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Tйarmaн coitianta sa rйalteolaнocht

common terms inastronomy:

abhac bбn white dwarf, ais axis, anord chaos, atmaisfйar atmosphere, Bealach na Bу Finne the Milky Way, braisle f cluster, cуimйad Halley Halley’s comet, cruinne f universe, damhna m dorcha dark matter, dйrйalta binary star, dreige f meteor, dreigechith f(- cheatha) meteor shower, dъpholl black hole, йiclips eclipse, fбinnн Shatairn Saturn’s rings, fithis orbit, fithiseach orbital, fithisigh v orbit, freangadh ama time-warp(ing), frith-dhamhna m antimatter, fuinneamh dorcha dark energy, gбma-gha gamma-ray, gealach f moon, grianchуras solar system, grianghaoth f solar wind, idir-rйaltach interstellar, implйasc f collapse, imtharraingt gravitation, lйaslнne f theagmhais event horizon, luas an tsolais the speed of light, neodrуnrйalta neutron star, pбirtйiclips partial eclipse, plбinйadlann planetarium, radaiteileascуp radio-telescope, rйadlann observatory, rйaltnйal nebula, rйaltra galaxy, ruthag trajectory, satailнt satellite, solasbhliain f(- bhliana) light year, spбsaire astronaut, teileascуp telescope, teoiric choibhneasachta Einstein Einstein’s theory of relativity, treoluas velocity.


rйamhchlaonta adj, prejudiced

beagintinneach small-minded, biogуideach bigoted, caolaigeantach narrow-minded, claonta biased, intolerant, йadulangach intolerant, йagуrach unjust, leatromach (unfair) discriminatory, mн-chothrom unbalanced, unfair, pairtнneach partisan, taobhach partial.

rйamhrб adj. preface, introduction

brollach (book) foreward, preamble, rйamhdhrйacht prelude, rйamhimeachtaн mpl preliminaries, rйamhrбiteas (deed) premises, rйamhscйal prologue, rйamhsmaoineamh forethought.

rйasъn m reason

бbhar substance, grounds, cause, aithne recognition, realization, adhmad sense, worth, brн f significance, bunъs basis, ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, cъis cause, cъis chуir just cause, cuspуir objective, fбth reason, gaois sagacity, grinneas discernment gus nous, intinn mind, intleacht intellect, meabhair sanity,sense, mindfulness, worth, meabhair cheart right mind, rйasъntacht reasonableness, spreagthacht motive, substaintiъlacht substantiality, tйagar substance, tuiscint understanding.

rйasъnta adj. reasonable

бbhartha to-the-point, salient, a luнonn le ciall commonsense, breithiъnach judicious, cйillн sensible, sane, cйillн tomhaiste down-to-earth, ciallmhar sensible, cliste clever, cуir just, fair, cosa-ar-an-talamh down-to-earth, cothrom fair, cothromasach equitable, even-handed, crнonna (on account of age), hard-headed, wise, follбin healthy, sound, gaoiseach sagacious, wise, loighiciъil logical, neamhchlaonta impartial, unpredjudiced, praiticiъil practical, rйalaнoch realistic, rйasъnach rational, slбn sound, stuama level-headed, tйagartha solid.

rйchъiseach adj. easy-going

bog soft, easy. ceadaitheach lenient, fulangach tolerant, ligthe loose-limbed, relaxed, le meon socair even-tempered, malltriallach slow-moving, neamhchъiseach unconcerned, neamhйilitheach undemanding, rйagбnta laid-back, easy-going, rйidh easy, unhurried, sбmh peaceful, tranquil, scaoilte loose, unconstrained, socair calm, unruffled, sochma placid, easy-going, even-tempered, so-ranna easy to get on with, sociable, suaimhneach calm.


rйidh adj. ready; smooth, flat

ar fuireachas on standby, bog soft, easy, ceart right, comhrйidh uniformly flat, cothram level, even, dнreach straightforward, йasca easy, gan bhac unobstructed, gan dua trouble-free, gan strу effortless, i bhfearas in working order, ready to engage, i ngiar in gear, i nglйas (of cogs) interlocked, leibhйalta level, mнn smooth, mнn rйidh smooth and even, neamhachrannach unproblematic, neamhchasta straight- forward,uncomplicated, neamhйilitheach undemanding, rйchъiseach easy-going, sбmh peaceful, tranquil, simplн simple, socair calm, unruffled, ullamh prepared.


