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Binbeachvirulent, venomouscruбlachcruel, dнobhбlach pernicious, noxious, dнoltasachvindictive, domlasta


rancorous, vitriolic, faltanasach spiteful, gangaideach virulent, gйar bitter, grбnna nasty, mailнseach malicious, vicious, mioscaiseach nasty, malicious, millteach baneful, naimhdeach hostile, nimhiъil poisonous, oilc evil, plбъil pestilential, truaillitheach corruptive, defiling.

nнochбn m washing, laundry

йadaн salacha dirty clothes, dнghalrъ disinfecting, glanadh cleaning, glantachбn cleaning, нonъ purifying, neachtlann (establishment) laundry, sciъradh scrubbing, sruthlъ rinsing.

nocht 1 adj. naked

curtha у chуta defrocked, follasach blatant, evident, gan chosaint defenceless, gan chlъid uncovered, gan йadaн unclothed, gan folach unconcealed, gan ghlйasadh undressed, gan rуbaн unrobed, gan snбithe ort in your birthday suit, le tуin le gaoth exposed, destitute, lom bare, lomnocht stark-naked, nudey-butts, nochta stripped, uncovered, oscailte open, overt, sceirdiъil bleak, exposed to the elements, soghonta vulnerable, soilйir overt.

nocht 2 v reveal, appear

craobhscaoil broadcast, cuir i bhfios apprise, cuir cogar i gcluas duine have a quiet word with a person, cuir an i gcйill make aware, cuir in iъl inform, cuir i lбthair present, cuir i lйire elucidate, cuir scйal chuig notify, cuir timpeall put around, dearbhaigh declare, dъisigh awaken, eisigh issue, faigh amach find out, discover, feictear dom it appears/ seems to me, fуgair announce, foilsigh publish, geamhraigh spring forth, sprout, leath spread, lйirigh make clear, mнnigh explain, pйac bud, sprout, poibligh publicise, rйitigh solve, seol launch; send, scaip distribute, sceith divulge, leak, tabhair le tuiscint imply, tabhair chun solais bring to light, expose, taispeбin show, tarchuir transmit, teacht ar an lбthair to come on the scene, to appear, tuig realize.

nochtadh m revelation, disclosure, appearance

craobhscaoileadh broadcasting, cur i bhfios notification, cur iъl informing, cur i lбthair presenting, cur i lйire elucidation, elucidating, cur timpeall putting around, dearbhъ declaration, eisiъ issuing, exposй exposй, fбil amach finding out, discovering, foilsiъ publishing, leathadh spreading, lйiriъ making clear, mнniъ explaining, oscailt sъl eye-opener, pйacadh budding, sprouting, poibliъ publicising, rйiteach solving, seoladh launching, scaipeadh distributing, sceitheadh divulging, (information) leak, tabhairt le tuiscint implying, implication, tabhairt chun solais bringing to light, exposing, taispeбint showing, tarchur transmission, teacht ar an lбthair coming on the scene, appearing, tuiscint realizing.

nod m hint, clue; abbreviation

cogar whisper, quiet word, eochair f(- chrach; - chracha) key, eochairfhocal keyword, faisnйis evidence, foirm ghearr short form, giorrъchбn abbreviation, leathfocal insinuation, (figuratively) nod (and a wink), leid clue, hint, luaidreбn (beag) intimation, (slight suggestion), moladh suggestion.

nуimйad m minute, moment

achar beag short while, aga interval, бit na mbonn jiffy (cf, in бit na mbonn in a jiffy), ball while (cf. ball beag у shin a little while ago, ar ball beag in a little while), faitheadh na sъl wink if the eye (cf. i bhfaiteadh an sъl in a wink of the eye), mуimint moment, scathamh beag short period, soicind second, tamaillнn (beag)(short) little while, tamall while.

normбlta adj. normal

caighdeбnach standard, coitianta common, glactha accepted, gnбch usual gnбth- ordinary, common, usual meбnach average, normatach normative, ortadocsach orthodox, prнomh- main, prнomhshrutha mainstream, tнopъil typical, traidisiъnta traditional, customary, slбnchйillн sane.

