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An UngбirisHungarian ag caint na hUngбirise

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teann adj. tight

balctha compact, brъite le chйile crushed together, daingean secure, steadfast, firm, dlъth- compact, dlъthluiteach close-fitting, docht tight, firm; stiff, do-lъbtha inflexible, druidte closed tight, clenched, dъnta closed, shut, feistithe fixed, fastened, iata enclosed, secured; constipated, neadaithe embedded, obach tight (excluding air, water, etc.), righin rigid, seasmhach steadfast, firm, seasta steady.

teannas adj. tension

brъ pressure, buaireamh anxiety, cearthaн nervousness, jitters, dlъs closeness, compactness, doichte tightness, rigidity, do-lъbthacht inflexibility, faitнos apprehension, neirbhнsн nervousness, righne rigidity, siffness, seasmhacht steadfastness, firmness, seastacht steadiness, straidhn strain, stress, strу strain, strus stress, teannadh tightening, making more tense.


tйarma m term

achar period of time, while, aimsir time, extended period of time, aois age, cъrsa course, fad length, extent, feadh duration, while, rбithe f season, quarter, f era, rйim reign; course, rйimeas reign, sway, rйimse stretch, range; (expertise) field, scaitheamh m(scaithimh; scaitн) while, period, seal m(~; ~ anna) while, spell; turn; shift, sealaнocht taking turns, sealobair sift-work, sйasъr season, seimeastar semester, tamall while, teorainn f(- rann) limit, trбth period of time, occasion, trйimhse f period, term, uain period of opportunity, turn, go, uair time, turn. (see also: am)

teas m heat

ardteas swelthering heat, ardteocht high temperature, beirfean boiling heat, brothall sultriness, goradh warmth, teocht temperature, teochriosanna mpl tropics, teolaнocht warmth, cosiness.

teasaн adj extremely hot, ardent, fiery, hot-tempered

adhainte ignited, anamъil animated, ar fiuchadh boiling, bбnlonrach candescent, bruite fiery, bruite te piping hot, colgach irascible, corraitheach emotional, dearg te red hot, dнocasach fervent, enthused, vehement, ardent, dнograiseach enthusiastic, dуiteach burning, faoi adhall in heat, fadaithe stirred up, fiabhrasach fevered, feverish, fнochmhar fierce, fraochmhar raging, furious, galach steamy, gealbhruthach incandescent, gorthach ardent, laomtha blazing, fiery, lasбnta fiery, lasrach flaming, loiscneach scorching, loiscnн of fiery intensity, paiseanta passionate, piobarach peppery, sйidte inflamed; sexually aroused, spнosraithe spicy, spreagtha excited, te hot, teochreasach tropical, teofholach warm-blooded, tintrн hot-headed; hot-blooded, trн thine on fire.

teastaigh v want (as in phrase: teastaнonn uaim I want)

ba mhaith liom I would like, Nнl mo dhуthain / mo shб agam. I don’t have enough., Tб call agam leis. I have need of it (cf. mainy used negatively: Nн call duit imeacht. There is no need for you to leave.), Tб easpa (ruda) orm. I’m in want (of a thing)., Tб fonn orm й a dhйanamh. I desire to do it., Tб gб agam leis. I need it., Tб mй ag iarraidh йirн suas. I am trying to get up. (cf. Tбthar do d’iarraidh. You are wanted., Cad tб tъ ag iarraidh a rб. What do want to say/ What do you mean?), Tб mй ar lorg ruda йigin. I am searching for something., Tб mй in easnamh ruda йigin. I’m lacking something., Tб sй ag teastбil uaim. I want it, I need it, Tб sй de dhнth orm. I an in need of it, tб uaim I want.

teastas m certificate

A-leibhйil A-Levels, an Ardteistimйireacht the Leaving Certificate, barбntas warrant, cбilнocht qualification, ceadъnas permit, licence, cйim degree, cъpуn coupon, bailнochtъ validation, dearbhбn voucher, dearbhъ attestation; assurance, dintiъir credentials, dioplуma diploma, duais award, pas passport; pass, promhadh proof, validating, rбthaнocht guarantee, an Teastas Sуisearch the Junior Certificate, teistimйireacht testimonial, certificate; testimonial, ъdarбs authorisation, urrъs security, guarantee.

tйigh v go

Bailigh leat! Be off (with you!); bheith ag fбlrуid to be strolling along; wandering, bheith ag lбmhacбn (child) to be crawling, bheith ag snбmhaнl (worm) to be crawling, bog shift, move, bуthar a chur dнot to have made a journey, brostaigh hurry, brъigh chun cinn press on, corraigh stir, move, Cuir chun bуthair! Set off!, Cuir dнot! Be off with you!, dйan ar make towards, dнrigh ar make straight for, dreap climb, druid move close to, approach, йalaigh escape; elope, gabh go; arrest, gluais move, imigh leave, depart, lйim jump, meallac saunter, stroll, rith run, siъil walk, snбmh swim, teith flee, tiomбin drive, tionlaic accompany, treabh ar aghaidh plough ahead, tum dive. (see also: rith, tar)

Tйann agam air. I can manage it.

