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sъgradh m playing (without rules), frolicking

бbhacht diversion, fun, aeraнocht outdoor fun, caitheamh aimsire pastime, cluichн mpl games, hobby, craic f fun, crack, imirt f playing (games with rules), plйarбca horse-play, pleidhcнocht fooling-about, rбigнocht gadding about, spуrt sport, spraoi fun, amusement, sult fun, taispeбint showing.

suigh v sit

бitigh persuade (cf. Shuigh sй orm gur cheart й. He tried to persuade me that it was right.), бitrigh inhabit, buail sнos lie low; crash out, bunaigh establish, set up, cуnaigh dwell, rest, cuir ar bun establish, cuir ar cнos rent (cf. teach le suн house to rent), cuir fъt lodge, settle, croch amach hang out, fanacht i do shuн to remain up, fan socair remain still, gabh occupy, glac sos rest, loic fail, let down (cf. Shuigh an t-inneall orm The engine packed up on me), lonnaigh settle, lig do scнth take a rest, tйigh chun suain repose, slumber, teacht chun cуnaн come to rest/ settle, tuirling alight, socraigh settle, socraigh sнos settle down, stad cease, stop, stop stop, stop off,

suim 1 f sum

an t-iomlбn the total, cainnнocht quantity, comhaireamh count, calculation, lнon (full) number, mйid m (~) amount, quantity, suimiъ addition, uimhir f(- mhreach) number.

suim 2 f interest

aird attention, caidйis inquisitiveness, cбs concern, fiosracht curiosity, gafacht preoccupation; (education) involvement, spйis interest, fondness, tarraingt attraction, lure, (see also: spйis)

suimiъil adj. interesting

aisteach curious, ait odd, barrъil bizarre, a chuirfeadh duine ag smaoineamh thought-provoking, a mhъsclaнonn fiosracht/ caidйis ionam that intrigues me, grнosaitheach provocative, inspйise worthy of interest, meallacach captivating; fetching, spйisiъil interesting, spreagthach motivating, taitneamhach appealing, pleasing, tarraingteach attractive, alluring. (see also: spйisiъil)

suнochбn m seat

бit place, binse bench, cathaoir f(~ each; ~ eacha) chair, mбla suн bean-bag, rнchathaoir throne, stуl stool, tolg sofa. (see also: cathaoir)

suнomh m site, situation, position, establishment

бit place, bunъ establishment, cбs case, cйim stage, position (cf. ard i gcйim of high position), cъinse circumstance, iompar posture, lбthair f(- threach; - threacha) location, lбithreбn site, lonnaнocht (arch.) settlement, luн lie (cf. luн na talъn the lie of the land), ionad position, place, riocht state, condition, scйal matter, story, staid state.

sult m enjoyment, fun

бbhacht fun, jesting, aeraнocht outdoor fun, entertainment, aiteas pleasantness, fun, aoibhneas pleasure, bliss, бthas happiness, craic crack, fun, gliondar joy, greann humour, plйisiъr pleasure, sбsamh satisfaction, sclйip hilarity, sport, scйipireacht letting your hair down, having a rip-roaring time, siamsa entertainment, soilbhreas joviality, sonas joy, happiness, spуrt sport, spraoi fun, diversion, taitneamh enjoyment.

sultmhar m enjoyment, pleasant

бbhachtach jocose, droll, aeraнochta (> aeraнocht) fun, aiteasach pleasant, entertaining, aoibhinn pleasurable, blissful, бthasach happy, gliondrach joyous, greannmhar humorous, amusing, lбn de chraic full of fun, mireogach frolicsome, flighty, sбsъil satisfying, sclйipeach hilarious, festive, siamsъil entertaining, amusing soilbhir jovial, cheery, sona happy, lucky, spraнъil playful, sportive, plйisiъrtha pleasurable, rнmйadach jubilant,amusing, spуrtъil sporty, fun, sъgrach playful, sportive, taitneamhach enjoyable. (see also: spraнъil)

suntasach adj. remarkable

as an choitiantacht out of the ordinary, as an ghnбth ar fad extraordinary, йachtach extraordinary, dearscnaitheach outstanding, excellent, dochreidte unbelievable, fiъ le rб noteworthy, fуdъil substantial, inbhraite palpable, iontach astonishing, mearaitheach perplexing, nбr chualathas/ nach bhfacthas a leithйid riamh unheard of/ unseen ever before, neamhghnбch unusual, neamhchoitianta uncommon, Nн chredfeб (go deo) й! You wouldn’t (ever) believe it! saoithiъil peculiar, sonraнoch noticeable, out of the ordinary, sonrach notable, outstanding, strainsйartha unfamiliar, suaithinseach distinctive, distinct, substaintiъil substantial,, tromchiallach significant.


tбbhacht f importance

anбil mhуr great influence, ardchйim eminence, brн meaning, substance, ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, meaning, dбirнreacht seriousness, gravitas, deireadh an domhain” (used ironically) “end of the world” (cf. Nн scйala deireadh an domahin й! It not world-shattering news!), fiъntas worth, gйarghб dire need, imnн concern, oirirceas distinction eminence, prбinn urgency, riachtanas necessity, rнthбbhacht vital importance, suntasacht significance, tathag import, substance tйagar substance, tionchar mуr great influence, treise (argument) weight.


tбbhachtach adj.