nуs m. custom

bealach m(- aigh; - ) way, bйas custom, bйasaнocht etiquette, caoi f(~; caнonna) way, manner, cleachtadh practice, habit, coinbhinsiъn convention, deasghnбth ritual, rite, ceremony, dуigh way, manner, foirm form, foirmiъlacht formality, gnбs habituation, usage, modh mode, procedure, ord imeachta order of procedure, polasaн policy, slн f(~; slite) way, taithн f habit, traidisiъn tradition, ъsбid use.


ar aon ~ at any rate, ar an ~ cйanna in the same way, mar ba ~ leis as was his wont, Nн hй ~ na cuideachta й. It’s not the done thing., It’s not etiquette., Nб dйan ~ agus nб bris ~! Don’t make a custom and don’t break a custom!


nуta (н) m. note(s)

achoimre synopsis, outline, breacadh sнos jotting down, ceol music (cf. Nнl ~ aige. He can’t sing a note., An bhfuil na ~н agat? Do have the music?), drйacht draft, imlнnte fpl outline, imprisin mpl impressions, litir f(- treach; - treacha) letter, meabhrбn memo, written reminder, meamram memorandum, miontuairiscн minutes (of a meeting), pointe point, pointн points, taifead record, teachtaireacht message.


nua adj. new, novel

An lae inniuof today’s world, an phreaseisiъint is dйanaнlatest press-release,athchуirithe restored, athraithechanged, breiseextra, bunъiloriginal, nua-aimsearthamodern,nua-aoiseach modern, comhaimsearthacontemporary, deireanachlatest, difriъildifferent, dнreach amuighjust out, dнreach уn phreasjust off the press, dнreach tar йis teacht amach just after coming out, faiseanta fashionable, feabhsaitheimproved, forlнonachsupplementary, gan ъsбidunused, is dйanaнlatest, maighdeanъilvirgin, nuabheirthenewborn, nuachуirithemodernized, reathacurrent, san fhaiseanin fashion, suas

chun dбta up-to-date, trбthъil topical, ъr fresh, ъrnua brand new.


~-aimseartha modern, ~-aoiseach modern, ~bheirthe new-born, ~chlasaiceach neo-classic(al), ~fhaiseanta trendy, ~fhaisisteachas neo-fascism, ~fhocal neologism, ~nуsach new-fangled, ~phуsta newly-wed, ~theanga f modern language.


nuacht f news

an rud is dйanaн the latest, an t-eolas is deireanaн an update, bullaitнn (publishing) bulletin, bunrбn (sport) bulletin, eisiъint release, eolas nua new information, exposй exposй, faisnйis intelligence, feasachбn (TV, radio, etc.) bulletin, communiquй, foilsiъ revelation, nochtadh disclosure, rбfla rumour, scйala news, scйal ag briseadh a story breaking, rбiteas statement, scannal scandal, sceitheadh leak, tuairisc report.



obair f work

aiste essay, ceird craft, coimisiъn commission, creachlaois light work; petty chore, cruthъ creation, dбn poem, dйanamh making, dreas (oibre) stint (of work), dualgas duty, fiontar venture, undertaking, fostaнocht employment, gairm calling, gairm bheatha livelihood, giъrnбil doing light work, gnнomh deed, gnнomhaнochtaн activities, gnу business, iarracht effort, jab job, pнosa piece, pнosa cumadуireachta composition, oibriъ (machinery) working, performance, oifig office, poistнneacht doing chores, post position, pulcadh (school) grind, saothar work, labour; exertion; (music) opus, sclбbhaнocht drudgery, seal shift, seirbhнs service, siobбil pottering, tбirgeadh production, tasc task, tiarбil slogging, toiling, tiarбil an lae daily grind, tionscnamh project.


~ an lae the work of the day, ~ ar thasc task work, ~ bhaile homework, ~ chloiche stonework, masonry, ~ chonartha contract work, ~ intinne mental work, ~ lбimhe handiwork, ~ lбsa lacework, ~ phaistн patchwork, ~ scoile school-work, ~ shnбthaide needlework, ~ spбide spade-work; (plural) oibreacha cloig the works of a clock, oibreacha Dй works of God, oibreacha poiblн public works, oibreacha thуgбla construction work, oibreacha uisce waterworks.

obrбid f operation

feidhm function, gnбthamh (medical) procedure, gnнomh action, idirghabhбil liachta medical intervention, inlнocht f manoeuvre, mбinliacht surgery.