rйigiъn m region

бit place, comharsanacht neighbourhood, ceantar m district, ceathrъ f(~ n; ~ na) quarter, contae m(~; ~ tha ) county, cъige provence, dъiche f locality; native place, fearann land, ionad place, lantбn level grazing area, limistйar territory, rйimse m stretch (cf. rйimse talъn stretch of land), taobh side, quarter, zуn zone (see also: ceantar)

rйigiъnach adj. regional

бitiъil local, ceantair (> ceantar) district, cъige (>cъige) provincial, cъigeach provincial, dъiche (> dъiche) local, logбnta localised, na hбite local (cf. muintir na hбite local people) parуiste (>parуiste) parish, parуisteach parochial, rйimse m stretch (cf. rйimse talъn stretch of land), taobh side, quarter. zуnъil zonal. (see also: бitiъil)


reilig f graveyard, cemetery

an seanbhaile the final resting-place, adhlacadh m(- ctha; - cthaн) burial ground, cealdrach f old burial ground; burial place for unbaptized infants, cill f(~ e; cealla, ceall) churchyard, fуd na gcnбmh bone yard, ionad adhlactha na marbh place of burial for the dead, marbhlann morgue.

■ adhlacуir undertaker, adhlacadh na marbh burial of the dead, Aifreann na marbh Mass for the dead, faire f wake, imithe ar shlн na fнrinne gone the way of all flesh, bheith ar shochraid duine to attend a person’s funeral, crйamadh f (crйamtha) cremation, crйamatуiriam crematorium, eileatram hearse, muintir an choirp the mourners, prуisisiam sochraide funeral procession, sochraid funeral, tуrramh wake.


reiligiъn m religion

bualachбn-Bнobla Bible-thumping, beannaitheacht sacred-ness; sanctity, crбifeacht piety, godliness, creideamh belief; faith, crй f creed, deabhуid devotion, deasghnбth m(~ a; ~ a,~) ritual, cermony, diagacht f theology, diagantacht godliness, piety, diaigнnteacht pietism, dogma dogma, eagla Dй fear of God, naofacht holiness, ord crбbhaidh religious order. (see also: eaglais)

■ Reiligiъin mhуra an Domhain Great Religions of the world: asarlaнocht witchcraft, Bъdachas Buddhism, Confъiceachas Confucianism, Crнostaнocht Christianity, draнocht magic, Giъdachas Judaism, Hiondъchas Hinduism, Ioslam Islam, Jaineachas Jainism, Saнceachas Sikhism, seamanachas shamanism, Sinteochas Shintoism, spioradachas spiritualism, Taochas Taoism.


■ Sainchreidimh Chrнostaн Christian Denominations: Anglacбnaigh Anglicans, Ateachtaigh an tSeachtъ Lб Seventh Day Adventists, Caitlicigh (Roman) Catholics, Ceartchreidmheach Grйagach Greek Orthodox, Ceartchreidmheach Rъiseach Russian Orthodox, Crнostaithe Ceartchreidmheacha Orthodox Christians, Eaglais Choptach Coptic Church, Eaglais na hEolaнochta Church of Scientology, Eaglais Naoimh na Laethanta Deireanacha The Church of the Latter Day Saints, Finnйithe Iбivй Jehovah Witnesses, Protastъnaigh Protestants, Preispitйirigh Presbyterians, Modhaigh Methodists, Soiscйalaigh Evangelicals, (see also: eaglais)

reiligiъnach adj. religious

Aifreannach church-going, crбbhaidh (> crбbhadh) religious, pious (e.g. ord crбbhaidh religious order), crбifeach pious, godly, creidmheach believing; faithful, deabhуideach devout, diaga sacred, god-fearing; divine, diaganta godly, pious, dogmach dogmatic, naofa holy, piseogach superstitious, (see also: naofa)

rйim f regime; regimen

bainistнocht management, bunaнocht establishment, ceannas command, comharbas succession, cуras system, cъrsa course, eagraнocht organization, lбmh in uachtar upper hand, mбistreacht mastery, raon range, route, rйimse range, field, riail f(rialach; rialacha) rule, rialtas government, riarachбn administration, ъdarбs authority, urlбmhas supremacy