1. important, special, essential

ag a bhfuil tionchar influential, ardcheannasach supreme, predominant, ardleibhйil high-level, bainteach relevant, bun- basic; key (cf. ~cheist key issue), bunъsach basic, fundamental, cinniъnach fateful, momentous, cumhachtach powerful, dearscnaitheach outstanding, excellent, eisintiъil essential, йigeantach compulsory, eochair- key (e.g. eochairthionscal key industry), eochrach key, fiъ le rб noteworthy, fуdъil substantial, forasta well-established; grave, forleathan far-reaching, lбn de bhrн full of significance, luachmhar precious, valuable, mуr large, great, important, mуrluachach valuable; important, prнomh- main, leading, riachtanach necessary, seamhnach seminal, sollъnta solemn, grave, sonrach notable, outstanding, speisialta special, starrуgach projecting, salient, suaithinseach distinctive, substaintiъil substantial, suntasach remarkable, tathagach solid, substantial, tйagartha substantial, significant, tosaigh foremost, leading, trom weighty, substantial, trombhrнoch meaningful, significant, tromchiallach significant. (see also: speisialta)

2. distinguished, great, famous

ardchйimiъil eminent, clъiteach renowned, honoured, cбiliъil famous, cйimiъil prominent, iomrбiteach celebrated, mуr great, mуr le rб highly spoken of, oirirc eminent, illustrious, sбrmhaith excellent. (see also: cбiliъil)

tabhair v give, bring

astaigh emit, bronn present, bestow, donate, ceadaigh permit, cuir ar fбil provide, furnish, cuir in iъl communicate, inform, cuir le contribute, cumarsбid a dhйanamh to communicate, dбil distribute, dйan make, deonaigh grant, accord, fуgair bring to public notice, announce, gйill surrender, give way, нoc pay, lig let, allow, ofrбil (religious) offer, rad give, bestow; fling, pelt, riar administer, roinn share, scaoil release, discharge, seachaid deliver, solбthair supply, provide, tairg proffer, tender; produce, taispeбin show, indicate, tarchuir transmit, tiomnaigh bequeath; dedicate, tit fall, collapse, toirbhir hand over; dedicate.

Thug sн air fanacht She made hime wait.

Thug sн amadбn air. She called him a fool.

Thug sн as й. (a) She took him away; (b) She spirited him away

Thug sн dу й. She gave it to him.

Thug sн faoi. (a) She had a go at it; (b) She attacked him.

Thug sн faoi deara й. She noticed it.

Thug sн i dtнr й. (a) She saved him; (b) She brought him ashore

Thug sн i lбimh й. She arrested him.

Thug sн i gcuimhne dу She reminded him

Thug sн isteach (a) she brought in; (b) she gave in

Thug sн lйi й. She brought it with her.

Thug sн an lб lйi. She won the day.

Thug sн le tuiscint She gave to understand

Thug sн an t-eolas uaithi. She imparted the knowledge.

Thug sн suas a post. She gave up her job.



tбbhairne m pub, tavern

an tobar бitiъil (colloq.) the local, the local watering hole, beбr bar, eischeadъnas off-licence, уstlann hotel, teach m (; tithe) an уil tippling-house, teach m leanna ale-house, teach m уsta inn, pub, sнbнn illicit drinking-house; small pub.

tбbla m table

bord (furniture) table, cairt f(~; ~ eacha) chart, clбr board, programme; agenda; table (cf. clбr бbhar table of contents), diagram diagram, graf m graf, lйarбid diagram, illustration, paraidнm f(~e) paradigm, preabchlбr bounce table, tбscaire indicator.