уcбid f occasion

Babhtabout, round, cбscase, instance, ceiliъradhcelebration, cъiscause, cumarjuncture, dreasm (~a; ~a, ~) round spell, iarraidhgo, try, imeachtmevent, nуimйadmoment, oscailtopening, teagmhasincident, event, tarlъoccurrence,triail

f(trialach; trialacha) trial, test, uain opportunity, occasion, uair time, hour, uair amhбin once.

manoeuvre, mбinliacht surgery.

уcбideach adj. occasional; also adv.: go h~ occasionally

annamh rare, infrequent, a-tipiciъil a-typical, neamh-choitianta uncommon, neamhghnбch unusual, tanaн thin, few, tearc meagre, sparse; (as adverb) anois is arнs now and again, у am go ham from time to time, у am go chйile at intervals, scaitн at times/ intervals, uair sa naoi n-airde once in the blue moon, uaineach intermittent, uaireanta sometimes.

ocrach adj. hungry

airceach voracious, amplach hungry, greedy, ar ghannchothъ underfed, cнocrach avid, craosach gluttonous, dнocasach eager, keen, dнograiseach fervent, zealous, dъilmhear desirous, longing for, folamh empty, fonnmhar keen, desirous, gannchothaithe undernourished, mianъil desirous, santach greedy, avaricious, stiъgtha famished, starved, tnъthбnach yearning.

ocras m hunger

airc voracity, greed ampla ravenous hunger, collach m goile voracious appetite, cнocras craving, craos gluttony, craosaireacht devouring gluttonously, dнocas eagerness, keenness, dнograis fervour, zealousness, dнth cothaithe starvation, dъil desire, longing foilmhe emptiness, fonn desire, gannchothъ undernourishment, goile appetite, gorta famine, mian desire, saint greed, avariciousness, tochas itch, tnъthбn yearning. (see also: tart)

уg adj. young

anabaн immature, anaosta youthful, beag little, deireanach recent, gan cleiteacha unfledged, inexperienced, gasъir boyish, girsн girlish, glas green, leanbaн infant-like, luath early, soon, moch early, naнonбn infant na n-aosбnach juvenile, na n-уg juvenile, nua new, nuabheirthe new-born,

(e.g. rang naнonбn infant class), nua-ghinte (e.g. water) juvenile; nascent, nънosach wet-behind-the-ears, raw, new, уgбnach juvenile (cf. cъirt уgбnach juvenile court), уgбnaigh adolescent, уgбnta adolescent, pбistiъil childish, scallta callow, sуisearach junior, ъr fresh.

уgбnach m youth

balcaire hunk of a lad, bearrбnach roguish young fellow, buachaill m(- challa; ~ н) boy, corrбnach gaunt youth, dailtнn whippersnapper, dalta pupil; brat, dйagуir teenager, diъlach m chap, fellow, gasуg boy-scout, gasъr boy, garlach m urchin, brat, garsъn boy, gearrbhodach youngster, gearrbhuachaill m growing youth, giolla page, leaid m lad, mac son, sonny, уg m(уig, ~ a, ~) youth, scolбire, pupil, scholar, slataire young lad, stуcach youth, boy-friend, strapaire strapping young lad, teallaire laddish youngster. (see also: buachaill)

oibiachtъil adj. objective

ceart correct, cйillн sober, level-headed, ciallmhar sensible, cуir even-handed, just, cothrom even, fair, balanced, de rйir a chйile consistent, dea-riartha orderly, meбite weighed, considered, measured, neamhchlaonta unbiased, impartial, neamhfhйinchъiseach disinterested, impartial, non-self-seeking, neamhspleбch detached, independent, neodrach neutral, staidйarach level-headed, stuama fair-minded, sensible, tomhasta measured.

oibleagбideach adj. obligatory

б iarraidh required, de chъram ar responsible, de dhualgas ar incumbent on, йigeantach compulsory, йilithe demanded, eisintiъil essential, faoi shainordъ mandatory, freagrach responsible, answerable, nach bhfйadfaн dйanamh dб uireasa/ gan й indispensable, required, sainordaitheach mandatory, sine qua non indispensable.