Tйann tъ amach ar an doras sin. You go out by that door.

Tйann tъ amach ar a slite aite. You get to know her weird ways.

Tйann tъ ar foscadh. You take shelter.

Tйann tъ ar buile. You go mad.

Tйann an costas ort. You bear the cost.

Tйann ar an airgead. The money runs out.

Tйann tъ as baile. You leave home.

Tйann tъ as amharc. You go out of sight.

Tйann an tine as. The fire goes out.

Tйann den ghaoth. The wind abates.

Tйann dнom й a dhйanamh. I can’t manage to do it.

Tйann an gъna duit. The dress suits you.

Tйann an bбd faoi. The boat sinks.

Tйann an ghrian faoi. The sun sets.

Tйann an obair gan dйanamh. The work is left undone.

Tйann tъ i bhfolach. You hide.

Tйann tъ i gceannas. You take command.

Tйann tъ i bhfiacha. You get into debt.

Tйann tъ i mйid. You grow bigger.

Tйann tъ i neart. You grow stronger.

Tйann tъ i bhfeabhas. You improve.

Tйann tъ in olcas. You deteriorate.

Tйann siad in йag. They die out.

Tйann tъ i ndearmad. You are forgotten.

Tйann tъ le do dhaid. You take after your father.

Tйann tъ leis na rialacha. You abide by the rules.

Tйann tъ le haill. You fall off a cliff.

Tйann tъ le sruth. You are carried away by a current.

Tйann tъ le bбinн. You go frantic.

Tйann sй uaim й a thuiscint. I fail to understand it.

Tйann tъ romham sa chaint. You interrupt me talking.

Tйann tъ siar ar d’fhocal. You go back on your word.

Tйann an t-eitleбn sios. The plane goes down.

Tйann tъ thar theach mуr. You pass by a big house.

Tйann tъ tharat fйin. You lose your reason.

Tйann gach rud thart. Everything passes away.

Tйann an fuacht trнom. The cold goes right through me.

Tйann an adhmad trн thine. The wood goes on fire.

Tйann tъ trнd an iomarca ime. You go thru too much butter.



teileafуn m phone

cling tinkle, ring, cling cling ting-a-ling, fуn phone, fуn siъil mobile phone, fуn pуca pocket-, mobile phone, glao call, guthбn blower, telephone, lнne f line, tйacsбil texting.

teip f failure

anabaнocht (medical) miscarriage, briseadh breakdown, wrecking, caill loss, cailleadh losing; loss, cailliъint loss, caillteanas loss, cйim sнos downfall, cliseadh failure, flop, cъl le rath wash-out, dнomб disappointment, dнomua defeat, easnamh deficiency, easpa lack, shortfall, shortcoming, faillн negligence, dereliction; omission, easpa feidhmнochta lack of performance, fйimheacht bankruptcy, iomrall ceartais miscarriage of justice, mainneachtain (jur) default, meath decay, decline, meathlъ deterioration, mнrath failure, misfortune, neamart remissness, slip-up, neamhaire disregard, neamh-aistear failure to act, inactivity, neamhchъram want of care, neamhthoradh coming-to-nothing, fruitlessness, praiseach f(- ) fiasco, mess, titim fall, titim as a chйile collapse, tobthitim (economics) crash, tuairt f crash, tuairteбil (computer) crash, turnamh fall, decline.

teiripe f therapy

athshlбnъchбn rehabilitation, cуireбil (medical) treatment, cуir f leighis medical treatment, fisiteiripe physiotherapy, leigheas medicine, healing, remedy, sнciteiripe psychotherapy, sнocanailнs psychoanalysis.

teirminйal m terminal

ceann cъrsa destination, ceann scrнbe terminus, crнochfort (airport) terminal, deireadh an bhуthair the end of the road, los m(~ a; ~ a,~) electric terminal, sprioc f(- ice; ~ anna) target, sprioc-бit destination, appointed place, spriocphointe target-point, stбisiъn deiridh last station.

teocht f temperature

bogtheas warmth, brothall sultriness, fiabhras fever, teas heat. (see also: teas)

tiarna m lord; peer of the realm

bean uasal lady, barъn baron, dia m(; dйithe) god, duine uasal gentleman, fear uasal gentleman; nobleman, Iarla Earl, piarda (usually ironically) great gentleman, uasal noble.

ticйad m ticket

cбrta bordбla boarding card, cбrta iontrбla entry card, ceadchomhartha (computers) token, clib aitheantais identity tag, cъpуn coupon, cead isteach admittance, dearbhбn voucher, duillнn docket, slip, greamбn sticker, lipйad label, pas pass.