~н bбsmhaireachta mortality tables, ~н infhillte folding tables, ~н logartam logarithm tables, ~н mйadaithe multiplication tables, ~н minicнochta frequency tables, ~ na n-бbhar table of contents, ~ peiriadach periodic table, ~н sнnteacha extension tables, ~н stratam tables of strata, ~н suimiъchбin addition tables, ~н tiontuithe conversion tables, ~н torthaн table of results.



taca m support, prop

anacal protection, bunsraith foundation, cabhair f(- bhrach) assistance, help, cnбmh f(cnбimhe; ~ a, ~) droma backbone, compord comfort, cosaint protection, cosantуir upholder, defender, cothabhбil maintenance, cothъ sustenance, crann shaft, beam; mast, crann cosanta champion, defender, crann seasta upright; mainstay, crann taca pillar, support, crann teanntбin fulcrum bar, cъl taca backing, support, cъnamh help, deoch misnigh (drink) stiffener, dнlseacht loyalty, fуirthint relief (cf. trъpaн fуirithinte relief troups), fortaitheoir comforter, frapa prop, lбmh cъnta helping hand, lucht tacaнochta supporters, misniъ encouraging, encouragement, scafall scaffolding, seasamh withstanding, support, seastбn stand, sуlбsaн consoler, spreagadh encouragement, stagh m(~; ~ anna) stay, stagh m an chrainn mhуir (sailing) mainstay, taca crochta flying buttress, tacaнocht support, teanntбn (medical) brace.

taibhse f ghost

ainspiorad evil spirit, ainsprid poltergeist, malevolent ghost, fantaise f spectre, phantom, scбil shadow-being, scбth shade, shadow, sйansaн wraith; doppel-ganger, spiorad spirit, sprid sprite, ghost, tais apparition, tбmhas phantom. (see also: pъca)

tбiblйad m tablet

capsъl capsule, bloc block, tablet (cf. bloc gallъnaн tablet of soap), druga drug, leac f(leice; ~ a ~) slab, leigheas medicine, miosъr leighis dose of medicine, piollaire pill.

taifead 1 v record

clбraigh register; enrol, cуip a dhйanamh de to make a copy of, cuir ar tйip tape (-record), cuir i gcartlann put in archive, cur sнos a dhйanamh ar to describe, doicimйadaigh document, fнs-scannбn a dhйanamh de to video, fнstaifead video-record, miontuairiscн a thуgбil to minute, to take minutes, nуtaн a thуgбil to take notes, scannбn a dhйanamh de to make a film of, to film, tйipeбil tape-record.

taifead 2 m record

clбrъ registration; enrolment, cуip copy, cуipeбil copying, tйipeбil tape-recording, cur i gcartlann archiving, cur ar tйip taping, doicimйadъ documenting, fнstaifead video-record, miontuairiscн (meeting) minutes, nуtaн notes, pнosa scannбin уn TCI (Teilifнs Ciorcaid Iata) CCTV footage, scannбn film, taifeadadh recording,.

taighde m research

aimsiъ-fнricн fact-finding, anailнs analysis, staidйar study, fiosrъ investigating,investigation, fiosrъchбn inquiry, iniъchadh scrutiny, inspecting; exploration, mionscrъdъ detailed examination, saothar work, scrъdъ examination, inspection, staidйar study, taighde research, tйis thesis, tуraнocht probing, trбchtas (dochtъra) (doctorate) dissertation, (an) treabhadh tosaigh (the) initial ground-work.

tбille f fee, charge

airgead le hнoc money to be paid, bille bill, dochar debit, dola charge, toll, praghas price, sonrasc invoice, fiach m(fйich, ~ a, ~), debt, costas cost., slн f isteach admission.

tairbhe f benefit, profit

бirge useful thing, convenience, бis facility, beannacht blessing, biseach amelioration, bуnas bonus, borradh m(- rrtha) boom, buntбiste advantage, brabъs profit, cabhair f(- bhrach) assistance, fбltas income, profit, fбltais takings, feabhsъ betterment, fiъntas worth, fuilleamh increase, interest, gaimbнn additional bit, interest, gar favour, leas m(~ a) welfare, benefit, peorcaisн perks, rud m(~ a) thing (cf. Rinne sй rud orm. He did me a favour.), sochar gain, benefit, sochar comhchineбil benefit in kind, sochar linbh child benefit, somhaoin asset, treisiъ boost, ъs interest, ъsбid use.

tairg v propose, proffer; offer

beartaigh plan, comhairligh advise, furnish, cuir faoi bhrбid put before, submit, cuir roimh place before, propose to, dбil distribute, mol (do) recommend (to), put forward ofrбil (religious) offer, sнn amach extend, tabhair give, tabhair ar aird bring to the attention, tabhair ar lбimh put forward, tairiscint a thabhairt isteach tender, send in a proposal.

tбirg v produce

atбirg reproduce, cruthaigh create, cum compose, cuir amach turn out, cuir ar fбil provide, cuir le cheile fabricate, dйan make, dйantъsaigh manufacture, gin generate, monaraigh manufacture, ollthairg massproduce, solбthair supply, provide, tabhair amach bring out.