oibrн m worker

buachaill m aimsire (hist.) servant-boy, cailнn m aimsire (hist.) servant-girl, ceardaн craftsman, fostaн employee, freastalaн attendant, assistant, freastalaн siopa shop assistant, nбibhн (hist.) navvy, oibreoir operator, seirbhнseach m servant, spailpнn (hist.) migrant worker. (see also: ceardaн, amaitйarach)

oibrigh v work, operate

bheith ag obair to be working, bheith ar siъl to be in motion/ on, bheith i bhfearas go maith to be in good working order, bheith i nglйas to be operational, cruthaigh create, dйan do, make, feidhmigh function, gnнomhaigh act, inligh manoeuvre, jab a dhйanamh to do/ perform a job, lбimhsigh manipulate, handle, obiair a dhйanamh to do work, rith run, saothraigh toil, labour; earn, srian control, tiomбin drive.

oнche f night

ardtrбthnуna mid-afternoon, bigil vigil, dorchacht dark, dorchadas darkness, fйile festival, i gcoim na hoнche in the dead of the night, trбthnуna evening up to nightfall, trйimhse idir luн agus йirн grйine hours of darkness.

ar feadh na h~ throughout the night, i rith na h~ during the night, thar ~ overnight, san ~ in the night, i lбr na h~ in the middle of the night, titim na h~ nightfall.


~ airneбin evening of visiting, ~ ceoil evening of music, ~ chinn bliana New Year’s Eve, ~ chomhrб evening spent chatting, ~ ghealaн moonlit night, ~ mhуr great evening, ~ Nollag Christmas Eve, ~ уil evening spent drinking, ~ rince evening of dancing, ~ Shamhna Halloween.

oideachas m education

Cultъrculture, eolasknowledge, feabhasimprovement, foghlaimf(-lama) learning, forbairtf(-bartha) development, lйann erudition, learning gleaned from books, lйargasenlightenment, mъineadhteaching, oideasnurture, oiliъint

training, sнolteagasc indoctrination, smacht m discipline, scolaнocht schooling, scolбireacht scholarship, teagasc tuition, tutoring, treoir f(treorach) guidance.


an cуras oideachais nбisiъnta the national educational system: Acadamh Rнoga na hЙireann The Royal Irish Academy, ardleibhйal higher level, Ardteist (an ~) Leaving Cert., Ardteistimйireacht Leaving Certificate, bunscoil primary school, cйim ollscoile university degree, Colбiste na Trнonуide Trinity College, cъrsa dioplуma diploma course, dioplуma diploma, gairmscoil vocational school, gnбthleibhйal ordinary level, institiъid teicneolaнochta institute of technology, meбnscoil secondary school, ollscoil university, teastas certificate, Teastas Sуisearach Junior Certificate, torthaн results, scrъdъ bйil oral examination, scrъdъ scrнofa written examination, scrъdъ stбit state examination, triail chluastuisceana aural examination.


oidhreacht f heritage, inheritance

bйaloideas folklore, bйasanna mpl customs, cleachtadh practice, cultъr culture, gnбs usage, custom, practice, leagбid (financial) legacy, nуsanna mpl ways, customs, oidhreachtъlacht (bio) heredity, inheritance, teanga f(~; ~ cha) language, traidisiъn tradition, seanchas traditional law; lore, tradition, seanfhocail mpl proverbs, seandacht antiquity, sean-nуs ancient custom, old traditional manner, seanscйalaнocht traidistional story-telling, sinsearacht ancestry.

oifig f office

бit place, Aifreann Mass, caibinйad cabinet, ceapachбn appointment, cйim rank, cъram trust, care, dualgas duty, feidhm function, use, fostъ employment, freagracht responsibility, gnу business, ionad place, jab job, obair f(oibre; oibreacha) work, oibleagбid obligation, post post, position, seirbhнs (eaglaise) (church) service, office, stбisiъn station, suнomh position.

oifigeach m officer, official

feidhmeannach functionary, executive, fear pбipйir pen-pusher, bureaucrat, fostaн sa tseirbhнs phoiblн public servant, ionadaн representative, maorlathach m bureaucrat, riarthуir administrator, saighdiъir m soldier, stбtseirbhнseach m civil servant.

oifigiъil adj. official

barбntъil authentic, bona fide dбirнre, bona fide, ceadaithe sanctioned, approved, ceadъnaithe licensed, cуir proper, creidiъnaithe accredited, deimhnithe certified, dlisteanach legitimate, ex cathedra le hъdarбs iomlбn, у bhйal an Phбpa, fнordheimhnithe authenticated, foirmeбlta formal, glactha accepted, ъdaraithe authorized, ъdarбsach authoritative.