timpeall m (used as prep. & adv.) round, circuit, roundabout

ar gach taobh on every side, ciorcaid circuit, cъrsa circuit, course, i gciorcal in a circle, i bhfбinne in a ring, in a circle, imlнne f perimeter, circumference, mбguaird adv. around about (cf. an tнr mбguaird all around the country), mуrthimpeall (adv.) all around, thart ar approximately, about, thart timpeall ar around about, timpeallaнocht going around, circuitousness, timpeallбn (road) roundabout, timpeallъ encirclement; circumvention, timthriall m(~a; ~ta) cycle (cf. timthriall na bplбinйad the cycle of the planets).

timpeallacht f environment

atmaisfйar atmosphere, comharsanacht ghinearбlta general surroundings, comhshaol (eco) environment, cъlrбid background, imshaol environment, lбthair f(- thrach; - thracha) location, milieu milieu, oiliъint rearing, nurture, radharc scene, suнomh setting, tabhairt suas upbringing, tуgбil (suas) rearing, upbringing.

timpeallaigh v encircle, surround

bailigh timpeall gather around, bheith ag crнochantacht le to be bordering with, clъdaigh encase, envelop, wrap, cuimsigh encompass, imfhбlaigh fence off, enclose, imiaigh enclose, tar timpeall ar come around on (cf. Thбinig siad timpeall orainn. The surrounded us), tйigh timpeall go around.

timpiste f accident

anachain f calamity, cinniъint fate, destiny, dul amъ misadventure, earrбid error, imbhualadh m(- bhuailte) collision, iomrall miss, deviation, mн-бdh misfortune, mнfhortъn misfortune, mнrath ill success, mнsheoladh misdirection, seans chance, fluke (cf trн sheans by fluke), seirindipнocht serendipity, taisme f mishap, taismeach m casualty, tarlъ mн-бmharach unfortunate happening, teagmhas contingency, titim fall, tuairt crash, tuisle stumble, trip, tuisliъ stumbling, (see also: titim, tubaiste)

tine f fire

bladhm f flame, bladhmanna fpl flames, caor f(- oire; ~ a, ~) glowing object, caor f thine fire-ball, caor f thintrн thunderbolt, cipнn match, combustion; burning, dуiteбn conflagration, fire, drithle f spark of light, drithleog small spark, drithliъ sparking, ifreann inferno, hell, laindйar lantern, lampa lamp, lasбn flame, flash, lasadh lighting, flaming, lasair f(lasrach; lasracha) blaze, lastуir lighter, loscadh burning, scorching, gealbhruthaнl incandescence, splanc (- ainc; ~ acha) flash; spark, tintreach f lightning, tуirse leitreach electric torch uileloscadh Holocaust. (see also: solas)


~ airtlйire artillery fire, ~ bhruite consuming fire, ~ champa camp-fire, ~ chnбmh bonfire, ~ chreasa flint fire, ~ Ghrйagach Greek fire, ~ ghuail coal fire, ~ ifrinn hell-fire, ~ rabhaidh beacon.


tinn adj. sick, ill; sore, painful

aicнdeach diseased, aimlйiseach wretched, miserable, aimlithe enfeebled, spoilt, bacach lame, brйan foul, odious; sickened, fed-up, breoite ill, crбite tormented, sore, craplaithe crippled, dйistineach disgusting, easlбn unwell, sick, galrach infected, diseased, gan bheith ar fуnamh under the weather, unwell, indisposed, ina luн laid up, ina luн le bбs at death’s door, ionfhabhtaithe infected, lag weak, poorly, lofa rotten, martraithe crippled, masmasach nauseating, meathбnta weak, meathbheo infirm, meathbhreoite in poor health, meathlach declining, sickly, failing, meathlaithe in decline, decayed, meath-thinn out of sorts, sickly, mнfhollбin morbid, unhealthy, mнshlбintiъil unhealthy, unwholesome, mнshбsta displeased, morgtha mortified, nimhneach sore, pianmhar painful, samhnasach queasy; nauseous, slaghdбnach having a cold, tnбite jaded, tuirseach tired; fed up. (see also: pianmhar)

tinneas m sickness, illness; soreness, ache

aicнd disease, aimlйis slough of despond, aimlнocht enfeeblement, arraing f(~ e; ~ eacha) stabbing pain; stitch in side, bacadaнl limping, brйantas foulness, odiousness, breoiteacht illness, buaireamh anxiety, buile insanity, madness, casaoid grievance, cneб f(~; ~ cha) wound, sore, crб torment, craplъ crippling, crйacht f(~ a; ~ ) wound, gash, daigh f(~ e; daitheacha) darting pain, daitheacha fpl rheumatism, dйistin disgust, easlбinte ill-health, sickness, fadhb f(faidhbe; ~ anna) problem, galar infection, disease, gearбn complaint, imnн worry, ionfhabhtъ infection, luн laid up in bed, laige weakness, enervation, lofacht rot, martrъ crippling, masla insult, masmas nausea, meabhairghalar mental illness, meathбntacht sickliness, meathbheocht infirmity, meathbhreoiteacht sickliness, meathlach declining, sickly, failing, meathlъ decline, decay, meath-thinneas indisposition, sickliness, mнfhollбine morbidity, unhealthiness, mire madness, mнshlбinte ill-health, unwholesomeness, mнshбstacht displeasure, morgthacht mortification, nimhneach soreness, othras sickness, illness, paiteolaнocht pathology, pian pain, plб f(~; ~ anna) plague, pestilence, samhnas queasiness; nauseousness, saobhchiall f(- chйille) mental derangement, teog m(~; ~ anna) heavy bout of illness, tnбitheadh weariness, exhaustion, taom m(~ a; ~ anna) fit, paroxysm, tuirse tiredness; being fed up, urlacan vomiting, vнreas virus (see also: galar & pian)

