill
1. There are a lot of people in the park. 2. There is no park in the city. 3. There is a nice river in the city. 4. There are no pencils on the table. 5. There are many chairs in the room. 6. There is no blackboard in the room. 7. There is no bread at home. 8. There are no apples at home.
S. Выразите свое одобрение.
Модель: |
- 'This is a.new.finger-ring,.isn't it?
-.Yes, and it's 'awfully.nice,,isn't it?
1. There is a new skating-rink in the city, isn't there? 2. You have new ear-rings, haven't you? 3. Steve has a new kitchen-sink, hasn't he? 4. There are new pictures on the wall, aren't there? 5. Jane has a new coat on, hasn't she? 6. Maud has a new watch, hasn't she?
for him for me for us
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