уige f youth

anabaнocht immaturity, anaostacht youthfulness, an ghlъin anнos the rising generation, aois an ghasъir boyhood, aois na girsн girlhood aosбntacht youthfulness, earrach m springtime, glaise greenness, leanbaнocht infancy, luaithe earliness, macnacht boyhood, maighdeanas virginity, moiche earliness, naнondacht youthfulness, nua newness, nънosacht novelty, greeness, уcht virginity, уigeantacht adolescence, pбistiъlacht childishness, scalltacht callowness, soineantacht innocence, sуisear junior, ъire freshness.

oileбn m island

бit iargъlta, remote place, dнdean f (dнdine) shelter, inis f(inse) isle, inseбn islet, inch, oileбnrach m archipelago, oileбinнn eyot, small island, уsais oasis, sceir low rocky island, tearmann refuge, sanctuary.

Oileбin бirithe san Iarthar de rйir contaetha: Some Western Islands by counties: Dъn na nGall: Toraigh, Бrainn Mhуr, Inis Bу Finne, Gabhla, Inis Fraoigh; Sligeach: Cуnaн; Maigh Eo: Cliara, oileбn Acla, Inis Bigil, Inis Goirt, Inis Toirc, Claigeann; Gaillimh: Inis Bу Finne, Inis Mуr, Inis Meбin, Inis Oнrr, Ciarraн: Na Blascaoid/ Na Blascaodaн - An Blascaod Mуr, An Tiaracht, Inis na Brу, Inis Mhic Uibhleбin, Beaginis, Dairbhre.

oiliъint adj. upbringing, training

foghlaim f(- lama) learning, oideachas education, tуgadh suas upbringing, scolaнocht schooling, teagasc tuition, traenбil training, treoir f(- orach) guidance.

oilte adj. skilled, trained

бbalta able, cleachta practised, cleachtach experienced, cliste skilful, deaslбmhach dexterous, gairmiъil professional, infheidhme competent, inniъil (ar) proficient (at), lйannta educated, erudite, mбistriъil masterly, proifisiъnta professional, saineolach (ar) expert (at), traenбilte trained.

oiread (noun of no fixed gender) amount

cion m(~) share, iomlбn total, lнon m requisite amount, fill; number, liacht many, oiread amount, suim sum, uimhir number (see also: uimhir)

oiriъnach adj. suitable

бbhartha pertinent, ag baint le hбbhar germane, relevant, bainteach relevant, ceart right, apposite, cуir proper, just, comhfhreagrach correspondent, comhrйireach accordant, comhshondach consonant, cothrom fair, cuн appropriate, cuibhiъil seemly, curtha in oiriъint do adapted for, made sitable for, feiliъnach fitting, becoming, appropriate, fуirsteanach becoming, inchomhfhoirmeach conformable, iomchuн congruent, leor adequate, inghlactha acceptable, inniъil competent, sбch sufficient; sбsъil satisfactory, trбthъil apt, timely.

уl v drink

bheith ag blaisнnteacht to be sipping, bheith ag diъgaireacht to be boozing, bheith ag taoscadh na gcбrt to be drinking like a fish, bheith ar an уl to be on the drink, bolgam a bhaint as to take a sip of (it), caith take, partake, deoch a chaitheamh to have a drink, diъg drain, diъg siar knock back, drink up, diъl suck, diurnaigh guzzle, dul ar an cannaн to hit the bottle, gбilleog a bhaint as to take a swig of (it), leadhb siar lap up, ligh lick, pуit a dhйanamh to drink to excess, siolp suck milk dry, slog (siar) gulp (down), swallow, sluga a thуgбil as buidйal to take a slug out of a bottle, sniog drain completely, sъigh absorb, imbibe, sъimнn a bhaint as to take a sup out of (it).