~ an bhбis fatal illness, ~ an tsaoil the worries of life, ~ boilg pain in the belly, ~ brйige feigned illness, ~ caoldroma pain in the small of the back, lumbago, ~ cinn headache, ~ clainne pangs of childbirth, ~ cluaise ear-ache, ~ droma backache, ~ fiacaile toothache, ~ goile stomach-ache, ~ sъl sore eyes, ~ talъn epilepsy.



ainйistйiseach m anaesthetic, aipindicнteas appendicitis, alcуlachas alcoholism, antaibheathach m antibiotic, ardbhrъ fola high blood-pressure, ardуg (medicine) upper, bitheoga microbe, briseadh fracture, break, buinneach f(- nnн) diarrhoea, casacht f(~ a; ~ ) cough, casachtach f(- taн) coughing, cathaoir rotha wheelchair, cйislнnteas tonsillitis, cliseadh nйarуg nervous breakdown, comhtholgadh concussion, confadh rabies, diagnуis diagnosis, dochtъir doctor, dъlagar depression, easlбn invalid, fliъ flu, frнdнn germ, frithdhъlagrбn antidepressant, frithsheipteбn antiseptic, leonadh sprain, rith m(reatha) fola haemorrhage, iatacht f constipation, iompar sнceapatach psychopathic behaviour, нsleog (medicine) downer, maidн croise crutches, maidhm seicne strangulated hernia, mнgrйin migraine, neascуid boil, niъmуine pneumonia, ospidйal hospital, othar patient, otharlann sanatorium, othras goile gastric ulcer, paranбia paranoia, pianmhъchбn painkiller, pianta mнostraithe period pains, plucamas mumps, plъchadh asthma, polaimiailнteas polio, scitsifrйine f schizophrenia, scoilteacha fpl rheumatism, scornach f(- naн) nimhneach sore throat, sleamhnбn sty (in the eye), snag m(~ a; ~ anna) hiccups, sraoth m(~ a; ~ anna) sneeze, sraothartach f(- taн) sneezing, srуn f(srуine; ~ ta) silidh runny nose, sнnteбn stretcher, slaghdбn cold, strуc m(~; ~ anna) stroke, taom m croн heart attack, taom m goile stomach-upset, teocht f(~ a) temperature, vнreas virus, vacsaнniъ in aghaidh galair vaccination against an illness. (see also: aicнd, galar & leigheas)

tintreach f lightning

bladhm f flame, lasadh flush, lasair f(- srach; - sracha) flash, splanc (- ainc; ~ acha) flash; spark, sprйachadh sparking.

tiomбin v drive

brostaigh hurry, brъigh chun cinn hurry along, comhйignigh force, coerce, corraigh stir, move, deifir a chur le rud йigin to hurry something along, dнrigh direct, dнrigh ar head towards, cuir chun bуthair set off, hit the road, cuir faoi deara cause, cuir iallach ar coerce, gabh go, gluais move, rith run, stiъir steer, control, tabhair ar make, compel, tйigh go, tionlaic accompany, treabh plough.

tiomбinteach adj. driving, compelling

бititheach persuasive, an-laidir very strong, cumhachtach powerful, doshйanta compelling, йifeachtach effective, feidhmiъil forceful, fuinniъil energetic, sнobtha (wind, rain, etc..) driving, spreagъil motivating, tiomбna (> tiomбint) driving.

tiomanta adj. determined, committed

buan enduring, buanseasmhach persevering, unwavering, cruthanta dyed-in-the-wool, dearg- complete and utter (cf. deargmheisceoir complete and utter drunkard, deargnamhaid m sworn enemy), dнlis loyal, devoted, diongbhбilte resolute, daingean staunch, dobhogtha unshakeable, faghartha fiery, gritty, gan chlaonadh unswerving, gan staonadh unceasing, seasmhach steadfast.

tionуisc f accident

anachain f calamity, imbhualadh m(- bhuailte) collision, taisme f mishap, timpiste f accident, tuairt crash. (see also: timpiste)

tнr f country

бitreabhaigh mpl inhabitantants, бitritheoirн mpl inhabitants, athartha f(~) fatherland, comhlathas commonwealth, crнoch f(crнche; ~ a, ~) land, territory, lucht vуtбla electorate, electors, nбisiъn nation, pobal community, rйigiъn region, saorбnaigh mpl citizens, talamh m(- aimh), f(talъn); pl(tailte) land, ground, tuath f(tuaithe; ~ a, ~) countryside, vуtбlaithe mpl voters.