rйiteach m solution

aontъ agreement, cinneadh resolution, decision, clabhsъr closure, cneasъ healing, coigeartъ rectification, adjustment, comhaontъ agreement, conclъid conclusion, cothromъ balancing, crнochnъ completion, cur de lбimh disposal, cur in ord putting in order, cur i gceart putting right, deireadh end, dнriъ straightening, druidim closure, dъnadh closing, eochair f(- chrach; - chracha) key, focal scoir final word, freagra answer, frithnimh antidote, нoc f(нce; ~ a, ~) cure, fuascailt solving, resolving, glanadh suas cleaning up, clearing up, нocshlбinte panacea, universal solution, leigheas cure, lйiriъ elucidation, mнniъ explanation, oibriъ amach working out, plбstar plaster (i.e. temporary solution, holding measure), sбbhбil saving, saoradh freeing, liberating, scaoileadh unravelling, resolving, slбnъ redemption, slн f amach way out, slнocadh smoothing out, soothing, socrъ settling, arranging, soilйiriъ clarification, sуrtбil amach sorting out, socrъ sбsъil satisfactory, toradh result, settlement. ullmhъ preparation.

rйitigh v settle, solve, save; get along with

aontaigh le agree with, bain as aimhrйidh disentangle, ceartaigh make right, correct, cinn resolve, decide, coigeartaigh rectify, adjust, cothromaigh level, even, balance, cuir in ord put in order, cuir i gceart put right, dнrigh straighten, aim, йirigh (go maith) le duine to get on (well) with a person, fuascail solve, resolve, glan clear, clean, lнomh (edge) smooth, polish, mнnigh smoothen, polish; assuage, oibrigh amach work out, sбbhбil save, saor free, liberate, scaoil unravel, resolve, slбnaigh redeem, slнoc smooth, sooth, socraigh settle, arrange, sуrtбil amach sort out, taitin le appeal to ullmhaigh prepare.

reoite adj. frozen

Artach artic, cuisneach frosty, duibheacach bitterly cold, feannta cutting, feanntach piercingly bitter, frйamhaithe rooted, fuar cold, fuaraithe (wine) chilled, fuarnйalach cold, listless, gan bhogadh static, motionless, gйar sharp,bitter, geimhridh winter-, geimhriъil wintry, glas raw, glasfhuar chilly, goimhiъil biting, stinging, i bhfostъ san oighear ice-bound, mairbhleach numb, oighreach glacial, oighreata icy, oighrithe frozen over, glaciated, prйachta perished, reoбnta (cake) iced, righin rigid, seaca frosty, Sibйarach Siberian, sioctha frozen, soladaithe solidified, stalctha set hard, fixed (to the spot). (see also: fuar)

m king

an boc mуr the big-shot, ardrн high-king, ardtiarna overlord, ceann feadhna ringleader, ceannrуdaн pioneer, ceann urra head, chief, cinnire leader, ceannasaн boss, deachtуir dictator, an Fьrher (derogatory/ humorous) der Fьrher, dia m(; dйithe) god, flaith m sovereign, impire emperor, maorgacht majesty, monarc monarch, potentate, prionsa prince, rйalta eolais leading light, luminary, rialуir ruler, rнъlacht kingliness, saoiste foreman, sбr tsar, overlord, taoiseach chieftain; prime minister, tiarna lord, uachtarбn president.

riachtanach adj. necessary, essential

a bhfuil gб leis that is necessary, bunъsach fundamental, cinniъnach fateful, momentous, cumhachtach powerful, dбirнre serious, йigeantach compulsory, eisintiъil essential, eochair- key-, fiъ le rб noteworthy, fуdъil substantial, forleathan far-reaching, gйibheannach crucial, lбn de bhrн full of significance, luachmhar precious, valuable, mуr large, great, important, mуrluachach valuable, important, oibleagбideach obligatory, prбinneach urgent, prнomh- main, leading, rнthбbhachtach vital, sainordaitheach mandatory, seamhnach seminal, sine qua non indispensable, sonrach notable, speisialta special, suaithinseach distinctive, substaintiъil substantial, suntasach remarkable, tosaigh foremost, leading, trom weighty, substantial, trombhrнoch meaningful, significant, tromchiallach significant.

riachtanas m necessity

ceanglas (law) requirement, coinnнoll stipulation, easnamh deficiency, easpa f lack, йigean necessity, йigeantas compulsion, need, gбtar need, want, oibleagбid obligation, prбinn urgency, rйamhriachtanas prerequisite, rнthбbhacht vital importance, suntasacht prominence, teastбil wanting, troime weightiness, trombhrн grave significance, gravity, tromchiallaн seriously significant.