olc m

1. evil, affliction

Бbhaillнmischievousness, бibhirseoireachtwickedness, devilry, aicнddisease, aimhleasdetriment, aimlйiswretchedness, aincismalignancy, ainriochtsorry plight, ainbheartevil deed, ainghnнomhevil act, ainsealchronic state, anachainf(-chana) calmity, anfhollбineunwhole-someness, anfhorlannm oppression, angardire need, want, anacairanguish, anуmmisery, anrуmdistress, ansmachtm oppression, bochtaineachtpoverty, buaireamh agus lйan an tsaoilthe trials and tribulations of life, ciapadhtorture, cora crua an tsaoil vicissitudes of life, cos ar bolgoppression, cruatanhardship, damбistedamage, dearуilewretchedness, diabhal devil, diabhaltachtdevilry, dнobhбil harm, injury, docharafliction, donasbadness, doilнossorrow, melancholia, dуlбsruefulness, dubhachasgloom, йagуirinjustice, eirleachm catastrophe, fulaingt suffering, galarsickness, ganntanasneed, gбtarwant, gortafamine, lofachtrottenness, mairg woe, mн-бdhill-luck, mнfhollбineunhealthiness, mнfhortъnmisfortune, milleadhruination, millteanashavoc, suaiteachtupset, unease, suaitheadh

agitation, suarachas baseness, meanness, trioblуid trouble, tubaiste disaster, uafбs horror, umar na haimlйise trough of despondency, urchуid malignancy, bane. (see also: donas)


Is ~ an rud й. It is a bad thing. ≡ ainnis miserable, brйan foul, dйistineach disgusting, dнobhбlach harmful, dona bad, grбnna ugly, lofa rotten, mailнseach malicious, mнdheas not nice, mнthaitneamhach unappealing,unattractive, salach dirty, samhnasach nauseating, suarach mean, vile, uafбsach horrible, awful.

2. spite

Aicisrancour, bitseбilbitching, cancarspleen, domlasgall, drochfhuilenmity, bad blood,eascairdeasanimosity, falaf(~; -lta) grudge, spite, faltanasspitefulness, fuathhatred, mailнsmalice, mioscaisactive ill-will,wickedness, nimh venom, olcasspite, staincpique, stuaicfit of anger, sulk.

3. anger

buile fury, colg rage, fearg anger, goimh venom, mire frenzy, mъisiam displeasure, etc.. (see: fearg, olcas)

olcas m

1. badness, evil state

aimhleas detriment, aimlйis wretchedness, aincis malignancy, ainiarmhairt evil consequence, ainnise misery, ainriocht sorry plight, ainseal chronic state, anachain f(- chana) calmity, anacair anguish, angar dire need, want, anaiste bad condition, anу m misery, anrу m distress, ciapadh torture, crб torment, cruбlacht cruelty, cruatan hardship, dealъs destitution, dearуile wretchedness, dйine severity, hardness, diabhaltacht devilry, dнobhбil harm, injury, dochar harm, damage, drochнde abuse, eirleach m(- ligh) catastrophe, gйire severity, in ainriocht in a wretched condition, le hanaiste prodigally (cf. imithe chun olcais gone to the dogs), lofacht rottenness, mairg woe, uafбs horror, urchуid malignancy, bane. (see also: donas, olc)

2. anger

bбinн frenzy, buile fury, cancar pique, cantal bile, ciapadh irritation, clipeadh irritation, colg rage, confadh ill temper, rabies, crostacht fractiousness, crossness, cuthach m rage, vehemence, drochmhianach m bad temper, fнoch m ire; feuding, fiъnach m rage, fury, fraoch wrath, fury, goimh virulence, gall, mire frenzy, craziness, mъisiam displeasure, naimhdeas hostility, nimh venom, animosity, nimheadas spitefulness, venomness, seanfhala feud, stodam huffiness, straidhn vexation, taghd m quick temper. (see also: fearg)

3. spite

aicis rancour, drochfhuil enmity, bad blood, fala f(~; - lta) grudge, spite, faltanas spitefulness, stainc pique. (see: olc)


ollscoil f university

acadamh academy, colбiste college, Colбiste na hOllscoile University College, colбiste oideachais college of education, colбiste oiliъna training college, Colбiste na Trнonуide Trinity College, institiъid ardlйinn institute of advanced studies, institiъid trнъ leibhйal third level institute, institiъid teicneolaнochta institute of technology, polaiteicnic polytechnic.