tirim adj. dry

acadъil academic, chomh tirim le pъdar bone-dry, ciniciъil cynical, coitianta common-place, crua hard, dried out, dнscithe desiccated, dнhiodrбithe dehydrated, dulta i ndнsc dried up, feoite withered, fadбlach tedious, fuar cold, gan alcуl alcohol free, dry, gan sprйach without spark, gan tinfeadh uninspired, gan uisce waterless, нotach parched, leadrбnach boring, leamh dull, uninspired, lifeless, liosta listless, spiritless, loiscneach scorched, arid, lom bleak, bare, marbh dead, neamhspйisiъil uninteresting, neamhthorthъil infertile, unfruitful, prуsach prosaic, seargtha shrivelled, dried up, spallta parched, stбlaithe stale, stiъgtha parched, tartmhar thirsty, thirst-provoking, triomaithe dried, tuirsiъil tiresome, wearisome, tur arid; (wit) dry.

tit v fall

bбigh drown, plunge, bбs a fhбil to die, bris wreck; defeat, briseadh a fhulaingt to suffer a defeat, brъisc crunch, crash, clis ar (market, etc..) collapse, crap shrink, shrivel; contract, do chothrom a chailleadh to lose your balance, dъlйim a thabhairt to plunge, dul faoi to go under, dul go tуin poill sink, dul ar gcъl to go backwards, to reverse, dul i gcъl to regress, to recede, dul ina chaise to cascade, dul i laghad to decrease, to lessen, dul i ndonas deteriorate, dul in нsle to diminish, dul in olcas to worsen, to deteriorate, dul le fбna to go downhill, dul sнos go down, greim a chailleadh to lose (one’s) grip, iomlaisc tumble, нsligh become lower; subside, laghdaigh lessen, decrease, lig uait relinquish, cede, maolaigh reduce, decrease, socthum nose-dive, suнomh a chailleadh to lose a position, suncбil sink, teacht anuas to come down, trбigh recede, ebb, traoith abate, subside, tuairteбil plummet, smash; (computer) crash, turnamh a fhulaingt to suffer defeat, tuirling alight, land, tuisligh trip, stumble, tum dive.

Thit sй amach liom. He fell out with me.

Thit sй amach mar sin. It happened that way.

Thit sй as a chйile. It fell apart.

Thit sй as grб. He fell out of love.

Thit sй orm й a dhйanamh. It fell to me to do it.

Thit nйal orm. I nodded off.

Thit a breithlб ar an Luan. Her birthday fell on the Monday.

Thit sй chun cйille. He got sense.

Thit sй chun suain. He fell asleep.

Thit sй faoi shlн. He fell by the wayside.

Thit sй i laige. He fainted.

Thit sй i ngrб. He fell in love.

Thit sй lйi й a chur i gcrнch. She managed to get it done.

Thit sй le m’intinn gurbh ea. It occurred to me that it was so.

Thit sн isteach linn. She went along with us/ joined us.


titim f fall

drowning, bбs death, briseadh defeat; wrecking, brъscadh crashing, crunching, cliseadh collapse; breakdown, crapadh shrinking, shrivelling; contraction, caill loss, dъlйim plunge, dul ar gcъl reversing, dul faoi going under, dul go tуin poill sinking, dul i gcъl regression, caise f cascade, stream, dul i laghad decrease, lessening, dul i ndonas deterioration, dul in нsle diminishment, dul in olcas worsening, deterioration, dul le fбna slippage, dul sнos descent, iomlasc tumble, нsliъ lowering; subsidence, laghdъ lessening, decrease, ligean give, maolъ reduction, decrease, socthum nose-dive, suncбil sinking, teacht anuas descent, trб f receding, ebbing, trбlacht subsidence, flagging, tuairteбil plummeting, smashing; (computer) crashing, turnamh defeat, tuirling alighting, landing, tuisliъ tripping, stumbling, tumadh diving. (see also: timpiste)

~ amach falling out, quarrel

Titim an Chine Dhaonna The Fall of Man

~ an duilliъir falling of the leaves

~ an rialtais the fall of the government

~ cainte turn of phrase, expression

~ drъchta dew-fall

~ focail slip of the tongue

~ luacha depreciation

~ na bбistн the rainfall

~ na dtaoiseach mуr the fall of the great chieftains

~ na hoнche nightfall

~ na mballaн the collapse of the walls

~ teochta fall in temperature

Titim na Traн The Fall of Troy

~ sneachta snowfall


tiubh adj. thick, dense

dian intense, dlъth- dense, dlъth dense, domhain deep, leathan wide, broad, ramhar fat, scamhardъil nourishing, slaimiceach chunky, substaintiъil substantial, tйagartha stout, substantial, toirtiъil bulky.