riail f rule

aicsнm axiom, airteagal creidimh article of faith, tenet, aithne commandment, ardcheannas high-command; raj, ardchumhacht supremacy, barrachas predominance, sway, bealach way, caighdeбn standard, ceannaireacht (finance) leadership, ceannas dominion, leadership, command, ceannasaнocht (quality) leadership, cleachtadh habit, cуras system, critйar criterion, cumhacht power, dlн law, dlнnse f jurisdiction, dogma dogma, foirm form, foirmle formula, formбid format, forуgra decree, gnбs custom, procedure, gnбthamh routine, impireacht empire, institiъid institution, mбistreacht mastership; mastery, modh method, nуsanna imeachta procedures, nуs seanbhunaithe prescript, ord order, ordъ ordering, giving orders, ordъlacht orderliness, prionsabal principle, reacht ordinance, law, statute; accepted rule, rйimeas reign, rйim regime, rialachas governance, rialtas government, rialъ governing; ruling, adjudication, seanrб maxim, smacht control, svae m sway, teagasc precept, teaching, tiarnas lordship, dominion, tiarnъlacht domination, lordliness, treis ascendancy, power, (cf. teacht i dtreis to attain power), treoir direction, treoirlнnte guidelines, ъdarбs authority, jurisdiction.

rialaigh v rule, govern, control

bainistigh manage, bheith i gceannas to govern, to be in charge, bheith i rйim ar thнr to rule over a country, deachtaigh dictate, dнrigh direct, forуgair decree, lйirigh indicate, maoirseoireacht a dhйanamh to superintend, maoirsigh supervise, ordaigh order, command, rialбil regulate, rith run, smachtaigh control, socraigh settle, arrange, stiъraigh conduct, direct, govern, teaspeбin show, traenбil train, treoraigh guide.

rialta adj. regular

aitheanta recognised, aonghnйitheach uniform, bithbhuan time-honoured, buan continuous, fast, bunaithe established, caighdeбnach standard, caighdeбnaithe standardised, ceadaithe approved, ceart correct, ceartchreidmheach orthodox, cуimheasta benchmark-, coinbhinsiъnach conventional, coiteann common, general, coitianta commonplace, comhionann uniform, cуrasach systematic, cothrom even, cothromaithe balanced, de rйir a chйile consistent, dea-riartha orderly, dнreach straightforward, foirmiъil formal, glactha accepted, gnбch usual, gnбth- ordinary; habitual, iontaofa dependable, atб i rйim prevailing, laethъil daily, neamhathraitheach unvarying, normбlta normal, oifigiъil official, ordъil orderly, rйidh level; easy, free of complication, seasmhach constant, steadfast, simйadrach symmetrical, traidisiъnta traditional.

rialtas m government

bainistнocht management, bunaнocht establishment, Dбil Йireann Irish Dбil, dlн law, faireachas surveillance, na hъdarбis atб i rйim the powers that be, pairlimint parliament, rйim regime, na cumhachtaн mуra the Great Powers, riail f(rialach, rialacha) rule, rialбil regulation, riarachбn administration, rнocht f kingdom, smacht control, stбt state, treoir f(- orach; - oracha) guidance, tiarnas dominion, ъdarбs authority.

■ Ranna Rialtais Government Departments:

An Roinn Talmhaнochta, Iascaireachtaн agus Bia The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food An Roinn Gnуthaн Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta The Department of Public Affairs, Equality and the Gaeltacht An Roinn Leanaн agus Gnуthaн Уige The Department of Children and Youth Affairs An Roinn Cosanta The Department of Defence An Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna The Department of Education and Skills An Roinn Post, Fiontar agus Nuбlaнoch The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation An Roinn Comhshaoil, Pobal agus Rialtais Бitiъil The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government An Roinn Airgeadais The Department of Finance An Roinn Gnуthaн Eachtracha agus Trбdбla The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade An Roinn Slбinte The Department of Health An Roinn Dlн agus Cirt agus Comhionannais The Department of Justice and Equality An Roinn Caiteachais Phoiblн agus Athchуirithe The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform An Roinn Cumarsбide, Fuinnimh agus Acmhainnн Nбdъrtha The Department of communications, energy and natural Resources An Roinn Coimirce Sуisialaн The Department of Social Protection Roinn an Taoisigh. The Department of the Taoiseach An Roinn Ealaнon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht An Roinn Iompair, Turasуireachta agus Spуirt The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport



riamh adv. ever, always, never

an t-ama ar fad all the time, choнche ever; never, gan deireadh without end, gan stad without stopping, constantly, gan staonadh without ceasing, go brбch forever, go brбch brбch for ever and ever, go deo forever, go dtн go dtiocfaidh na ba abhaile leo fйin until pigs learn to fly, go lб an bhrбtha till the end of times, trн shaol na saol forever and ever, go sнoraн eternally, i gcуnaн always, i dtуlamh always, у shin i leith from that time on.