уlta adj. drunk

agus dhб thaobh an bhуthair (ag) sloshed, maggoty-drunk, aolta soused, sozzled, ar meisce drunk, ar na caora smashed, pie-eyed, ar stealladh na ngrбst as drunk as a lord, bбite sloshed, plastered, braon maith ar bord a fair amount taken, braon maith sa ghrбgбn well-oiled, braon sa chuircнn tipsy, braon sa stuaic tipsy, braon sa tsъil cockeyed, braon thar an gceart one over the eight, caoch ar meisce blind drunk, dallta ag an уl blinded by the drink, soused, faoi anбil an уil under the influence of drink, gan chos faoi legless, gan fйith gan comhaireamh blotto drunk,



smashed, le braonбinнn beag istigh (ag) with a little drop taken (by), sъgach merry.

onуir f honour

acalбid accolade, adhmholadh eulogy, exaltation, adhradh worship, ardfhuil noble blood, ardleibhйal higher/ honours level, ardghrбd higher/ honour grade, ardghradam high esteem, ardmharc high/ honour mark, ardmheas high esteem, ardnуs grandeur, bйal bбn lip service, bladar adulation, bualadh bos applause, comhghairdeas congratulation(s), deabhуid devotion, dнnit dignity, duais prize, glуir glory, gradam esteem; award, ionracas compliment(s), moladh praise. commendation, уmуs tribute, onуir honour, lъitйis adulation, lъstar fawning, lъtбil adulation, obsequious flattery, plбmбs flattery, uaisle (acht)nobleness.

уrбid f speech, address

aitheasc address, allocution, caint talk, cъpla focal a couple of words, lйacht lecture.

ord m order

bail proper condition, caoi order, proper shape, cruth shape, dea-iompar good behaviour, dea-riar good order, eagar arrangement, leagan amach layout, leanъint succession, lнne f line, line-up, modh method, ordъlacht orderliness, plean plan, rйim regime, rule, riail f(rialach; rialacha) rule, regulation, rialtacht regularity, riocht form, shape, scuaine queue, seiceamh sequence, slacht neatness, smacht discipline, sraith series, staid state, timthriall cycle, treoir f(treorach) direction.


ordaigh v order, prescribe, establish

abair le say to, bunaigh establish, cinntigh ensure, comhairligh advise, cuir aithne ar bind with a commandment, cuir ar bun set up, found, cuir iallach compel, make, cuir in бirithe book, cuir in ord put in order,

cuir d’fhiacha ar enjoin, ` deachtaigh dictate, йiligh demand, require, iarr ar bid, inis do tell to, maoirsigh supervise, moladh a dhйanamh to make a suggestion, mol do recommend to, oirnigh ordain, order, rialaigh govern, riar administer, manage, smachtaigh control, discipline, stiъir instruct; (business) manage, tabhair ar compel, tabhair faoi smacht control, tйigh i gceannas ar dominate, treoraigh direct.


ordъ m order, command

aithne commandment, deachtrбiteas diktat, dlн law, fуgra edict, fуgra deiridh ultimatum, forбil injunction, provision, foraithne precept, forbhann exorbitant demand, forуgra decree, folбireamh injunction, iarratas (ar) request (for), maoirsiъ supervision, moladh recommendation, riachtanas requirement, riail f(rialach; rialacha) rule, rialъ (court) ruling, sainordъ mandate, stiъradh guidance, treoir f(treorach; treoracha) direction, guidance.

oscail v open

bunaigh initiate, corc a bhaint as buidйal to uncork a bottle, cuir ar siъl set in motion, cuir tъs/ tosach le commence with, doirt amach pour out, glan clear, glas a bhaint de chуfra to unlock a cupboard, laiste a bhaint de dhoras to unlatch a door, leath unfold, maidhm (pres. madhmann, vn madhmadh) rupture, mнnigh explain, nocht disclose, uncover; lay bare, rйitigh (road, drain, etc.) unblock sйala a bhaint de chlъdach to unseal an envelope, seol launch, scaoil unfasten, undo; unfurl, sceith divulge, tabhair chun solais expose, bring to light, taispeбin exhibit, tionscain inaugurate, tit as a chйile fall apart tosaigh begin.