tobann adj. sudden

ar ala na huaire on the spur of the moment, deifreach hurried, hasty, dithneasach hasty, gan choinne unexpected, gan smaoineamh a dhйanamh without thinking, gasta rapid, giorraisc abrupt, luath early, meargбnta rash, spadhrъil impulsive, taghdach impetuous, tapa fast, quick.

todhchaн f future

an aimsir os бr gcomhair the time ahead of us, an t-am atб le teacht the time to come (cf. san am atб le teacht in time to come), as seo amach in the future, dealramh outlook, fбistineach m (gram.) future, poitйinseal potential, prognуis prognosis, rйamhaisnйis forecast, tairngreacht phrophecy, prediction, tualaing potential, tuar augury, omen.

tуg v take; raise, bring up

ardaigh nick, steal (cf. D’ardaigh sй mo pheann orm. He nicked my pen on me.), bain take off; subtract, beir ar take hold of, bog stir, move, caith consume, can sing, cinneadh ar to decide upon, coinnigh keep; accommodate, corraigh move, stir, creid believe, cuir faoi deara cause, cuir suas put up, build, cur suas le to put up with, dealaigh subtract, dйan make, dъisigh awaken, dul le (ceird) to take up (a trade), faigh get, foghlaim learn, foirgniъ building, fulaing suffer, gabh capture, occupy; arrest, glac take; accept, glan (e.g. bord a ghlanadh) clear, gnуthaigh earn, goid steal, greim a bhreith ar to take hold of, iompair carry, transport, ionanбlaigh inhale, ith eat, mъscail arouse, awaken, oil (vn oiliъint) rear, nurture, уl drink, roghnaigh choose, rud йigin a thabhairt leat to bring something with you, seas stand, set upright; withstand, smaoinigh consider, sliop take by stealth, spreag rouse, incite, toill accommodate, find room, tosaigh start, tuig understand, tuill earn, uchtaigh adopt.


aicнd a thуgбil to contract an illness

bord a thуgбil to clear a table

bratach a thуgбil to raise a flag

do lбmh a thуgбil to raise your hand

do scнth a thуgбil to take a rest for yourself

clann a thуgбil to raise a family

cnoc a thуgбil to ascend a hill

geit a thуgбil to get a fright

gloine a thуgбil to raise a glass

mo chroн a thуgбil to lift my heart

mo chuid fola a thуgбil to make me see red

mуin a thуgбil to stack turf

paisinйirн a thуgбil to pick up passenges

stoirm a thуgбil to raise a storm

suнochбn a thуgбil to take a seat

teach a thуgбil to build a house

teanga a thуgбil to pick up a language

tine a thуgбil to start a fire

trioblуid a thуgбil to cause trouble

troid a thуgбil to start a fight


tуgбil v


1. taking; raising up, rearing

ardъ nicking, stealing, baint taking, removing; subtracting, breith ar taking hold of, caitheamh consumption, ingesting, canadh singing, cinneadh ar deciding upon, coinneбil keeping; accommodating, corraн moving, stirring, creideamh believing, dealъ subtracting, dъiseacht awakening, dul le (ceird) taking up up (a trade), fбil getting, foghlaim learning, fulaingt suffering, gabhбil capturing, seizing, occupying; arresting; going, glacadh taking; accepting, gadaнocht thieving, goid stealing, iompar carrying, transporting, ionanбlъ inhaling, ithe eating, mъscailt arousing, awakening, oiliъint rearing, nurturing, уl drinking, roghnъ choosing, seasamh withstanding, standing, sliopadh taking by stealth, uchtъ adopting.


2. building, constructing

ardъ hoisting, erecting, cуimeбil assembly, cur faoi deara causing, cur le chйile construction, assembly, cur suas putting up, erecting, dйanamh making, dйantъs make, dйantъsaнocht manufacture, make, foirgneoireacht building-construction, foirgnнocht (trade) building-construction, foirgniъ building, monaraнocht manufacture, monarъ manufacturing,

tуgбlach adj. contagious, catching

eipidйimeach epidemic, ionfhabhtaнoch infectious, plбъil pestilential, somheabhraithe (tune) catchy, tarraingteach (tune) attractive, teagmhбlach (disease) communicable.

tуgбlaн m builder

ailtire architect, brнceadуir bricklayer, bricн (slang) bricky,builder, dйantуir maker, manufacturer, dearthуir designer, foirgneoir builder, innealtуir engineer, lнnitheoir draughtsman, lucht tуgбla construction workered, pleanбlaн planner.


togh v elect, choose

ainmnigh nominate, name, ceap appoint, cinn determine, coimisiъnaigh commission, cuir in oifig put in office, fostaigh employ, engage, glac (le) accept, oirnigh ordain, rogha a dhйanamh to make a selection, roghnaigh choose, elect, pioc pick, socraigh (ar) decide (upon), sainigh designate, togh sann assign, suiteбil install, tarmlig delegate.

Togha! interj. Bravo! Terrific!