rian m mark, trace

bealach m way, gnй f aspect, feature, imir tint, lorg mark, track, marc mark, raon track, ruaim dye; stain, smбl stain, trйith trait, characteristic.

riarachбn m administration

bainistнocht management, faire keeping watch, eagrъ organising, maoirseacht supervision, reachtбil running, stewarding, riail f(rialach, rialacha) rule, rialtas government, rialбil regulation, riarachбn administration, rith m(reatha) running, smacht control, stбt state, stiъradh directing, treoir f(- orach; - oracha) guidance.

rince m dance

bailй ballet, bбl ball, bolgrince bellydance, cйilн evening of Irish traditional dancing, cniogdhamhsa tap-dance, damhsa boilg belly-dance, dioscу disco, mуr-rince cinn scoile debs’ ball, pramsбil caper, port jig, princeam prance, pramsбil prancing, salsa salsa, seit m(~; ~ eana) set-dance, tangу tango, vбls m. (see also: cйilн & damhsa)

rнocht f kingdom, realm

crнoch f(crнche; ~ a, ~) land, territory, flaitheas sovereignty, impireacht empire, monarcacht monarchy, rialtas government, stбt state, tнr f(~e; tнortha) country.

rнomhaire m computer

бireamhбn calculator, frбma comhairimh abacus, lбrionad prуiseбla central processing unit (CPU), mуr-rнomhaire main frame computer, stбisiъn oibre work station, prуiseбlaн processor, prуiseбlaн focal word processor, prуiseбlaн sonraн data processor.


~ boise palmtop, ~ deisce desktop computer, eochairchlбr ~ computer keyboard, ~ lбntiomnaithe dedicated computer, ~ pуca notebook computer, ~ glъine lap-top computer.

▲ baincйireacht ~ computer banking, cуras ~ computer system, dearadh ~ computer design, йifeachtacht ~ computer efficiency, feidhmiъchбin ~ computer applications, lнonra rнomhairн computer network, oibreoir ~ computer operator, saineolaн ~ computer specialist, sonraнocht ~ computer spec.



rith v run

bheith ag rйabadh ar aghaidh to be tearing along, brostaigh hurry (cf. Brostaigh ort! Hurry up!), dйan deabhadh make haste, dйan ar make for, dйan deifir hurry, deifrigh hasten, doirt pour, dul ar cosa in airde to go at a gallop, dul ar luas lasrach to go at lightning speed, dul ar nуs na gaoithe to go like the manner of the wind, dul ar shodar to go at a trot, dul go maolchluasach to go hell-for-leather, feidhmigh function, gabh go, gluais move, greadadh leat to beat it, imeacht chun scaoill (horse) to bolt, imeacht i dtбinrith to stampede, imigh de rъid leave in a rush, rush off, ionramhбil manoeuvre, leбigh melt, oibrigh work; operate, jogбil jog, lнon isteach flows into, mair last, maoirseacht a dhйanamh ar oversee, priontбil print, rбbбil a dhйanamh to make a sprint, rбib a thabhairt sprint, rбig a dhйanamh to make a sudden dash, rйab chun cinn dash ahead, riar mange, administer, rois (stocking) ladder, ruathar a thabhairt to rush, to dash, sciorr slide, skid, slip, sileadh ina chaise to stream, to gush, sileann flows, siъil go sleamhnaigh slide; go unnoticed, tapa walk quickly, triall ar head for, proceed to, sciъr rear, dash, snigh flow; glide, steall gush forth in a stream, stiъir conduct, (business) run, teilg shed; consider (cf. rith sй liom ≡ theilg mй), teith flee, skedaddle, tiomбin drive, propel, titim ar nуs easa cascade. (see also: tйigh)

rуba m robe

brat mantle, cуta coat, clуca cloak, culaith f(~e; cultacha) apparel, dress; suit, йide f uniform, fallaing f(~ e; ~ eacha) mantle, cloak, feisteas costume, gъna dress, gown, seбl shawl.