oscailt f opening

Anscoiltchasm, bйalmouth, opening, bearnaf gap, corrf(coirre; ~a, ~) hollow, pit, craosvent, crуaperture,cuascavity, cuasбnchamber, deisopportunity (cf. deis fhostaнochtaemployment opportunity),gбgcrevice, lainseбillaunch, launching, log socket,pуirpore, pollhole, seoladh

launch,launching, scoilt crack, tosach m beginning, start. (see also: poll)

osna f sigh

йagaoin moan, lamenting sigh, йagaoineadh moaning, easanбlъ brуnach sadexhalation, geonaнl whine, Och! Alas!, Уch! alas!, ochadh groaning, ochlбn moan, Ochуn! Woe is mй! osnaнl sighing, tarraingt anбla go brуnach taking (one’s) breath sorrowfully.

ospidйal m hospital

clinic clinic, ospнs hospice, otharcharr ambulance, otharlann infirmary, long leighis hospital ship, otharluн sick-bed, otharthraein f ambulance train, teach leighis medicine house, sanatуir sanatorium, spidйal (hist.) hospital.

othar m patient

cбs case, duine tinn sick person, easlбn invalid, fulangaн sufferer, taismeach m casualty.

~ anbann helpless patient, ~ ar leithlis isolated patient, ~charr ambulance, ~ cуnaitheach in-patient, ~ dolбimhsithe problem patient, ~ lann infirmary, ~luн sick-bed, ~luн йaga death-bed, ~ leathphrнobhбideach semi-private patient, ~ meathlaithe deteriorated patient, ~ neamhaireachtбlach unconscious patient, ~ pairiliseach paralysed patient, ~ poiblн public patient, ~ prнobhбideach private patient, ~ seachtrach outpatient, ~ suaithmheonach mentally disturbed patient; othair ainsealacha chronic patients, othair i bhfнorbhaol high-risk patients, othair isteach hospital admissions; aerбrthach ~ air-ambulance, cъram ~ patient care, glacadh le h~ patient-reception.





m pay

airgead money, aisнocaнocht reimbursement, cъiteamh compensation, dleachtanna fpl royalties, duais prize, reward, нoc m payment, requital, нocaнocht paying, payment, luach m saothair emolument, liъntas allowance, stipinn stipend, tбille fee, tuarastal salary, tuilleamh earnings.

paca m pack

bailiъchбn collection, banna band, beart m(birt; ~ a, ~) package, bundle, beartбn parcel, baisce batch, braisle cluster, burla bundle, carn pile, heap, carnбn small heap,bale, cual bundle, heap, pacбiste package, paicйad packet.

pacбil v pack

baisc batch, brъigh isteach squeeze in clъdaigh cover, comhbhrъigh compress, cuach bundle, stack, cuir i gcliathbhosca crate, cuir i mbosca box, dlъthaigh compact, cuir le chйile assemble, ding wedge, fбisc squeeze, fill wrap, lнon fill, lуdбil load, luchtaigh charge, load, pacбistigh package, plуdaigh crowd, pulc cram, sac ram in, stuff, stuбil stow.

paidir f prayer

achainн f invocation; appeal, plea, petition, an urnaн phбirteach communal prayers, Бr nAthair Pater Noster, comaoin communion, comhurnaн collect, deabhуid devotion, dуchas hope, fonn desire, guн wish, impн intercession; entreaty, impн dhian earnest request, liodбn litany, nуin f(nуna; nуnta) nones, plйadбil pleading, Sй do bheatha, a Mhuire Hail Mary, urnaн prayer, urnaithe na maidine matins, urnaн chun Dй petition to God. (see also: beannacht)




paidreacha gearra/ beannachtaн: shortprayers/ blessings:

(bad news) Dia idir sinn agus gach olc!

God between us and all harm!

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 118 | Нарушение авторских прав

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