Ar fheabhas! Excellent! Comhghairdeas! Congratulations!, Dia go deo leat! Bravo!, Go hiontach! Wonderful! Mo cheol thъ! No better man/ woman!, Maith thъ! Well done!, Mo ghoirm thъ! Good on you!, Mo ghraidhin thъ! Good woman/ man yourself! Nнl do shбrъ ann! None surpass you! You’re the best!, Thar barr! Tip top!

tуgtha adj.

1. excited

adhainte ignited, ar a bhfuil drithlнnн бthais who is thrilled, ar a bhfuil sceitimнnн who is thrilled to bits, ar bis keyed up (cf. bheith ar bнs to be wound up and eager), ar cheann cipнnн on tenterhooks, anamъil animated, ardaithe heightened, fadaithe stirred, stirred up, grнosaithe inflamed, enthused, paiseanta passionate, spreagtha excited, inspired,


2. agitated

anbhбch uneasy, anbhuaineach disturbed, buartha upset, troubled crбite distressed, corraithe disquieted, curtha amach put out, upset, eaglach fearful, faiteach apprehensive, imnнoch worried, anxious, mearaithe distracted, bewildered, mнshuaimhneach uneasy, disquieted, suaite agitated.

toil f will

carachtar character, mettle, diongbhбilteacht determination, daingne fortitude, fiъntas worth, miotal mettle, misneach courage, spirit, neart morбlta moral fibre, neart tola will-power, rъn resolve, uaillmhian ambition.

toilteanach adj. willing

cнocrach extremely keen, dнocasach eager, dнograiseach enthusiastic, fonnmhar keen, lan-sбsta fully agreeable, rйidh ready, all set, sбsta satisfied, willing, tograch positively disposed, ullamh ready, willing, ullmhaithe prepared.

tуin f bottom, backside

an taobh thiar behind, bota(н) butt, stock, bun bottom, base, bundъn fundament; tail-end, crбic buttock; anus, cъl rear, deireadh end, geadбn buttocks, rump, giorradбn rump, posterior, gorъn (butchers) rump, haunch, нochtar lower part, bottom, leath deiridh hind quarters, mбs m(mбis; ~a, ~) buttock. (see also: bun)

tуir f chase

cuardach m searching, йileamh demand, fiach m(fiaigh) hunt, fiagaнocht foraging, hunting, gйarleanъint persecution, leanъint ar following, lorg f track, trail, rith i ndiaidh ruda йigin to run after something, sealgaireacht hunting, seilg hunt, tуraнocht pursuing, chasing.


toradh m fruit, result

bia food, buaic culmination, buntбiste advantage, clann children, family, conclъid conclusion, crнoch f(crнche; ~a, ~) end, finish, crнoch f ar an scйal upshot, deireadh end, йifeacht effect, forbairt development, freagairt response, reaction, iarmhairt consequence, pуr issue, off-spring, sliocht m(sleachta) progeny, tairbhe benefit, tбirge deiridh end-product, tбirgeacht produce.


torthaн йagsъla different fruits:

aibreog apricot, anann pineapple, banana banana, caor f(- oire; ~ a, ~) berry, caor f chaorthainn rowan-berry, caora fpl fнniъna grapes, caora fpl troim elder-berries, fнonchaor f grape, lнoma lime, lнomуid lemon, mealbhacбn melon, neachtairнn nectarine, orбiste orange, pйitseog peach, piorra pear, pluma plum, prъna prune, seadуg grapefruit, silнn cherry, smйar f dhubh blackberry, spнonбn gooseberry, m craobh raspberry, sъ talъn strawberry, tбinsйirнn tangerine, ъll apple.


cnуnna йagsъla different nuts:

almуinn almond, cnу airйice areca-nut, cnу arcбin pig-nut, cnу beitil betel-nut, cnу Brasaнleach Brazil nut, cnу caisiъ cashew nut, cnу capaill chestnut, cnу cуcу coconut, cnу coill hazel-nut, cnу gaelach hazel-nut, cnу gallda walnut ~, cnу giъise pine nut, cnу talъn earth-nut, pis thalъn peanut, cnу pistйise pistachio nut.


tуraнocht f pursuing, pursuit

cuardach m searching, quest, fiach m(fiaigh) hunt, fiagaнocht foraging, hunting, lorg f track, trail, rith i ndiaidh duine/ ruda йigin to run after a person/ something, sealgaireacht hunting, seilg hunt, tуir chase.

torann m noise

1. human noises

bйicнl yelling, bloscarnach f smacking one’s lips, brъcht m(~ a; ~ anna) belch, bualadh fiacla chattering of teeth, canrбn murmuring, caoineadh keening, cбrsбn wheeze, casacht f cough, casachtach f coughing, clisiam m(~) din, confused talk, cnead f(~ a; ~ anna) grunt; groan, cogar whisper, cogar mogar muttering between people, cogarnach f whispering, йagaoin moan, fail hiccup, feadaнl whistling, geonaнl whining, glуr m(- уir; ~ tha) voice; sound, glуraнl bhoilg belly rumbles, gnъsacht grunting, gol crying, goldar load roar, guth m(~ a; ~ anna), voice, liъ yell, mйanfach f yawn, olagуn wailing, osna sigh, osnaнl sighing, pusaнl whimpering, scairt shout, call, scigireacht jeering, sciotaнl giggling, scol high-pitched scream, scrйachach screeching, scread scream, seamsбn droning on, slog gulp, smeach m(~ a; ~ anna) sob; gasp; click, snag hiccup, srann f(srainne; ~ a, ~) snore, srannбn wheeze, sraoth m(~ a; ~ anna) sneeze, sraothartach f sneezing, uaill howl, uaillghol wailing, uspуg gasp. (see also: glуr)