robбil 1 f robbery, heist

bradaнl (computer) hacking; pinching, nicking; plagiarism, buirglйireacht burglary, ceithearnas banditry, ceithearnas coille outlawry, cleipteamбine kleptomania, clifeбil pilfering, minor theft, creachadуireacht marauding, plundering, looting, cъigleбil embezzling, foghail f(- ghla; - ghlacha), theft by means of trespass; plundering; pillaging, gadaнocht thieving, theft, ropaireacht tн house-breaking, sladaнocht pillaging. (see also: gadaнocht)


robбil 2 v rob, steal

bradaigh knock off, pinch, bradaнl a dhйanamh (computer) hack, buirglйireacht a dhйanamh to burgle, cluicheбil nick, purloin, creachadуireacht a dhйanamh to plunder, to pillage, foghail a dhйanamh ar бit to plunder a place, gadaнocht a dhйanamh to commit a theft, to steal, gadaнocht siopa a dhйanamh to shop-lift, goid steal, tуg gan cead take without permission, slad a dhйanamh to loot; to pillage. (see also: goid)


rуgaire m rogue, villain

abhуgaн bounder, бilteoir trickster, practical joker; scamp, бilteoirнn little scamp, ainrianaн reprobate, bithiъnach m scoundrel, rascal, bligeard blackguard, caimilйir con-man, swindler, cladhaire dнomhaoin ne’er-do-well, cluanaн deceiver, cneбmhaire crook, fraudster, diabhal devil, diabhailнn little devil, meirleach m villain, bandit, ropaire scoundrel, scabhaitйir blackguard, sбrachбn bounder, sйitйir cheat, slнbhнn sly person, suarachбn low-life.


rogha f choice

aincheist dilemma, athrach m alternative (cf. Nнl a athrach le dйanamh againn. We have no alternative.), cйadrogha option, first preference, cinneadh decision, йagsъlacht variety, idir dhб thine Bhealtaine on the horns of a dilemma, i gcбs idir dhб chomhairle in two minds, ilghnйitheacht diversity, variety, heterogeneity, iolarthacht multiplicity, variety, iolrachas pluralism, malairt change, alternative, olltoghchбn general election, plъr pick, prize, roghnъ choosing, scoth best choice, pick, togha pick, choice, toghadh selection, electing for, toghchбn election, tosach priority, tъs бite preference.


roghnaigh v choose

ainmnigh nominate, name, ceap appoint, cinn determine, coimisiъnaigh commission, cuir in oifig put in office, an folъntas lнonadh to fill the vacancy, fostaigh employ, engage, glac (le) accept, glaoigh ( ar ) call, ionannaigh identify, luaigh mention, cite, oirnigh ordain, post a thabhairt do to give a position to, rogha a dhйanamh to make a selection, pioc pick, socraigh (ar) decide (upon), sainigh designate, togh sann assign, suiteбil install, tarmlig delegate, togh elect.


roicйad m rocket

bladhm f ghuaise distress flare, coinneal Rуmhбnach Roman candle, dairt dart, diъracбn missile, ga spear, geataire small missile, saighead f(-ghde; ~a, ~) arrow, teilgeбn projectile.


roinn 1 f department, section

aonad unit, module, alt artcle, (law) clause, brainse branch, ceantar area, cuid f(coda; codanna) part, deighleog segment, earnбil sector, foroinn subdivision, gearradh cut, section, mнrlнne f segment of a line, rannбn (art, computers) section, rannуg small department, section, teascбn (map) section; (circle) segment, teascуg f (computers) sector, trasghearradh cross section, slisne m slice, (rock) section.

roinn 2 v divide

achoimrigh summarize, bain cut, bris suas break up, codanna a dhйaanamh de to make pieces of, colscar (marriage) divorce, dбil (amach) distribute, deighil segment, partition, dйroinn bisect, gearr cut, carve gearr suas carve up, leithlisigh isolate, leithscar segregate, scoilt split, crack, scoith sever, cut off, scar separate slis slice, slisnн a dhйanamh de to slice.

roinnt f some (amount), share, part

beagбn little amount, blogh fragment, blъire bit, bolgam mouthful, canta slice, cion contribution, part, cuid f(coda; codanna) share, dabбn little daub, eilimint element, gamba dollop, good-sized portion, giota bit, goblach morsel, goin bit, scrap, iarmharбn remnant, scrap, mнr item, bit, oiread бirithe certain amount, pбirt part, pнosa piece, some amount, roinn f(ranna) part, portion, rуl role, ruainne scrap, thread, scar share, portion, sciar m(~; ~ tha) share, portion, sliseog small shaving, chip, slisne cut, section, smut short piece, stub, smutбn chunk, spуla (meat) joint, chunk, stiall f(stйille; ~ acha) strip, slice.