taisce f treasure, savings

airgead tirim cash, ciste kitty, fund, pool, cistн mpl funds, cistнocht (subject) treasury, coigilteas savings, maoin wealth, уr gold, rathъnas fortune, saibhreas riches, weaslth, Stбtchiste State Treasury, stуr store, taisclann depository.

taisleach m damp

boige dampness, bogthaise humidity, caonach m mould, fliche wetness, fliuchadh wetting, fliuchбn wetness, moisture, fliuchбntaнocht (continous) wetness, wet weather, fliuchlach m wet weather, wetness, fliuchras moisture, wetness liath mould, lodarthacht sogginess, slushiness, taise dampness, taiseacht dampness, taisнche humidity.

taisme m mishap

cйim siar reversal of fortune, set-back, cъl set back (cf. Chuir sin cъl mуr orainne. That was a real set-back for us.), donas ill-luck, adversity, drochrath bad fortune, mн-бdh misfortune, unlucky break, mнfhortъn misfortune, timpiste accident, snag hiccup. (see also: timpiste)

taispeбin v show, demonstrate, indicate, exhibit

cuir ar fбil provide, furnish, cuir i lбthair present, cuir i lйire elucidate, cuir faoi bhrбid duine place before a person, cuir os comhair an tsaoil show to the world, cuir sнos describe, cruthaigh prove, dearbhaigh attest, confirm, lйirigh portray, illustrate, mнnigh explain, mъin teach; instruct, nocht disclose, rйal manifest, sceith divulge, seachaid deliver, soilйirigh clarify, tabhair chun solais bring to light, tabhair fianaise (le) witness, tabhair samplaн (de) exemplify, tairg offer, proffer, produce, teagasc instruct, tionlaic accompany, treoraigh guide, lead; usher.

taispeбntas m show, exhibition

aonach m fair, bosca taispeбna show-box, carnabhal carnival, ceiliъradh celebration, clбr teilifнse television show, cruthъ proof, cruthъ dearfa proof positive, deasghnбth ceremony, drбma play, drama, drбma puipйad puppet show, feic (pejorative) sight, fйile f fete, festival, feis festival, carnival, fothaispeбntas sideshow, lйiriъ portrayal; exposition; production, mуrshiъl the procession, nochtadh disclosure, pбirc thaispeбntais show grounds, parбid parade, searmanas ceremony, tуstal array, display, tуstal eitleбn air display, tуstal oнche night pageant, seу show; spectacle, seу aonair one man show, seу cainte talk show, seу cluichн game show (cf. уstach m seу cluichн game show host), seу ealaнon arts show, Seу an Earraigh the Spring Show, seу ilsiamsa variety show, seуlйimneach f(- ) show-jumping, seуthriail f(- thrialach) show-trial, taispeбint show, taispeбint lбmh show of hands. (see also: drбma)

taisteal m

aistear journey, aistear mara cruise, bуthar road, camchuairt tour; ramble, eitilt flying, fбlrуid trekking, fбlrуid na cruinne globetrotting, fбmaireacht touring about, fanaнocht roaming, gluaiseacht timpeall moving around, saorthuras excursion, seachrбn wandering, seoladh sailing, seoltуireacht sailing, sнobshiъl hitchhiking, siъl walking, slуgadh mobilization, sluaнocht expedition, spaisteoireacht strolling, tiomбint driving, turas trip, journey.

taistealaн m

eitleoir flyer, fбmaire sightseer, tourist, fбlrуdaн trekker, fбlrуdaн na cruinne globetrotter, fбnaн wayfarer, lucht taistнl (community) travellers, lucht seachrбin wanderers, ridire an bhуthair tramp, knight of the road, seachrбnaн wanderer, tiomбnaн driver, turasуir tourist.

taistil v travel

aistrigh journey, travel, bуthar a bhualadh to set off, camchuairt a dhйanamh to do a tour, cъrsбil cruise, dul ag fбlrуid to go trekking, dul ag fбlrуid na cruinne to go globetrotting, dul ag fбnaнocht to go off wandering, dul ag seoltуireacht to go sailing, dul ar eite to take flight/ wing, dul ar thuras to go on a trip, eitil fly, eitilt a thуgбil to take a flight, gluais timpeall move around, seol sail, tйigh go, tiomбin drive, turasуireacht a dhйanamh to go off journeying as a tourist.

taithн f

aithne acquaintance, baint involvement (cf. Bhн an-bhaint aige le polaitнocht ina уige. He was greatly involved in politics in his youth), bйas habit, practice, ciall cheannaithe earned experience, cleachtadh practice, eolas ar an obair knowledge of the work, oiliъint training, praitic (lit) practic, practice, seaneolas knowledge gained from experience (cf. Tб seaneolas aige ar an obair sin. He’s an old-hand at that work.), traenбil training, ъsбid use.

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