2. animal noises

amhastrach f na gcъnna barking of the hounds

bйicнl an asail braying of the donkey

cuachaнl an chapaill whinnying of the horse

drannadh an ghadhair snarling of the (guard-)dog

dordбn na mbeach buzzing of the bees

gйimneach f na bу mooing of the cow

giolcadh na n-йan the chirping of birds

gogalach f / grбgaнl na ngйanna cackling of the geese

meamhlach f na gcat mewing of the cats

sceamh f(sceimhe) an choileбin yelp of the pup

scrйachach f an ulchabhбin screeching of the owl

seitreach f an chapaill neighing of the horse

siosarnach f na nathrach hissing of the snake

tafann an mhadra barking of the dog

vбc vбc na lachan the quack-quack of the ducks

uallfartach f an mhic tнre howling of the wolf

(see also: glуr)

3. types of noise

bleaist blast, blub blub bubbling sound, clingireacht ding-a-ling, jingling cliotar cleatar clitter-clatter, clisiam din, confused talk, clonscairt chlaimhte clash of swords, dнoscбn squeak, dord deep humming sound, dordбn droning noise, drone, flup flap flapping noise, fuaim sound, gбir cheer, gбir mholta cheer, gligнneacht jingling, gliog gliog gurgle, gliog gleag click clack, gliogar hollow rattling sound, sound made by shaking a rotten egg, gliogarnach f hollow-rattling, gliogram rattling noise, glugarnach f gurgling, plab plop, plйasc f(plйisce; ~ anna) explosion, pleist squelch; plop, plimp bang, peal, (rн-rб agus) ruaille buaille ructions, pandemonium, seabhrбn swish, siansбn whining, siosarnach f swish, sioscadh fizzing, slaparnach f splashing noise, tailm thump, toirnйis commotion, tormбil rumble, tormбil drumaн roll of drums, tormбn noise tuairt crash, thud. (see also: glao)

4. volumes of noise

bonnбn booming sound; siren, bualadh peal, clash, beating sound, callуid commotion, clampar clamour, clisiam din, cogar whisper, callбn uproar, furъ ballyhoo, gнog squeak, gliotram clatter, gleo tumult, blare, raic racket, rйabadh rip, tearing, cнrйib riot, fothram noise, fothramбil making noise, fuaile faile hubbub, fuaim sound, glуrmhach m clamour, racбn rumpus, tamhach (indecl.) tбisc uproar, trup clatter. (see also: glуr)

torannach adj. noisy

ardghlуrach vociferous, bodhraitheach deafening, cabach chattering, callбnach boisterous, callуideach obstreperous, cнrйibeach riotous, uproarious, clamprach tumultuous, turbulent, clisiamach babbling, fothramach discordant, noisy, garg-ghlуrach strident, gйar acute, strepitant, gliogach gabbling, gliograch prattling, glуrach loud, sonorous; vocal, mнbhinn cacophonous, os ard aloud, polltach piercing, racбnach rackety, scairteach screaming, toirniъil thundery, tormбnach resounding, noisy.

tosach m beginning, initiation, start

brollach preface, bunъ establishment, setting up, buntъs rudiments, bunъs origin, dъiseacht awakening, йirн rise, йirн amach uprising, foinse source, frйamhacha roots, gin embryo, (i d) tosach bбire (at) the very beginning, (at) the onset, oirniъ ordination, oscailt opening, pointe tosaithe starting point, rйamhdhrйacht prelude, rйamhimeachtaн preliminaries, rйamhleagan premise, rйamhobair preliminary work, rйamhrб preamble, introduction, rйamhthaispeбntas preview, rйamhtheachtaн precursor, rйamhthъs forefront; precedence, rйimнr prefix, seoladh launch, sнol seed, germ, tabhairt isteach introduction, tionscnamh inauguration, inception, tъs start, beginning.

tosaigh v begin, initiate, start

bunaigh establish, set up, cuir ar bun instigate; set up, cuir ar siъl put on, set in motion, eascair emerge, йirigh arise, dъisigh awaken, dul i mbun to set about, geal dawn, gnнomhachtaigh activate, nocht appear, oscail open, tabhair isteach bring in, introduce, tarlaigh happen, tionscain inaugurate, initiate, tit amach crop up, tъs a chur (le) to commence (with), ullmhaigh prepare.

tosaitheoir m beginner

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