rуl m role

cбil capacity (cf. i gcбil sagairt in the capacity of a priest), carachtar (drama) character, dualgas duty, feidhm function, freagracht responsibility, jab job, lйiriъ portrayal, obair f(oibre; oibreacha) pбirt part, tasc task.


rolla m roll, roll-call

casadh turning, rotation, clбr register, fardal inventory, imrothъ revolution, rotation, leathrothlъ half a revolution, half a rotation, liosta list, liosta timireachta attendance list, taifead record, taifeadadh recording, timireacht attendance, sorcуir cylinder, spуl reel, spool.


rothar m bicycle, bike

gluaisrothar motorbike, mуipйid moped, pingin agus feoirling penny-farthing, scъtar scooter, teaindeam m(- dim) tandem.

Tйim ag rothaнocht. I go cycling., Tб bonn pollta agam. I have a flat tyre., Nн oibrнonn na coscбin i gceart. The brakes don’t work properly., Tб an dineamу as glйas. The dynamo is not working., Tб cъig ghiar ar an rothar. The bike has five gears., Tб an diallait ar bogadh. The saddle is loose.


~ beirte tandem, ~ cleachtaigh choirp exercise bike, ~ infhillte folding bike, ~ leictreach electric bike, ~ mуtair motorised bike, ~ rбsaнochta, race-bike, ~ slйibhe mountain-bike, ~ turasуireachta touring bike; gluais~ motorbike


rуmбnsach adj. romantic

бifйiseach exaggerated, ridiculous, aislingeach m dreamy, andъchasach exotic, cimйarach fanciful, fantaiseach fantastic, fileata poetic, fнseach visionary, guanach starry-eyed idйalach idealistic, idileach idyllic, liriceach lyrical, maoth mushy, soppy, maoithneach sentimental, neamh-phraiticiъil impractical, samhalta unreal, unrealistic, sнъil fairy-tale like, Ъtуipeach Utopian.


rуmбnsaн m romantic

aislingeach m dreamer, file poet, fнsн m visionary, idйalaн m idealist, liriceoir lyricist maoithnн sentimentalist.


rуpa m rope

cбbla cable, corda cord, lasъ m(~; ~ nna) lasso, lнne f(~; lнnte) line, sreang f(sreinge; ~ a, ~) string, sъgбn straw-rope; straw-man, useless person, tйбd f(tйide; ~ a, ~) rope, tйadбn short rope, tйadra cordage, teaghrбn tether, lead. (see also: tйad)


rуsta adj. (figuratively) roasted, uncomfortably hot

an-te very hot, bruite ag an teas scorched by the heat, cloнte ag an teas overwhelmed by the heat, dearg te red hot, sizzling hot, dуite burnt, faoi bheirfean teasa in sweltering heat, marbh ag an teas dying from the heat, scallta scorched, trн thine on fire. (see also: te)

rud m thing

бbhar matter, subject-matter; object, aonad unit, aonбn entity, ball part of a whole, article, item, beagбn little, bit, beart matter, action, beith entity, being, brуn sorrow, ceist issue, cleas trick, contrivance, coincheap concept, cuid f(coda; codanna) part, portion, dбn lot, fate, dбn de dhбnta an tsaoil one of those things, dнol object, focus, dуigh condition, state, way, duine m person, eachtra event, fadhb problem, feinimйan phenomenon, fнric fact, fуibe f phobia, fosъchбn fixation, gar favour, gean affection, (cf. Tб ~ agam lйi. I’ve a thing about her), giuirlйidн personal belongings, bibs and bobs, glйas implement, gnнomh m(gnнmh; ~ artha) act, gnй f feature, aspect, gnу m(~; ~ thaн) business, affair, greamъ sticking-point, fixation, imnн worry, concern, meaisнn machine, meicnнocht mechanism, mionphointe particular, detail, nйarуis neurosis, hang-up, thing, oiriъintн fpl accessories, pбiste (cf. na rudaн beaga the little ones), pointe point, rбiteas statement, scйal story, matter, smaoineamh idea, suнomh situation, tarlъ happening, teagmhas eventuality, contingency, trealamh equipment, tuiscint understanding, wit, (cf. Nнl sй de rud ann. He hasn’t got the wit.), uirlis tool, implement.

agus ~ eile and another thing, is maith an ~ duit gur fear foighneach mй. It’s a good thing for you that I am a patient man., уs ~ й go bhfuil tъ anseo since you are here, ~ beag tae a little drop of tea, ~ beag fuar little bit of cold, ~ йigin something, ~ gan mhaith useless thing.

rъn m

1. secret

Ceileatramdisguise, veneer, cуd code, comhchealgf(-cheilge) conapircy, diamhairf(~e; -mhra) obscurity, mystery,diamhracht mysteriousness, dothuigtheachtincomprehensibility, duaithnнochtcamouflage, dubhfhocal(riddle)enigma, dъcheist(puzzle) enigma, dъchrнochf(-chrнche) unexplored, dark land, duibheagбnabyss, abstruseness, dъthomhasenigma, ceiltcovertness, concealment,, furtiveness, ceilteanashugger-mugger, fбilнochtstealth, folachhiding, covering-up, folachбnconcealment, folachбntaнochtsecretiveness, folachasconcealment, obscurity, mistйirmystery, rъndachtsecrecy, rъndiamhairf(~e; -mhra) (religious) mystery, rъnmhaire

closeness, secrecy, rъnmhaireacht secretiveness, tomhas puzzle, uisce faoi thalamh conspiracy.


2. intention, purpose; (debate) motion

aidhm aim, bun turais journey’s end, ceann scrнbe end-point, ceann sprice end-goal, ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, coincheap concept, crнoch f(crнche) finish, cъis cause, cuspуir objective, daingne tola steadfastness of purpose, dea-chroн sincere/ good intention, dea-rъn good intention, deireadh end, duaithnithe camouflaged, intinn intention, plean plan, scйim design, sprioc f target.

rъnda adj. secret

andъchasach exotic, ar chъla tйarmaн in secret, ceilteach secretive, reticent, cуdaithe coded, comhcheilge conspiratorial, diamhair obscure, mysterious, discrйideach discreet, domhain deep, dothuigthe incomprehensible, enigmatic, dorcha dark, mysterious, druidte closed, taciturn, dubhfhoclach (riddle) enigmatic, duibheagбnach abstruse, hard to fathom ceilt covertness, concealment,, furtiveness, faichilleach cagey, caution, fбilн stealthy, furtive, faoi cheilt secret, closet-, faoi choim under cover, in secret, folaitheach clandestine, gan fhios secretly, incognito, i bhfolach in hiding, concealed, i bhfolachбn in concealment, mistйireach mysterious, rangaithe classified, rъndiamhair (religious) mysterious, rъnmhar close, secret.



sбbhбil v save

aisghabh recover, get back, athshlбnaigh (computers) recover, bailigh collect, caomhnaigh preserve, carn stash, pile up, coigil stint, save, coimeбd conserve, coinnigh hold, keep, retain, coisc prevent, cosain protect, cruinnigh gather, cuir ar leataobh put aside, cuir i dtaisce save, store, treasure, cumhdaigh safeguard, protect, fuascail redeem, liberate, gearr siar cut back, leigheas heal, cure, mнntнrigh reclaim, rйitigh sort out, saor free, deliver, sciath shield, slбnaigh make whole, redeem; heal, spбrбil husband; spare, taisc hoard; store up, tarrthбil rescue; salvage, teacht i dtнr to survive, tйarnaigh recover, survive.

sбbhбilte adj. safe

1. safe

as baol out of harm’s way, ceart go leor all right, cinnte certain, cinnte dearfa absolutely certain(ly), coimeбdach conservative, cosanta protected, cosanta ar scrнobh (computer) write-protected, cosanta ag balla dуiteбin (computer) firewall protected, dearfa positive, dнonta (ar) immune (to), discrйideach discreet, do-ghafa impregnable, doghonta invulnerable, doloicthe foolproof, faichilleach cautious, faoi chosaint protected, follбin hale, gan dнobhбil undamaged, gan dochar harmless, gan ghortъ unhurt, uninjured, gan teip unfailing, iontaofa trustworthy, Is fearr glas nб amhras. Better safe than sorry., luath lбidir hale and hearty, muinнneach dependable, neamh-fhabhtach uncontaminated, neamhthocsaineach non-toxic, neamh-urchуideach innocuous, slбn safe, secure, slбn sбbhбilte safe and sound, tбstбlaithe tested, triailte agus profa tried and tested.

2. saved

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